Commissioner Lesley “Les” Miller, Jr. Meeting of the MPO Board Hillsborough County MPO Chairman Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 9:00 a.m. nd Councilman Harry Cohen Hillsborough County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., 2 Floor City of Tampa MPO Vice Chairman Watch the HTV live-stream. Send comments in advance on Facebook.* Paul Anderson Port Tampa Bay David Mechanik I. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation HART Trent Green Planning Commission II. Approval of Minutes – July 31, 2018 Commissioner Ken Hagan Hillsborough County III. Public Comment - 3 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes total; as needed, Commissioner Pat Kemp additional time may be provided later in the agenda. Hillsborough County Mayor Mel Jurado City of Temple Terrace IV. Committee Reports, Online Comments (Gena Torres, MPO Staff) Joe Lopano Hillsborough County V. Consent Agenda Aviation Authority Mayor Rick A. Lott A. Committee Appointments City of Plant City Councilman B. West Busch Blvd. Multimodal Safety Study Letter of Comment Guido Maniscalco City of Tampa VI. Roll-Call Vote: TIP Roll-forward Amendment Commissioner Sandra Murman Hillsborough County VII. Action Items Cindy Stuart Hillsborough County A. West Tampa Multimodal Plan (Chris Keller, Tindale Oliver) School Board Councilman Luis Viera B. South Coast Greenway Connection Feasibility Study (Wiatt Bowers, Atkins) City of Tampa Joseph Waggoner VIII. Status Reports Expressway Authority A. Tampa Bay Next Quarterly Update (FDOT Representative) Commissioner Stacy R. White Hillsborough County B. Resilient Tampa Bay: Transportation Vulnerability Assessment (Allison Yeh, Beth Alden, AICP MPO staff) Executive Director IX. Executive Director’s Report • Tampa Bay Transportation Management Area (TMA) Leadership Group meeting, FDOT District 7 office, September 7, 9:30am • It’s Time Tampa Bay outreach to date • Next board meetings: October 2 with Smart Cities/ Integrated Corridor Management presentation; October 31 with BrightLine presentation X. Old & New Business Plan Hillsborough XI. Adjournment planhillsborough.org [email protected] 813 - 272 - 5940 601 E Kennedy Blvd 18th Floor Tampa, FL, 33602 XII. Addendum A. Upcoming Events • Drive Electric Week Event, September 12 • Safe Routes to School National Conference, November 2019 with Gulf Coast Safe Streets Summit & co-hosted by Hillsborough MPO B. Project