Is 'metric highway' in public's be t zntere t? e4A •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• 83rd Year, Issue 49 @ 1993 For the week beg inning Jan u ary 7 , 1994 New ark, Del. • 35¢ -~------ THis WEEK Bear, Glasgow residents to incorporate? By JENNIFER L RODGERS problems were addrcscd. Newark's city soli c itor, Mark services such as pol ice, fire, utili­ Castle County council member One reside nt from a rave l Sisk- who wt a ~ at the meeting to ti es, trash removal and more, or it said "things wi ll never change in In sports NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Woods in Bear asked, ·· Where arc a nswer legal questions-said if could "contract out" these services New Ca ti e County." A growing di ssatisfac tion with all the sewers? ..... Wh re does the Bear/Glasgow were incorporat d from other sources. If e rvices " I fought for three years to get local developers do minated con­ water go?" He continued, saying it could draft a stricter ser of bui ld­ were prov ided, the n cit y taxes sewers for Melody Meadows (a versation at a lengthy meeting of that the wate r ru s hes down his ing codes s imi lar to Newark 's would be c harged , but co unty housing development in Bear) and the B ear G lasgow o unc il of . treet, collects debris, and rl ows code. taxes woul d decrease in direct that was hardball politics, it got C iv ic Organ izati o ns Mo nday straight into Lu ms Pone!. He also Frank Deramo. a local contrac­ relation to e rvices the county dirty," Robca1s aid. night. said hi s utilitie were underwater tor and homeowne r in Oakwood didn't provide. Bear/Glasgow would need a The di scuss ion about the possi­ and complai ned t hat a nearby development, located off Del. 72. Some resid ents th ought "creat­ 2/3 consensu. from its residents in bility of Bear/Glasgow incorporat­ drainage ditch without a fence was s<a id, "When you do it (construc­ ing a mechani sm to deal with the order to go to the general assem­ ing and becoming a town began dangero us fo r his five-year-old tion) in Newark, you have to do it problems" would only cause more. bly, where another 2/3 majority wi th maint e nance associatio n son. right , why do they (developers) T hey be lieved the pro blems would have to be reached in order problems; however, residents real­ One way of solving drai nage g t away with it here?" should be solved on the county for the area to become a munici- ly got s teame d whe n dra ipagc and constructi on woes woul d be to Sisk sa id if Bear/G lasgow level. incorporate Bear/G lasgow. incorporates it could also provide However, Chri · Roberts, a New See TOWN , 6A .... Church bids for senior center site By JENNIFER L. RODGERS The cit y planning department is recomme nd ing that council DELAWARE NEWAR K POST STAFF WRITER give a th umbs down to KRAPF­ T he Ne wark Senior Cente r C AN DOlT's offer because of DEFEATS and the old Poli ce Stati on on the "conditi ons'" that go al ong Main Street are for sale and two with it. bids have be e n s ubmi lled to Carl Luft ci ty manager said LOYOlA. Newark City Council to vote on the c ity ' s goa l is to sell the lB properties "as is," and not to duri ng the ir meeting Monday , Jan. 10 at 8 p.m. spend any money on the deal. Ne w Ark United Church of " The whole idea of sell ing Chri t bid $377,000, $27,000 the properties is to help pay for NEWARK GIRlS more than council required fo r the new police station," said the Se n ior Cente r prope rL y. Luft. KR APFCANDOJT offe re d KR APFCANDOlT is asking WIN CONFERENCE $625,000, council's mini mum , for both properties. See SALE, 3A .... OPENER WEDNESDAY. lB ShopRite's sale to Pathmark not allowed In the news By JENNIFER l. RODGERS S upermarkets whe n they pro­ po ed selling their S hopRi tes NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER (they own three more in New Je rsey and Pennsy lvani a) to HOUDAYMAIL SEASON S ho pRite food st o re in Pa thm ark o r Mayfair Chestnut P laza, Ne wark wi ll S upe rm a rket - o wners of REVEALS IMPRESSIVE remain a ShopRite after a New Foodtown uperrn arkets. Jersey