"SELF TRUST IS THE FIRST SECRET OF SUCCESS."---EMERSON. (See Editorial) 1815 THE CAMPUS 1909 MEADVILLE, PA. VOLUME XXVII. NUMBER 24. OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE. APRIL 24, 1909. Our First President ALLEGHENY VICTORIOUS Founders Day To=day ' Good Clothes rHE LIFE AND LIFE WOiRK OF '111E PROGRAM OF THE TIMOTHY ALDEN. Yost, Lewis and Harper Uphold the Debating Standard MEMORIAL EXERCISES. of Their College CANNOT BE MADE OUT OF POOR A Story of the Early Days of Alle- Alleg,-heny College Pays Tribute to MATERIAL, ALTHOUGH MANY gheny College. the Memory of Those Who Kenyon Came, and Saw, and Lost Have Gone Before. MAKERS TRY. POOR MATERIAL Ninety-four years ago today Tim- OFTEN LOOKS GOOD WHEN NEW, othy Alden, the founder and first Today is being celebrated by Alle- Allegheny College met Kenyon here The visitors, P. B. Barber, L. R. Brigs BUT NEVER GIVES SATISFAC- president of Allegheny College, land- gheny College with appropriate exer- in debate last evening, and in a close man and W. J. Bland, were worthy TION. EVERY GARMENT IN OUR ed at Meadville on the banks of cises as a day sacred to the memory contest won a very satisfactory de- opponents, and a victory won over STOCK IS MADE OP HONEST MA- French Creek in a keeled boat. Lit- of those who established the first be- cision over the visitors. The subject them is a victory to be proud of. tle did he think he was about to ginnings of her career. The idea TERIAL ON AN HONEST FOUNDA- was, "Resolved, That national bank The judges were Dean Otto F. H. tread ground which was to be the grew out of the beautiful event of TION. THAT'S WILY WE CAN deposits should be secured by a gov- Bert of Thiel College, Greenville, Pa.; seat of his future life's work. But last year, when the `bodies of Timo- ernment guarantee fund," Allegheny Prof. S. H. Missiruer, Superintendent GUARANTEE EVERY GARMENT thy Alden and his wife were brought great changes have taken place since upholding the affirmative. Our repre- of Schools, Erie, Pa., and Rev. John TO GIVE COMPLETE SATISFAC- to Meadville for interment after be- that memorable day. Meadville, then sentatives, R. R. Yost, C. F. Lewis and W. Langdale, Pastor First Methodist ing for years in a neglected country TION. SEE THESE NEW SPRING a little village In the far West, lo- H. R. Harper, added to their college's Episcopal Church, Beaver, Pa. churchyard. And so to-day has been STYLES—THEY ARE CORRECT IN cated in a large expanse of wilder- reputation in platform work, for their Refreshments were served immed- set aside as a holiday by the college ness, has now become an enterpris- debate last evening would have done iately after the debate, at Hulings EVERY DETAIL AND OUR PRICE authorities in 'honor of the founders ing and thriving American city, and credit to a university with thousands. Hall, by the Y. W. C. A. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. an educational center of wide repute. of Allegheny College. College Hill, then a waste of practi- MEN'S SUITS $10 TO $35 cally unbroken forest studded with Growth of the College. FORTY-FIVE COLLEGES REPRE- Program. TOP COATS $10 TO $30 spreading chestnuts and mighty oaks, During its early history the col- SENTED. 9:45 A. M.—Academic Procession. YOUTHS' SUITS $0.50 TO $28 10:00 A. M.—Exercises in Ford is now a verdant and classic campus lege had a hard struggle for subsis- BOYS' SUITS $2.50 TO $6.50 dotted with the buildings of one of tance. Money came but slowly and Mr. A. J. Nelson returned Tuesday Memorial Chapel. BOYS' TOP COATS..$3.50 TO $6.50 the foremost educational institutions in small quantities. From time to morning, after several days' absence Chapel Service Ritual: Hymn of this country. time collections of books were pre- at the . 18th Annual Conference of and Prayer. MEN'S TROUSERS. .. .$2 TO $6.60 Such changes have been the nat- sented to the library. With the the Pennsylvania Student Y. M. C. A. Organ—Mrs. Flavia Davis Porter. SUITS TO ORDER. DON'T WAIT ural outgrowth of years of material change of seasons the weak plant Presidents, which he attended in Allegheny Medley—College Glee FOR THE WEATHFAR. ORDER and intellectual progress. Timothy place of Mr. Saba Maxwell. It was Club. grew, became hardy, and developed NOW AND BE READY. SEE THESE Alden was the important'factor in into a mature and fruitful tree of held from Thursday evening until Address by Dr. Robert S. Breed— HANDSOME PATTERNS AT $35. sowing the seeds of the intellectual knowledge. The college has now Sunday evening at Franklin and Mar- "A Review of the rider' Event Meadville and in directing the early passed under the control of the M. E. shall