A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EDITED a n d p r i n t e d b y t h e s t u d e n t s o f t h e u n i t e d STATES INDIAN SCHOOL VOLUME IX. CARLISLE, PA., MARCH 28, 1913. NUMBER 30 BE NOT AFRAID ance of the white vote, elected to LEARN TO OBEY ORDERS. prominent offices. In one case, one Stand upright, speak thy thoughts, declare of Carlisle’s graduates was elected [An essay given by William Garlow at chapel The truth thou hast, that all may share; State attorney in a county where exercises on Monday, March 14th.] Behold, proclaim it everywhere, the white people numbered ten for We are all working under orders. They only live who dare. —A non. There is always some one a little AW W every one Indian. 7777r One o f th e important services higher up whom we must obey, and CARLISLE’ S MAKING OF CITIZENS. rendered by the school has been to if we disobey orders we must take stir up the Indians in their own be­ the conseQuences. Possibly we can The record for the past four years half. The Indian Service needs more shift the blame for a short time, but of the Carlisle Indian School, con­ of them. More responsible and well- in the end we get what’s coming to ducted by the Government in behalf trained Indians will give new impetus us. Sooner or later we must reap of the red man, goes far to contra­ to the Indian Service. what we sow, and it is only a coward dict the theory that an Indian school The Carlisle School, besides the who blames the other fellow. away from the environment of the immediate work of education, has The man digging in the Panama Indian of the Westcannotbe success­ performed an extensive service for Canal isobeyingorders from his fore­ ful in the East. The actual accom­ the Indian by educating the Ameri­ man; the foreman is under the section plishment proves the institution a can public to the desirability of insti­ man and the section man obeys the sterling addition to the other forces tuting rational measures for Indian constructor, who looks to the Canal of good citizenship. The school is betterment. —Editorial, Boston Jour­ Commissioners for instructions; they rapidly placing the Indian on a basis nal. are under the President of the United where he can compete with the white 7777 r States who obeys the voice of the peo­ man. WINS PRAISE FOR CHRISTMAS STORY. ple. So you see from the lowest to In the matter of growth, in 1893 the highest we are all under orders. The man or boy who gives strict at­ only 176 new students entered the N ew Y ork, March 1U, 19IS. tention to his duties and obeys is the school, while during the year 1912, Publishers The A rr ow , Carlisle, Pa. one who is most successful in life. just closed, 375 new students were G en tle m e n : Having obtained a Don’t acquire the reputation that enrolled. copy of your little paper, T he Car­ some one has to watch you every Everywhere throughout the Nation lisle A rr ow , from our library in the Carlisle graduates and returned East Orange, I have become so inter­ minute so that your work will be students are at work, at peace with ested in it that I want to receive it properly done. Do your work so their neighbors, patriotic in theirciti- every week. The December 27th carefully that when you leave it there zenship. Out of a total of 639 gradu­ number is the one I have read and I will be no need to go and do it again. ates, only five are not actively en­ was specially pleased with the story Learn to work and obey orders. aw w gaged in some useful occupation. entitled “ Christmas for the Indian 7777 “ With more than 4,000 returned stu­ Youth,” by Edward Bracklin. It is There are forty men of wit to one dents, the most careful records ob­ a real delight to magazine editors to man of sense. A .\ ^ tained from individuals, supported by read anything so clear and forceful 7777 r agents and superintendents of the and straight from the heart as that A Pretty Wedding— Bonser-Monteau. reservations to which they belong, little story is, and I read it with a A very pretty wedding recently show that 94 per cent are self- genuine feeling of sympathy for the occurred in Valentine, Nebraska, the supporting and self-respecting, with Indian boy whose education is cost­ contracting parties being Clara good families, good homes, and ing him so much that is dear to his Bonser, one of our ex-students, and money in the bank. heart. Mr. Enoch Monteau. The bride was In the Indian country, where al­ I am inclosing 25 cents in stamps dressed in white satin with an over lotments have been extensively made with the hope that you will enter dress of bridal illusion. She carried and