If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. NATIONAL·YOUTH GANG INFORMATION CENTER 4301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 730 Arlington, Virginia 22203 1-800-446-GANG • 703-522-4007 NYGIC Document Number: boo~3 Permission Codes: ...------------- --------------------- A Confidential Publication for Law Enforcement Crips & Bloods Street Gangs John K. Van De Kamp Attorney General State of California Department of Justice "--------_._------------------------------ - 146790 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from Ihe person or organization originating II. Polnls of view or opinions slated In Ihls document are Ihose of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Natlonallnstitule of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by California Dept. of Justice/Office of the Attorney General 10 the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of Ihe NCJRS system requires permission of the copyright owner. " ", :CRlp:S & BLOODS " -.: STREET GANGS G. W. CLEMONS, DIRECTOR ·;:DIVISION:; .... OF LAWENFORCEMENT : II '--------------------------------------- - Thepoems "Heroes," "Pusha Man"muJ"TheCounty Jail'~ are printed withpennission ofthe aulhor--a former Rollin 60s Crip associate. II .. ·11 '-------------------------~-~-~--~-~-~-~------ ~ -~~-----~----~ PREFACE The Bureau ojrjigiiiiked criMe and Crh:ninaI Intelligence w~rks to reduce traditiori4JTand non-iiftditiomllj()rganizt@ crime. uWhen there is reasonable'~e to beiii;ve that'ij.n individual or group has or will create a .#tirt}(lfY:lJft.#i:u and ui#midation by means of threats and/or violeiidifijiiSiiig fear for ,he personal safety of .' others in order to ftiii./fit/fif goals; or is uiJ?olved in or suspected of being involved in m4iti-jiJj¢ictional fel6izious acts,),::(M.7Jureau ·is committed to aid 4zw enforcement agencies in supjirlising those individuals or groups,{ ': . r 1 ::The purpose 0/ this j[l1blicatfpn is to pro':'ide law enforcement with in/ormatiqn. abqill the c~anging criiriinal activities of the Crips and Blopds sii;~et gang; It does "pt provide,i!t/ormation on reading gangifraffitl/hand ~gnaIs, etc.;rtp-to-dat~information can contribute to officer sajJfY and c~tiJid law eil/orcment officers in identifying, invesHgating and prosecuting gang members. I II II '-------------------------------------- I .. ',;.""';::,:,. SUMMARY ;.;X:;>:~::; ..... :. .. J':::;::' ·;;::i;.. ;:.i..:t ...::.i;.;.;.)'.~.;k.~;.~.!.):·::;lli:ii;'i'~'~1'): :' .::.::"::::::: :::;iJ~~~j(" :';:;;;:/'.:=:" Grips and B~'~~~t gangs ~~pzatedl~ Califoinia in 1969. The initial reason f4.i';'!he formi!Jjon of th¢se two groups was a t~rritoriaI struggle: tl/W1M,i.!JiifffghborhoiJp:. feU the need to band together for protectillijfJ!/ilfjJflJ'al youths iP. bloody retaliation .. } ·/(%it;:.,·.;.t:~.~:~~.jT ::;:;: /\~f' ~ .. : ," .. .ii . Recent evidence suggeststb.,gt some members of the:grjPf:Ond Bloods street gangs iit.e esta1j!ishing themselves as mor'e"'traditionaI :organized crime groaps thr6qgh the lucrative market of cocaine .sales. ',,:' '( . :.. ;:.~; :< ~:.' .:.:";::;: '.', /::' .This publicatioY, wl/{ipuuyzi4·the change#)taldng place among the Grips and Blofids iii/fin efforf.:'to aid law.:~nforcemgrzt in dealing with these grdUps.