KYLE & CARRICK DISTRICT LIBRARIES LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION AtJ ^ i^ i J - J H- This Book Is for reference only and must not be taken from this room. POST OFFTOE GENERAL AND TRADE. DIRECTO FOR AYRl NEWTON & WALLACETOWN. 1888-89. L AYR: PRINTED AT THE "AYR OBSERVER" OFFICE. 1888. ^%i, WIDOW'S FUND V ^^^ 4b%jrance society. _y\^^:'jA SREGARDS '^}f)fry^(0t, and Liberal Conditions, the l^S^' Policies are Documents of the Higliest Value. A^^ TII£ FOLLOWING STATEMENTS INDICATE I. —The Secure and Profitable Character of the Business. The profit, or excess of Assets over Liabilities, for the Seven Years ending 31st December, 1880, amounted .u no less than £1,347,755, which yielded the following exceptionally large Reversionary Bonuses :— ON ORIGINAL SUMS ASSURED, From £X l^S to aS3 17s 5d Per Cent, per Annum. II. —The Liberality of the Conditions, Surrender Values, or, in lieu thereof, ' Paid-up-Policies,' free of future Premiums, allowed at any time ; Loans granted within a small margin of the Surrender Value ; Extensive Foreign Travel and Residence free of charge from the first; Most Policies absolutely Indefeasible and Whole- World after first five years. III.—The Magnitude of the Transactions. Policies in Force, Claims Paid, £©25,000,000 1 c6H,500,000 Accumulated Fund, ^9,000,000, Being the Largest Life Assurance Fund in the United Kingdom. APPLICATIONS FOR POLICIES, Securing all the privileges of Membership, may be made at any of Society's Offices, or agents connected therewith. Glasgow Office— 114 West George Street. AGENTS:- AYR—T. M. GEMMELL & SON, " Advertiser " Office. „ JAMES YOUNG, Auctioneer, 48 Newmarket St. ,, ALEX. GEMMELL, Jr., Commercial BankBuildings. GIRVAN-WILLIAM FORSYTH, Solicitor. IRVINE -WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Solicitor. Page. Page. * abvertisements, - - - 165 Excise,l- - - - - - 13 - Ayr Academical Athletic Club, 15 Fairs, . 17 Ayr Bible Society, - - - 11 Golf Clubs, 14 Ayr Burns Club, - - - 22 Guildry of Ayr, .... 6 Ayr Cemetery. - - - 9 H. M. Prison, .... 23 Ayr County Club, - - - 14 Harbour Trustees, - - - 6 Ayr County Hospital, - - 10 Insurance Offices and Agents, 17-19 Ayr Cricket Club, - - - 15 Justice of Peace Court, - - 7 Ayr District Road Trust, - - 7 Justices of Peace, - - - 16 Ayr Gas Company, - - -IB Kirk Session, - - - - 10 Ayr Lawn Tennis Club, - - 15 Kyle Union Poorhouse Board, - 7 1R^v ipost Office, - - - 23 Lands Valuation (Kyle District), 9 Surveying Stafif of G.P.O., 23 Lieutenancy of Ayrshire, - - 17 Branch Office Ayr Docks, - 25 :,5ife-Boat Institution, - - 14 Pillar and Wall Boxes, - 24 Magistrates and Town Council, 5 ' Parcels Post, - - 25-27 Magistrates of Newton, - - 17 Parcels Mails, - - - 27 Market Days, - - - - 17 Money Orders, - - - 32 Masonic Lodges, - - - - 15 Postal Orders, - - 32-33 Medical Practitioners, - - 13 Savings Banks, - - 33-34 Merchant Company, - - - 14 Rates of Postage, - - 34 Municipal Board of Police, - 6 Re-Direction, Newspapers, - . - - 17 Petitions to Parliament, Newton Gas Company, - - 13 Newspapers, Prison Visiting Committee, - 22 Book Post, - Property and Income Tax, - 9 Registration, 37 Public Library, . - - 23 ArticlesnottobesentbyPost, 38 Public Offices, . - - 20-21 Post Office Telegraphs, - 40 Public Schools Foreign & Colonial Postage, 42-43 Ayr Academy ,, ,, Parcels Post, 28-31 Grammar School Despatch and Delivery, 41-44 Smith's Institution Ayr Young Men's Associations, 14 Lady Jane Hamilton's School > 11 Ayrshire Agricultural Associations 7 Newton Academy Ayrshire Herd Book Association, 7 Newtonhead School Banks, 16 Wallacetown School Bowling Clubs, - - - - 15 Industrial Schools Carriers, ... - 45 School Board, - - - - 10 Clergy, 9 Sailors' Society, - . • - 14 Coach, 45 Sheriff and Commissary Court, 8 Collector of County Rates, - 9 Sheriff Officers, - ... 