SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 133 (Me75-83), aluminous diopside, green amphibole, Acknowledgements. This work was supported by con- colourless spinel, large poikilitic blue tourmaline, tracts CNRS-INSU 89 DBT V-11 and DBT 96. and a little calcite. Tourmaline includes several minerals, especially clinopyroxene, spinel, and a References few small crystals of serendibite. Scattered grains of the latter in one crystal of tourmaline are in de Roever, W. F. and Kieft, C. (1976) Am. Mineral. optical continuity, suggesting that tourmaline is 61,332-3. Grew. E. S. (1983) Mineral. Mag. 47,401-3. a breakdown product after serendibite. The ser- -- (1988) Am. Mineral. 73,345-57. endibite is colourless to very light green. The Haslam, H. W. (1980) Mineral. Mag. 43,822-3. mineral is much less coloured than the prussian Huijsmans, J. P. P., Barton, M., and van Bergen, blue crystals in a calcsilicate rock associated with M. J. (1982) NeuesJahrb. Mineral. Abh. 143, 24%61. clintonite clinopyroxenites from Ianapera, in SW Hutcheon, I., Gunter, A. E. and Lecheminant, A. N. Madagascar (Nicollet, 1988, 1990). The Ihosy ser- (1977) Can. Mineral. 15,108-12. endibite has low birefringence and fine polysyn- Lee, S. M. and Holdaway, M. J. (1977) Geophys. thetic twinning. It may be mistaken for Monogr. 20, 7%94. sapphirine, but it is distinguishable from the latter Lonker, S. W. (1988) Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 98, by a larger extinction angle and by its occurrence 502-16. M6gerlin, N. (1968) C.R. Sere. GOol. Madagascar, 67-9. in calcic rocks. The ferromagnesian minerals in Nicollet, C. (1985) PrOcambr. Res. 28,175-85. the rock are magnesium rich. Tourmaline (Table -- (1988) Thbse d'Etat. Clermont Fd, 350pp. 1) is a magnesian uvite and the XMg ratio of the -- (1990) In Granulites and Crustal Dtfferentiation spinel is greater than 0.9. Hornblende and clino- (Vielzeuf, D. and Vidal, P., eds.), Kluwer Academic pyroxene are close to their Mg end-members publishers, in press. (XMg~0.97). The Fe-Mg partitioning between Semroud, B., Fabri6s, J., and Conqudr6, F. (1976) Bull. tourmaline and serendibite (Kd) is ~0.4 as in the Soc. fr. Mineral. Cristallogr. 99, 58-60. more iron rich pair from Ianapera; it is lower than van Bergen, M. 1. (1980) Mineral. Mag. 43,651-8. the Ka of coexisting tourmaline and serendibite von Knorring, O. V., Sahama, T. G., and Lehtinen, M. (1969) Bull. Geol. Soc. Finland, 41,79-84. from Melville Peninsula, Canada (Kd=0.61: Hutcheon et al., 1977). The P-T conditions of the crystallization of this [Manuscript received 2 June 1989; rock are similar to those estimated for the neigh- revised 13 July 1989] bouring seven-phase anatectic gneisses (Nicollet, 1988). Copyright the Mineralogical Society K EY W o RD S: grandidierite, serendibite, tourmaline, Ihosy, Madagascar, metamorphism. DOpartement de GOologie, UA 10, 5 Rue Kessler, Clermont Fd, 63038, France CHRISTIANNICOLLET MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE, MARCH 1990, VOL. 54, PP. 13~-136 Serendibite from the northwest Adirondack Lowlands, in Russell, New York, USA SERENDIBITE, to a first approximation, Ca2(Mg, paper we report a new occurrence from the north- FeZ+)3(AI,Fe3+)4.sB1.5Si3020, has been reported west Adirondacks Lowlands. This occurrence has from about eight localities worldwide (Deer et al., many mineralogical and chemical features in com- 1978; Nicollet, 1988), including Johnsburg, New mon with the serendibite-diopside rocks in the York, in the southern Adirondack Highlands Johnsburg deposit, although located 130kin dis- (Larsen and Schaller, 1932; Grew et al., in press). tant. It is a mineral of high-temperature calc-silicate Serendibite occurs in core from hole 1872 skarns, mostly in the granulite-facies. In this drilled by St. Joe Resources Company (presently 134 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Zinc Corporation of America) near Cassidy of scapolite. Fresh scapolite in grains ~<lmm Road, 350m south of Town Line Road, town of across occurs sparingly in and between diopside Russell, NY (44~ 75~ The drill hole or calcite and serendibite. Grandidierite, spinel, penetrated calc-silicate rocks and marbles typical and phlogopite occur in trace amounts within ser- of the northwest Adirondack Lowlands (e.g. endibite and appear to have formed from serendi- Bohlen et al., 1985). A summary of the core log bite breakdown. Tourmaline forms irregular, to 40 m is as follows (compositional layering inter- poikilitic patches around serendibite and in sected at high angle by the vertical core). places, margins around apatite enclosed in seren- 0-6m: Overburden. dibite. A mineral tentatively identified as sinhalite 6--8.5m: Biotite-diopside calc-silicate granu- occurs with spinel in serendibite. lites (e.g. at 7m, plagioclase-biotite-titanite- Textures suggest a 3-stage history for the seren- hornblende-diopside) dibite-diopside rock: (1) primary serendibite- 8.5-30 m: Diopside granulite with disseminated