·: :':..... .:l;::;: :.:/ :::::{';.: )::(: ":/~ ~t:\> ":::::" ii II·· II J Preface i Summary ii ......... "," :;:bt{} :.:.:/::( .. ;':~:~:;::.: .',' -::: .; :;::~ Introduction )"; ..... " .:::;\~: Backgrourui ;~1 3 Gang profi/e!',i. , 4-8 Stateme'Ji/,of ~~ijb1em;;I;;: 9-14 ../;>. ConclUsion 15 New Laws 16-17 Godfather Profiles 18-25 Law E;rif.orcement Experts 26-29 Notd:!·i~~j:ll·.·~i :::.:? .. ;..... 30 ..... : .. ..:::\;~{:., :::,;t4?knowi~dgmf!iJis 31-33 :.J:;;: .i:,:':: ; II··· '. '..... · ... .. II CRIPS &: BLOODS.STREETGANGS The members are bei~lgb.linked ~ :.;.:::::::::::::'::::~. to the increaslltg:mf~ales• _ ..........~._ ship is on between This {- on a recen one survey ent.hUsiasm:· to expand .~::::~#:~.; .:. • conu.u~ted by the th~!,+ operatl.ons l.n pur:$~it of new drug ce, Bureau mark:~ts. These.;:new ized crime ..... "' ............ 1 Intell ml;;!;:.~~~~:::: med~rs a~f:i ve at a vir~:~n tei-:~i tory, rock coc:~l~ne s~mples are given aw~!~.: to P~:9:specti ve cusft-bmers (£n hopes of ::~~~:!~a::~:::::r:n witll new Cl1·stomers. By ~I~;~?';~:;~~:~:~ stili:ling for as little as reporting $4~0 - $500 in Los widespread movement of Angeles can be sold for crips and Bloods gang as much as $SOO - $2,000 members from the Los elsewhere. Angeles area into their jurisdictions. Gang Bureau cL ~anWed.C:riinc:. and ith expansion of the drugs including cocaine, markets, th. Crips PCP, marijuana and Bloods are urtgergoinq heroin. Hultimillion­ looal dollar illicit businesses are being created by these individuals and their drug trafficking organizations are the spreading through the United states. Pa~2 . ,,,' . ;, de';;;\[oped ito protect thEiI§elves from the crips ~:I::~e :::::s ~~!'~Is a group of f~uthS Piru stri:~t in ," ton who lves the They members lived near igh School is a time quickly earn reputations as violent and dangerous street Bureau ~,Orf;uiized c;rinY!:and .Crintlllal1nt~,"" · .. CRlPS&: BLOOIJS;sTimET:GANaS .. i GANG PROFILES ;. members other typical profile characteristics of crips and Bloods street gang mem,bers include: o Black males o 13 to 40 y (Median age is what is imp to note is that past, the media for a gang memb be in the teens. median age has rising over the. f and CRlPS &: BLOODS STREET GANGS The gang mem):)ers are also ::::!:~i::~.i;. were registering 'a":*-i'll.:icle to affil someone other tliliito themselves such;ii~ti: to the.~r parents, siS.~i:ings ~~tIt;~~!i[~:;~~1!!t:::r to;t~~e registered owner, .<'-!';.,'; . 'society. and'llpot the gang member. of~:::::'law enf Thf!.allows the gang aut~orities, me~f:!r comfort in knowing members will tha'~L.they do not have to red'::;':and blue woii;~ about their, :... :::: the/;same ":". VEHICLES !;!~~;~:i.::d a::et for~'ei ture:;li's • Many La~;:;Enforcement 0 tim~:s law enforcement ar~Lbeginning to Off~!cials ~}:v,ia crfps and Bloods reg~~trat~:§n checks, ga~gmembers pur cita'tions;';:,::etc., will veh!~'¢les of all end;}Whp wi tll a list of sUd'h:ias Chevrolet·}:·tIROC pe~~ie Whd"ihnight be JeJa'i;' Cherokee~,~, codlfected ':'dr related to DeV$11es, cheiiP6 thfj[~stree~:~'[gang member that. have:';::been cited wh~;~:e dr i ~!llg the gang g~~i;iJ~~ki mefuber's ~~hicle. Samura'ii4ve'hloles :::'::~::;;f":<::'::';. .: . • II. such a~."Honda or "";:; : (small to midsize vehicles) have recently been seen by law enforcement being used in drug trafficking by gang members. Burea\J cl~.oo Crime and CriminaI