-JW t'i brought out into the allej YEARS AN ACTOR. tures Tvas II x> 32 D ar SIXTY order that : <Joa ! Mflnl'.a , xtoinandod the removal f th Burning of Armcu"Irvaior stables in rdc& iinizitcm ot ti'fib.ic Thirteen ! behind the Insurgents from that city. several lumber y.iids causes $1,000,0 A horse attach- - protx- Chicago. W. Couldock Was the be given a bath. 17 now onbUi'et announced a 10 Spanish Senate adopts the peace loss in The I ate Charles might ¬ SagasUi's 14 Killed by cjclo :) on Sur- became fright- Madrid.- . col. Thousands Dean of the American Stage. ed to a loaded coal cart atobl- 12 Muua! reported cril bawa Island , Malay Archipelago E - speed down the SS Ninety thousand troops ordered to The situation st . In Charles "W. Couldock. the vet- and ran at full Chlfkainuugn. teal ward Remenyl , AlolinlM. '.ills dead- When ened Ize In Halt Bros elephant. The latter 20 Spanish tlcor arrives at Sanllag0 d- i : } Spanishf'h'jirbersor Deputies adopts th San Fraiscisco thoatu oraii actor , breathed his last in New alley toward the ,' works ; buriisil : Muiitfle , fad horse Cuba. peace protocol. flss i - , was noise and saw the York City recently the curtain heard the Manila.- . 10 Spaulsis Peace Commission appointee loss, §285,00- . to 2 Cruiser Charleston sails for . - old- ¬ him. He seemed , mill of Min'i.g '. : nK Co. , at Ea upon the career of the rushing toward tht 2U A < C at Camp Algc w-th Senor RIos President of the Set 0.IBFlint rung down ¬ flnipqriant Events Crowded Troops an i ariiv.e , : : toss. 100OG ; , drop- ste , us President. Liverpool , Ohio bunc-l ? stage. For- situation at once for Falls Church , Va. ! est actor on the American take in the ' 17 damuge eou Hii-J many "top Months. 24 The Si auteh fleet Is bottle ? up at Sal 17 The Peace Commission of tlm "Unite Great the knees , he drew in his trunk Past Twelve States -mils for Paris. hurt by cyclone in Ncbrasb-i. ever sixty years lie hart been before ping to his tlago. Mass ¬ , in his legs , and transports with 27.S8 men sta : 19 Spanish Government issues an order fo 18 Business section of AMloborn. footlights in this country and in Eng- beneath his body dreu' 25 Three destroyed by lire Destructive cycloi mad Masdl.i Presideut issues .1 call fc all troons in the West Indies to retur- ¬ Oiis head. The horse , in his for , iCansas , lllise : land , and in the many different charac- bowed 71,000 home. sweeps through -Iowa elepbant, more volunteers. completely over the - c- he made , ran Wisconsin. appeared 20 Oregon arrlvc-s its Key \Vest One 20 The evacuation of the outlying position and ters in which he rush Be-¬ coui In Rico begun by the Spanish. 19 Death of Willi.m E. GlaeMcse. heavy cart with him. MADE Spain's cabinet ministers said-the Porto Bellamy fi dragging the MUCH HISTORY try was willing to accept "an honorabl- ?9 Amerioan and Spanish Commissioner 22 Death of Edward Mine scratches and bruises " , ; 45 miners perish. yond a few slight peace.. " . .Commodore Schley is in touc meet in Paris. at Zolleru Prussia - resigns. uninjured. Had ib with the Insurgent leaders. .Florid 28 Italian cabinet the elephant was oppositio October. 31 New cabinet formed in Italy- . forethought and exposition landed without 1 American and Spanish Peace Commi- not been for his wise as , The Year 1898 Will Be Remembered near Guantanamo Caba. ssioners hold their first session. .Jine. formulation and adoption of by America . his quick 27 Spanish scout ships chased 4 American I'eace Commission receive 1 Death of tragedian Thos. W. Keene. tection , Most Notable Otft.- . ; method of self-pro warships near Key "West. the report of Gen Merritt in Paris. Triusmissippi exposition opens his efficient 23 Commodore Schley reports the trappin- been severely injured, d 18 Formal ceremony of raising the Unite Omaha. he might have of Ccrvera In the harbor of Santiago flag over San Juan takes place. 4 Death of Capt. Chas. V. Gridley. of tl of the mad- ¬ .1 States perhaps killed , by impact Cuba Cruiser Columbia arrives American Commissioners refuse to as- cruiser Olympla rt Manila. A Rcvtew Shows It t , in wit heavy cart. In this Cliroaoloeical New -York having been collision sume any portion of Cuban debt. 7 Plant of Burgess Steel Co. , Portsmout dened horse and Re- steamship Foscolia , whic- mani- ¬ Have Been Remarkable in Many the British 24 Gen. Ortega , with the last of the Spar Ohio , burned ; loss. §400000. instance there was an undoubted sank. ish soldiers , sails from Porto Rico fo- 11 Case Power Building in Detroit burnei spectsAVur with Spain Takes Fore- TiO iCroops Tampa Havau : or correlative ideation. The embark at for Spain. 