I — . Volume XV Waterville, Maine, September 27, 1911 Number 1 BVM-_-SMS_t_____ -----t--- S-_-_S--SfB -M--_--N i " ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ,—¦ " ¦ ^ ¦¦ ^ ¦¦¦¦ ^^ ¦¦ — —¦ •^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ^ I I COLB Y STUDENTS j \ WILL FIND ' \ THE WARDWELL-E MERY COMPA NY I ' A good place to buy Couch Covers , Draperies , Pillows, \ \ Stationer y and Students ' Supplies, Garments , Under- { \ wear and Hosier y for the ladies. J j 78-82 MAIN STREET WATERVILLE , MAINE \ i * WATERVILLESTEAM LAUNDRY s^/iaaer s 145 MAIN STREET J OHN W13IX S, ». U. Ho. A. FOM'LER , D. K. E. Ho. Agents for Colby Confectionery and Ice Cream. 113 Main Street. Brace Up and Be Classy Sidney A. Green Andrew B. Green HAVE YOUR SUITS CLEANSED AND PRESSED FOR 75 CENTS 5. A. & A. B. GREE N By the ELEVATOR MAN At the Savings Bank Buildin g. COAL HARD AND SOFT WOOD, AND KINDLINGS WRIGHT & DITSON Waterville , Maine. HEADQUARTERS FOR TELEPHONE , 30 OFFICE , 351 MAIN STREET Athletic Supplies THE FELIX AUDET TONSORIAL Base Hail College Students and ' « PARLORS n»wn Toni.ig Athletes who want ^Jm Head quarters for tho Colby Students Work Golf x, i • .««*_*' MM Always has Five Fli'st- Clafts Bai'bers Basket Bail the real, superior ar- I) with every improvement. Traok and tides for the various ™W** 40 MAIN STREET Field Sports sports should insist Qz£ \ 11 UP0 th Se bearin ff 0 Hook00 cey"" " ° M the Wright & Ditson "2! pat.^S* orr. Trade Mark. Catalo gue Froo if ^&e^ i OS r ME. FAtDFtElO. I * C^ \ WRIGHT & DITSON \ F. K. AIXKN , Manager * 344 Washin gton St. * Find' , «!»«« in all its appointments. Bath and 4 Telephone In every room. Special 4 BOSTON J given NEW YORK CHICAGO J aittteiitlon to i SAN FRANCISCO J BANQUETS and PRIVATE DINNER 4 PROVIDENCE CAMBRIDGE i PARTIES i i The Equitable Life Assurance Society \ \ of the United States J * : . ' ' '120 Broadway,' New Yoi*k f * CHAS. A. ALLEN, Local esentative t Hein , 1 76 Main St., Waterville, Maine J Kennison & Newell ^sVLiss L^arrle C K^ temeiz Painters and Paper-Hangers Paper Hangings, Room Mouldings, drlne *~/YLillifiery Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Glass , 76 - Temple Street. 733 ^Atain Street, Waterville, <~M,e. fi GO TO -h »»> G. 5. FLOOD & CO. Shippers and dealers in all kinds of Redington & Co. Anthracite and Bituminous Coal. ... FOR . Also Wood, Lime, Cement, Hair, Brick, and Drain Pipe. Furnitu re, Oarpets, Crockery Coal Yards and Oiftce , Corner Main and Pleasant Streets. Upholstering, Etc. Down Town Office , D. E. WHITCOMB. Up Town Office, EDWARD McLAUGHLIN Winslow Office . E. W. ALLEN. Silver Street, - WATERVILLE, ME. Plains Office , ARTHUR DARVIAU, 83 Water St. FRED I>. McALARY JTRANCIS M. JOSEPH Under New Management Dr. H. W. Mitchell DENTIST The CITY JOB PRINT Edith Buildinrj ' will continue to 103 Main Street Waterville, Me. "PRINT, PRINT ANI> DO NOTHING Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m„ 1 to C.SO p. m. ELSE BUT PRINT" Savings Ilonk ISuilding, Watorvillo, Mo. Take the Elevator Telephone 207 McALARY & JOSEPH LLLCTRIC SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Central Maine Power Co. 1.1 MAIN STREET Ticonic National Bank • Waterville, Maine. • s ———_. GEO. K. BOUTELLE, President. HASGALL S. HALL, Cashier. L. T. BOOTHBY & SON CO. INCORPORATED Transacts a general banking business. GENERAL INS URANCE 176 Main Street, - Waterville, Me. \ . GO TO . \ | | THE HEALD ClOTHI NG COM PANY j \ Clothiers and Haberdashers \ * For Up-to-Date Styles in Men ' s Clothin g and Furnishin gs \ ¦». ¦ _, -»¦_ ¦ _, ¦<- ¦ ¦». ¦ _ ¦ ¦ , •». ¦• . ¦<- —« ^ -. -. •». —. •». —. _. •».•_ _, _. _. •_. ^ , -_ •«. •_.¦». •_,•». >_.•_,-» 4 ... LET ... { ¦ ¦ ^^ ^^^ *i^"^ "^ ^ s -I ^BB-i | MIKE THE COLLEGE TAILOR i 4 Make You a 4 The "Ara-Notch " makes the "Belmon t" \ FAU SUIT or OVERCOAT \ * BANNERS find PILLOWS * Arrow i McMORRO W COL LEGE SHOES i . COLLAR ' NUMBER 6 NORTH COLLEGE J Sit Perfectly ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ l5c,2fot25c. Cluett , Peabody & Co., Makers - ¦». —. <_ ¦». ._ —. _ ^_ ¦< _ —k«.•_. ._. _, «. <_,<_,—. _ _, _, _ «. —. «. '«. _ —. —» _ -. •_ •» ARROW CUFFS 25 cents a pair ^ . *. ^- WE RECOMMEND XLhc IRewHu Qiista Mouse The WATERVILLE STEA M DYE HOUSE WILBUR T. EMERSON , Manager Dyeing', Cleanin g', Pressin g* AUGUSTA , MAINE 12 MAIN STREET. Special Attention Given to BanquetH Globe Steam Laundr y OEEIOE HOURS : 8 to 0 a. in., 1 to 3 p. m „ 7 to 8 p. in. P. W. HUSSEY, Agent OFFICE s ISO Main Street , RESIDENCE : 44 Silver Street TELEPHONES * Oillce 40-1 ; Itanitleiiee 49-3 A. T. 0. House WATERVILLE , MAINE k^ m.^_.m.». _.m^ m.._^m.». ^ ._^_.^m. _.mm.m ^». _._.^>_».-.^ m.^^ -_.