3-4 648 Subject Index to Volume 56 3-4 653 3-4 657 3-4 643 3-4 646 7-8 1495 3-4 670 3-4 674 3-4 687 3-4 698 3-4 706 3-4

3-4 648 Subject Index to Volume 56 3-4 653 3-4 657 3-4 643 3-4 646 7-8 1495 3-4 670 3-4 674 3-4 687 3-4 698 3-4 706 3-4

SUBJECTINDEX TO VOLUME 56 Alaska Machatschki, Felix Karl Ludwig Mineralogy (Zemann, Josef.) 3-4 698 Mauguin, Charles Yugawaralite, Chena Hot Springs '706 (Eberlein, G. Donald, et al) 9-10 1699 (Wyart, Jean.) 3-4 Aluminum Miller, William John Analysis (Murdoch, Joseph.) 3-4 710 Electron probe, techniques Runner, Joseph James (Desborough, George A., et al.) (Glenister, Brian F., et al) 3-4 716 tt-12 2t29 Stewart, Duncan, VII Associations (Henrickson, Eiler L.) 3-4 720 Mineralogical Society of America Walker, George Forbes Award, 1970, Evans, Bernard W., accept'ance (Brindley, G. W.) 3-4 728 (Evans, Bernard W.) 3-4 663 Europe Award, 1970, Evans, Bernard W., Germany, history of research,book presentation revlews (Fyfe, w. S.) 3-4 660 (Schmidt, Peter.) 7-8 1495 Roebling Medal, 1970, Brindley, George Biography W., presentation Anderson, Alfred Leonard (Bates, Thomas F.) 3-4 653 Roebling Medal, 1970, Brindley, George (Allen, 3-4 665 W., acceptance Rhesa M., Jr.) (Brindley, G. W.) 3-4 657 Barlett, Helen Blair Australia Bibliography Mineralogy (Schwartzwalder, Karl.) 3-4 669 Book reviews Bowles, Oliver (Chalmers, R. O.) 3-4 643 Bibliography Petrology (Josephson,G. W.) 3-4 670 Book reviews Currier, Louis ll/ade (Joplin, Germaine A.) 3-4 646 Bibliography Automatic data processing (Jahns, Richard H.) 3-4 674 Applications Foster, Margaret D. Petrology, mineralogy, book reviews Bibliography (Harrison, R. K., e/ a/.) 3-4 648 (Fahey, Joseph J.) 3-4 687 Bibliography Krynine, Paul Dimitri Authors Bibliography Barlett, Helen Blair (Bates, Thomas F., et aL\ 3-4 690 (Schwartzwalder, Karl.) 3-4 669 Machatschki, Felix Karl Ludwig Bowles, Oliver Bibliography (Josephson, G. W.) 3-4 670 (Zemann, Josef.) 3-4 698 Currier, Louis Wade Mauguin, Charles (Jahns, Richard H.) 3-4 674 Bibliography Foster, Margaret D. (Wyart, Jean.) 3-4 706 (Fahey, Joseph J.) 3-4 687 Miller, William John Krynine, Paul Dimitri Bibliography (Bates, Thomas F., et al.\ 3-4 690 (Murdoch, Joseph.) 3-4 7rO 2r73 Biography SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Runner, JosephJames related substances Bibliography (Robie, Richard A., et al) 7-8 t496 (Glenister, Brian F., er a/) 3-4 716 Economic geology Stewart, Duncan, VII The ore minerals and their intergrowths Bibliography (Ramdohr, Paul.) 7-8 1495 (Henrickson,Eiler L.) 3-4 720 Elements Yon Eckermann, Claes Walther Harry The periodic system of chemical elements, a history of the first hundred years (Wickman, Frans E.) 3-4 680 (Spronsen, J. W. van.) 7-8 1490 Walker, GeorgeForbes Geochemistry Bibliography Geochemical facies analysis (Brindley, G. W.) 3-4 728 (Ernst, Werner.) I l-12 2169 Book reviews Geochemistry of sedimentary rocks; I, Areal studies Petrography and chemistry of The mineralogy of Pennsylvania arenaceousrocks t922-1965 (Sabine, P. A., et al) 3-4 649 (Montgomery, Arthur.) l-2 364 Germany Automatic data processing Zur Geschichte der Geologie, Geophysik, A petrological-mineralogicalcode for Mineralogie und Pal2iontologie computer use (Schmidt, Peter.) 7-8 1495 (Harrison, R. K., et al.) 3-4 648 History Clay mineralogy Von der Bergakademie zur Technischen Reuni6n Hispano-Belgade mineralesde la Universitiit Berlin. 