HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT*, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, 1915. 5 tainment in the Opera House Saturday V WWW WW V+VVVTVV'TVVT'rVVVVV evening. An interesting program was COMING OUT? TV HEADACHE, COLDS, rendered. The Rev. Mr. Kehl, of Car- j""HAIR 1 lisle, was present and delivered an ad- Dandruff causes a feverish irritation dress. of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loos- Call 1991 - Founded David Carl, of Harrisburg, spent a en and then the hair comes out fast. To COSTIVE BOWLS. few days with friends in town. stou falling hair at once and rid the Sales aie numerous and well attend- scalp of every particle of dandruff, get ed and farm stock is bringing fair a 25-cent bottle of Danderine at any ? ?? prices. The sale of J. A. Grove on the drug store, pour a little in your hand 4 TAKE CASCARETS Wagner farm, half a mile west of town, and rub it into the scalp. After a few was one of the largest in this section applications the hair stops coming out in attendance and amount of goods anil you can't find any dandruff.?Adv. To-morrow Only, A Rousing sold. The proceeds from stock, farm To-night! Clean Your machinery, poultry, etc., amounted to $3,618. boro, visited her sister, Mrs. Annie Bowels and End Head- A. M. Brandt and son intend to dis- Smalinig, Sunday. Theodore Baum, a son of Mr. and continue the implement and buggy busi- Baum, aches, Colds, Sour ness and sell their stock at public auc- Mrs. William of Market street, SALE j has CUT PIECE pneumonia. OF Tuesday, GOODS tion March 23. Stomach J. W. Boring, who purchased the house he occupies from Miss Lizzie A Timely Event That Every Woman Will Want To Take < MARYSVILLE Garver, several weeks ago, is having i a number of improvements made. Advantage Of ; Get a 10-cent box now. Mite Society of Reformed Church Gives Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hover, and I You men and women who can't get Experience Social Mrs. Albert Straub, who has been ; feeling rich?who have headache, coat- Special Correspondence. ill is improving. At the beginning the Spring you'll of season, welcome these sturdy re- < ed tongue, bad taste and foul breath, Marysville, daughters, Aline and Lucille, Miss Ida I are bilious, nerv- March 15.?The chicken dizziness, eau't sleep, and waffle supper which was to be held lloyer mnd mother, attended the gold- I ductionson silks, dress goods, white goods, domestics, trimmings, ous and upset, bothered with a sick, on en wedding anniversary Mr. and etc. stomach, March 17 by the Belle of Blue of I gassy, disordered or have a Mountain Ixnige, No. 217, Ladies' Mrs. P. J. Stall, Mrs. Donald Hover's j Lengths are suitable for waists, skirts, and in some < bad cold. Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Rail- parents, at Mechaniesburig, yesterday. cases, full dresses. clean \u25a0 Are you keeping your bowels road was J. S. Shaffer attended the funeral of j Cascarets, Trainmen, postponed. We remind you that this < with or merely forcing a pas- A very successful experience social j his uncle, James Williams, at Dills- I again, sale is for Tuesday only, so you'll want sagewny every few days with salts, ca- was held by the Mite Society of the Re- | burg, last week. pills or to thartic castor oilt in Sunday John Zimmerman, Sr., has purchas- be on hand early, as there are limited quantities < work formed church the school Cascarets while you sleep; room of that church on Thursday even- ed the home of the late Mrs. P. P. stomach, sour, cleanse the remove the ing. experiences otf earning money Brown, on Market street, and will' oc- ind, taupe undigested, food and foul The w Silk BroMd* 61/2 fermenting for the society by the members were cupy it tine spring. Silks gases; the from the We Mention Only Two ,^n^ Prices ' take excess bile many The amo\mt The Woman's Foreign Missionary carry out of system and varied. received liver and the all . was $54.62. were Society of the Methodist church, wiil » . $1.50 40-inch Silk Brocade, mahogany, waste matter Refreshments served r\ r\ r> trtj At 64c Yard the constipated and poi- to all present. meet at the home of Mrs. H. F. Kohr, son r yards. in the bowels. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Milliken iti Third street, Thursday evening. Un Dress abrtcs tfut 1 here were . _ ?