^»mm.». ^ I F. H. BROWN CLOTHING CO. j Xabies' Garments ' ' j Ij T&ilored-t o-Order or Read y-t o-Wear t ' •* SPECIALTIES—Furs, Sweaters, Hosiery. Underwear, Corsets, Waists, Under-Muslius, Under- J 4 , skirts. 'Reliable Merchandise at Reasonable Prices. i 4 EDITH BUILDING, WATERVILLE, MAINE * CONTENTS. and arranged in a more convenient manner. ¦p&nv. Improvements 1 In the department of geology changes ^Registration 1 have been made to improve the seating Dana P. Foster 1 Albert Bowman Wiggin 2 accommodations. -Summer School 2 Charles Francis Hall . 2 REGISTRATION. New Instructors 2 Chief Justice Whitehouse 3 The freshman class this year numbers Prizes 3 Editorial 4 one hundred men and forty women. Prob- They Say 4 ably a few will be added to these numbers Resolutions 4 Football Prospects ... 5 by late registrations. The upper classes Colby, 17; Hebron, 0 5 have been increased by seven men and Athletic Association 5 Football Schedule 5 four women. There is one graduate stu- Roberts^Hall 7 dent. It will be impossible to give the Honorary Degrees 7 •College Library 7 exact registration of the college until a "Bloody Monday " Night 8 later issue. The student body this year is 'Commencement 8 Y. M. C. A. Reception 8 the largest in the history of the college. ;New Courses 8 1913 8 Prizes . 8. DANA P. FOSTER. New Students 9 Women's Division 10 On Tuesday of last week, the college was Campus Chat 11 saddened by news of the death of Dana P. Alumni Notes 11 Foster, '91. Mr. Foster died suddenly from an . attack of heart failure. He had IMPROVEME NTS. been in poor health for a number of years The building of the new dormitory has but none of his friends had suspected that •not been the only scene of activity on the the end was so near. An old college chum, •campus this summer. Changes have been Mr. David Whitman Parsons of Minneapolis, :made in several other buildings. was present at the time of Mr. Foster's The rebuilding of North College is com- death. plete. The southern end, occupied by the Dana Pitt Foster was born in Waterville, D. U. fraternity, which was entirely de- August 28, 1869. He was the only son of stroyed, has been rebuilt on practically the Reuben Foster of the class of '55. He re- same plan as the old structure. The north ceived his early education in the public end, which was damaged by smoke and schools of the city and afterwards took a water, has been thoroughly renovated and course at Coburn. After his graduation, placed in good condition. he entered Colby in the class of '91. Dur- The Shannon Physical Laboratory has ing his college course he was prominent as had extensive alterations. The second an athlete. He was a member of the Delta floor has been entirely remodelled. A Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. lecture room and a photometry laboratory After he was graduated from Colby he . have been partitioned off. The apparatus went to the Yale law school from which he :ih the general laboratory has been improved received the degree of LL.B. in 1893. In the same year, he was admitted to the CHARLES FRANCIS HALL. Maine Bar and entered the law office of his News of the death of Charles Francis father. He was in turn recorder of the Hall in Boston last June was received too municipal court, trial justice, and chair- late for insertion in the Echo last year. man of the board of education. He was a Mr. Hall was a graduate of the college in , trustee of the Waterville Savings Bank, the class of 1875. Upon graduating from city solicitor and city clerk. He engaged college Mr. Hall taught at Westbrook Sem- in the real estate business to some extent inary. In 1879 he was admitted to the bar. and was one of the partners in the Water- Since then he has engaged in the practice ville Realtv Comnanv. of law in Boston, where he rose to consid- On October 22, 1894, Mr. Foster, was erable prominence. He was a member of married to Miss Adelaide D. Hapkins of the Zeta Psi fraternity. Millbridge. He is survived by a widow and two daughters. The news of Mr. Foster's death was re- NEW INSTRUCTORS. ceived with surprise and regret throughout Dr. C. A. Grover is the new head of the the city. He had been prominent for years physics department to succeed Prof. Gilbert. in the public life of Waterville and his loss Tolman, who is engaged in industrial work. will be keenly felt. In his death, the col- Dr. Grover is a graduate from the Massa- lege has lost a loyal alumnus and the city a chusetts Institute of Technology. He pur- worthy citizen. sued graduate work at Munich, where he- ¦ 1 " - —»»»¦ obtained the degree of Ph.D. Since re- ALBERT BOWMAN WIGGIN. turning from Germany, Dr. Grover has- Albert Bowman Wiggin, was, at the time . been at the bureau of standards in Wash- of his death, Colby's oldest alumnus.
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