Master’s theses 2014–2018 COVER PHOTO: STEN-ANDREAS GRUNDVÅG STEN-ANDREAS PHOTO: COVER ARCEx Research Centre for Arctic Petroleum Exploration September, 2018 Compilation of Master’s theses 2014–2018 September, 2018 4 \\ ARCEx Compilation of Master’s theses 2014–2018 ARCEx Compilation of Master’s theses 2014–2018 // 5 Contents › Foreword ...........................................................9 › Integrated characterization of the Upper Permian Kapp Starostin Formation 2018 ....................................................................... 11 in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard – from › 3D Thermobaric Modelling of Central outcrop to geomodel .................................. 23 Spitsbergen Implications for Gas › The Cretaceous development of the Hydrate Occurrence .................................... 12 Nordkapp Basin based on seismic › A combined 3D seismic and interpretation ............................................... 24 sedimentological study of the Lower › Sedimentology of the Paleogene Cretaceous succession in the north­ succession at Calypsostranda, Svalbard 25 eastern part of the Nordkapp Basin ........ 13 › Sedimentological facies analyses of › A sedimentological study of the Lower Clinothem 8C (Eocene), Battfjellet Cretaceous Glitrefjellet Member, Formation, Brogniartfjella, Svalbard ....... 26 Svalbard ......................................................... 14 › The regional upper Paleozoic › The upper Paleozoic regional development of the SE part of the development of the Ottar basin Norwegian Barents Sea – from seismic from seismic 2D interpretation. ............... 15 interpretation ............................................... 27 › Geofaglig kunnskap og holdninger til › Characterisation of palaeosols in norsk petroleumsnæring; Et casestudie the Lower Cretaceous Helvetiafjellet av Alta/Gohta ................................................ 16 Formation, Svalbard – palaeo­climatic › Effects of frozen and partly frozen implications ................................................... 28 surfaces on seismic data ........................... 17 › The late Paleozoic development of › Sedimentary environments in the the Ottar Basin from seismic 3D lower part of the Upper Triassic Snadd interpretation ............................................... 29 Formation in the SW Barents Sea analysed from 2D­ and 3D­seismic data . 18 2017 ....................................................................... 31 › Combining geophysical data with a › The occurrence of flow transformations mathematical model to describe within sandy submarine fans: A case vertical two-phase flow .............................. 19 study from the Eocene on Spitsbergen . 32 › The regional Cretaceous development of › Shallow stratigraphic cores NW of the southeastern part of the Norwegian Bjørnøya, results and implications .......... 33 Barents Sea­ from › Integrated characterization of igneous seismic interpretation ................................ 20 intrusions in Central Spitsbergen ............ 34 › Use of 2D­seismic data and available › Exploratory data analysis of flexural wells to investigate the source potential waves in Arctic fjord ice seismic data ..... 35 of the Palaeozoic interval in the Loppa › Cretaceous and Cenozoic tectono­ High area, SW Barents Sea ........................ 21 stratigraphic evolution of the southern › Geometriske og kinematiske studier av Lofoten and northern Vøring margins, post­kaledonske rift­margin forkastninger offshore northern Norway ........................ 36 og bruddsett mellom Tjeldsundet og Bjarkøy, Sør­Troms ...................................... 22 4 \\ ARCEx Compilation of Master’s theses 2014–2018 ARCEx Compilation of Master’s theses 2014–2018 // 5 Science Session 1 › Sedimentary environment and seismic › AVO study of the Salina discovery on anomalies of the upper Brygge and Kai the Loppa High in the south­western formations on the northern part of the Barents Sea ................................................... 50 Mid­Norwegian Continental Shelf ........... 37 › Analysis of Late Paleozoic­Mesozoic › Seismic interpretation and stratigraphy brittle faults and fractures in West­ of the Paleogene in the Bjørnøya Basin, Finnmark: geometry, kinematics, fault western Barents Sea ................................... 38 rocks and the relationship to offshore › Geological controlling parameters on structures on the Finnmark Platform in seismic imaging of igneous intrusions the SW Barents Sea .................................... 51 on Svalbard ................................................... 39 › The sequence stratigraphic development › Petroleum systems of the Barents of the Late Permian Kapp Starostin shelf: A regional well­based study of Formation, central Spitsbergen ............... 52 the Mesozoic ................................................ 