Fact Sheets • SR 60 (Kennedy Blvd) Traffic Signal Upgrades C. Correspondence • To FTA on 2018 HART Bus & Bus Facilities Grant Applications • From FDOT District 7, biweekly traffic fatality list, July 16-29 • From FDOT District 7, biweekly traffic fatality list July 30-August 12 D. Articles Relating to MPO Work • It’s TIME Tampa Bay on The Current with Roxanne Wilder • Planned improvements seek to make West Tampa safer for pedestrians, cyclists • Officials want your input on the future of transportation in Tampa Bay • Bike/Walk Tampa Bay Summer Summit brings community together to move region forward • Planned improvements for dangerous stretch of US 301 include widening road to six lanes E. Miscellaneous • FTA Announces $84.5 Million in Grants to Support Advanced Bus Technology Projects Nationwide • Georgia to spend $100 million on Ga. 400 transit line • How Air Pollution Causes Diabetes The full agenda packet is available on the MPO’s website, www.planhillsborough.org, or by calling (813) 272-5940. The MPO does not discriminate in any of its programs or services. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Learn more about our commitment to non-discrimination. Persons needing interpreter services or accommodations for a disability in order to participate in this meeting, free of charge, are encouraged to contact Johnny Wong, 813-273-3774 x370 or [email protected], three business days in advance of the meeting. Also, if you are only able to speak Spanish, please call the Spanish helpline at (813) 273-3774, ext. 211. Si necesita servicios de traducción, el MPO ofrece por gratis. Para registrarse por estos servicios, por favor llame a Johnny Wong directamente al (813) 273-3774, ext. 370 con tres días antes, o [email protected] de cerro electronico. También, si sólo se puede hablar en español, por favor llame a la línea de ayuda en español al (813) 273-3774, ext. 211. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, materials attached are for research and educational purposes, and are distributed without profit to MPO Board members, MPO staff, or related committees or subcommittees the MPO supports. The MPO has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of attached articles nor is the MPO endorsed or sponsored by the originator. Persons wishing to use copyrighted material for purposes of their own that go beyond ‘fair use’ must first obtain permission from the copyright owner. