THE REVIVAL OF ROMANTIC UTOPIANISM IN ROCK LYRICS OF THE 1960S A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY REYYAN BAL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LITERATURE SEPTEMBER 2014 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Meliha Altunışık Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurten Birlik Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assist. Prof. Dr. Margaret J-M Sönmez Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurten Birlik (METU, FLE) Assist. Prof. Dr. Margaret J-M Sönmez (METU, FLE) Prof. Dr. Nursel İçöz (METU, FLE) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huriye Reis (HU, ELIT) Assist. Prof. Dr. Fırat Karadaş (MKU, FLE) iii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Reyyan Bal Signature : iv ABSTRACT THE REVIVAL OF ROMANTIC UTOPIANISM IN ROCK LYRICS OF THE 1960S Bal, Reyyan Ph.D., Department of English Literature Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Margaret J-M Sönmez September 2014, 348 pages This study explores a mode of utopianism that manifested itself in the cultural, intellectual and poetic output of two different periods, the Romantic Age and the Sixties. The study finds this mode of utopianism, which emerged in the Romantic movement and was unconsciously revived in the Sixties counterculture, to be distinct from other utopian modes and movements, and conceptualizes it using the term re-prelapsarianism. Re-prelapsarianism, which is based upon a mystical interpretation of the Fall, involves the desire to re-achieve the original, prelapsarian condition of unity and innocence in this world, through human effort, and the strong belief in the possibility of bringing this about. It is distinguished by a sentimentalist approach to human nature, a preference of nature and the natural over civilization and established institutions and conventions and a subsequently anti-establishment and anarchical position, and the attribution of great importance to the powers of love and imagination. Re-prelapsarian utopianists, who consisted mostly of youth, intellectuals and artists, sought radical transformation in both the sociopolitical and personal and spiritual spheres. Moreover, poetry took on an essential role in this largely cultural mode of utopianism and poets came to be seen v as revolutionary and visionary figures with a leading role in bringing about transformation to a re-prelapsarian utopia. Thus, the major Romantic poets are examined with regard to Romantic re-prelapsarianism, and the analysis of the rock lyrics of important Sixties rock bards and countercultural icons Bob Dylan, the Beatles and Paul Simon in terms of their re-prelapsarian function and contents forms the core of this thesis. Keywords: Re-prelapsarianism, Utopianism, Romanticism, Sixties, Rock vi ÖZ 1960’LARIN ROCK LİRİKLERİNDE ROMANTİK ÜTOPYACILIĞIN YENİDEN CANLANIŞI Bal, Reyyan Doktora, İngiliz Edebiyatı Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Margaret J-M Sönmez Eylül 2014, 348 sayfa Bu çalışma iki farklı dönemin, Romantik Çağ ile Altmışların, kültürel, entelektüel ve şiirsel faaliyetlerinde kendini gösteren bir ütopyacılık tarzını inceliyor. Romantik akımla ortaya çıkan ve Altmışlarda tekrar canlanan bu ütopyacılık tarzının diğer bilinen ütopyacılık tarzları ve akımlarıyla belirgin farklılıklar gösterdiğini bulan çalışma, tarzı yeni-düşüş-öncesi-halcilik diye isimlendirerek kavramlaştırıyor. İnsanın cenetten Düşüşü doktrininin mistik bir yorumuna dayanan yeni-düşüş-öncesi-halcilik insanı düşüşten önceki ahengine ve masumiyetine tekrar kavuşturma arzusunu ve bunun bu dünyada ve insan emeğiyle gerçekleşebileceğine dair güçlü inancı barındırıyor. Belirgin özellikleri ise insan doğasını sentimentalist açıdan yorumlaması, doğayı ve doğal olanı medeniyete ve yerleşik kurum ve geleneklere tercih etmesi, bunun sonucu olarak düzen-karşıtı bir tutum sergilemesi, ve sevgi/aşk ve hayal gücüne büyük önem vermesidir. Çoğunlukla gençlerden, entelektüellerden ve sanatçılardan oluşan yeni-düşüş-öncesi-halciler hem sospolitik alanda hem de kişisel-manevi alanda radikal bir dönüşümü gerçekleştirmek istiyorlardı. Ayrıca bu büyük ölçüde kültürel ütopyacılık tarzında şiire çok önemli bir rol biçildi ve şairler yeni-düşüş-öncesi-halci bir ütopyayı gerçekleştirme yolunda lider kimliği olan vii devrimci ve vizyoner kişiler olarak görüldüler. Dolayısıyla Romantik yeni-düşüş- öncesi-halcilikle incelenirken Romantik şairler ele alınır ve tezin odağını Altmışların önemli rock ozanlarından Bob Dylan, Beatles ve Paul Simon’ın liriklerinin yeni-düşüş- öncesi-halci içerik ve fonksiyon olarak incelenmesi oluşturur. Anahtar kelimeler: Yeni-düşüş-öncesi-halcilik, Ütopyacılık, Romantizm, 1960’lar, Rock viii to my family “a utopian niche in an alien space” and in memory of Can Abanazır “who is a legend now” ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to begin by