![Newsletter Autumn](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Carers News Spring/Summer 2018 Celebrating the creativity of Hillingdon’s Carers ... and what a creative bunch they are! Following our Poetry and Short Story competition in late 2017, an Award Ceremony was held in February at Uxbridge Library and we celebrated all the fabulous entries we received. The brainchild of Peter Musgrave, a long-standing carer for his wife, the competition was run jointly with Brunel University and was sponsored by IBB Charitable Trust. Their funding meant we could publish the winning entries in a beautiful anthology, which is funny, moving and emotional in equal parts. It is entitled Time Given - Reflections on caring in Hillingdon and free copies are available from Hillingdon Carers Centre. and the winners are... Winner: Adult Carers poems Winner: Young Carers poems Winner: Short stories Marlesha Robinson-Brown Daniel Cater-Lawrence (age 6) Edith Cassel The Award Ceremony was hosted by Hillingdon Council’s elected member Carer Champion, Councillor Becky Haggar, no stranger to the demands of caring herself. We were all entertained and often reduced to tears by the readings of some of the entries - it is very different hearing of carers’ experiences in their own words at a ‘live’ performance. The competition ran in late 2017 and was supported by the provision of some creative writing workshops for adult and young carers, generously provided by Emma Filtness, a Creative Writing Lecturer from Brunel University. We were delighted with both the volume and standard of entries and are grateful to Emma, and Peter Musgrave, our creative carer who championed the initiative. Without their skills on the judging panel, we would have struggled to choose between such fabulous entries. Thank you also to IBB Charitable Trust for their kind donation to support the design and publishing of the anthology. For your free copy, please contact the staff team at Hillingdon Carers Centre. Contact details: Contact details for Hillingdon Carers are on the back page. If you would like to book a place for any of the activities detailed in this newsletter, or would like more information, please feel free to give the team a ring or drop us an email. Partner contact details are given with the relevant article if direct booking is required. Fit to care? He alt hMOTdays We have a range of exercise session sinUxbridg e tha tarefun, Ba ck by popular demand ! frie ndly and a grea tway of comba tting ache s, pa ins and tiredne ss. Wewillbeholding two Carer Health MOT days th is au tumn, in So why not come along to one of our session s, mee tothercarers con jun ct ion with ou rHayes and Northwood Carer Cafes. and have some time fo ryou? Co me along and you can ha ve your blood press ure ta ken or a Chair exe rcise diabetes c heck and achatwitharange of he althcare professionals Gentle exe rcise while sitting with Alis on withou t ha ving to wait for an app ointmen tatyou rlocalGPsurge ry. Yog a Ke ep yourse lf mob ile and your bod yflexiblewithJodi Northwood Café Emmanue lChu rch, Northwoo d Cl asses are held at Christ Chu rch, Ux bridge alternate Tue sda y 11 Sep tembe r, 1p m-3pm Thursdays, 1:30-3:00 pm. There is no need to book, just drop in Light refreshmen ts are provided afte rwards s oyoucanshareyour Hayes Café st ories, succ esses, con cerns or questi on s with other carers. Hay es and Harling ton Commun ity Ce ntre Thu rsday 29 Novembe r, 11a m-1pm In addition to health checks, the re will be an oppo rtunity to talk to sta ff from a broad range of services, includ ing : Alzheimer's Society, Stroke Ass ociation Hil lingdo n CCG, He althwatch, Ha rlington Hospice ,loca lOpticians,Telecare Hil lingdo nAdultLea rning Service, H4All, Di abetes UK, Prostate Cance randmanymore! Ba ttle of Britain Bunker Car ers He alt hy Walk Are you interested in a visit? The new refurbished Battle of Britain Bunker in Uxbridge play ed a Tuesday 5th June cruci al role in the defence of the Unit ed King dom in its darkest hou r Norm an Ledd y, m e e t 1 0 . 