judge ruled the sto re Wakefern comended the pro­ ~.:ou l d n t be ·old to Pathmark posed sale violated or May fair Supermarkets, l nc. Consolid ated's prior agreeme nt The owner of the ShopRite, to sell the stores to Wakefern NEWARK POST STAFf PHOTO BYTONJA CASTANEDA NUMBERS AT Consolidated Supennarkets, is a 3A and vi olated Wakefem 's stock­ POST OFFICE. m e mbe r of W a kefern Food holders ag reement. Newarker Lisa Bla nco brushes the snow off her car wi ndows after getting her ha ir permed at Corporati on, a wholesale coop­ Wakefern and Consolidated Hair Designs by Anthony in Newark Shopping Center. More winter weather is in store , possi­ erative of companies that own are in active negoti ation now, bly a repeat of this week's brush with what could have been a major snow storm . and operate ShopRites. Wakefern sued Consolidated See RULING, 3A .... NEWARK COUNCILMAN ANrnoNYFEUCIA Nominees are Young, Bright By TONJA CASTANEDA ni s, swim and fie ld hockey teams the prej udice is to have more TORUNFOR and has been selected the past four women there." 6A NEWARK POST STA FF WA ITER years as clarineti st in the All -State She said the education was the Band. biggest motivation for her to apply HOUSE SEAT. T wo Newarkers cou ld be She is a drum major with the to go to West Point. " You can't m arc hing off to West Po int Christiana High School Marching beat a full scholars hi p," aid Academy next fall. band, i active in panish Clu b Young. Karen Yo un g, nom inated by and National Honor Society and Although for four free years at Sen. W illi am Y . Roth J r., and ranks fifth in a class of 286. We t Point and a degree. he will Nnthan B1ight, nomi nated by Sen. RESIDENTS DISCUSS Yo ung aid he is not con­ pend the next six years as an offi­ Joe Biden, were cho co to allend cern ed a bout being a woman a t. cer in the army. "It's hard plan­ the mili tary acade my in West the ma le -dominated acade my. mng the next 10 years of my life,'" Point , N.Y., for fall of 1994. FUTURE OF "There is a lot of tradi ti on in the she ·aid. Young, the daughter of military and every once in a while She has been accepted by We t Katherine and Phill ip Youn g, is a there is prejudice toward women,'' Point, but will make her final DESEG. seni or at Christi ana Hi gh School. said Young. "But the way to beat 6A She is acti ve with the varsity ten- See NOMINEES , 3A .... Karen Young Nathan Bright In Lifestyle WOMEN DO COMBAT Christiana Fire Co. WITH NEWARK POUCE to build Bear station By TONJA CASTANEDA Presently, the company's two s ta ti o n. a re o n Ma in S treet in NEWARK POST STA FF WRITER Chri sti ana and Porter Road in Bear. Wh en completed, the new ta­ he Christia na F ire Company tion wi ll house a new, $230,000 fi re 7A i add in g a th ird station thi = engine. T year to meet the n eds of the The all -volunteer fire company Index ever-growing Route 40 corridor. also recentl y purchased two new The fi re c ompany services ambulances, at a co t of 9 1, 000. NEWS. 1-12A Chri stia na and mo t o f Glasgow " We keep ambul ances fo r so and Bear- an area o f 35 sq uare POLICE __M_ many miles," said Benne tt , " and mile a nd t he fastest g row ing trade the m in a bout every three OPINION 4A region in Delaware. years." The new Christiana Fire Station COMMUNITY 6A T he l'lr i. tia no Fir ompany wi ll cost approximately $500,000 answered approximately I ,700 fire LIFESTYLE 7A and will be located at 600 Salem alarms arid 3,000 ambulance call OBITUARIES BA Ch urc h R oad betwee n O ld in 1993, and members anti ipate Balt imore Pi ke and Route 40. DIVERSIONS 11A answeri ng even more calls in 1994. " We de ided to bui ld there Benne tt said the company is ARTS 12A because th at area seem · to be the a lways in need of volunteer fire­ largest part of the growth in our dis­ SPORTS 1-68 fighters and ambulan e personal. NEWA F\K POST STAff PHOTO BY TDNJA CAST AM: D... trict." said Bob Bennett, hri stiana For more information about vol­ CLASSIFIEDS 7-88 Fir ompony fi re chief. Christiana Fire Co .
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