WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT Weekly. Vol. 0/ No. 1d We are Westmount February 12, 1/03 99-year-old breaks hip, waits Navigating the deep five hours for ambulance BA L4><77: S@77:7A kept in communication with her through Westmount Public Security and Lifeline,” A 99-year-old Westmount woman who an emergency notification service. fell in her apartment building February 12 She said Urgences Santé prioritizes calls waited more than five hours for an ambu - using the same triage system as hospitals. lance, Public Security officials said. She Starting with 0 and 1 as top priority, she ex - was believed to have fractured her hip. plained, this case was classified as a num - Officers remained with the woman ber 4 out of 10. Fire department first re - while concerned tenants were reported to sponders typically answer only 0 and 1 have made multiple calls to 911. priority calls, she added. Urgences Santé confirmed to the Inde - Public Security director Greg McBain pendent it had received an overflow of pri - said the department responded after re - ority calls that evening and that ambu - ceiving a call at 10:26 pm from an out-of- lances dispatched to the woman’s address town family member concerned about the had been re-directed twice to more urgent delays. The woman was believed to have incidents. fallen about an hour earlier. “This patient was not alone,” said Jo - Officers found the woman just outside The temperature on February 20 went up to plus 5 degrees C. The day had a combination of a little hanne Dufort, its chief of communica - the door to her apartment being cared for wet snow and rainfall. Most of the crosswalks in Victoria village were quickly inundated as people tions. “She was conscious and not in a by other tenants but un - navigated the deep, slushy moats. One pedestrian, well equipped with rain gear, wades through a large dangerous [life-threatening] condition. We able to move because of a continued on p. 13 puddle on Sherbrooke at the corner of Roslyn. Photo: Ralph Thompson Letters p. 6 One Hydro Westmount legal case concludes Social Notes by V. Redgrave p. 14 ‘Final’ award for wrongful Foot pain? dismissal could reach 500K Heel spur? Bunions? BA L4><77: S@77:7A to this is the value of fringe benefits whose amount the commission stated was out - Consult The city is now processing compensa - side its scope of competency. Dr Constant, podiatrist tion for a Hydro Westmount manager This could raise the total compensation found to have been wrongfully dismissed to some $500,000 if the fringes are calcu - 514-439-5112 six years ago, city officials confirmed last lated at 26 percent of lost salary over four week. This follows a third ruling from the years. This figure had been mentioned at CARL RÉMILLARD EARL Quebec Labour Relations Commission. earlier proceedings in the case. FONTAINE VEINISH 514.726.2077 514.772.3322 William Ta, who was reinstated two “It’s concluded a long-standing legal is - years ago, was awarded more than sue,” city director general 1303 Greene Ave, suite 500, Westmount 245 Victoria #525 Profusion Realty inc • Real Estate Agency $432,000 in a ruling November 24. Added Mike Deegan said. continued on p. 3 Westmount (&*"'(&)! JOSEPHMONTANARO B.ARCH | REAL ESTATE BROKER 514.660.3050sothebysrealty.ca Real Estate Agency | Independently owned and operated A IN LEADER "%(('*()'!)&%#)!*#$) **)!$$( *''(#)! WESTMOUNT REAL ESTATE %())& **%*'&)%&)!*%%) *&)%(() * %"$')( *)%&'"*$$!$ *$"!'( *(&%' "%(( *#'#*)'"'( *%!*$&#)*!)&%'"(*&#%&*)) !$)*'&#*'!)*#)*&#'(*#$)*%(*'"&*%""*&$ (#)!")*%*'('&*&$*())*&#'(*)%&'"*#$)* (' josephmontanaro.com ')* * * 2 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – February 23, 2016 Driver leaves Visitor ticketted for Massachusetts car drinking, littering at ‘open’ lookout A parked car was spotted with the sun - A 20 year-old woman was handed two roof and a window open February 13, ac - tickets for $149 each February 10 at the cording to Public Security officials. The Summit Lookout, Public Security officials car was parked outside 315 Olivier. It bore said. One was for consuming alcohol in a Massachusetts licence plates. A patroller public place, the other for littering. The 374 Ave Olivier, Westmount Steps from Greene Ave., removed an envelope containing personal woman was captured on the city security an oasis right in the heart of Westmount. Con tem po rary 4 documents for safekeeping and a message camera as she drank beer as part of a bedroom home with double car heated garage. $1,288,000 was left for the car owner to retrieve it at group at the lookout at 12:27 pm. When pa - the station on Stanton St. When it re - trollers arrived, the woman tossed the bot - mained unclaimed two days later, it was tle over “the wall” into Sunnyside Park be - ld taken to local police station 12 for follow- low. She was identified as a resident of So up. Cambridge, Ontario. Same company Hockey player ticketed for ‘No dislocates shoulder for 647 Rue Main, Hudson Magnificent Century-old 283 Rue Winters, Baie d’Urfé Spectacularly reno - stone mansion in Hudson nestled on 3+ private acres vated, extremely well thought out large family home, circulars’ birthday of landscaped lawns w/private stream and Lake views. 