4 5a m in 1940 . Co me along and see for yourself! Tu e s d a y 1 2 J u n e Ux bridge Library, meet at 10 .45am Join us on a gen tle stroll around Uxbrid ge durin g Na tiona lCarersWee k. Suitable for those who wish to increa se the ir activity levels. Contac tJaneatHi lling do nCarersto register your interes tand Ideal fo rcarers who may have hea rt con dition s, dia betes, to disc uss the visit further. Please note there are a number of arthritis, hea rt proble ms. Aligh tlunchwill be provid ed acce ss iss ues that we will discuss with you. afte rwards. Contac tJanetoregisteryourinteres t Ca rers Cafes Access to Advic e Our popular Carer Cafes are a place for you to relax Come and talk to the profess ionals and meet other ca rers, and, you can bring the person Hav eyoueverwished you had afriendly s ocia lworkeror you care for! spe cialist supp ort worker to an swer tho se difficu lt caring que stion sas they c rop up? Ux bridge Carers Café spon sored by IBB -Turbervilles 10a m-12n oon Book an app ointment between 1-3pm as follows: Christ Church, Re dford Way, Uxbridge UB8 1SZ Monday 4 Jun e, 2 July, 6 Aug, 3 Sept De mentia drop-in Get ad vice, information and support from the expe rts at the Alzheimer’s Society Ruislip Carers Café spon sored by Ruislip Lions 2p m-3.30p m When: first Thu rsday of the month Method ist Church, Torr ing ton Road ,RuislipMano r, HA4 6AA Monday 16 Apr, 21 May, 18 Jun , 16 Jul, 20 Aug, 17 Sep Council and Social Services se ssions Talk to social workers from the Local Authority Northwood Carers Café spon sored by Northwood Lions to the elected-membe rCarers C ha mpion clinic 2pm -3.30p m When: third Thu rsday of the month Emman ue lChu rch, High Stree t, Northwood ,HA61AS Tuesday 10 Apr, 8 May, 12 Jun ,10Jul,14Aug,11 Sep, He lp from Hil lingdon Healthwatch Give you rfeedba ck - po sitive or othe rwise - on all he alth and Hayes Carers Café spon sored by Ca rer donations social care services in Hillingd on 11a m-1p m When: las t We dnes day of every month Hay es and Harling ton Commun ity Ce ntre, Albert Ro ad, Hayes Managing Mental Hea lth Thu rsday 26 Apr, 31 May, 28 Jun , 26 Jul, 30 Aug, 27 Sep, Staff from Mind on han d to answer your queries When: las tThu rsday of every month No need to book – just turn up Please call Hi llingdo nCarerstoboo k Medit atio n for beg inn ers Trainin g at Hilling don Carers Cent re In Uxb ridg e First Aid This four wee k founda tion course in med itation will Lea rn the first stages of first aid proce dures focus on post ure, breath, presen ce and awarene ss. Wednes days: 16 May, 1 August and 21 November 201 8 10 :00a m-12 :30pm Course 1: Thu rsdays 3, 10 , 17 & 24 May Moving and Handling Course 2: Thu rsdays 6, 13 , 20 & 27 September How to look after your bac k Wednes days: 2 May, 8 August and 7 November 201 8 Improves sl eep Re duces s tress and an xiety 10 :15a m-12 :30pm Rel ieves dep ressio n Re duces anger NB: these are stand-alone sessio ns, not a three session course Lo wers blood pressure Improves imm une fun ction Ca ll Jane for more inform ation or to book your place Dec rea ses memory loss Promotes hap pin ess Healthier Carers Hillingdon Thanks to a generous grant from the Bupa UK Foundation, we have Ca ll Ja ne fo r more inform ation or to book your place been delighted to partner up with Don’t Tone Alone - a carer- focused physical activities and lifestyles organisation. Sadly, all good thing must come to an end but we will be celebrating the project and introducing you to your newly-trained Carer Health Hilling don ’s Ca rer Fair comes of age ! Champions at a Healthy Carers event: We are delighted to ann oun ce our 18th ann ual event to conne ct car ers with the services tha t suppo rt the m Tuesday 19 June ,10.30am -1pm Watts Hall, Christ Church, Uxbridge It will ta ke place on: Please drop in to see us Tuesday 12 June 2018, 9.30a m- 4pm, The Pavilions Why not drop in to the Pavilion s and talk to over 40 group s, services Spring flow ers and sum mer pots and organisation s that help carers in the ir carin g roles? Del ivered as a partne rship between Hi llingdo n Carers Partnership and Spring is finally in the air afte r a cold and snowy March! the Lon don Borough of Hilling don , this yea r’s even t will be bigger and Why not con tact us to boo k a place for one of ou r two uplifti ng be tte r than ever as it rea ches its 18 th birthda y! sprin g and summer garden in g events: Spring Flowers Hay es FM will ensure a lively atmosphe re, and sta ff from across the will ta ke plac e on Tue sdays - 24 April and 1 May from 10.30 - 1pm bo rou gh will be on hand to answer your que stio ns and to give you Summer Pots ad vice and information abou t suppo rt services fo r carers.
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