Number of people Number of people (2nd wave) (2nd wave) (3rd wave) (3rd wave) (4th wave) Interview Interview Interview Drop-off who approved access who agreed to be Municipality Number of Number of people Number of Number of people Number of Meal resopnse resopnse (CAPI) (SCQ) to their healt surveyed two years respondents surveyed respondents surveyed respondents rate A (%) rate B (%) insurance claim data later Adachi 842 590 543 430 412 363 349 349 246 355 88.1% 91.4% Kanazawa 975 723 629 549 525 486 485 459 320 478 92.6% 94.6% Sendai 758 604 571 477 454 384 367 368 159 366 84.6% 89.9% Takikawa 547 455 430 386 375 344 327 326 188 330 91.7% 94.8% Shirakawa 784 711 667 638 611 576 550 544 418 568 94.3% 94.9% Subtotal 3,906 3,083 2,840 2,480 2,377 2,153 2,078 2,046 1,331 2,097 90.6% 93.3% (5 Municipalities) Number of people Number of people (1st wave) (1st wave) (2nd wave) (2nd wave) (3rd wave) Interview Interview Interview Drop-off who approved access who agreed to be Municipality Number of Number of people Number of Number of people Number of Meal resopnse resopnse (CAPI) (SCQ) to their healt surveyed two years respondents surveyed respondents surveyed respondents rate A (%) rate B (%) insurance claim data later Naha 2,000 922 829 587 531 405 342 349 139 379 76.3% 86.7% Tosu 1,000 645 605 510 485 419 406 397 264 391 86.4% 90.1% Subtotal 3,000 1,567 1,434 1,097 1,016 824 748 746 403 770 81.1% 88.4% (2 Municipalities) Number of people Number of people (1st wave) (1st wave) (2nd wave) Interview Interview Interview Drop-off who approved access who agreed to be Municipality Number of Number of people Number of Meal resopnse resopnse (CAPI) (SCQ) to their healt surveyed two years respondents surveyed respondents rate A (%) rate B (%) insurance claim data later Chofu 1,500 567 534 331 314 314 231 312 62.0% 69.4% Hiroshima 2,000 1,100 1,063 870 802 796 425 791 81.8% 85.5% Tondabayashi 1,000 517 493 367 353 345 147 343 74.4% 80.7% Subtotal 4,500 2,184 2,090 1,568 1,469 1,455 803 1,446 75.0% 80.5% (3 Municipalities) Total 6906 4650 8,774 5,761 5,483 4,545 4,295 4,247 2,537 4,313 82.9% 87.6% (10 Municipalities) Interview response rate A = Number of people interviewed / Number of people surveyed Interview response rate B = Number of people interviewed / (Number of people interviewed + Number of people who refused to be interviewed) Reasons for not being interviewed Number of people Number of people Absence at the time Outside the scope of Municipality Number of visits who were who were not Relocation Long-term absence Refusal Address unknown Unknown resons of the visit the survey interviewed interviewed Adachi 412 363 49 9 0 0 34 0 0 6 Kanazawa 525 486 39 5 5 0 28 0 0 1 Sendai 454 384 70 15 6 0 43 0 0 6 Takikawa 375 344 31 12 0 0 19 0 0 0 Shirakawa 611 576 35 0 1 0 31 0 0 3 Subtotal 2,377 2,153 224 41 12 0 155 0 0 16 (5 Municipality) Number of people Number of people Absence at the time Outside the scope of Municipality Number of visits who were who were not Relocation Long-term absence Refusal Address unknown Unknown resons of the visit the survey interviewed interviewed Naha 531 405 126 27 8 22 62 4 0 3 Tosu 485 419 66 10 1 4 46 3 0 2 Subtotal 1,016 824 192 37 9 26 108 7 0 5 (2 Municipality) Number of people Number of people Absence at the time Outside the scope of Municipality Number of visits who were who were not Relocation Long-term absence Refusal Address unknown Unknown resons of the visit the survey interviewed interviewed Chofu 534 331 203 30 3 18 146 0 0 6 Hiroshima 1,063 870 193 32 0 11 147 0 0 3 Tondabayashi 493 367 126 22 3 11 88 0 0 2 Subtotal 2,090 1,568 522 84 6 40 381 0 0 11 (3 Municipality) Total 5483 4545 938 162 27 66 644 7 0 32 (10 Municipalities) (4th Wave for Adachi, Tokyo) (4th Wave for Adachi, Tokyo) Sample = Number of peple surveyed Sample = Number of effective responses + Number of rejections Number of Number of Resopnse rate Number of Resopnse rate Sample effective effective (%) rejections (%) responses responses Total 412 363 88.1% Total 363 34 91.4% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 33 29 87.9% 55-59 years old 29 2 93.5% 60-64 years old 75 71 94.7% 60-64 years old 71 2 97.3% 65-69 years old 78 69 88.5% 65-69 years old 69 7 90.8% 70-74 years old 99 87 87.9% 70-74 years old 87 10 89.7% 75-79 years old 91 79 86.8% 75-79 years old 79 9 89.8% 80 years old and above 36 28 77.8% 80 years old and above 28 4 87.5% Number of Number of Resopnse rate Number of Resopnse rate Sample effective effective (%) rejections (%) responses responses Total male 201 171 85.1% Total male 171 17 91.