177G-1970 arcilla, symposium (Strunz, Hugo.) 7-8 1490 (Serratosa,J. M. (ed.)) 1l-12 2166 Mica Clay minerals Fluorine micas Studiesof celadoniteand glauconite (Shell, Haskiel R., et al) 3-4 643 (Foster, Margaret D.) r-2 363 Microscope methods Coal The polarizing microscope Coal and coal-bearingstrata (Hallimond, A. F.) 3-4 644 (Murchison, Duncan, et aL\ Mineral collecting rr-r2 2166 Australian rocks, minerals and gemstones Crystal chemistry (Chalmers, R. O.) 3-4 643 Chemical bonds in semiconductorsand Mineralogy solids Dana's manual of mineralogy, l8th ed. (Sirota,N. N. (ed.)) 9-10 1841 (Hurlbut, C. S., Jr.) lI-12 216l Kinetics of reactionsin ionic systems Differential thermal analysis (Gray, T. J., et al) 9-10 1843 (Mackenzie, R. C. (ed.)) 7-8 1497 Crystal growth Entwicklungsgeschichte der Crystal growth in gels mineralogischen Wissenschaften (Henisch, Heinz K.) 7-8 1492 (Groth, Paul.) 9-10 1841 Crystallizationfrom solution La gendse de la science des cristaux (Khamskii, Evgenii V.) r-2 363 (Metzger, H6line.) 9-101841 The growth of single crystals Mineralogische Tabellen (Laudise,R. A.) ll-12 2162 (Strunz, Hugo.) 7-8 t49l Crystal structure Petrology Principlesof crystal structure A petrography of Australian igneous rocks determination (Joplin, Germaine A.) 3-4 646 (Carpenter,Gene B.) 9-10 t84l Textbook of lithology Crystallography (Jackson, Kern C.) 1l-12 2163 Contemporarycrystallography Physical geology (Buerger,Martin, J.) 3-4 642 The Earth; an introduction to physical Crystal defectsand crystalline interfaces geology (Bollmann, W.) tt-12 216'l (Verhoogen, John, et al) 1l-12 2160 Introduction to crystallography Sedimentary petrology (Sands, Donald E.) 3-4 641 Recent developments in carbonate Selected x-ray crystallographic data, molar sedimentology in central Europe volumes and densities of minerals and (Miiller, Getman, et al.) 9-10 1843 2t74 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Chemical analysis Sedimentary rocks Bakerite,San Bernardino county, Inyo Principlesof lithogenesis county (Strakhov,N. M.) ll-12 2166 (Pemberton,H. Earl.) 5-6lr09 Salt deposits;their origin and composition Birnessite,Boron (Brairsch,O.) tt-t2 2t64 (Brown, F. H., et aL) 5-6 tO57 Sedimentation Erlichmanite, Humboldt county Sedimente und Sedimentgesteine 1501 (Fiichtbauer, Hans, et al) 9-10 1842 (Snetsinger,Kenneth G.) 9-10 spectroscopy Iridosmine, platinum, Trinity county Practical x-ray spectrometry (Snetsinger,Kenneth G.) 5-6 1101 (Jenkins,R., et al) 3-4 64 K-feldspar,Inyo countY Principlesand practice of x-ray (Martin, Robert F.) l-2 281 spectrometricanalysis Central African Republic @ertin, EugeneP.) Il-12 2165 Mineralogy X-ray emissionand absorption Diamond, carbonado wavelengthsand two-theta tables F., et al) 7-8 1252 (White, E. W., et aL) 7-8 1494 Clrueb, Lucien Volcanology Chemical analysis ItalienischeVulkan-Gebiete I and II; Data SammlungGeologischer Fiihrer 5l and Actinolite, diopside,coexisting phases, 52 skarn, major-elementanalyses, (Pichler, Hans.) 7-8 t492 trace-element analyses Volcanic history of Honduras (Hietanen, Anna.) t-2 234 (Williams, Howel, et al) 3-4 645 Akatoreite, bementite,caryopilite, electron X-ray d iffrac t io n a nalys is probe, major-elementanalYses X-ray and electron methods of analysis (Read,Peter 8., et al) 3'4 416 (Van Olphen, H., et al) 9-10 1842 Amphibole, phlogopite x-ray spectfometry (Wilshire, H. G., et al) l-2 24O Worked examplesin x-ray spectrometry Andalusite, sillimanite, kyanite, (Jenkins, R. H., et al) 9-10 1842 major-elementanalyses, trace'element Boron analyses, California Geochemistry (Dodge, F. C. W.) 7-8 1443 K-feldspar,United