thanking my jury members Prof. Dr. Nursel İçöz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurten Birlik, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huriye Reis and Assist. Prof. Dr. Fırat Karadaş for their interest, insightful comments and guidance. My special thanks go to my dear supervisor Assist. Prof. Dr. Margaret Sönmez for her ever meticulous reading of my work and her close attention, motivation and guidance throughout. I am also very grateful to both Dr. Margaret Sönmez and Dr. Nursel İçöz for thinking of me in my absence and encouraging me to start my PhD. It is thanks to their attention and to the continuous encouragement of my father Dr. Erkan Türe and husband Dr. Mustafa Bal, who both urged me to finally start my PhD in spite of the seemingly difficult circumstances, that I started down this road that has now come to its end. I would also like to express my gratitude to the many lovely people who walked with me on this thorny yet fertile path: My dormitory friends, Seher, Birgül and Güliz, who made my short stay there not only comfortable but lots of fun. I am grateful to them for taking over my chores when I was overloaded, giving me emotional support when I was tired or distressed and making my limited leisure time entertaining and rewarding. My class-mates, who not only helped save me time by picking up books and photocopies for me but who also kept me motivated and confident. Şermin, who was a ray of sunshine. Gözde and Mehmet for their smiling faces, their pleasurable conversation and always making me feel welcome. Hatice, for her entertaining observations, her support during my thesis, and for literally being a shoulder to cry on when I was overwhelmed by my five PhD courses. In fact, the most valuable fruits of the path of PhD have been the wonderful friends that it has gained me: Seda Ö. with her delicate smile and thoughtful eyes, whom it is a pleasure to know and understand. Zeynep, witty and contemplative, with whom we speak the same language. Seda Ç., my classmate, neighbour and x companion, with her big, wonder-ful eyes and her big, wonderful heart. And best of friends Özlem, our Ariel, always there, always caring, always helpful, wise and insightful. Thesis writing is a lonely affair, but not so with this lonely hearts club band. Meeting regularly to discuss our progress, our frustrations, our plans and programs and our lives was precious. With a little help from my friends, the agony of writing was not only alleviated but even laced with pleasure. I would also like to thank my dear non-literary friends, who were a breath of fresh air whenever I needed a break, and whose interest and support helped fuel my motivation. Elif & Hüseyin, with whom our Romantic excursions to nature lit up my life. Figen & Murat for their fun late-night cafe conversations and never-ending supply of exciting news. And Zehra Zümrüt & Ali Aydın for their A to Z friendship and our very enjoyable breakfasts, brunches and late night birthday parties together. Finally, I would like to thank my beloved friend Pınar, with whom we grew up together in Utopia. She was my rock ‘n’ roll buddy during childhood, my fellow hippie during adolescence, and my Rousseau during this thesis with her philosophical advice and our fruitful brainstorms together. It has been a pleasure to discuss our favourite songs, as well as to sing them when together, and to communicate online and via telepathy when apart. Just as I have been blessed with friends, I have also been blessed with mentors. I am grateful to my teachers, colleagues and guardian angels Dr. Sibel Dinçel and Dr. Hasan İnal for taking as much weight as possible from off my shoulders, for establishing a peaceful and supportive atmosphere, for their kind words, advice, support and encouragement. I am also grateful to Dr. Akif Eyler for his thoughtful attention and motivation, and for making our lives more meaningful. It is a great pleasure to know such lovely human beings who light up the world. I have saved my family for last, for they are my greatest blessing: My loving mother Nihal Türe and my affectionate father Erkan Türe, who have loved, supported and guided me throughout my life, taught me kindness, honesty, integrity, dignity, hope and trust, and infused my path with their unconditional love. xi My beloved brother Ferhan, for always being on the other side of Googletalk with entertaining conversation, amusing observations, positive energy, and a breath of fresh air. My sweet brother İmran with his interesting observations and amusing videos and links. My lovely sister Elif for her cheerful conversation and considerate support. My kind, generous and understanding mother-in-law Türkan Bal, who is always there for me, and my brothers and sisters-in-Honey Emre, Kübra, Salih and Pınar for the sweet times we spend together.
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