Home of the New$ All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 33 - No.8 Entered as Second Class Matter allh. 15cPer Copy Post OlTJceat Detroit, Michigan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRIJARY 24, 1972 $6.00Per Yeat 24 Pages-Two Sections-Section One HEADLINES Pointers Honored for Work With UCS IMovie Council Pair Caught of the I Burglarizing WEEK Hears Residents WoodsHome As Comlliled by the Grosse Pointe News Family Returns Home to Find Burglar with Thursda)', February 17 On "Clockwork" Color TV Set; High- THE PRESIDENTIAL PRI. Speed Police Chase and MARY BILL cleared the Many Young Adults Attend Session on Monday Shoot-out Results Michigan Legislature Wed. to Express Their Views on Council's Stand nesday and was louted to Governor lI1illiken for his ex- on X-Rated Movie By Kathy Duff pected signature next week, It was an episode right The Senate voted 34 10 1 to By Pepper Whitelaw out of a Keystone Cops accept the House version Some 75 persons attended th.) meeting of the movie. passed on Tuesday by a 70. Grosse Pointe Motion Picture Council on Monday, It started with Mr. and 21l vole. In the May 16 pri. February 21, to discuss primarily the controversial Mrs. Bernard Beaufait mary, a person will vole di. movie "Clockwork Orange," which the councii has returning to their 1491 reclly (or his favorite candi. indicated its displeasure over, after receiving Oxford road residence date and will indic:lle hi~ countless cans from resident's complaining about Saturday afternoon, Feb- ('hoice of grass roots party its showing at the Woods' Theatre. The movie is ruary 19 after a three- officer for his voting unit, the precinct delegate. rated "X." '~---------- hours shopping trip and The Grosse Pointe Motion B CJ f interrupting a bandit in Picture Council Is an organ- urger te the process of burglariz- Friday, February 18 ization sponsored by the ing their house. It ended CHARGED WITH FIRST. Grosse Pointe PTA Council At.. t with a high-speed chase DEGREE ~mRDER in the and counts among it members n tetpa es on Holiday, Wedgewood, strangulation death of her local civic organizations and J l D b and Morningside ronds, three.year.old daughter is eh~eh::~nday'S meeting, a U and a shoot.out at Cook Mrs. Carolyn Drake, 27 a y e ut number of students from road and Crescent drive. Dearborn Heights housewife. ! She was arrested Thursday local high schools were also Farms Council's 4-2 Mr, and Mrs, Beaufait re- in attendance. There 'w.as :l lurned to their Oxford resi. afternoon in the psychiatric mar ked generation gap Vote in Favor of dence Sunday at 3: 15 p,m. ward of Wyandotte General Hospital where she had vol- throughout the entire discus. Restaurant Upheld by after a three.hour shopping untarily committed herself. sion. Lines of communication City Attorney trip with their 13.year.old were just non.exlslant. How. son ~cott. They noticed a '63 The mother is accused of ever, both the young adults George McKean beige Cadillac parked in st,'anglingher daughter late Tuesday afternoon and then and members of the Motion their driveway, but assumed Picture Council were permit- By Kathy Duff that it was someone visiting hiding the 'bOdy in a plastic Two former chairmen of the Women's Com- Women's Committee, MRS. MILES JAFFE (left) ted to express their views, At the close of the reg- their daughter, Jane, The garbage bag found later in mittee of United Community Services of Metro. while MRS, ANN KIRK WARREN, the newly her garage, politan Detroit (UCS), MRS, FRANK W. WYLIE divergent as they were, ular me e tin g of the vehicle's motor was run~ing elected vice-chairman of the women's group joins The young adults in the Farms Council Monday a!1d t,h~re was a dark.halre~ and MRS. CARL B. GRAWN (second and third '" :~ '" in the ceremonies. The honored past chairmen of audience pressed Council night February 14 there I g~rl silting on the passenger s Satul'day, February 19 from left) receive gavels as a tribute for their past the DCS Women's Committee and Mrs. Warren president Mrs. Maurice G, " h th th 's!de of the car, efforts from the current chairman of the DeS are rosidents of the Grosse Pointe area, Declercq as to just what the was q~~stlO~ ,w e ~r e Mrs. Beaufait took the keys THE DEATH PENALTY council expected to do about counCil s 4-.. vote III fa- and entered the front door of was ruled unconstitutional the movie and asked If it w,as vor of the proposed Bur- her house, leaving her hus. Friday by