The Dranesville District Democratic Committee Invites You to Our annual Sunday, september 8, 2019 4 PM–6 pm at the home of our hosts former governor & first lady terry & dorothy MCAuliffe HOST COMMITTEE anonymous • PATRICIA DAVIS & WES CALlENDER LESLIE MASON & JEFF COSBy • SENATOR JANET HOWELL SPONSORS NANCY & RON BLEEKER • BURMA & RICK BOCHNER • SENATOR JENNIFER BOYSKO •KAREN & DAN DuVAL • DELEGATE KATHLEEN MURPHY & WILLIAM SUDOW DONORS JIMMY BIERMAN • SHIRLEY BLOOMQUIST • JANE & JIM EDMONDSON HABIB ENAYETULLAH • SENATOR BARBARA FAVOLA • SUPERVISOR JOHN FOUST HONORABLE JAMES P. MORAN •DELEGATE IBRAHEEM SAMIRAH MONTE & GREGG SKALL • HONORABLE MARGI VANDERHYE • BECKY WOLSK FRIENDS ROB ABBOT • JENNIFER ADELI • JOHN BEYER • SUSAN & ROBERT BOGGS DR. AROONA BORPUJAR • NIKKI CHANTALL & JAMES WOHLFARTH • PAMELA & DAVID DANNER ROBERTA & MICHAEL DRABYK • NANCY & FARIBORZ FATEMI • arnold goldsmith KAREN HENDRIXSON •JAY HOWElL • MEREDITH & RICK INDERFURTH• SHERIFF STACEY KINCAID DEBORAH LEIDERMAM & VIRGILL FRIZZELL • GORDON LINGLEY • DEBBIE & MARSHALL MATZ supervisor jeff mCkay • MARY LOU MELLEY • CHRIS PETERSEN • KATE PHILLIPS • ALICIA PLERHOPLES MARIE RIDDER • SUE & MARV ROSENBERG • JACQUELINE & ALCINDOR ROSIER DELEGATE MARCUS SIMON • RONALD STEAD • BARBARA STOWE • HONORABLE JANIE STRAUSs DELEGATE RIP SULLIVAN • ELAINE THOLEN •SUE THOMAS • HEIDI ZOLLO & ANNE ALSTON • BEN ZUHL questions? please contact Leslie Mason: 202-361-0707 or [email protected] Valet Paid for by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, fairfaxdemocrats.org, Parking not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Available Sunday,Sunday, September September 8, 12,4 PM-6 2-4 PM at thewith home special of formerguest and governor speaker Paul& first Begala lady at the home of DorothyTerry & Dorothy & Terry McAuliffeMcAuliffe 7527 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA 22102 Questions? Leslie Mason 202-361-0707 q q Yes!Yes, I Willwill Supportsupport andthe attendannual TheDranesville fall festival Fall Festivaland I will on contribute September at12, the 2010 following and I am level able as to i havecontribute indicated atby the checking following below level: that I have indicated by checking below. levelsLevels ofof Sponsorshipsupport: q Host Committee -($2400 $2400 –- 82 tickets)Tickets q Benefactor -($2000 $2000 –- 82 tickets)TICKETS q Patron - $1500 - 2 TICKETS q Sponsor - $1000 - 2 TICKETS q Patron ($1500 – 6 tickets) q Sponsor ($1000 – 6 tickets) q Donor - $500 - 2 TICKETS q Friend - $250 - 2 TICKETS q q q supporterDonor ($500 - $125 – 4- 1tickets) TICKET q advocateFriend ($250 - $90 – 2 - tickets)1 ticket q q YDS Unfortunately, & Students - I $45am unable- 1 TICKET to attend, but I would like to sponsor at the following level as I have indicated by checking above and please donate my tickets to interns, volunteers and deserved q Unfortunatelyothers. I am unable to attend, but I would like to support at the following level as I have q Yesindic pleaseated by list checking my name above. and level please of donate sponsorship my tickets on the to invitation interns, volunteersas I have indicated and deserved by checking aboveothers. and you may list my name as follows: ______________________________________________ Payment Options: q I prefer to pay online at www.fairfaxdemocrats.org/FALLFESTIVAL.www.fairfaxdemocrats.org (click Dranesville Fall Festival link). q q I I preferprefer toto paypay withwith my personal check in the amount ofof $____________$___________ mademade payablepayable to FCDC. Please writewrite FallDranesville Festival in thethe memomemo line line and and mail please to: DDDC, return PO in Box the 701, pre-addressed MCLean, VA 22101.enclosed envelope. q q I prefer to pay withwith mymy creditcredit cardcard. and Campaigns the Fairfax and companies,Democratic please Committee pay by is check, authorized we cannot to charge accept your credit card payment. q American Express q Visa q MasterCard q Discover contributions specified within to q American Express q Visa q MasterCard q Discover Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________of card holder as it appears on your card ____________________________________________________________ homeAccount address number ____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Expiration date ___________________ citySignature ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ state _________ zip _________________ Occupation _____________________________________________________________________________________ Home address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer name, City and state _______________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________________ State __________ Zip ___________________ email address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation _____________________________________________________________________________________________ home phone ___________________________________ work phone ______________________________________ Employer name and address ________________________________________________________________________________ Name of card holder as it appears on your card ________________________________________________________ email address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Account number ___________________________________________________ Expiration date __________________ Home phone ______________________________________ Work phone __________________________________________ Your contributionsignature__________________________________________________________Signature may be used in connection with federal elections and is subject to the limitations and prohibitions date __________________ of the Federal Election Campaign Act.Your contributionContributions may be thatused incomply connection with with federalthe limitations elections and andis subject prohibitions to the limitations of theand prohibitionsFederal Electionof the Federal Campaign Election Campaign Act will Act. beContributions deposited that into comply with the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act will be deposited into the FCDC Federal account, and unless otherwise designated for non-federal the FCDC Federalpurposes, will account, be used in and connection unless with otherwise Federal elections, designated and are subject for to non-federalthe above limitations purposes, and prohibitions. will be Other used contributions in connection will be deposited with into Federal the FCDC elections, non-federal and are subjectaccount. to theFederal above and Virginia limitations state law and require prohibitions. political committees Other to report contributions the name, address, will occupation be deposited and employer into ofthe individuals FCDC whose non-federal contributions account. aggregate inVirginia excess state law requiresof $200 and political $100, respectively, committees in a calendar to report year. the name, address, occupation and employer of individuals whose contributions aggregate Contributions are not tax deductible. in excess of $100 in a calendar year. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income taxes purposes. Paid for by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, fairfaxdemocrats.org, Paid for and Authorizednot by authorized the Fairfax by Countyany candidate Democratic or candidate’s Committee, committee www.fairfaxdemocrats.org Printed in-house with donated labor.
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