Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Winter 3-13-2017 Volume 52 - Issue 18 - Monday, March 13, 2017 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 52 - Issue 18 - Monday, March 13, 2017" (2017). The Rose Thorn Archive. 1152. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/1152 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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According to Erik Hayes, the Vice President for Stu- Guest Writer dent Affairs & Dean of Students, be- cause the middle of the winter being That’s right folks, you read the title cor- relatively snowless in Terre Haute, con- rectly. structions workers were able to get a lot The Hulman Memorial Union con- more done. This allowed the project to struction is on budget and ahead of get ahead of schedule and stay on budg- schedule. Instead of having to walk et. In fact, because of this, students can through what many students anticipated anticipate all of the renovations to be would be two to three years of construc- ready for the 2017-18 school year. tion sites within the Union, students can However, it is not so simple. Hayes expect to see a completely new and ex- mentioned, “After April is going to be tended Union by the fall of 2017. really challenging for faculty and stu- dents.” In order to guarantee new and prospective students have a Union to eat in, the renovations for the dining hall need to be done before the new The servery, which comes complete with a pizza ov- school year. With the Vonderschmitt en and bar seating for Rose. Dining Hall being the central location for Rose dining, that will be a tricky Photo by Hannah Levine transition. Hayes added, “You can’t ex- pect everyone to eat Subway for an entire meant specifically for interviews will be away quarter.” from the hustle and bustle of the Rose cam- Regardless, renovations must occur and pus. are scheduled for spring break. “It’s the last The Union has been utilized as a study area, but hiccup,” Hayes said. With the Union’s main that comes only to those who find a chair or a sec- dining hall being closed by the time students tion of a couch. When construction is complete, the return from spring break, food will be served lounge area will bring more study space and ex- in from the Faculty Dining Room, and the tended hours to the Rose community. Currently, Kahn Rooms will be available for students to the new Union hours will extend until 1:00 a.m. or sit down to eat. Students should prepare for later, depending on how many students take ad- overcrowding and long lines, but the discom- vantage of the new hangout spot. fort will be worth it when the new Union is In addition to creating a more relaxed environ- complete. ment for students and their study habits, the Union For students who love to cook as much as they will also bring a more aesthetically pleasing views like to eat, and vice versa, the new Union has a sec- to see from the campus. The old roundabout will be tion catered just for them. The pizza oven from the covered in grass, and the majority of the Union ex- old Noble Roman’s will still be there, but now there tension will have large windows to view Speed Lake is a servery with bar seating as well as a state-of-the and the rest of the campus. -art kitchen to cook for friends. Be on the lookout for more construction updates as The new Career Services office, with multiple Interviews can often be a source of stress, the school moves through the last quarter of the year. In and having the additional distractions of stu- addition to The Rose Thorn, construction updates rooms for interviews. dents passing by on their way to class or to will also be posted to My Rose-Hulman’s news Photo by Hannah Levine eat does little to ease the nerves. Career Ser- scroll for students wanting to learn more. vices will be downstairs, and the section Page 4: Knights, Vikings, and Samurai The Rose Thorn Page 5: Chance the Rapper proves his greatness Page 6: The sun setting on the GOP and the depths of night Meet Tuesdays Page 7: Get the inside scoop on Rose sports! O259 5:15pm Lauren Wiseman tion. SPARK, which “Students learn strategies to make stands for Student Pro- News Editor jects Advocating Re- High school can be instrumental sourceful Knowledge, them better students, efficient em- in helping students choose a college, seeks to give high and Rose-Hulman is doing its part to schoolers and Rose stu- show local high schoolers what it has dents alike a chance to ployees, and well-rounded people...” to offer through the SPARK competi- tackle projects through a lens of mentorship, networking, field of science, technology, engi- and oilfield solutions company and teamwork. neering, and mathematics Halliburton. Much like the Diversity Connect (STEM). There will also be a dis- “The goal is to get 100 stu- event that coincided with the cussion on creative design prac- dents excited about engineering, winter Career Fair, the task at tices, to “spark” some interest design, and team work,” Dr. Car- hand during SPARK are inspired among the high schoolers. lotta Berry, associate professor of by the Grand Challenges for engi- That spark could prove very electrical and computer engineer- neering, but also give students a beneficial to high schoolers who ing, told My Rose-Hulman. Dr. chance to think creatively. Last choose to pursue an education— Berry also serves as a mentor for year, students had a chance to and subsequently, a career—in Rose-BUD, and will be active in build a Rube Goldberg machine the STEM fields. the competition. With prizes on with a limited number of materi- According to the Rose-BUD page, the line, it may be a little easier als. the competition makes students more to generate that excitement, too. This year, the challenge is taking prepared. Students learn strategies to Guest judges will award priz- inspiration from the Pokémon make them better students, efficient es for the best technical designs Go! mobile game that swept the employees and researchers, and well- and the best creative designs, and States in 2016. The four-person rounded people, as the event offers a the event sponsors have cooked teams of students from Rose and networking goldmine of likeminded up some pretty great prizes for from local high schools must engineering types. the winners. come up with ways to transport, This event was made possible The free event kicks off Satur- catch, store, and identify through the organization by Rose day, March 18 at 9 a.m. in the Pokéballs. -Hulman’s Building Undergradu- SRC Fieldhouse, with an antici- It is not just the design com- ate Diversity (Rose-BUD) pro- pated end time around 3 in the This year’s SPARK challenge is all petition, though, that stu- gram, the Center for Diversity; afternoon. Food will be provided about catching these little guys. dents have to look forward to. and support from integrated steel for the participants across the Students will have the chance and mining company ArcelorMit- entire day. Registration is still Photo Courtesy of USA Today to learn about careers in the tal, the Ford Motor Company, open via My Rose-Hulman. Ads 2 Want to access your favorite old issues of The Rose Thorn? Find them at scholar.rose-hulman.edu/ rosethorn/ ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 5500 Wabash Ave, CM 5037, Terre Haute, IN 47803-3920 • [email protected] ISSUES of The Rose Thorn are published on the second through ninth Our Mission Statement: Mondays of each academic quarter We are Rose-Hulman’s independent student newspaper. WEEKLY MEETINGS occur at 5:15 p.m. on the first through ninth Tuesdays of each academic quarter. All members of the Rose-Hulman We keep the Rose-Hulman community informed by community are welcome to attend. providing an accurate and dependable source for news SUBMISSION of articles, photographs, art, and letters to the editor is and information. encouraged. Submission may be made by email to thorn@rose- hulman.edu or in person to Percopo room 031. The submission dead- line is 5:00 p.m. Friday. Marc Schmitt • Editor-in-Chief Blake Powell • Sports Editor THE RIGHTS to accept submissions or changes made after the dead- Karlee Koetje • Business Manager Lauren Santichen • Flipside Editor line, to edit submissions in so far as the original intent of the submis- Nolan Hughes • Business Manager Emma Oswood • Copy Editor sion remains unaltered, and to reject submissions deemed inappropri- ate for print are reserved by the editors.
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