lnlclligcnce Page 5 CRIPS· &:·BLOODS STREET GANGS .. that the white female is ;~ with him. The female is !.' -> typically used to carry street the cocaine and money. lize that This tactic bas been used agencies to deceive law many enforcement officials ilable nationwide. are BUSES crips and Bloods gangs members als utilize bus to transport cocaine.: Because they are required to go t metal detectors em member to Page 6 · . CRlPS "&: lJE()ODS.ITREETClA.NGS, ' enter the somewhere going Colombian and pos At the baso~,>~,~'~~""': attent often is then Y~~~,~ibes how co member who South Ameri~~':~~--~ the rock .• the hands of)·····;· e gang act as "door­ Gang sell the rock or to the ve recently ding whether buyer. crips and representing a large have enlisted in cartel. The buyers then the military to obtain ship the paste to the weapons and explosives cartel's base lab use in their drug trafficking efforts. .' .. ,.. Itl~~·,':"· CRjpS &: BLOODSSiRmrrGANGS·· documented • and CRJPS d: BLOODS STREET GANGS ~~~!"'-------....I.:.~tl!·I~I~~~]t~f,:i::. samples to pros,If',9ti ve :}:~.:::t;:;/····· new customers·, .and· ",·:';;::::·:4 outside of califo:f;nia, . ':. ::~:::'!:::;;:i=': coqperate .··wi th otij:~r ~!~~s:;ir! :::~TO tr~fi~1ckJ:~g operat:)!:<>ns. INI.IITRA;'ltN OF Ti:t LEJ!~~IMATE.:BUSINESSES ::;;i;:;(·:. witfittremendous amounts .: icking bus of ;::aish on hand and no virgin terr le~:~t.ima tereasO.J).s for s the nati mt::IWO,.t:rs are buy imate bus ........ C;i::l,'" ;;i!::::.~!:~i::d tments and 1nv~;~t the~r:<money. BelSw is a.':':list of the of bii'sinesses that typJ!~<}.••. <;:.. ·.·;':-.Z·· crip:~ and.l~:lOOds gang me~~rs a~;~: purchasing to :.;·:~-:K: ::'::;'::'.~::: laq§~er p*:§ceeds from ::iltyt:~1I::kinq: . ca.E!!!@~eas 1 (f9i Compan1es co.n'$:truct$.'S!n companies M~:lll:c ShO.~'J;' Autio BodY:'i:i:iS.hops N~I't clu~!~f occas P ..:g~r Servl.ces enfor officials;···· M6:tels buy legitimate businesses Limousine Services to launder money and Hotels invest their profits; use Hydraulic Equipment and marketing ploys such as Supply companies giving away free crack Bureau r:L ~ CriJneandCriminal Intclligcnre •.. .--------- eRn'S &: BLOODS STREET GANGS . staurants ercepted application swerinq servic~s forms in which aspirinq stores ~ younq druq dealers, or jJ.;: "salesmen," were asked questions ranqinq from previous work experience to their criminal records a and even hobbies. On the back of the application is a list of follow, puffinq smokinq marijuana joints that are ;.; with cocaine) and,~ fiqhtinq with ea "': without permissi the board of direc :,' However, this bure: no information leads us to beli are or Anqeles tment recently Page 10 . CIUPS ci B£OODS,STREi.T GANGS sources • T~!:~:~... gang ::!!:!::~!:~i::l::rY annual incomes' :'$:i.l~ging in the millions of:'ag;llars. ;:I;!dth:::t'nown 1n·4.XY1dua:+:~y profiWed in ::I::f:I~~i:r;:~!:t. OFt,t6ER SAFETY ;:~~::;r~::w!ang beli.Vior .:;Yi!:)i:iE'iif 'violence lev~:l refl'ij"ci't;~:;' the high ext step ecorlbmic ~£~kes involved corporate in !!ug t$afficking. At A ti~~~ it ~~pears that pr1t:tctio~~~::Of their prci:#ii ts b$:¢pmes more gq§!1 examp'):e of how The in the vf~lent cr'ips and Bloods gang corporate ladder gang members can be the "gang godfather". occurred in Honolulu, Some gang godfathers Hawaii.
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