Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-25-1986 The BG News April 25, 1986 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 25, 1986" (1986). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4523. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4523 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 1 ' Don't forget to turn your clock ahead Sunday! THE BG NEWS Vol. 68 Issue 116 Bowling Green, Ohio Friday, April 25,1986 Proposal links aid cut to peace pact WASHINGTON (AP)-A letter by ates a historic opportunity for us to end sation of support to irregular forces." ing a free press, inside Nicaragua. restating existing policy. A State De- presidential envoy Philip Habib, de- the contra war. He said the United States would "sup- partment official said yesterday that claring the Reagen administration port and abide" bv implementation of SLATTERY SAID yesterday that the the U.S. position wasn't new. would end aid for the contra rebels Rep. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, also a foe of an agreement fulfilling the objectives of letter "makes very clear that if Nicara- when Nicaragua signs a proposed peace contra aid, called the letter "a very the Contadora peace effort if Nicaragua gua signs.. .then U.S. aid to the contras The Contadora nations are pushing agreement, is being seen as a potential profound basis for reconciliation." does likewise. would terminate." for a signing of a draft peace agreement breakthrough for ending the conflict in The Contadora objectives include Nobody is certain whether Reagan of the five Central American countries, Central America. In the letter dated April 11, Habib specific steps to eliminate the military would agree. The president Wednesday including Nicaragua, on June 6. That Rep. Jim Slattery, D-Kan., an oppo- said the United States interprets exist- threat by Nicaragua to its neighbors restated a strong commitment to the probably would occur before the House nent of contra aid and a recipient ot the ing draft proposals by the so-called and also new elections and the restora- contras. votes again on Reagan's request for letter, said yesterday, "I think it cre- Contadora nations "as requiring a ces- tion of democratic institutions, includ- In his letter, Habib said he was only $100 million in contra aid. Aid bill GSS criticizes list debated Notes to tan by of local housing (Below) About 1500 people enjoy the sunshine and listen byCISG to music from the Dan by Dave Harding Tonia Stewart, director of off- Peek Band in the Carrillon chief copy editor campus housing, said the crite- Park. (Left) On the steps ria used in establishing the hous- of the Education Building, The cabinet of Graduate Stu- ing list was that landlords sign by Caroline Langer Dan Peek, sings along with staff reporter dent Senate has unanimously an agreement with the off-cam- guitarist Keith Compton criticized a graduate student Eus housing office promising not Members of the Undergrad- right) during the UAO-spon- housing list submitted by the > discriminate and to attend the uate Student Government are sored concert yesterday af- Off-Campus Housing Office. University housing fair. debating a resolution supporting ternoon. The cabinet objected because Stewart said her office was not an act which may protect stu- several of the housing units on allowed to inspect rental prop- dent financial aid against cuts the list were geared more to erties, so rating the quality of a imposed by the Gramm- undergraduate students than complex could not be a factor in Rudman budget-balancing law. graduate students. developing the list. The USG resolution states that David Anderson, president of passing the Higher Education the GSS, said a preferred hous- ANDERSON SAID a pre- Reauthorization Act would be "a ing list should consider the spe- ferred housing list rating land- means of ensuring and main- cific needs of graduate students. lords should also be developed. taining adequate funding for "Graduate students need "There should be some fair federal financial aid," and housing that is quiet and pri- and accurate system of rating would protect against Gramm- vate," Anderson said. "Grad landlords so students will know Rudman Hollings, "which has students could be doing work at who the good and bad landlords the potential of eliminating home potentially 24 hours a day, are." Anderson said. $1,186,000 students from student- and, like was said in The Break- Jim Davidson, assistant pro- aid rolls." fast Club, they don't need a fessor in EDFI and First Ward The resolution was drafted by heavy metal barf party going on councilman, said a preferred president-elect Kelly McCoy and next door. That's not graduate housing list for graduate stu- introduced during the April 7 student housing." dents is a vital need but said any USG meeting and tabled for the Anderson said he was con- list of this sort has been opposed third time on Monday. cerned incoming graduate stu- by community landlords. dents would find that the list "Landlords have done any- Dean Berish, USG representa- would mislead them. thing they can to squelch a pre- tive opposed to the resolution, "Incoming graduate students ferred housing list," Davidson said "the act is so in-depth and have no one to check this list said. so complicated ... I think it's a with, so if housing is misrepre- Davidson said a preferred bit risky to support an act we sented then students are not housing list would eventually don't understand and I think helped," Anderson said. D See Housing, page 3 that was brought out at the said the resolution is coming too soon because hear- ings concerning the constitution- Lions, tigers and ality of Gramm-Rudman began on Wednesday, thus the bill is not yet fully approved. "It seems the resolution is asking for funds before funds get bears - oh my! cut," he said- McCoy disagrees. "I think it's something we by Melissa McGilllvray (USG) should support because it staff reporter will give us, as students, lever- age in lobbying for student aid," After a long day at Springfest, some students may start seeing she said. elephants before their eyes. This is no reason for an eye exam or a breathalizer test. LIMAS FORTE, assistant di- The creatures probably belong to the Royal Hanneford Circus, rector of financial aid and stu- which is performing this Sunday in Anderson Arena. dent employment, said the The 33u-year-old circus will visit the campus because of a positive resolution could have an impact response last year, said Kevin Cleary, director of athletic promo- if all universities would lobby tions. for it. "It's a good type of family and community event to bring here to McCoy said she was willing to campus, Cleary said. "It's a lot of fun for people of all ages and that work with those who opposed the includes college kids." resolution In order to draft a The Hanneford Circus is the second largest in the world, next to document that would enable her Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey, Cleary said. to contact legislators. The troupe's claim to fame is its animal acts, he said. "I can't take action without "Their trick riding is supposedly the best in the world," Geary the consent of the General As- said. That's how they started out.' sembly," she said. The act passed 360-59 in the THEIR START was in 1621, when Michael Hanneford began the House of Representatives and Is first show of its kind in England. Hanneford displayed horsemanship now in the Senate, McCoy said. by dancing and leaping on the bare back of a galloping horse. It will come up for full voting in The Hanneford family has continued and expanded the tradition, May. performing in movies, TV shows and circuses around the world. State Representative Delbert The Hanneford Circus was also the first to incorporate the ring, Latta, R-Bowilng Green, voted horse and clown in one circus. against the act because he be- Sunday's circus will bring not only horses and elephants to lieved it would result in too great Anderson Arena, but also a lion taming act, he said. a cut-one billion dollars- A prelude to Sunday's event will be at Springfest, where students from the amount of aid available can meet the largest animal stars of the circus - the elephants, the previous year, said a staff Cleary said. member in his Washington of- "At Springfest, we're doing elephant rides," Cleary said. "Ifa fice. BG News/Jacqule Pearson mostly for the (younger) kids, but anyone can participate." McCoy said she was not sure D See Circus, page 5. where the one billion dollars in cuts would be made. "There are parts of the act that need to be amended. But we need a higher education act in Roller found guilty of disorderly conduct statute to set ceilings because times during the last seven attorney. The defense said that is all we have to combat A University professor yester- derly conduct after the He was arrested in August day was found guilty of a re- importuning charge was dis- during an Investigation of im- months, marks the end of those Bachman was biased in the Gramm-Rudman Hollings," she portuning and indecent expo- cases.
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