States,California Anthophyllite, gedrite, cummingtonite, (Martin, Robert F.) t-2 281 *rornblende,electron probe, Europe, British Columbia Norway Mineralogy (Stout, JamesH.) t-2 212 Siderite, Esplanade range, Dogtooth Arsenides, electron probe, Michigan mountarns (Moore, Paul B.) 7-8 1319 (Jones,J. W., et al) ll-1219r0 Austinite, conichalcite,electron probe Bulgaria (Radcliffe, Dennis, e/ a/) 7'8 t359 Mineralogy Basalt,augite, electron Probe Hemusite,Chelopech (Smith,Douglas, et al) l-2 225 (terziev, G. I.) lt-r2 1847 Birnessite,electron Probe Calcium (Brown, F. H., et al) 5-6 1057 Gachemistry Carletonite,new mineral, Canada,Quebec Magmas, fractionation (Chao,G. Y.) ll-12 1855 (Noble, Donald C., et al) l1-12 2088 Chromite, ilmenite, meteorites California (Bunch,T. E., et al) l-2 146 Geochemistry Clinopyroxene,electron Probe Regional, serpentine, soils (Hollister, Lincoln 5., et al) 5-6 959 (Wildman, W.8., et al) 3-4 587 Digenite, electron probe Mineralogy (Morimoto,Nobuo, er a/) 11-12 1889 Amphibole, phlogopite, San Bernardino Erlichmanite, major-elementanalyses, county, Ludlow, Dish Hill electron probe, California, Ethiopia (Wilshire, H. G., et al) l-2 240 (Snetsinger,Kenneth G.) 9-10 1501 Andalusite, sillimanite, kyanite, Sierra Ferrocarpholite,electron probe, Asia, Nevada,Inyo mountains Indonesia (Dodge,F. C. W.) 7-8 1443 (Roever,W.P. de, et aL) tL'12 1976 2r7S Chemical analysis SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Galeite, schairerite, major-element Veatchite, p-veatchite analyses (Cfark, Joan R., et al) ll-12 1934 (Brown, F. H., et al.) l-2 174 Vonsenite, Europe, Spain, Badajoz Garnet. andradite (Lopez Ruiz, J., et al) 1l-12 2149 (Moore, Raymond K., et al) 5-6 826 Wakefi eldite, x-ray fl uorescence Glauconite, Czechoslovakia (Miles, Norman M., et al) 3-4 395 (Cimb6lnikov6, Alena.) 7-8 1285 Wolframite, ferberite Grossularite, augite, hastingsite, Ghana (Escobar, Carmen, et al) 3-4 489 (Holm, Richard F.) ll-12 2ttl Wollastonite, andradite, rhcinite Hemusite, new mineral, Europe, Bulgaria (Fuchs,Louis H.) tt-12 2053 (Terziev, G. I.) rr-12 1847 Yugawaralite, major-element analyses, Hydroxylellestadite, apatite, wilkeite, trace-element analyses major-element analyses,Japan (Eberlein, G. Donald, et al) 9-10 1699 (Harada, Kazuo, et al.\ 9-10 1507 Methods Iridosmine, platinum Electron probe, book reviews (Snetsinger, Kenneth G.) 5-6 1101 (Van Olphen, H., et al.\ 9-10 1842 Lherzolite, trace-element analyses, Africa, Electron probe, silicates, silicon, South Africa, Kimberley aluminum, magnesium, techniques (Chen, Ju-chin.) tt-t2 2098 (Desborough, George 4., et al) Macedonite, major-element analyses, tr-12 2129 trace-element analyses Electron probe, sulfides, sulfur, techniques (Radusinovii, Du6an, et al) 3-4 387 (Desborough, George 4., et al) Mackinawite, electron probe, Asia, India lt-tz 2136 (Sarkar, S. C.) 7-8 t3t2 Spectrometry, infrared, scapolite Magnesioarfvedsonite, cummingtonite, (Wehrenberg, John P.) 9-10 1639 electron probe X-ray diffraction analysis, cordierite (Robinson, Peter, et al) 5-6 909 (Langer, K.) 9-10 1689 Microcline, albite, electron probe X-ray diffraction analysis,fluorine, topaz (Kastner, Miriam.) 7-8 1403 (Ribbe,P. H., et al) 9-10 1812 Mitridatite, frondelite, eylettersite, Congo, X-ray spectrometry,book reviews Rwanda (Jenkins, R. H., et aL) 9-10 1842 - (Van Wambeke, L.) 7-8 1366 Chile Mourite, major-element analyses Mineralogy (Smith, Marie Lindberg, et al) l-2 163 Galena.

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