diopside_+scapolite-apatite assemblages; (2) cm-sized books of phlogopite, alternating with secondary assemblages with grandidierite, tour- amphibole-phlogopite rock at 16.8m, serendibi- maline, pargasite, spinel and/or phlogopite which te-diopside rock at 17.7m, and finely layered could have formed by reactions such as serendi- quartz-rich diopside-K-feldspar-titanite granu- bite + diopside + Na20 +.K20 + H20 + CO2 lite at 22-25 m. = grandidierite + pargasite + calcite + B203 (see 30-37.5m: Dolomite-calcite marble with ser- Grew et al., in press); and (3) alteration to fine- pentine (after forsterite?), minor spinel and phlo- grained phyllosilicates. The stage 2 minerals, gopite. notably grandidierite, are also characteristic of 37.5-40 m: Diopside-rich granulite. the Johnsburg serendibite-diopside rocks and The serendibite-diopside rock occurs over an thus we infer that a second high-temperature interval of 13-20cm (largest core fragment is 5cm event affected the Russell locality. Conditions of long). Recovery of the core was not complete and formation of the primary serendibite-diopside we are not able to fully characterise the layering assemblage could be 660-750 ~ and 6.7-7.4 kbar, in this section of the core. The closest rocks to values estimated at nearby localities (maps of the serendibite-diopside rock are diopside granu- Bohlen et al., 1985; Edwards and Essene's, 1988, lite with phlogopite books at 0.6m below and 700~ isotherm passes close to the locality), and amphibole-phlogopite rock at 0.9m above. The consistent with conditions inferred for serendibite latter is a relatively coarse intergrowth of phlogo- at other localities (Grew et al., in press). The core pite and calcic clinoamphibole in which diopside was drilled about 1 km northwest of Buddington's occurs sporadically, mostly included in the amphi- (1963) isograd marking the northern limit for bole. orthopyroxene in amphibolite, implying near gra- Important constituents of the serendibite-diop- nulite-facies conditions for serendibite at Russell, side rock are apatite, calcite, pargasite, and that is, somewhat lower temperatures than the secondary phyllosilicates resembling sericite and clearly granulite-facies Johnsburg deposit. chlorite, while scapolite, tourmaline, grandidier- Serendibite and associated minerals (1-2 grains ite, phlogopite, sulfide, sinhalite (?), and spinel each) were analysed with a wavelength-dispersive are rare. Serendibite is deep blue in hand speci- MAC 400s electron microprobe at the University men, while in thin section it forms pale-blue poly- of Maine (procedure of Yates and Howd, 1988) synthetically twinned grains up to I cm across with (Table 1). Assuming that the boron content is highly irregular outlines. Preferred orientation of similar to the values measured in the Johnsburg the grains is implied by parallelism of the twin serendibite (Grew et al., in press), analytical totals lamellae from grain to grain. Serendibite is partly for serendibite are reasonable and the formulae replaced by a birefringent material in which traces approach Ca2(Mg, Fe)3AI4.sBI.sSi3020 . Compo- of the twinning lamallae are preserved. A similar sitions of the two analysed grains can be related material replaces serendibite at Johnsburg (Grew by the Tschermaks substitution (Mg,Fe)+ Si = 2 et al., in press). Diopside occurs as inclusions in A1. Compared to serendibite from most other serendibite and as a granular matrix (grains localities (Deer et al., 1978); Nicollet, 1988), the mostly ~<0.5cm) to it. Patches and overgrowths Russell serendibites are magnesian and sodian, of pargasite are locally developed in and around but less so than the Johnsburg serendibites. Incor- diopside, most commonly along contacts with ser- poration of Na in the Russell and Johnsburg ser- endibite. Apatite is relatively coarse-grained endibites appears to be through the substitution (~<0.5cm). Larger calcite grains (1-4mm) are Na + Si = Ca + A1, which is characteristic of the mantled and penetrated by a phyllosilicate; these related minerals aenigmatite and rh6nite (Deer intergrowths may have resulted from alteration et al., 1978). Diopside compositions are also SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 135 Table 1. Compositions of minerals in the serendibite-diopside rock from Russell, N.Y. Mineral Serendibite Diopside Pargasite Scapolitr Grandidicrile Grain ] 2 1 2 Weight Pcrcenl SiO2 24.05 25.35 52.09 53.63 4310 46.73 20.81 TiO2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.07 030 nd. .03 A1203 35.76 34.04 4.58 3.35 16.69 26.41 52.03 FeO 1.94 2.10 1.07 1.09 2.09 0.17 1.14 MnO 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.12 0.01 nd. 0.06 MgO 15.34 15.49 16.84 17.51 18.94 nd. 13.08 Ca(3 14.22 14.39 23.93 23.65 12.75 16.31 0,07 Na20 0.50 0.63 0.40 0.54 2.74 4.10 0.01 K20 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 1.40 0.16 0.05 CI nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. 0.50 nd. SO?,. nd.
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