8 Corn Exchange Company, - - 13 Solicitors before Sheriff Court, - 8 County Police Committee, - 22 Steamers, 21 Customs, 13 Street Directory, - - - 131 Deaf and Dumb Mission, - - 12 Town and County Club, - - 14 2)irector^, (Ayi),- - - - 46 Urabes* Wivcctov^, - - - 148 „ (Newton & Wallacetown). 94 Trades' House, - ... 7 District Lunacy Board. - - 23 Trained Nursing for Sick, - - 12 Note.—The Advertisements at end of the Directory are paged separately, and the figures affixed to certain names refer to the Advertisement pages. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/postofficegenera188889uns DIRECTO AYR Population of the Parliamentary Burgh of Ayr in i88i, 20,821 Do. do. do. 1 87 1, 17,851 Increase in Ten Years, 2,970 This Burgh, with Irvine, Campbeltown, Inverary, and Oban, returns One Member to Parliament. Ayr is the returning Burgh. Constituency of the Burgh of Ayr, 3478. Member for Ayr Burghs—R. F. F. Campbell. Population of Ayrshire in 1 88 1, 217,504 Do. do. 1871, 200,809 Increase in Ten years, ... ... 16,695 constituency of the County of Ay. j ^^1 ^^. Jfal? Memberfor South Ayrshire—Hon. G. R. Vernon. Member for North Ayrshire— Hoisi. H. F. H. Elliot. TOWN COUNCIL OF AYR. Provost—W ILLIAM Kilpatrick. Bailies—-R.K. Siiankland, J.J- M. Ferguson, H. D. Willock, and Robert Stevenson. Dean-of Guild—A. Hunter. Treasurer—Wm. M'Colm. Councillors. ist Ward I jrd Ward I ^th Ward A. Hunter Kilpatrick | Ferguson j Wm. J. M. H. D. Willock James Smith I Wm. M'Colm David Dunlop I M. Irvine A. G. Semple j J. j 2ftd Wa?'d 4th Ward I 6th Ward Thomas Templeton R. Shankland | A. Morgan W. Allan J. Galloway Robert Stevenson Girvan R. Beveridge James Dobbie James | M. R ) — DIRECTORY. Town Cou-^ci-L.—f ConH7iued, Tcwn Chamber'ain— Robert MacCallum. Clerk—A. G. Young. Procurator-Fiscal —C. B. Rowan. Surveyor—^John Mercer. Auditor—W. F. M'Cubbin, Chartered Accountant. Billet Master—Wm. M'Kay. Inspector of Weights and Measures—R. A. Miller. Valuator of Lands and He itages and Registrar of Voters Alexander Walker. MUNICIPAL POLICE BOARD. Commissioners—The Magistrates and C :)uncil. Clerk— A. G. Young. Treasurer and Collector— R. MacCallum, Town Chamberlain. Procurator-Fiscal— C. B. Rowan. Superintendent of Police —Wm. M'Kay. Surveyor—^John Mercer. Collector of Police, &c., Assessments—Robert MacCallum. GUILDRY OF AYR. Dean—Andrew Hunter. Council: Provost Kilpatrick James Smith W. B. Cuthbertson Ex-Provost Steele James Ferguson Bailie J. M. Ferguson Ex-Provost Goudie W. Alexander J. B. Paton Ex-Bailie Rae W. Robertson Bailie Willock Bailie Hi'l John Graham H. Wood "William Paton John Murdoch John Galloway Clerk -A. G. Young. Treasurer— , MacCallum. Officer—^James Clark, TRUSTEES FOR THE HARBOUR OF AYR. Chairman — Provost Kilpatrick. Bailie Ferguson Thomas Reid B. Paton ^ J. Bailie Shankland | Hugh Duff Capt. Boyle, R.N. Dean ofGuild Hunter James Bell Robert Dewar Treasurer M'Colm | James Girvan Alex. M'Clelland James Ferguson j Robert Craig Harbour Master and Water Bailie— Robert Boyd. Assistant Harbour Master—Peter Barr. ColIecLur and Treasurer M'Hutchon. —^J. Clerk—William Pollock. Auditor—W. F. M'Cubbin, Chartered Accountant. Agent for Lloyds—Captain A. M'Clelland. 