40 › The Use of Seismic Attributes and Well Data for Prediction of Reservoir 2016 ....................................................................... 41 Sand Definition in the Vøring Basin, › Analyses of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Norwegian Sea ............................................. 53 brittle fractures in West­Finnmark. › Seabed depressions in the Geometry, kinematics and relations to Ingøydjupet Through and their structures on the Finnmark Platform relation to buried canyons on the in the southwestern Barents Sea ............ 42 Loppa High, Barents Sea ........................... 54 › Salt structures and salt tectonics in the › Cretaceous tectono­stratigraphic Central and NE segments of the evolution of the Ribban and northern Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea ................... 43 Træna basins at the Lofoten margin, › Seismic attributes, well correlation offshore northern Norway ........................ 55 and geostatistical analysis for sequence variability prediction 2015 ....................................................................... 57 in the Sleipner area ..................................... 44 › Seismiske bølger i havis ............................. 58 › Salt structures and salt tectonics in › Paleosols in the Triassic De the western segment of the Nordkapp Geerdalen and Snadd formations ........... 59 Basin, Barents Sea ....................................... 45 › Analyse av mesozoiske forkastninger › The Cenozoic pre­glacial sedimentary og asymmetriske landskap i et profil environment of the SW Barents Sea over Lofotryggen ved Leknes, Vestvågøy. continental margin – Lofoten Basin ........ 46 Implikasjoner for dannelsen av roterte › Modelling and Processing of flexural forkastningsblokker, riftrelaterte wave noise in sea ice .................................. 47 bassenger og nedforkastningen av › Depositional environments of the Leknesgruppen ............................................. 60 Upper Triassic Snadd Formation on › Reservoir Quality of Lower­Middle the Loppa High, SW Barents Sea ............. 48 Jurassic sandstones within the Johan › Evolution of an Eocene prograding Castberg Field in the SW Barents Sea .... 61 system in the Tromsø Basin, southwestern Barents Sea ........................ 49 6 \\ ARCEx Compilation of Master’s theses 2014–2018 ARCEx Compilation of Master’s theses 2014–2018 // 7 › Sedimentology of inter­channel 2014 ....................................................................... 75 deposits of the Aspelintoppen › Seismic Expression of Deep-Water Fan Formation, Brogniartfjella, Svalbard ....... 62 with an Example from Triassic in › Reservoir quality of the Stø and Southwestern Barents Sea ........................ 76 Nordmela Formations in well 7220/8-1, › Seismic interpretation and evaluation Johan Castberg Area in the SW of the Cenozoic uplift in the Barents Sea ................................................... 63 southwestern Barents Sea ........................ 77 › Sedimentology of channel-deposits of › Structural and stratigraphical evolution the Aspelintoppen Formation, of the Fingerdjupet Subbasin, SW Brogniartfjella, Svalbard ............................. 64 Barents Sea ................................................... 78 › Land sokkel korrelasjon av sprø › Lower Cretaceous Prograding Units in mesozoiske og paleozoiske forkastninger the eastern part of the SW Barents Sea 79 i et profil over Vestfjordbassenget, › Seismic sedimentology of Triassic Vestvågøya og Ribbebassenget ............... 65 channel complex in the Barents Sea ....... 80 › Deep­seated faults and hydrocarbon › Sedimentology of the leakage in the Snøhvit Gas Field, Aspelintoppen Formation (Eocene- Hammerfest Basin, southwestern Barents Oligocene), Brogniartfjella, Svalbard ....... 81 Sea .................................................................... 66 › Imaging reservoir quality of Knurr and › Pre­Jurassic evolution of the Stø Formations in the Hammerfest Basin Fingerdjupet Subbasin area, SW and RLFC, Norwegian Barents Sea ........... 82 Barents Sea ................................................... 67 › Microscopic and organic geochemical characterizarion of the Lower Carnian black shale interval in the Northern Calcareous Alps ............................................ 68 › Late Paleocene – earliest Eocene prograding system in the SW Barents Sea ................................................... 69 › Geochemical Comparison of Oils and Source Rocks from Barents Sea ...... 70 › The first attempt to correlate the migrated bitumen from the Helgeland Basin cores to Devonian source rocks and oils from the UK Orcadian Basin – Is there a Devonian Orcadian type basin offshore Norway? .............................
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