Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-15-1965 The B-G News July 15, 1965 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News July 15, 1965" (1965). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1863. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1863 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B-G News Summer Edition Thursday. July 15. 1965 Bowling Green Slat* University. Bowling Green. Ohio Vol. 49. No. 59 Duo Piano Concert First Of Six Events 2,500 Frosh To Begin For Second Session ■SB' ^BBI BBSMk B The duo pinno team of Nelson ami Neal will be prc^onUil in con- cert Thursday, July 22 at 7:30 Registration Monday p.m. in the Recital Hall, Music BMf. They will be the second of The summer pro-registra- modations, colleges, and sex." ahe six events sponsored during the tion program for approxi- said. This process was used only second summer session by the partially last year, and much time Union Activities Organization. mately 2,500 incoming fall has been saved this summer using Other events include a travel freshmen will begin Monday the complete I KM system to file lecture, a bus tour to the Toledo and will run through Aug. 20. registration cards. The incoming freshmen and Zoo and Toledo Art Museum, a MMf« STODHH 1 One hundred twenty-five stu- trip to Cedar Point, and two cam- their parents will stay in West pus movies. M V DDc.Dcr.iCTDOTinn 1 dents will register for each of the and Fast Halls of MaclK>nald Nelson and Neal, a husband- ! IW •WJWinn.""" liO day-and-a-hulf sessions. Ap- Quadrangle. Head resident and wife team, have played over a proximately .'.00 persons, includ- counselors for West Hall will be thousand concerts in the United ing pan-nts. will he registering Mrs. Myra M. M c l*h or SO n, States anil foreign countries. each day of the program. Judith Ztpatr ami Sally Kwalt, re- Their concert will include little This year's pie-legist ration spectively. Mr. and Mrs. M. known works of famous composers shows a decrease i.f 800 freshmen Thomas Hay will be the head res- and original compositions, as well compared to last year's enrollment idents of Fast Hall. Frank Myers as several well-known pieces. of 2.S(M». Thomas Colaner. direc- and Frank Wisniewski will be the tor of admissions, stated that There is no admission charge counselors. for their performance. limiting the enrollment was "n All incoming freshmen are re- matter of limited housing, academ- quired to attend one of the HO ses- STUDENTS BEWAHE. The NEWS Is not trying to wage a campaign against The bus tour to the museum and ic space, and state financial allo- sions. The Office of Admissions 7.00 will be Saturday, July 2-1. The entering freshmen. Instead, this photo is to alert students that the new faces on cation per student." notifies employers of students deadline for signing up for the campus Monday will be the first of some 2.S00 freshmen and their parents who whose summer jobs might not per- trip, which is limited to 35 people, Mr. Colaner stated that an en- will participate in pre-registration from July 19—August 20. rollment limit is recommended by mit them to attend, ami secures is July 21. the Hoard of Regents which allows permission for them to come. Also The trip to Cedar Point is Aug. a maximum number of full-time a special two-day program is 7, with July 28 the deadline for equivalent students to ibe register- scheduled in September for those signing up in the UAO office. Boom In Business Jobs ed on campus. State appropriation students who are traveling or who There is a $3.00 transportation per student also is based on the are unable to attend one of the and admission fee for this trip. A Hoard's recommendation. "This sessions. book of tickets for various rides Noted By Placement Head limit has been reached," he said. at the park is available at the time "The continuing number of suc- of registration for $2.50. The trip cessful students is increasing and is limited to 35 people. What's in the field of business looking for prospective personnel Inaugural Program for you? Plenty, according to with such characteristics as per- fewer freshmen vacancies are The 6wo campus movies arc sonality (how well they get available." He stated that if more "40 Pounds of Trouble," to be James I,. Galloway, director of Gets Second Award along with people), maturity, Students are registered over the shown Aug. 7, and "The Private placement. "The opportunities for careers in business are the best major field, grade*, and experi- recommended enrollment limit, The Inauguration ceremony of War of Major Benson," to be President William T. Jerome III I've ever seen," Mr. Galloway ence, in that order, lie said. state allocation for the student is shown Aug. 17. has received its second award said. Mr. Galloway said there are cur- decreased. The travel lecture, "A Billion The prc-registration program from a national public relations Dollars—The New York World's "The number of students enter- rently about 100 vacancies listed society. in the business field and that Aug- has a threefold purpose: to pre- Fair" will be presented July 20 ing this field is not enough to fill pare an academic and extra-curri- the demand." he said, "especially ust graduates without a position At its national conference held in the Ohio Suite. cular profile to be used in advising in the areas of accounting, fi- are welcome to inquire at the in Cincinnati earlier tills month, freshmen concerning their initial the American College Public Rela- nance, production, marketing and Placement Office about these. college experience; to discuss var- tions Association presented a sales, government positions of all "We would be happy to sit down ious academic programs with the special award of merit to the Uni- types, and technical and scientific and go over the different oppor- Frustration deans of colleges and select versity for the inaugural cere- areas." Recently, there also has tunities available to business stu- dents," Mr. Galloway said. courses of study for the students; monies which were held last Sep- been an increased demand for peo- and to provide an opportunity for tember. ple in journalism and public rela- patents to meet with the academic "The award was based upon an tions stated Mr. Galloway. and personnel deans, and other entry covering the public rela- Complementing this demand, Gos Co. Presents University staff members. tions objectives and results we salaries are approximately six per Miss Karen Shepherd, pre-reg- hoped to obtain with the cere- cent higher than last year's. The World's Fair Show istration assistant to Mr. Colaner, mony," said James R. Gordon, di- salary range is about $500 to $600 said that this summer's program rector of the University News a month for persons without ex An illustrutt'ti tour of the New has been done completely by IBM. Service. perience, he commented. York WorM's Fair will be pre- "Registration cards can be run In May, the Public Relations Mr. Galloway stated that the de- sented Tuesday at .1:.*.0 p.m. in the through a sorter which will alpha- Society of America presented a mand for students in business has Ohio Suite of the University betize and code necessary infor- Silver Anvil award to the Univer- become increasingly noticeable Union. mation concerning housing accom- sity for the inauguration program. during the past years. "Nine years Miss Ann Druniel, of Columbia ago, 35 companies and schools (ias of Ohio, will use a series of came to the Placement Office for colored slides to illustrate the ex- interviews with students. This position as she describes the pavil- year 714 different recruiters ions, exhibits, and attractions. came to interview more than 6,000 The program presents a view of students." tomorrow's world of industry, as With the excellent job oppor- well as a tour of the world today. tunities available, why don't more It offers an inside look at science students enter the business field? and industry exhibits from the Mr. Galloway said that the basic United States and more than -15 problem was inadequate counsel- foreign nations, all based on the ing by parents and teachers of Fair's theme, "Peace Through high school students. The stu- Understanding." dents are not aware of the oppor- tunities open to them, he added. The increased number of bus- Dean Named President iness graduates entering graduate school and the status associated Of Alma Mater Alumni with 'professional careers are two Archie H. Jones, dean of the TWO YEAR OLD Kallia {the daughter other reasons Mr. Galloway cited college of Liberal Arts, has been of Dennis Annatrona. a aanior In til* as causing the personnel shortage. named president of the Carroll College of Education! reflect. IB* attl- In spite of the great demand College (Waukesha, Wis.) Alumni WATERMELON CUTTING. Students may enjoy all the free watermelon they tud* of mast »nident« who wait in Una for business majors, recruiters Ass'n.
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