College, Lancaster, Pa., with 45 of a Year Ago." KNOX HATS. STAR SHIRTS. growth of this fruitful "tree of know- Church. institutions represented. Franklin Organ—Mrs. Porter. led.ge" on the hill, of which we, as Later Life of Alden. and Marshall is a splendid old insti- Address by Mr. F. L. LaBounty- pluckers of its fruits, are enjoying its With this change in the denomina- tution, with seven buildings and 250 "What Should Founuer s Day many benefits. tional control of the school, Alden students, an ideal place for such an Mean to this College?" It is fitting, therefore, that we cheerfully resigned the presidency in event. The entertainment arrange- College Glee Club Quartet. should with-hold from our toilsome 1831, and remaining still a trustee, ments had been very carefully looked Address by Dr. Ernest Ashton F. G. PRENATT quest of knowledge a single day and he moved away from Meadville. In after, and there was not one disap- Smith—"Some of Our Founders commemorate in some simple man- 1832 he opened a boarding school in pointing feature in the whole meet- and What They Have Built for 220 Chestnut Street ner the glorious deeds of this crea- ing. Us." Cincinnati, 'but later removed to East MEADVILLE, PA. tive genius. Liberty, near Pittsburg, in 1833 to The program included some of the College Songs. A Brief Life Sketch. take charge of an academy.' He died foremost specialists in the United Organ—Mrs. Porter. The Rev. Timothy Alden, D. D., July 5, 1839. States in Y. M. C. A. work, among Dismissal. was born at Yarmouth, Mass.,, August them the following: Oldest Alumnus Here. A feature of the exercises is th/ 28, 1771. Through his father he was THAT ACADEMY PLAY. J. Lovell Murray, Mission Study a lineal descendent of John Alden. Secretary of the Student Volunteer fact that Allegheny's oldest living alumnus, William Reynolds, '37, of so famous in the annals of the Pil- "lie. Shakespeare Water Cure" Next Movement. Meadville, has promised to attend. grim Fathers; through his mother he Friday Night. Frederick M. Harris, International was descended from John Fox, the Student Secretary for the East. LUSIT AN IA martyr. When a boy he lived with All attention is being riveted on William J. Miller, Jr., for five 'Remember that a ship at anchor different his uncle on a farm at Bridgewater, the approaching dramatic event, to years State Student Secretary for always faces the tide. A yet a most but early manifesting a desire for It's an literary rather than agricultural pur- Conserva- suits, he was fitted for college at :IriESSIMES10„3..0:14, ,2.70.102,EMSZEMITIMMIP,,,ECA'ffi,„*1 fix4), ARROW tive style Phillips Academy, and in 1794 he * ,, Collar 15c.-2 for 25c. entered Harvard College. There he 3 * Cluett, Peabody ; achieved scholarly attainments, and a(/ Company. Makers I D 0 he) laid the foundations for his distin- 3wi 4 guished career which he was to pur- t cp D 4 * sue afterwards. *t Lord, make my heart a place where angels sing ! After he was graduated from Har- AE•E 0 4 E sedo vard he went into educational work. ),* 4,4 K{3;,.)W 0 For surely thoughts low-breathed by Thee .? In the course of a few yeIrs he held ,t-** ,4 E Geo. T. Wilsoll & Son principalships in several eastern 44-#E 0 Are angels gliding near on noiseless wing; 0 WE academies, notably at Portsmouth, N. p_i, I, ..,,,4* , : t JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. H., Newark. N. J., and in New York. = 0 And there a home they see For a While he was pastor of the 3. E u in South Presbyterian church at Ports- {3; 0 Swept cleanl and garnished withi adoringi joy, 0 te, mouth, and was later librarian of the -* ti, We Solicit Your Patronage. Z 0 0 ..„„ Afassachusetts Historical Society. In ?t •* enter in and dwell, rep,-4 this latter position he showed an in- . 4,), 4 :* 0 .,* terest in research work which contin- )-4-p And teach the heart to swell ued till this death. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR 4E.*{Z 0 0 4.1*0 In 1815 he yielded to the popular ,rfflu, With heavenly melody, their own untired employ. GOOD JEWELRY. V E cry, "Go West," and set out for {T 0 ,4f, Pennsylvania, reaching there by a 31' E —JOHN KEBLE 3t { {T" circuituous route through Virginia 4-* 0 4, * and Pittsburgh. Sailing up the Al- CCa1` n ci411-,* 0 0 so.4p4 Established 1874. legheny River he landed at Mead- .4.i ville April 24, 1815. He said his ob- cz, ject in coming to Meadville "is that I IA t„ may devote my life to the cause of Llinevimmarativizeir,..,71,...,r9,7g,.___„,n,v,„mvamir;„,,,,,,,troara...,v,.,„74.7.13r4,:g.,,tircome, religion, literature, and science." He Establishes a College.
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