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. ÿÿ ÿÿ !ÿ !!!"ÿ" !# !ÿÿ ÿ ÿ $%ÿ%&'()(01&23ÿ0233134ÿ'423152&1(3ÿ67ÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&CÿD0('1E2ÿ F%&ÿ13ÿ%4A02'ÿ%%&134ÿ9G$%EA0%EÿH('ÿA%9E2CÿA0Cÿÿ ÿ2&ÿIPÿ2QFQÿ 13ÿ&$%ÿ R&$ÿD0(('ÿB(3H%'%3G%ÿ((FÿD'%E%'1GSÿTQÿU2'0ÿB(A3&CÿB%3&%'ÿ2F)2ÿ D0('1E2Qÿ $%ÿH(00(V134ÿF%F@%'9ÿV%'%ÿ)'%9%3&Pÿ %90%Cÿ100%'ÿ'QÿB$21'F23ÿB(FF1991(3%'ÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&Cÿ B$2'0%9ÿU0A4ÿH('ÿ2A0ÿ 3E%'9(3ÿB$1%HÿW%GA&1X%ÿHH1G%'ÿ6B7 ÿ 2F)2ÿ('&ÿ A&$('1&Cÿ 82''CÿB($%3ÿÿB(A3G10F23ÿB1&Cÿ(Hÿ2F)2ÿ62F)27 ÿ B1&CÿB(A3G10ÿ $%(E('%ÿ'%3&ÿ"'%%3ÿÿ0233134ÿB(FF1991(3ÿ U%3ÿ82423ÿ B(FF1991(3%'ÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&Cÿ %0ÿA'2E(ÿ 2C('ÿB1&Cÿ(Hÿ%F)0%ÿ%''2G%ÿ 2&ÿU%F)ÿÿ B(FF1991(3%'ÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&Cÿ "A1E(ÿ2319G20G(ÿB(A3G10F23ÿ2F)2ÿB1&CÿB(A3G10ÿ Y2X1Eÿ%G$231Sÿ8 ÿ `23E'2ÿA'F23ÿ62''1X%Eÿ2&ÿIPaÿ2QFQ7ÿB(FF1991(3%'ÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&Cÿ B13ECÿ`&A2'&ÿ62''1X%Eÿ2&ÿIPbÿ2QFQ7ÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&Cÿ`G$((0ÿT(2'Eÿ A19ÿc1%'2ÿ62''1X%Eÿ2&ÿIPaÿ2QFQ7ÿB(A3G10F23ÿ2F)2ÿB1&CÿB(A3G10ÿ `&2GCÿd$1&%ÿ B(FF1991(3%'ÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&Cÿ $%ÿH(00(V134ÿF%F@%'9ÿV%'%ÿ2@9%3&Pÿ (%ÿ()23(ÿ Bÿ81009@('(A4$ÿB(A3&Cÿ X12&1(3ÿ ÿ A&$('1&Cÿ 1GSÿ(&&ÿ 2C('ÿB1&Cÿ(Hÿ023&ÿB1&Cÿ (9%)$ÿd244(3%'ÿ2F)2e81009@('(A4$ÿ W)'%99V2Cÿ A&$('1&Cÿ QÿB ÿÿYÿY"ÿDÿ " !Bÿ !Yÿ!cB !ÿ B$21'F23ÿ100%'ÿG200%Eÿ&$%ÿF%%&134ÿ&(ÿ('E%'ÿ2&ÿIPÿ2QFQÿÿB(FF1991(3%'ÿ d$1&%ÿ0%Eÿ13ÿ&$%ÿ)0%E4%ÿ(Hÿ200%4123G%ÿ&(ÿ&$%ÿH024ÿ23Eÿ42X%ÿ&$%ÿ13X(G2&1(3Qÿÿ Qÿ c ÿDÿ!`ÿÿ!ÿ ÿ ÿ B$21'F23ÿ100%'ÿ9(A4$&ÿ2ÿF(&1(3ÿ&(ÿ2GG%)&ÿ&$%ÿF13A&%9Qÿÿfghipqrstiÿ vtiqwptrpgÿwgÿsgxyÿwypgiyÿÿfghipqrstiÿfgyiÿtiÿpt qyÿyiÿgÿy gÿÿ 6%F@%'9ÿA'F23ÿ`&A2'&ÿ23Eÿc1%'2ÿ$2Eÿ3(&ÿ2''1X%Eÿ%F@%'9ÿ()23(ÿ(&&ÿ 23Eÿd244(3%'ÿV%'%ÿ2@9%3&Q7ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ !ÿ!"##$ÿ #%ÿ!&%'()01&2%ÿ3245ÿ6078)9ÿ%2('@28)ÿ5@A065)2@ÿB0%ÿ)&2ÿ%2C0A54ÿ0Bÿ)&2ÿ @0D8)0D8ÿ5C15ÿ'8)2%6&58E2ÿÿ %ÿ 5C2(ÿ5A'(08ÿ@'()%'F7)2@ÿ1512%D0%Gÿ58@ÿ245F0%5)2@ÿ08ÿ58ÿ54)2%85)'A2ÿ )%58(10%)5)'08ÿ%2A2872ÿ1458ÿÿÿ #(ÿ&5%08ÿ!54A2%)ÿ'82445(ÿ!078)9ÿ%2('@28)ÿ'8A')2@ÿ)&2ÿ#"ÿ)0ÿ5))28@ÿ C2%'658ÿ%25Cÿ!HIPQRQHSTUÿWXISUYHXRIRQHSÿ`HPaRQHSUÿQSÿWIbYIÿcIdÿefeSRÿHSÿ 7E7()ÿgÿÿÿ 3ÿ!"##ÿh"hÿ$ÿ"$$ÿ!"