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 17 16 94.1% 55-59 years old 16 0 100.0% 60-64 years old 31 27 87.1% 60-64 years old 27 2 93.1% 65-69 years old 42 37 88.1% 65-69 years old 37 3 92.5% 70-74 years old 47 41 87.2% 70-74 years old 41 4 91.1% 75-79 years old 46 38 82.6% 75-79 years old 38 6 86.4% 80 years old and above 18 12 66.7% 80 years old and above 12 2 85.7% Total female 211 192 91.0% Total female 192 17 91.9% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 16 13 81.3% 55-59 years old 13 2 86.7% 60-64 years old 44 44 100.0% 60-64 years old 44 0 100.0% 65-69 years old 36 32 88.9% 65-69 years old 32 4 88.9% 70-74 years old 52 46 88.5% 70-74 years old 46 6 88.5% 75-79 years old 45 41 91.1% 75-79 years old 41 3 93.2% 80 years old and above 18 16 88.9% 80 years old and above 16 2 88.9% (4th Wave for Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture) (4th Wave for Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture) Sample = Number of peple surveyed Sample = Number of effective responses + Number of rejections Number of Number of Resopnse rate Number of Resopnse rate Sample effective effective (%) rejections (%) responses responses Total 525 486 92.6% Total 486 28 94.6% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 63 56 88.9% 55-59 years old 56 6 90.3% 60-64 years old 114 106 93.0% 60-64 years old 106 6 94.6% 65-69 years old 131 124 94.7% 65-69 years old 124 5 96.1% 70-74 years old 99 92 92.9% 70-74 years old 92 6 93.9% 75-79 years old 82 78 95.1% 75-79 years old 78 2 97.5% 80 years old and above 36 30 83.3% 80 years old and above 30 3 90.9% Number of Number of Resopnse rate Number of Resopnse rate Sample effective effective (%) rejections (%) responses responses Total male 260 239 91.9% Total male 239 14 94.5% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 29 27 93.1% 55-59 years old 27 1 96.4% 60-64 years old 53 46 86.8% 60-64 years old 46 6 88.5% 65-69 years old 75 72 96.0% 65-69 years old 72 2 97.3% 70-74 years old 44 41 93.2% 70-74 years old 41 3 93.2% 75-79 years old 39 36 92.3% 75-79 years old 36 1 97.3% 80 years old and above 20 17 85.0% 80 years old and above 17 1 94.4% Total female 265 247 93.2% Total female 247 14 94.6% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 34 29 85.3% 55-59 years old 29 5 85.3% 60-64 years old 61 60 98.4% 60-64 years old 60 0 100.0% 65-69 years old 56 52 92.9% 65-69 years old 52 3 94.5% 70-74 years old 55 51 92.7% 70-74 years old 51 3 94.4% 75-79 years old 43 42 97.7% 75-79 years old 42 1 97.7% 80 years old and above 16 13 81.3% 80 years old and above 13 2 86.7% (4th Wave for Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture) (4th Wave for Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture) Sample = Number of peple surveyed Sample = Number of effective responses + Number of rejections Number of Number of Resopnse rate Number of Resopnse rate Sample effective effective (%) rejections (%) responses responses Total 454 384 84.6% Total 384 43 89.9% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 44 35 79.5% 55-59 years old 35 6 85.4% 60-64 years old 89 79 88.8% 60-64 years old 79 7 91.9% 65-69 years old 106 91 85.8% 65-69 years old 91 9 91.0% 70-74 years old 102 83 81.4% 70-74 years old 83 15 84.7% 75-79 years old 89 77 86.5% 75-79 years old 77 6 92.8% 80 years old and above 24 19 79.2% 80 years old and above 19 0 100.0% Number of Number of Resopnse rate Number of Resopnse rate Sample effective effective (%) rejections (%) responses responses Total male 225 189 84.0% Total male 189 23 89.2% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 17 12 70.6% 55-59 years old 12 3 80.0% 60-64 years old 48 42 87.5% 60-64 years old 42 5 89.4% 65-69 years old 53 45 84.9% 65-69 years old 45 5 90.0% 70-74 years old 49 42 85.7% 70-74 years old 42 5 89.4% 75-79 years old 50 41 82.0% 75-79 years old 41 5 89.1% 80 years old and above 8 7 87.5% 80 years old and above 7 0 100.0% Total female 229 195 85.2% Total female 195 20 90.7% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 27 23 85.2% 55-59 years old 23 3 88.5% 60-64 years old 41 37 90.2% 60-64 years old 37 2 94.9% 65-69 years old 53 46 86.8% 65-69 years old 46 4 92.0% 70-74 years old 53 41 77.4% 70-74 years old 41 10 80.4% 75-79 years old 39 36 92.3% 75-79 years old 36 1 97.3% 80 years old and above 16 12 75.0% 80 years old and above 12 0 100.0% (4th Wave for Takikawa, Hokkaido) (4th Wave for Takikawa, Hokkaido) Sample = Number of peple surveyed Sample = Number of effective responses + Number of rejections Number of Number of Resopnse rate Number of Resopnse rate Sample effective effective (%) rejections (%) responses responses Total 375 344 91.7% Total 344 19 94.8% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 50-54 years old 0 0 0.0% 55-59 years old 16 15 93.8% 55-59 years old 15 0 100.0% 60-64 years old 45 42 93.3% 60-64 years old 42 2 95.5% 65-69 years old 91 84 92.3% 65-69 years old 84 3 96.6% 70-74 years old 96 86 89.6% 70-74 years old 86 8 91.5% 75-79 years old 106 99 93.4% 75-79
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