DURHAM, NORTH CAROs.'^ ' DilBtim COUNTY LIBRARY : I: Everett Waddey Co. j Stationers, Engravers, Lithographers Printers, PubHshers, Bookbinders Blank Book Makers I i ;)V. M ly; !:i3 di) i:^' ^ c^ li^ iv9 lir MM ^' ^3 1^ li? ^^ di tv;?j 1^*1 ;j:^ ly^ BANK STATIONERY DEPARTMENT kITH our modem, well-equipped Daily Balance Bank Ledger Tellers' Balance Books Printing Office and Book Collection and Note Ticklers W Registers and Cash Books Bindery, we solicit the largest as Remittance Books well as the most exacting business. Statement Books Savings Depositors' Ledgers Having for years supplied the county, Lithographed Checks city and professional trade, we are Drafts and Receipts Certificates of Deposit in a position to serve with assurance Debit and Credit Slips of satisfaction. : : : : : : : : : Statement Blanks Deposit Tickets Coin Wrappers Coin Bags STEEL & COPPERPLATE ^H^ ENGRAVING DEP'T Letterheads Professional Stationery Wedding Invitations Announcements Visiting Cards Our Legal Forms are used Society Work Menus, Programs and throughout the State. Engraving of every description ;*>&;S3iiiifi)6)i!j)tv''6ii5j!!j;'iscJj6iii!5)ii>i<5);ft& Office and Salesroom, 1105 East Main Street . Factory, . , 1 aud 3 South Eleventh Street 0£Bce Furniture Dep't, 7 and 9 South Twelfth Street RICHMOND, VIRGINIA WRITE FOR ILJ-''STRATED CA4;aL0' Everett Waddey Co. Office Outfitters DURHAM, N. C. Directory 190T-8 Published by HILL DIRECTORY CO. Containing a General and Business Directory, a Guide to the Streets of Durham, N. C, Together with Much Useful Information Classified as Miscellaneous. SEE GENERAL INDEX, PAGE 10. [5 .b(. '12567 Member Association American Directory Publishers. COPYRIGHT 1907 BY HILL DIRECTORY CO. "t»rice, $4 00 For Sale by DURHAM BOOK & STATIONERY CO, 112 W. Main St. HILL DIRECTORY CO., Publishers, Durham, N. C, and Richmond, Va. Preface THIRTY YEARS AGO AN INSIGNIFICANT VILLAGE WITH A POPULA- TION OF SOME FIVE HUNDRED. TO-DAY A CITY OF TWENTY THOUSAND INHABITANTS; CONTAINING MORE WEALTH, LARGER MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES AND GREATER SCHOOL FACILITIES THAN ANY OTHER CITY IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. THE CITY OF DURHAM had its birth in the dark days of the Civil War. Indeed, Durham is one of the results of that conflict. The story goes, and is doubtless true, that while encamped near Durham in 18G5, the Union soldiers, foraging for whatever they might lay hands on, seized a quantity of tobacco belonging to the oldest inhabitant and found the flavor so peculiarly suited to their taste that after the war was over and the soldiers had returned to their homes in the North, they wrote back to Durham for more tobacco of the same quality as that which they had appropriated. They were accommodated with one supply, then another, until, as a result of this trading, an industry was created which to-day as- sumes enormous and gigantic proportions. Major William A. Guthrie tells the story that he stood on the steps of the First National Bank in Durham on one bright June morning and was ai> preached by a stranger, who inquired, "Where is the back country from which this town draws its trade? Here is Chapel Hill and Hillsboro on the west, both within twelve miles; Roxboro on the north, within twenty-five miles; Raleigh on the east, and Pittsboro on the south, and I'd just like to know where this town comes in at." "Well," says the Major, "just step across the railroad here with me, and I will point out some of the back country you want to know about." He took him to the "Bull Factory," into the shipping department, and there on the floor lay case after case of tobacco marked for shipment, some consigned to San Francisco, Tokio and Alexan- dria, some to Calcutta, New Zealand and St. Petersburg. "These," says the Major, "are a part of the backwoods from which this town draws its trade." One of the most hopeful features connected with the growth of Durham has been the steadiness which has characterized its development, and the additional fact that its expansion has been an "all round" one, not confined to any one industry, but comprehending all in its breadth, and embracing every feature of commercial and municipal activity; this is especially grati- fying, as our city, while always one of the first, in the estimation of the world, as a tobacco manufacturing center, is noted for the quantity and excellence of its product in this line. POPULATION. 'I'he last government census taken in 1900 gave Durham a population of 8,000. The General Assembly of 1901 increased the area of the corporate limits from one square mile to 3.83 square miles, taking into the city a large "It Shines for AH" The Durham Sun JAS. A. ROBINSON Owner and Editor Established 1889 Every Afternoon EXCEPT SUNDAY 5 cents a week ^ HAS A LARGE CITY CIRCULATION, AND ADVERTISING ARE REASONABLE 1 RATES ( C. C. Thomas, President W. M. Yearby, Vice-Pres. Merchants Banl^ Durham, N. C. J. B. Warren, Vice-Pres. P. S. Hutchins, Cashier D. A. BAKER & CO. Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES COUNTRY PRODUCE, ETC. Also Dealers in Wood and Coal 116 Parrish Street Phone 582 $100 Reward The Association of American Direc- tory Publishers will pay $100 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons attempting to collect money on fraudulent directory adver- tisements. WILLIAM H. BATES, Secretary. 89 Third Av., New York City PREFACE. 9 number of suburban inhabitants. Wliile no government census has been taken since lUOO, in 1906 a census was taken under the direction of the Board of Aldermen, showing the population within the corporate limits to be 18,005; that of East Durham, 2,149; that of West Durham, 2,283, and that of other suburbs, 1,117, making a total of 23,554. Since that time the popula- tion has continued to increase rapidly. Durham is located twenty-eight miles west of Raleigh, the State Capital, and fifty-two miles east of the city of Greensboro. Is the center of the "Golden Tobacco Belt" of North Carolina, and has radiating iu every direc- tion five separate and distinct lines of railway, viz.: the Southern, the Sea- board, the Norfolli. and Western, the Durham and Southern and the Dur- ham and South Carolina. The Raleigh and Pamlico and the Durham and Charlotte are two more lines soon to be added to the present number. In point of railroad facilities Durham surpasses any other tow-n in the State. Durham is considered to be the weatlhiest town in North Carolina, and, according to government statistics, at the time the last census was taken, the wealthiest city in the United States, population being considered. The County and State tax rate is S3 cents on the $100, while that of the city is $1.10 on the $100. The most prominent lines of manufacture in Durham is that of tobacco and cotton. Two of the largest tobacco factories in the world and five of the largest cotton factories of the South are located in Durham. Aside from the manufacture of tobacco and cotton goods, Durham has the largest cloth bag and pouch factory and hosiery mill in the country, their product being sold in large quantities throughout many States. BAXivixG r.iciLrriES. In 1SS3 there was only one banking house in Durham—Eugene Morehead & Co. at that time established the first bank with a capital of $50,000, and deposits reaching not more than $200,000. At the present time we have five banking institutions with a combined capital stock and surplus of $814,326,37, and deposits amoimting to $2,658,497.96. Durham has an abundant supply of good, pure water, good streets and sidewalks, a complete up-to-date sewerage system sufficient for a city of 200,000 people. The city is lighted by gas and electricity. A Fire Depart- ment equal to all demands, as shown by the total loss in 1906 of $7,500; a good street system; also an up-to-date telegraph and telephone service. In summing up, we can say that Durham is an up-to-date city, always reaay to accept any new idea that will aid in its general uplift. There are seven railroads entering Durham, which is more than any other city in the State has. Any one wishing further information about Durham, can secure it prompt- ly by writing the SECRETARY DURHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 7 General Index General Index , jq Al)l)i'eviati(]iis ,. .^ ;>;> Advertisers Index to , ^ n Alpliabctical Li.st (if Xamcs 'j'J-'SO'j Banks V.'. '.".".'.'. IS Bnsiness Directory . ,. _ _, ;5()5 Cemeteries ., -[^f) Chandler of Coninicree _ >i Churches l')--'l City Government 23 Clubs ^^^y.....\^^^^'y.... vyy -21 Colleges and Schools. ...,...., , .>i Connncrcial Organizations ->! County Government ..,.., ..,...,'"' ,. ., ,. 15 Courts 16 Fire Department . J3 General Directory , ;];3-303 (iovernment of Durham .''... 16 Government of North Carolina , , . 16 Government of United ' States _ , ,. _ _ , 17 Guide to Streets of Durham 27-32 Hospitals and Asylums .1. ......... ., 22 Inde.x to Advertisements " " , ..,.., j^j Lihi-aries .>., Places of Amusement etc. .: ,. .,. ... ->o Police Department .'. 14 Post Office Department 1 , Public Schools , ' ' ,. ., ' , V 14 Schools and Colleges ...:..., oj Societies —Secret ....,..,...., •'^-''.^ Street— ^Guide to. 97-?'^ . ' State Government ^ ig United States Courts and Officers ..,...,. .,..,... 16 United States Govermnent I7 United States Post Office '. [ 17 Index to Advertisements Baker D A & Co front fly and inside baolc cover Blacknall R & Son. top lines Cameron 1) B liaek tiy-leaf Gates J B -S^^ Citizens Xational Bank front eover Durham Catering Co back cover '' Dnrliani Snn i Durham Ligiit (.V Power Co front cuver Electrical Construction Co liottom lines Fidelity Bank (The) 4 Firsit National Bank hack cover and side lines Fitzo-erald Drug Co frunt cover Fowler Livery & Live Stock Co side lines and i)age ') Gaskins II A bottom lines and page 117 GrisAvold Insurance ik- Bcal Estati' Co.
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