##$ÿ #(ÿi285ÿ0%%2(ÿ#"ÿ(7CC5%'p2@ÿ)&2ÿ60CC'))22ÿ%210%)(ÿ%24592@ÿ2426)%08'6ÿ 60CC28)(ÿ%262'A2@ÿB%0Cÿ#%ÿh0F2%)ÿ5D5442(&ÿ%2E5%@'8Eÿ 5C2(ÿÿq5429ÿ reReXISUTÿsHUYQRIPÿQSReXUetRQHSÿUIueRdÿQbYXHfebeSRUvÿ#(ÿ2%%244ÿ#5)&'(ÿD&0ÿ 1%5'(2@ÿ5ÿ)2C10%5%9ÿ60CC78')9ÿE5%@28ÿ1%0w26)vÿ58@ÿ#2((2%(ÿ#57%'6'0ÿh0(5(ÿ D&0ÿB0%D5%@2@ÿ58ÿ5%)'642ÿXexIXyQSxÿReÿeuuetRUÿHuÿReÿURIReÿHuÿHaQUQISITUÿ 8)2%()5)2ÿÿgÿ2 158('08ÿ58@ÿ%260CC28@2@ÿ2426)2@ÿ0BB'6'54(ÿB5C'4'5%'p2ÿ )&2C(24A2(ÿD')&ÿ17F4'6ÿ)%58(')ÿ58@ÿ!&%'()01&2%ÿ3245ÿD&0ÿD5(ÿ60862%82@ÿ5F07)ÿ %7C0%2@ÿ'8)2%6&58E2ÿ640(7%2(vÿ58@ÿ#(ÿ!&5%40))2ÿi%228F5%EÿD&0ÿ%272()2@ÿ '8B0%C5)'08ÿ5F07)ÿ#"ÿ()7@'2(vÿ58@ÿ80)2@ÿ)D0ÿ42))2%(ÿD2%2ÿ%262'A2@ÿ)&2ÿB'%()ÿ uXHbÿIÿtHSteXSeyÿtQRQeSÿXexIXyQSxÿsWTUÿXetXaQRbeSRÿYXItRQteUÿISyÿReÿ (2608@ÿB%0Cÿ#%ÿ!&5%42(ÿ02FÿD&0ÿ(7110%)2@ÿ)%58(')0%'28)2@ÿ@2A2401C28)ÿÿ 3ÿ!"$$ÿi$ÿ ÿÿ !0CC'))22ÿ110'8)C28)(ÿ ÿ ÿ 8'A2%(')9ÿ0Bÿ07)&ÿ40%'@5ÿÿ2440D(&'1ÿ!08)%56)ÿh282D54ÿ !&5'%C58ÿ#'442%ÿ(07E&)ÿ5ÿC0)'08ÿ)0ÿ511%0A2ÿÿÿefgÿÿhijÿ kiiÿlmÿfkngÿegkgnkjÿgiÿkgiÿopoÿoÿqrÿÿ#2CF2%(ÿ 01580ÿ0))ÿ58@ÿs5EE082%ÿD2%2ÿ5F(28)ÿ 3ÿ!"$ÿ#ÿ ÿÿ #"ÿ6&004ÿ5B2)9ÿ)7@9ÿ58@ÿ01ÿÿh210%)ÿ #(ÿ'(5ÿ'4A5ÿ#"ÿ'8)%0@762@ÿ)&2ÿ')2Cÿÿ#2((%(ÿ!&%'()01&2%ÿt2442%ÿ '8@542"4'A2%ÿ58@ÿ((06'5)2(ÿ860%10%5)2@ÿ58@ÿ#5))&2Dÿs25A2%ÿ42C28)ÿ 8E'822%'8Eÿi%071ÿ!ÿE5A2ÿ5ÿ1%2(28)5)'08ÿ'8ÿF56GE%078@ÿC5)2%'54ÿ58@ÿ 2 1078@2@ÿ08ÿ(5B2)9ÿ%260CC28@5)'08(ÿÿ#%ÿ#26&58'GÿD58)2@ÿ645%'B'65)'08ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿ !ÿ!"#ÿ$%&' ($%ÿ)ÿ0$12'&3ÿ&4((5'3(ÿ$%ÿ!"#ÿ4#64!7ÿÿ847ÿ94##%ÿ(3#1ÿ $)ÿ(! 1#%!(ÿ5#4#ÿ4$1$%@ÿ$&A&'#(ÿ!ÿ(&"'7ÿÿ8A4ÿ 41ÿ$%B $4#1ÿ !ÿ 4#(!4$&!$%@ÿ6#40$(($C#ÿ0C#0#%!(ÿ$%ÿ (Aÿ&44$14(7ÿÿ D#(6%1$%@ÿ!ÿ E00$(($%#4ÿ8 40%ÿ847ÿF#C#4ÿ&%)$40#1ÿE"4!#4ÿ(&"'(ÿ5#4#ÿ$%&' 1#1ÿ$%ÿ !"#ÿ(! 1A7ÿÿG''5$%@ÿ&00#%!(ÿ%ÿ %()#ÿ(&"'ÿ&4(($%@(ÿE"$40%ÿ8$''#4ÿ (3#1ÿ)4ÿÿ0!$%ÿ!ÿ664C#ÿ!"#ÿ$!#07ÿÿHIPQRSTUVQÿXVQSYRVTRIÿYIÿUI`abcÿ YaRIQbabÿdeÿHIUUSYYSIQafÿgaUhcÿVQbÿRVffSabÿipSfiaaQÿiIÿqafIrÿs8#0#4(ÿ6%ÿ !!ÿ%1ÿF@@%#4ÿ5#4#ÿ(#%!7tÿ ÿu7ÿÿ v'%ÿw$''(4 @"ÿ!4!#@$&ÿv'%ÿxÿD#(' !$%ÿ)ÿ 664!ÿ 8(7ÿu#!"ÿ'1#%ÿ8vyÿ#& !$C#ÿ$4#&!4ÿ( 004$#1ÿ!"#ÿ$!#07ÿÿ 847ÿ 8#&"%$3ÿ$%B $4#1ÿ !ÿ!"#ÿ$%!#@4!$%ÿ)ÿ'%1ÿ (#ÿ%1ÿ!4%(64!!$%ÿ(ÿÿ &#%!4'ÿ!"#0#ÿ$%ÿ!"#ÿ6'%7ÿÿE"$40%ÿ8$''#4ÿ( @"!ÿÿ0!$%ÿ!ÿ&&#6!ÿ!"#ÿ 6'%7ÿÿHIUUSYYSIQafÿgaUhÿYIÿUI`abcÿYaRIQbabÿdeÿHIPQRSTUVQÿXVQSYRVTRIcÿVQbÿ RVffSabÿipSfiaaQÿiIÿqafIrÿÿs8#0#4(ÿ6%ÿ!!ÿ%1ÿF@@%#4ÿ5#4#ÿ(#%!7tÿ 7ÿÿDvyDÿ 7ÿ u (ÿD6$1ÿ4%($!ÿsuDtÿ6$&(ÿ%1ÿ0#4@$%@ÿ#&"%'@Aÿÿ 8(7ÿ'1#%ÿ$%!41 &#1ÿ47ÿD#4!ÿu#4!$%$ÿ%1ÿ847ÿ#%%$(ÿw$%# @"ÿGÿ E#%!#4ÿ)4ÿ4%ÿ4%(64!!$%ÿD#(#4&"ÿ5"ÿ@C#ÿÿ64#(#%!!$%ÿ&%!$%#1ÿ $%ÿ&3@4 %1ÿ0!#4$'7ÿÿ E00$(($%#4ÿ #06ÿ( @"!ÿ$%)40!$%ÿ%ÿ &%!4''#1ÿ&44$14(ÿ)4ÿ !0!#1ÿC#"$&'#(ÿ%1ÿ#'#C!#1ÿuDÿ&&#((7ÿ
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