MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series I: Wexner Heritage Foundation, 1947-2004. Subseries 1: General Files, 1949-2004. Box Folder 69 3 Yale University. Groundbreaking for Hillel Center. 1993. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org 3 0 The Ground Breaking Luncheon ...0z 0 Yak Law School :z < 0 -' May 30, 1993 5 ...""0 g CL< "An Assembly of Dreams" ~ < (,,) a modern Hasidic talc w :z:,_ by Howard Schwanz., read br Gerald Fiersr '68, story relier Master of Ceremonies Rabbi James Poner '68 National Honorary Co-Chairs The Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman, US Senate '64, '67 LLB Professor Eugene Roscow '33, '37 LLB Reflections Afan Slifka '5 l Songs Abby Bernstein '92 Angela Warnick '94 "Magevet," a new Hebrew a capella group Chamber mttSic proTided by mttsiciam from the Yale School ofMusic You are cordially invited to attend The Vream Come True Dinner of The YaJe Hillel Campaign for The Center for Jewish Life at Yale The Century Association 7 West 43rd Street New York City 5:00 pm. Su nday, November 1st, i992 Kindly RSVP using the enclosed card <Dinner Committee Sidney Jiltman roonald and rpJiyllis Co hen (Herbert and 'Fra11cine 'Friedman Jvfichnel and Cnrol 'Friedma11 Jv(ichael a11d Edith <;;elfn 11d Jlbralinn-1 yoldstei11 William anrl Edith ?-fnllo <:;;eoffrey and '/\_e11ee ') fnrt 111r111 Stephen anrl 'Onie '){ojfmn11 William and :Jvfirinm '){orowitz Joseph and ?-fndassnli Lieber111n11 Jerome and '7\osly11 )'vfilstei11 J\l(eyer James and Eln11n 'Ponet 'Dm1iel a11rl Jon11nn 'l\ose Eugene and Erinn 'l\osto1v JI /an and 'Virginia .Slifka Sylvia Slifkn .Stephen and 'Kflren S usman ?-fnrry and .Sheila rwetlingto11 T he longstanding dream of a perm anent home fo r Yale's Jewish communi ty is about to be realized. Join us as we launch the fin al ph ase of the Campa ign. 5:0 0 Cocktails. Building plans unveiled 6:00 Status and progress 6:30 Dinner -t> A Glatt Kosher meal wiU be provided for those who request it. The Co111pnig11 to /Jui/ti n11tl cwloiv 11 Cen terfo1 /tw1sl1 lifc nt Yale 35 JI 1g/1 "it rcet New Hnw 11 , C'l 065 11 kindly print names wiJI attend The 'Dream Co me Trne Dinner. _ will no t be able to attend, but want to learn about the plans. _ I /We request a Glatt Kosher meal. Responses may .also be made by calling The Hillel Devellopment Office at 203 772-4747 14_ fku,,,;? f f(<J;L J:.5:c1._ ().._ ~ ,,.,.,._ c..Rll__ t.._.,......._ ":[ r !k :;frr.r~sr ~IA.VY\."-"'- h~ ~ r , ;/uk fa.l.e_~I 1~ ~~$Ns1 1trd-r ~ J'd- f-- £,f-, .$<.CM.if~ ;; L$~Jj,..J._ • ~ ~ ~ fl>.._ L~ fa-J<. ~ ~ ~ (V-' {>-- ~7 l ~ I ~·, ~ ~r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,...,, ~ ~ ~J.... ~ii. S'"<J"fr..1"\J k ~ ~ ~~ 11 . ~ ~~r ~ .l r . v· ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~, ·'- ~ 7d- ~ (),.3-~ 'i1 ~ -'-' c.S- {o ~· J,.._ • ~~~~·~~wtq/~~~wtq/~~·~t i ~ i ~ ~ i ~ t t ~ i ~ t cyou, Source of • !! i1J!l~ 'J1,~ i ~ Baruch atah adonai, i t' blessing, Creator ~ 1~ of the world, have •c?i.VilT • ~~D,,..· 1 • ')'i1,_·t,~,~l t, i eh-lo-halnu melech ha-olam, i $ given us life and $ ~ 'li'~D1 · ~J;~RJ · ~J~QY~ t A. sustained us in life, ~ ~ she-he-chl-yanu, v'kl-a-mapu, v'hlgl-anu ~ $ enabling us to $ ~ : iTfiJ 1Q·r'2 t i reach this moment. laz-mon ha-zeh. ~ i i ~ t ~ i t ~ i i ~~-4'~..,.~ ...~~·~~~t The Board of Yale Hillel would like to extend a special thanks to the speakers, donors, and friends who have joined us for this historic occasion. In addition, we wish to acknowledge Jane Levin and Linda Fried.laender of our I Ground Breaking Committee, whose contnbutions of time and energy were absolutely essential ~ the success ofthis event; Alan Slifka, without whose generosity today's event would not have been possible; and Joanna Rose, whose I inspired touch added elegance to this day. We also ~preciate the efforts of the following people, who gave us assistance that went far beyond the call of profes­ sional duty: Jim Brewczynski, of IN ANY EVENT; A,my Beierle and David Roth, staff ofRoth and Moore; Laurie t Trotta, Yale public relations offi~; Jim Barnett, Yale Law School Dining Hall Manager; and Jon Swing and Lisa Pitoniak of Yale Catering. And. .. ,.. EVENT STAFF CAMPAIGN STAFF I Emily Bazelon Robin Golden Amanda Rice Michael Higgins l .Judith Rosenbawn Susan Holahan Angela Warnick Chani Waterhouse SHorAR. BLoWERS Gacy Friedlaender lln.u:LSTAJ'F Hananya Goodman .Linda Forcinelli Eric Halpern \' n--- .:;:· ooo<hnan .. ..