1 Russian and Spanish Vice-Consul —John Dobbie, ii Alloway Street I Imperial Consul for Germany Grant Smith, North Quay. ' —^J. Sweden and Norway Consul—Thomas Steele. — DIRECTORY. KYLE UNION POORHOUSE BOARD. 'Chairman—Provost Kilpatrick. Secretary—David Dougall. Governor—W. M'Cracken. Matron—Mrs M'Cracken. Chaplain—Mr Wm, Grant. Medical Officer—G. M'Kerrow, M.D. JUSTICE OF PEACE COURT. Held Second Monday of every Month at Eleven o'Clock a.m. Clerk— C. G. Shaw. Depute-Clerk—J. H. O'Beirne. Procurator-Fiscal—R. D. Murdoch. Bar Officer—Hugh Arthur. AYRSHIRE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. President—R. F. F. Campbell, Esq., M.P. Vice-Presidents Captain Boyle, Esq. of Shewnlton ; James Somervell, Esq. of Sorn; Baird Sir Peter Coats of Auchendrane ; J. G. A. of Adamton, M.P. ; The Marquis of Bute, K,T. ; R, W. Cochran-Patrick of Woodside, LL.D. Twenty Extraordinary and Twenty- Four Ordinary Directors. Secretary and Treasurer—^James M'Murtrie. AYRSHIRE CATTLE HERD BOOK SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. President—The Hon. G. R. Vernon, M.P., Auchans, Kilmarnock;[ Secretary and Treasurer—^James M'Murtrie, Solicitor. ROAD TRUST, AYR DISTRICT. Treasurer—^James M'Murtrie. Clerk— C. G. Shaw, Surveyor—Allan Stevenson, TRADES' HOUSE. Trades. Deacons. Trades. Deacons. Hammermen—T. Templeton Shoemakers—E. Smith Weavers—R. Eaglesham Squaremen—^Jas. C. Highet Tailors—A. Cowan. Clerk—Robert Goudie. 8 DIRECTORY. SHERIFF AND COMMISSARY COURT. Sheriff and Commissary—David Brand. Sheriff-Substitute and Commissary-Depute- -W. A. O. Paterson. Sherift-Clerk—Evan A. Hunter, W.S. Depute-Clerk—John Lockhart. Commissary-Clerk—Robert Goudie. Procurator-Fiscal—Robert D. Murdoch. Macer— Hugh Arthur. The Procurators before the Sheriff Court are Practitioners also before the Commissary Court. Ordinary Courts sit every Tuesday at 1 1 A. M. and Thursday at lo A.M Debts Recovery Court sits every Thursday at 10.30 A.M. Sma 1 Debt Court sits every Thursday at 1 1 A.M. SOLICITORS BEFORE THE SHERIFF COURT. Dean of Facu'ty—William Murray, Girvan. * also.) ( hose marked are Notaries Public " *Andrew, James, Ayr iVi acrorie, Wm., Ayr Andrew, Thomas, Ayr Morton, Wm. T., Ayr *Andrews, David, Girvan Montgomery, Hugh, Ayr *Brown, Davidy Maybole Murdoch, R. D., Ayr *Breveridge, R. M., Ayr *Murray, Wm., Girvan *Brackenridge, Arch., Cumnock MacCallum, Robert, Ayr Christie, William, Irvine *MacCallum, J. A., Ayr Crawford, Robert, Ayr M'Clymont, J. W., Ayr *Dunlop, D., Ayr M'Cubbin, Alex., Ayr *Dunlop, W. H., Ayr M'Cubbin, W. F., Ayr *Dickie, James, Irvine M'Murtrie, James, Ayr *Dougall, D., Ayr *M'Cosh, J. M., Dairy Ferguson, D., Ayr *M'Jannet, W. D., Irvine Forsyth, Wm., Girvan *MacLimont, John, Girvan *Goudie, R., Ayr Pollock, William, Ayr Gibson, James, Maybole Rowan, C. B,, Ayr Gemmell, Alex., jr., Ayr Ranken, G. J., Ayr Hamilton, Alex., Irvine Struthers, A. W^, Ayr Harvey, Thomas, Mauchline *Shaw, C. G., Ayr Highet, H. M., Irvine Silver, John, Ayr *Kilpatrick, Wm., Ayr Watt, J. M., Ayr *Young, Thomas, Ayr *Lockhart, J., Ayr *Loudon, Alex., Ayr Secretary and Treasurer—John Lockhart. Auditor of Faculty—W.
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