< A Casearet to-night will _ $1.98 40-inch taupe, 5 straighten on Thursday to gee Mr. The Rev. Dr. Floyd Appleton will Silk Brocade, yards. you out by morning?a 10-cent ' Philadelphia box Milliken's Mrs. preach in St. Chrvsostem church, New nchSilk Brocade Crepe < from any drug store keep your sister, Borger, who is de Chine, 11% yards. will being treated at the Willis hospital for Market, Thursday evening, Man-h 18. Are Numerous Others sweet; and $1.19 3ti-inch Satin 6 i stomach liver bowels regu- a cataract. Harry Moder, of Steelton, purchas- Charmeuse, navy, yards. lar, and head clear for months. Don't ed several houses at Belliwista, the forget the children. Thev love Cas- Mrs. William Bair and two sons spent Wednesday with her brother, Har- pant week. carets because they taste good?never ry White. Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Metzger, of j gripe or sicken.?Adv. York, quests of xx v *wv laiu *;??? Miss Margaretta Gault, of Steelton, were S. A. Williams' I At 28c Yard yards. SI.OO 40-inch Satin Foulard, grey,""""V01/ 2 yards. < spent Thursday in family Sunday. town. and $1.50 3<3 and 40-inch < Mrs. D. I). Beirfer and Mrs. W. D. Mrs. Edwtlrd Berry, of S'hippeus SI.OO .>2-iiich Brown Cloth, shadow stripe, 6Vi yards. SI.OO Silk Crepe de Chines, all shades, to ' Hartzell, of Carlisle, spent Thursday at burg, is visiting her |>arents, Mr. and $1.50 40-inch Silk and Wool Brocades, brown and navy, 2 to 6- 5-yard pieces. A SUBURBAN the of Epplev Mrs. C. H. Smith, Third street. homes A. G. and J. W. yard pieces. $1.59 40-inch Satin Charmeuse, light blue, pink, wistaria, 2to * Benfer. J. J. Bauglimnn has returned from SI.OO 50-inch Broadcloth, pieces. Miss Carrie of Duncannon, a business trip to New- York. navy, 4% yards. 5-yard NEWPORT Reutter, 40-inch 4 spent several days of last week with C. Mm. 0. H. Reiff visited her daugh- SI.OO Black Suiting, and 4-1,4 yards. $2.00 40-inch Brocade Crepe de Chines, Copenhagen blue, P/4 F. ters, Misses Janet and at j 28-inch Maurice Marseilles, of London, England, Kass. Roberta, 75c_ Waist Flannel, 3Vt yards. yards. Mrs. E. E. Dissiuger and Mrs. Wil- Dickinson College, and attended a | 75e 40-inch Poplin, garnet, yards. $1.50 36-inch Printed Satin Foulard, yards. 4 Visited Here Last Week liam Dice spent play given by the students. 2V4 2% and 2% several days in Phila- 50-inch Storm Serge, 2 yards. and 40-inch Silk Poplins, * Special Correspondence delphia last week. Miss Helen Sloak, of Harrisburg, | 85c_ navy, SI.OO $1.25 afl shades, 2to 2%-yard" Newport, March 15. J. Ira Rada- and Clara Snell, a baritone soloist of i 50;- 36-inch Batiste, lavender, 4 yards. pieces. < baugfh, of Muncie, Ind., is visiting his Trinity | IT. B. church, will assist in the 59c 40-inch Striped Suiting, yards. $1.59 36-inch Crepe < mother, TOWER CITY 5 Black de LaPaix, 3 yards. Mrs. Danie Hartzell, in this musical entertainment which will be [ 59c 36-inch Grey Suiting, 4 yards. fancy Messaline Reseda, yards. place. given in the Methodist SI.OO 4% < George Powell, an church this j 40-inch Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Little spent Aged Resident, Died evening. 50c 50-inch Brown Cloth, 3% yards. $1.59 black Satin Charmeuse, 3% yards. Thursday with Mrs. Little's paients.Mr. Here Thursday Miss Helen Hoeker, of Rutherford, I 50c 50-inch Oxford Suiting, 2% yards. $1.50 36-inch Striped Chiffon Taffeta, "brown, 5% yards. and Mrs. Walter Umholtz, in New Special Correspondence. was a guest of Dr. J. F. Good's fain- | 75c Grey yards. " Tower ?(Mrs. 54-inch Panama, 4 Main FIoor?BOWMAN'S Bloomfield. City, March 15. ily on Friday ahd attended the enter- j ? \u25a0 < Miss Melle Rough returned Thursday Charles J rev. cf Philadelphia, spent a I tainment of the grammar school. after having spent two weeks with her few weeks with her parents. Mr. and The ]K>stoflii-e building is being re- 1 friend, Miss Anna Caterall. of Ber- Mrs. Henry Brown, near Orwin. painted. No Sale of Dress Goods is Complete « wick. Alfred Klinger, of Halifax, trans- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kirk, of Har- j Maurice Marseilles, a vocal virtuoso, acted business at this place. risburg, called on G. F. Moyer and j Without Notions, and of London, Eng., spent the former part Miss Bessie Miller, of Reading, spent daughter on Sunday. of this week with Miss Mae Geary. a few days here, the guest of her par- The Standard Bearers of the M. E. ] Miss Janet Jones has returned after ents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Miller. church will meet at the home of Miss visiting Warren \.orth- spent a Special on : her sisters, Mrs. Miss Effie 'Hoke week with Jeanette Sipe on Friday evening. §j These Prices Notions ington and Miiss Virginia, of Johns- friends at Tremont. town. for two months.
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