*RYHUQPHQWRI:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD 'HSDUWPHQWRI0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP Quarter 2| 2016 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES REPORT *RYHUQPHQWRI:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD Shale'HSDUWPHQWRI and Tight0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP Gas 0LQHUDO7LWOHV The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) is responsible for ensuring the State’s resources sector is developed and managed responsibly and sustainably for the benefit of all Western Australians. As the State’s regulator for extractive industries and dangerous goods, DMP works with other government agencies to ensure workers, the community and the environment are protected. Effective stakeholder*RYHUQPHQWRI engagement:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD enables better planned and more informed policies, programs, projects and services to be delivered'HSDUWPHQWRI by DMP. The department0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP has adopted a policy of ‘engage early and often’ in all areas of its business requiring consultation(QYLURQPHQW as part of its commitment to making sure that its operations are open and transparent to the public. Continuing community engagement addresses concerns about potential risks associated with resource extraction. As with any industry, the community wants assurance that there are appropriate regulations and processes in place to protect WA’s communities and environment. This Activities Report summaries DMP’s engagement activities concerning Shale and Tight gas exploration in Western Australia undertaken*RYHUQPHQWRI to date.:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD DMP has an ongoing commitment to stakeholder engagement regarding this emerging new 'HSDUWPHQWRI0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP energy sector. Reporting of stakeholder engagement activities will be reported on DMP’s website on a regular basis. 3HWUROHXP Contact type Region Town Year Month Organisation/Event Mid West Conference Queensland Brisbane 2016 June DMP attended the Australian Petroleum Production and Exhibition and Exploration Association oil and gas conference and exhibition 2016 Stakeholder South West Bunbury 2016 May DMP provided a briefing to media and regional briefing government officers Meeting Gascoyne Exmouth 2016 February DMP provided briefings to the Shire of Exmouth Meeting Gascoyne Exmouth 2016 February DMP provided briefing and answered questions for the Cape Conservation Group Meeting Mid West Badgingarra 2016 February DMP attended a Water for Food community meeting, at the invitation of the Department of Water, to answer questions from attendees. Their meeting was attended by interested residents, government officers, and the President of the Shire of Dandaragan Workshop Mid West Geraldton 2015 December DMP provided briefing at workshop hosted by the Mid West Development Commission Stakeholder Mid West Geraldton 2015 December Department of Water regional staff briefing by DMP briefing Stakeholder Mid West Dandaragan 2015 November DMP provided briefing to the Shire of Dandaragan in briefing conjunction with the Department of Water Community Mid West Dongara 2015 September Shire of Irwin Oil and Gas Expo: Onshore Energy Open Day Community Information Day Expo Mid West Mingenew 2015 September Mingenew Lions Mid West Expo Presentation Mid West Carnamah 2015 April WAFarmers Farm Forum ‘Agriculture and mining can co-exist’ To assist with the continual improvement of information provided, feedback www.dmp.wa.gov.au from stakeholders or the public on the usefulness of this report is welcomed. Contact type Region Town Year Month Organisation/Event Expo Mid West Mingenew 2014 September Mingenew Lions Mid West Expo Stakeholder Mid West Geraldton 2014 February Mid West Development Commission Board briefing Stakeholder Mid West Geraldton 2013 November DMP travelled to Geraldton to provide briefings to briefing the following key stakeholders: • Government Agencies in Geraldton • Shire of Irwin while driving through • City of Great Geraldton Presentation Mid West Geraldton 2013 October Mid West Regional Development Commission Expo Mid West Mingenew 2013 September Mingenew Lions Mid West Expo Workshop Mid West Dongara 2012 October The Dongara Mid West Onshore Gas Community Workshop was hosted by DMP, in partnership with the CSIRO and the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Community Mid West Dongara, 2012 June Three community meetings were hosted by DMP, meetings Eneabba in partnership with the CSIRO and the Australian and Gingin Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Community Mid West Dongara, 2012 June DMP attended these three meetings organised by meetings Eneabba the National Party and Gingin Stakeholder Mid West Geraldton 2012 June Travelled to Geraldton and met with: briefing • Government Agencies • Shire of Greater Geraldton Meeting Mid West Various 2012 June Travelled around the Mid West and met with CEOs of the following shires: • Shire of Carnamah • Shire of Coorow • Shire of Dandaragan • Shire of Irwin • Shire of Greater Geraldton KIMBERLEY Networking Kimberley Broome & 2015 August Corporate Executive travelled to Broome and event Kununurra Kununurra and met with key stakeholders in an informal setting. Expo Kimberley Broome 2015 May Love Broome Community Expo