the California Su- P k Ok y8 Stud A t. C °tt \COt P Ii the council's intention to ban ger Chef restaurant on band in the car with the preme Court. in a 6.1 de- "Clockwork" and other X-ral. Mack avenue constituted I packages. Inside she was met cision. Citing the sleady ar .a. y. cion omml ee I Y 0 ~~ nationwide decrease in execu. · F Ed · F F II I · · ed movies, They were liS- a legal majority. by a 21.year.old man with tions from a high of 199 in Ordtnance or. ucatlonaces u .nvestlgatlon sured that the Council did not The Issue hinged on "one dark hair an,d dressed h~ a 1935 to lwo in 1967, the have such authority or inten. to go." which does not mean dark .brown Jack.et. who was court said this "demonstrates O,t itte ....~,ngAgelld.n!, of Comp.lex Issues NetsAntl.q.ues tlon. 1\ t.ak~.out -!l!lll'1Purger"",al~eJ; car~~~~g a Zeroth portable that capital punishment is L II - - .. The young peopleliIl6'd1COunciIman Mark C, Steven's col6r' (elevls/on.. , unacceptable to society to. pressed, their displeasure at absence, The councilman is The. woman Immedl~~ly day." The verdict reduced Patterned After State Attention Given to Comparison of Various Pair of 2 r.Year-Olds the fact .that. they felt .the currently on an expedition recogmzed ~he tele.vlslon council was acting as a pres- to Ule South Pole. from the family room 10 the the death sentences of 102 Statute; Puts More Em- Proposals Designed to Solve Many Problems Have Items Hidden in sure group to force the movie Farms city attorney George southeast corner of the men and five women to life imprisonment, among them phasis on LiHerin9 Facing School Systems in State Home Just South of out of the community. McKean pointed out a legal house, and, com pie t e y Sirhan Sirhan and Charles I . of Waterway and ~------ Hell, Michigan', Further Other young adults said technicality in the Monday startled, demanded to know The members of the Steering Committee (\f the they resented adults bellev- night meeting, after a 4.2 I who thc burglar was, . Manson. f Lakeshore Grosse Pointe Study and Action Committee for Edu- Warrant Issued Ing young people are 1m. vote resulted from council The man, who was Just as cation, on February 16, plowed t.hrough a jammed, mature just because of their members Nancy Waugaman startled as Mr~.. Beau~ait, Sunday, February 20 Th\l Park Council ap- detailed agenda of complex issues which included By Pepper Whitelaw age and added that there and Richard Hudson decid. dropped the tebvlslon set mto DANGEROUS LEVELS OF proved the adoption 0 f. attentIOn to the latest version 0f the Democra t'IC Lewis J. Stockard and' wereimmature,many adults who lire ins against the .proposed a chI!'Ir and tiedl' to run out, LEAD were found in the an amendment to the Party's plan for educational reform, a comparison construction. the front door. Mrs, Beaufllit. , r f th D 'I G M"k ' Ross J, Galvin, both 21, Another young male adult Mr, McKean explained to howeyer. was not going to blood of one of every seven city's lttering ordinance 0 e emocrats p an with overnor Ilh en s who were accused of pos- said "personal revulsion" ~s the council who had recon. Ict hun gel away, and she inner.cily children tested in at the regular meeting proposal, (which was on the Committee's agenda session of several thou- no reason to ban. a mov~e vened as ~ zoning board of g:-abbed. his arm and held a survey, the City Health M 0 n day, February 14. in January), and a compromise amendment drafted sand dollars worth of an. .and added that Since thIS appeals, that a two.thirds him Hntll he broke away and Department revealed Friday, The vote was 4.2, with by the Michigan Association of School Adminis- . IS an X.rated movie no t . t th d' Lead poisoning tests of 226 M M tth CPt trators ;----------- hques removed f~om a minors or juveniles can see majority was needed to re- ~an kOU Ihn0 e nveway, children under age six who ayor a ew . a - Neff avenue reSIdence It anyway. verse The Farms' refusal to rea ing t e glass storm door live in an inner city square tel' son a b s e n 1. The Summing up action taken we are making what we con- last December 16, have Dedercq stated that the grant the original building In the process. mile showed that Detroit amended ordinance takes at last week's meeting, Mrs. sieler to he a valiant attempt f $ permit, During thc struggle in the children have higher lcad effect Wednesday, March George Maghielse, cochair.
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