13 Collapse of Joseph Leiter's wheat dea festation ; "Sampson's bombard only eff- - most lIacc in the IriterestiiiK Itccor 31 Hear Admiral fleet 20 Spanish soldiers captured at Manil 35 Resignation of the French ministry. immediate adoption of the 'forts of Santiago de Cuba- . during the war are released by Unite 28 First party cabinet formed in Japan. avoiding injury clearly Concise Story of That Victoriou i icient means of .June. States. 29 Formation of the Pelloux cabinet of this Conflict 3utcrnntional ami Jnterna3- Transports for Manila arrive at HOIK 27 Spanish Peace Commissioners accep Italy. demonstrates the truthfulness I bi Ci there was II Among European Cou- lulu , Hawaii , and the Boys in Blue condition of the non-assumption of July. assertion , especially so since )is3ousioiia . IMonitc- States- . come the guests of the city. ban debt by United 2 Strike of stereotypers causes Chicaj nothing instinctive in the action of the and Death at Horn Monadnock ordered to Manila from Sa- ¬ ntries Disaster .November. papers to suspend for four days. a state of nature, ele- Francisco.. by Spain- . 4 French liner Ln Bourgogne goes dow elephant. In a-nci Abroad. t- 28 Terms of peace accepted ¬ 2 Spain again appeals to the Powers t 553 passengers.- . confined in narrow al- .December. off Sable Island with phants are not Intervene. G resolutions adopted by tl- Kh AY. COULDOCK. * signed a Hawaiian leys , neither are they charged by run histor- 3 American squadron bombarded Santiag- 10 Treaty of peace with Spain . ITo lihn who is concerned with Senate. To- de Cuba. Paris- . 8 Steelville , Mo. , almost obliterated by himself popular with theater-goers. away horses- . very rarely comes- - In .the'making there 4LIeut. Hobson sinks cruiser Merrima- waterspout _ Congress adjourns s'u- to-day he is best importan- in the mouth of the harbor of Sautiag- ihe generation of PLAYERS. ..yoar sr.iore heavily IrJen with .GKNKRAL , CHRONOLOGY. die.. .BIGGE6T OF ALL de Cuba.- . 11 ministry in Spain resigns. known in the character of Dunstau- year 1S9S. has see r- Sagasta evonts than the It 'G Fortifications of Santiago de Cuba in water tunnel : Eleven men killed Kirke , the blind miller in "Hazel- on the Football Team AVh- every in Europe , except pcaceft- dnced. of Have Occurrce- , * Giant state " Record Events that Cleveland Ohio. ' . s- t- Kirke. VWeijrhs 41O Pounds.- ScanGimnhi and the Dutch communities 7 American squadron bombards and Dnriiijr the Past Year- . 19 Powder mill at Oakland , Cal. blown lences batteries at Santiago. .Monitc by a Chinaman and seven lives lost. Couldock was born In London eighty-- he weighs ' or fc- He is only IS years old. but face-to face with uitlier war interns Monterey and collier Brutus sail 30 Death of Prince Bismarck- . "Manila. tnree years ago. lie was put to work , is 0 feet 2 inches tall and dissolution sonic of them within meas- .January. .Aujxuat.. 410 pounds 5 Assault on fortifications of Guantauaui- 1 Officers of the Cuban provisional go\ in a warehouse to begin a commercial can.foot-ball as well as any schoolboy. urahlu distance of both. Yet the greatcs Bay. in. 1 Thorn executed at Sing Sin eminent sworn Martin career when 13 , but acting was more W. Blauchard- aiS&-' effects have not been in Europe ; 3S9S ha- 9 House agrees on war revenue conferenc- 2 Six persons burned to death at Jerse N. Y. His name is Robert . 121 vliiJfc , report. , N. 5 , N. D. , destroyed by fire. to his liking. When he made his , N. H. , \ seonHhe United States forced not by an , City J. Bismarck he hails from Hinsdale 10 Admiral Sampson reports he has hel persons killed by collapse o Georg M. Ebers , Egyptologi , ¬ , lmmaQitar.iai 3 Thirty Death of debut on the stage in his native city is biggest foot- greed o power hut by its the . , town boasts that he the Guantanamo harbor since 7th. floor in city hall at London Out. and novelist. ¬ relo- a- privilege appear- ideals , to take its part in European Senate agrees on conference report o 7 Theodore Durrani hanged for murder 12 United States flag officially hoisted ovi- paying $50 for the of ball player living. He plays center for 'lions. A brief hut glorious armed conllic war revenue bill. St.. Queutin prison , California. Hawaii. ing as Othello at a benefit. Ilis early been in tha kille- : the Hinsdale team and has 11 Four Americans at Caimanera are by explosion of an Ohi lives lost by cloudburst in Ui- \ ¬ with Spain has been be-gnn , prosecuted t- 8 Six IIUMI killed 13 Twenty experiences on the stage were accom- great size in a fight with the Spaniards. River towboat near Glenfield , Pa. kins County , Ky. game since 1890. Despite his by a treaty ef peac- per- ¬ "its cml and settled 13 Thirty-two transports with Shafter' Fifteen men drowned off Baueluc b 15 Resignation of ministry at Lisbon.
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