[J.4:1,l,1.4lya "~ ,.. ,.. \ SetbKosto Rebecca Seashore .. «~ ' ' . DavidPonet Hanna Sokal-Holmes Elli Sacks Mychal Springer -:- .:--:·· ·EliSha ~ Waldman Mollie Whalen I ---~~· ~·~~~·~""""&o-4\""""~""""~~~~""""J rq)(JQ/J< f!!Wk ~ QSt/. <ffo?tieckuwi dJ'i'-4. ~ to ?wu/f; y,().u thctt rJ!/unwel QSt/. <ffo~n<M1, ha~ "'~ a CO-ll~tUMl! w. dJ'l~ Q/~~ c;fl;.,:ec/niam, c/uc!aica ~dVI~ ~Jb i-Ji fw.Jf,()l}f. o/JjOWJ' B(!A)M11;-/IA ~t#Utday Of/{ heu4 a/V~~AM-p~ wldwtN'/,y;u and~ allthe W The Third Annual YALE JEWISH ALUMNI FORUM "Jewish Life at Yale then and Now" Rabbi Herbert Friedman '38 Aaron Levin '43 Donald Sheff 153 Andrew Morse 168 Lisa Stone '78 Arik Nurieli '93 Moderated by Dan A. Oren '79, M.D. Author of Joining the Club: A Histo1y of.Jews and Yale Saturday, May 29, 1993 Fac uity Room Reception 4:00 Connecticut Ilall Forum 5:00 Old Campus Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale Ground Breaking --at the site of the future center-­ Wall Stree~ between College and Temple Sunday, May 30, 1993 11 a.m.--12:30 p.m. In case of rain, the ceremony will take place at the Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall St. These events sponsored by Yale Hillel, 772-4747 YALE UNIVERS I TY AN INTERFAITH SERVIC E OF R E M E MBRAN CE MAY T H IRTIET H N INETEEN HUNDRED N I NETY THREE OF YALE UNIVERSITY THE TWO HUNDRED NINETY SECOND YEAR BATTELL CHAPEL THE SERVICE PR EL u o E Solemn Melody H. Wafford Davies (1869-1941) Brother fames' Air Searle Wrighc (b. 1918) T homas Murray, University Organist WORDS OF BEGINNING Rabbi James E. Po nee '68 Jewish Chaplain T H E I NVOCATION The Reverend Frederick J. Screecs, M.Div. '75 University Chaplain (Minister) The Lord be with you. (AIL) And also with you. Let us pray. (Prayer of Invocation) (All) Amen. H YMN No. 60 "Let the whole creacion cry" (Psalm 148) (Standing) THE 0Av's P SALM (104:24-34) The Reverend Claudia Highbaugh Associate University Chaplain (Ministn) 0 Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earrh is full of your creatures. (A ll) Yonder is the sea, great and wide, creeping things innumerable are there, li ving things both small and great. There go che ships, and Leviachan chat you formed co sport in it. These all look co you ro give chem cheir food in due season; (A IL) When you give to them, chey gather it up; when you open your hand, chey are filled with good things. When you hide your face, rhey are dismayed; when you cake away their breach, chey die and return to their dusr. (AIL) When you send fonh your spirir, they are creaced; and you renew rhe face of the ground. May your glory, 0 Lord, endure forever; may you rejoice in your works- (All) You who look on che earch and ic trembles, who couch the mouncains and they smoke. I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being. (AIL) May my meditation be pleasing co God, for I rejoice in che Lord. ANTHEM FIRST READ I NG The Reverend R. S. Fredrikson 168 Isaiah 44:1-8 SECOND R EAD IN G Caroline Murphy '83 I Corinchians 11:3b-13 H YMN No. 418 "O gracious God, your servants" (Standing) TH I RD READING Acrs 1:1-13 THE SER Mo N "Remembering for the Fu cure" The Reverend David G. Colwell '38 ANTHEM OFFERING PRE SENTAT ION AND PR AYER OF DEDI CAT I ON H YMN No. 105 "O God, our help in ages pas t" (Psalm 90) (Standing) THE PRAYERS 1 TH E KA o D 1 s H (Offered in Hebrew) Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman 38 Exalted and hallowed be God's great name Throughout the world which God willed into creation. May the kingdom of peace be reveaJed During the days of your life and the life of us all Speedily and soon. May God's great name be a source of blessing throughout eternity. HaJlowed and extolled, lauded and exahed, honored and revered, Adored and worshipped ever be the name of rhe Holy One, Source of all blessings, Who resides beyond all the praises and songs, Psalms and hym ns which we mortals utter. May peace abundanc descend from rhe heavens With life for us, for Israel, and all humankind. May the One who ordains the harmony of the universe Bestow peace upon us, Israel, and all humankind. 1 N p A RA 0 I s u M (Offered in Lacin) The Reverend David Baranowski Roman Catholic Chnplnin May che angels lead you into paradise.
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