Meeting Kimberley Broome 2015 May Nyangumarta Directors Meeting Presentation Kimberley Broome 2015 May North West Environmental Health Officer Group Meeting Presentation Kimberley Broome 2015 March Kimberley Ports Authority Port Logistics Consultative Working Group Meeting Kimberley Derby 2015 March Shire of Derby / West Kimberley Community Kimberley Broome & 2015 March Two community Information Sessions. The first one Information Derby in Broome and then in Derby Sessions Meeting Kimberley Broome 2015 March Shire of Broome 2 Contact type Region Town Year Month Organisation/Event Stakeholder Kimberley Fitzroy 2014 November Central Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and briefing Crossing Industry meeting, in association with Kimberley Cattlemen’s Association (KCA) Stakeholder Kimberley Fitzroy 2014 October While in Fitzroy Crossing attending KCA workshop, Briefing Crossing DMP staff met with: • Marra Worra Worra Group Aboriginal Corporation – Fitzroy Crossing • The Karrayili Adult Learning Centre • Pastoral leaseholders Meeting Kimberley Broome 2014 October World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) Stakeholder Kimberley / Broome & 2014 June/July Initiated by DMP, staff met with the following briefing Derby Derby key stakeholders while in Broome and Derby: • Shire of Derby/West Kimberley • Derby Chamber of Commerce • Broome Chamber of Commerce • Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd • Environs Kimberley • Broome Rotary Club • Kimberley Land Council • Broome Port Authority • Shire of Broome Stakeholder Kimberley Broome 2014 May Pastoralists and Graziers Association – Kimberley briefing Division Stakeholder Kimberley Broome 2014 January While in Broome participating in an ABC radio panel briefing discussion, Environment Division Executive Director also met with the following key stakeholders: • KRED • Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal Corporation Stakeholder Kimberley / Broome, 2013 December DMP travelled to the Kimberley to provide briefings briefing Broome Derby & to the following key stakeholders: Kununurra • KRED • Shire of Broome • Nulungu Research Institute • Main Roads in Derby • Shire of Derby/West Kimberley • Environs Kimberley • State government departments In Kununurra • Shire of Wyndham / East Kimberley Stakeholder Kimberley Broome 2013 August DMP travelled to Broome to provide briefings to the briefing following key stakeholders: • Kimberley Land Council staff • Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal Corporation • Minister for Agriculture and Food, Electorate Officers • Rangelands NRM – West Kimberley Reference Group • State government departments • Shire of Broome • Regional Development Australia • Australia’s North West Tourism • Ms Josephine (Josie) Farrer MLA, Member for Kimberley • Broome Port Authority 3 Contact type Region Town Year Month Organisation/Event Meeting Kimberley Broome 2012 December Meeting with various stakeholders in Broome including the Department of Agriculture and Food PERTH Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2015 November DMP provided briefing on the recently released briefing Guide to the Regulatory Framework for Shale and Tight Gas to the APPEA WA Onshore Industry Group Stakeholder Perth Metro Midland 2015 November DMP briefing to the Western Australian Country briefing Regions Association Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2015 November DMP briefing to the Chamber of Minerals and briefing Energy members Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2015 October UWA student briefing on Hydraulic Fracture briefing Regulation Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 May State Heritage Office briefing Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 May Water Corporation briefing Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 April Attadale Rotary Club briefing Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 March Stakeholder reference group on water reform briefing Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 March Chamber of Minerals & Energy of Western Australia briefing Public Affairs Round Table Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 March Department of Regional Development; Lands staff briefing Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 February National party briefing Stakeholder Perth Metro Perth 2014 February Department of Planning briefing Workshop Statewide Held in 2013 November Native Title Representative Bodies and Native Title Perth Tribunal Stakeholder Statewide Held in 2013 June Members of Parliament briefing Perth GASCOYNE Stakeholder Gascoyne Carnarvon 2014 August • While meeting with the Carnarvon Water briefing Allocation Advisory Committee in Carnarvon, DMP officers also provided briefings to the following stakeholders: ° Shire of Carnarvon ° Government agencies Stakeholder Gascoyne Carnarvon 2013 September Gnulli Working Group briefing Shire of Carnarvon 4 Contact type Region Town Year Month Organisation/Event PILBARA Stakeholder Pilbara Newman 2015 April Shire of East Pilbara briefing Stakeholder Pilbara Held in 2014 February Central Desert Land Council briefing Perth SOUTH WEST Meeting South West Various 2015 July MLA members for Busselton and Bunbury. City of Busselton City of Bunbury Shire of Dardanup Shire of Capel Shire of Donnybrook/Balingup 5 DMPAPR16_4317.
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