5bdrms, 4 bath, beautifully landscaped, in-ground A ticket for $77 was issued to a distribu - A hockey player was taken to hospital $1,950,000 pool. $1,159,000 tor of circulars February 4 on Holton, Pub - February 5 at 11:10 pm from the West - lic Security officials said. It was the second mount recreation centre (WRC), Public Se - Katrina Montgomery 514 220-0505 time recently that a ticket was given to the curity officials said. He was described as www.katrinamontgomery.com same company for disregarding a clearly suffering a dislocated shoulder after be - visible sticker at the same address re - ing body checked and falling to the ice. He questing no unsolicited material. It was was turning 26 the next day. It was not one in a number of complaints received re - known where he lived but Urgences Santé cently against different distributors. transported him to Verdun Hospital. The WRC was open until midnight. INTRODUCINGCING INNTRODUCING LISTED AND SOLD IN 50 DAYS EARL VEINNISH Residential Real Estate Broker $ 769,000 $ 595,000 $ 1,195,000 514.772.33223322 VILLE MARIE I RUE SIMPSSON Elegant 2nd LE SANCTUAIRRE I CÔTE-DES-NEIGES VILLLE MARIE I RUE SIMPSON Outstanding floor ccondoondo, spacious, highh ceilings, firreplaceplace. Spacious conddo, large rooms, 9 ft cceilings.eilings. 2 level condoo in a 4 floor ccononverted mansion. Renovatteded back terrace. 2 bdrms, 2 baths. Stunning viewss. 2 bdrms, 2 baths. Fullyy rrenoenovated, high ceilings. Open Concept TRUUSTED SOLD IN 79 DDAAYS SOLD SOLD WELL KNOWN PROOVEN RESSULTS $ 1,799,000 $ 1,159,0000 $ 749,000 TMR I GRAHAM BOULEVVARD HAMPSTEAD I HOLLY ROAD Arrchitchittecturecturally VILLE-MARIELE-MARIE I LE CHÂÂTEATEAU www.prrofusion.ofusion.global Sprawling, graciousa split leevel-built with style unique. Modernn open conccept,ept, cathedral cceileil- Prese tigious Golden Square Mile. Spacious 1303 Greene Ave, suite 500, Westmoount, Qc H3Z 2A7 and elegance. Formal and larrgege family home. ings, fully rrenoenovated, spacious ffamilyamily home. apartment.rtment. Almost 2,000 sq. ft. Indoor gar. Profusion Immobilier inc - Real Estate Agency WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – February 23, 2016 – 3 Flag protocol amended to add mayor’s ultimate decision BA L4><77: S@77:7A ber of the immediate royal family. Also Paris when the city lowered its flags in line To “the best of my knowledge,” he said at named is the city’s director general and with the city of Montreal. At that time, the the time, “Westmount had always followed A longstanding protocol for lowering police or firefighters killed in the line of 1997 policy was not immediately available, a policy – a rule I have followed – of low - Westmount’s flags to half-mast has been duty. The only occasion mentioned is Re - Trent had explained (see story November 4, ering flags for Canadian state officials, roy - amended to include events considered ap - membrance Day, November 11. p. 10). alty, and local and provincial elected offi - propriate by “the mayor,” the Independent It was agreed, the minutes state, “that Councillor Patrick Martin had also urged cials but not for natural disasters and mass learned last week. council will adopt an amended flag policy the lowering of Westmount’s flags based killings outside Canada.” The decision was made by the council at that includes, on an exceptional basis, the on the principle that France being an ally He added that he felt municipal flags its general committee meeting December half-masting of flags for events that the of Canada in the war against ISIS, an at - were “not instruments of foreign policy.” 7 and made public in minutes of the mayor determines to be befitting the ges - tack on that country was an attack on Last week, he said he would be looking closed-door session released February 1 ture.” Canada. at Quebec’s protocol governing provincial The new policy includes the protocol Asked what these might include, Trent In walking around Westmount, however, buildings. He and others had noticed in from 1997 that restricted lowering of flags said last week that, in the absence of guide - Trent subsequently discovered that flags the wake of the Paris attacks that flags had to the death of political officials “linked” to lines, “My feeling is that it has to be some had not been lowered on the federal RCMP been lowered on schools, provincial prop - Westmount at all levels of government. event, some disaster, in Canada.” headquarters buildings and told the Inde - erty. Among them are the prime minister and The updating of the city’s policy arose pendent he had requested a copy of the premier, as well the sovereign and a mem - from the terrorist attacks November 13 in city’s protocol for review.
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