the reservations opened up to my name on your subscription list of a boQuet of white roses. The young The A rrow for one year beginning couple will make a trip through the settlement, educated Indians have if possible with the first issue in a prominent voice in the affairs of January. West, after which they will be at local and State government, and in With all good wishes for the suc­ home to their friends at Whiteriver the elections recently held Carlisle cess of Carlisle, City, S. Dak. Mr. Monteau was edu­ Very truly yours. graduates and returned students cated in Philadelphia, and is recog­ N ell C. Splitstone, were in many cases, in communities Children's Editor, nized as a man of worth among his where there was a large preponder­ The People’s Home Journal. people. THE CARLISLE ARROW — A WEEKLY LETTER TO OUR PEOPLE of the Senior Class which showed his GENERAL SCHOOL NEWS. gEfte Carlisle glrtoto deep interest in their future success and welfare, and which contained Almost here! Commencement A. D. Issued Fridays from the Carlisle Indian Press About ten months in the year. many helpful thoughts to be 1913. remembered. .\\-N w The campus has put on a rich coat ®toentp=ftbe Cents ©early 77/ r of green. CARLISLE ATHLETIC SCHEDULE, 1913. Second-class matter—so entered at the Post- The walk near the Gymnasium is office at Carlisle, September 2. 1904. LACROSSE SCHEDULE. nearly finished. Mar. 29, Baltimore City College........at Carlisle Address all communications to the paper and Apr. 2, Md. Agricultural College__ at Carlisle T he Susan Longstreth reading they will receive prompt attention. Apr. 7, Cornell University.............. at Carlisle room was opened last Friday even­ Apr. 12, Baltimore Polytechnic Inst at Carlisle ing. Apr. 19, Lehigh University.... at S. Bethlehem SILVER-LINED CLOUDS. Apr. 26, Open.......................................................... Albert Weber, Freshman at State May 1, Naval Academy.................at Annapolis College, came home for the Easter May 3, Johns Hopkins University at Baltimore B y M a r t h a S h e p a r d L ip p in c o t t . holiday. Although dark clouds in life appear, May 10, Walbrook Athletic Club......at Carlisle Hope on and do what e’er is right; May 17, Swarthmore College at Swarthmore The band accompanied the singing May 24, Crescent Athletic Club , at Brooklyn The Father’s love is ever near. at the opening exercises Monday And will shine out in darkest night. May 30, Mount Washington Club at Baltimore May 31, Mount Washington Club at Baltimore morning. For when the shower thickest falls, TRACK ATHLETIC SCHEDULE. 'Twill often, soonest, clear away; Michael Gomez has gone to the For then the Father’s voice oft calls April 2. Handicap Meet........... ....... at Carlisle country to work at his trade of black- And summons forth a brighter day. April 26, Relay Races ............at Philadelphia May 3. Annual Class Contest............. at Carlisle smithing. May 10, Johns Hopkins.................at Baltimore Joseph Bergie, who is working in May 17 or 24, Pa. State Intercollegiate Meet Fine Books Added to Library. at Harrisburg Altoona, Pa., is to be here for Com­ There are many new books in the FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. mencement. library—all fine, interesting books, as Sept. 20, Albright College.............. at Carlisle The masons have completed the Sept. 24, Lebanon Valley College at Carlisle many of the students are finding out. cement walk on the north side of the About three hundred were purchased Sept. 27, W. Va. Wesleyan College, at Carlisle Oct. 4, Lehigh University.... South Bethlehem Gymnasium. at one time, combining a list of care­ Oct. 11, Cornell University...................at Ithaca fully selected titles of the best books Oct, 18. University of Pittsburg at Pittsburg Saturday evening the drills will be published. Oct. 25, University of Pa. .......at Philadelphia given for the benefit of the students w, 7 7 / r Nov. 1, Georgetown Univ........at Washington and employees. Nov. 8, Johns Hopkins Univ........at Baltimore Association Meeting Led by Seniors. Nov. 15, Dartmouth College........at N. Y. City There are happy faces, and some The members of the Senior Class Nov. 22, Syracuse University..........at Syracuse not quite so, since “ final examina­ had charge of the Union Meeting of Nov. 27, Brown University..........at Providence tions” are over. the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. last Sun­ Little Charles Foster gave the day evening. Fred Sickles was the The Sunday School Easter Program.
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