Church Bulletin for April 21, 2019 ! ! Church of the ! Annunciation ! ! Ludlow, VT ! Holy Name ! Of Mary ! ! Proctorsville, VT ! Father Thomas Mosher, Pastor ! Lord’s Day Mass Schedule ! ! ! Saturday !! 4:30 P.M. ! Sunday !!8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. ! Sunday !! 9:30 A.M. (Proctorsville) ! ! Holy Days and Daily Masses: As scheduled in the bulletin ! ! Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:45 to 4:15 P.M. ! Tuesday 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. ! Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage: By appointment ! Sacrament of the Sick: Please call the Parish Priest at 802 228 3451 ! ! New Parishioners: Welcome! Please pick up the registration forms ! at the Church entry ways, fill in your information and mail to the Parish office. ! ! PARISH OFFICE HOURS 7 Depot Street ! Ludlow, Vermont 05149 ! Tuesday 8:00 AM 3:00 PM; Friday 8 AM 12:00 PM ! ! Phone: 802 228 3451 ! Email: [email protected] ! Fax: 802 228 7012 ! Website: www.okemovalleycatholicparishes.com ! AȾȾɅȾȳȹȱɄȹȿȾ ȿȶ Ʉȸȵ BȼȵɃɃȵȴ VȹɂȷȹȾ Mȱɂɉ ! Hȿȼɉ NȱȽȵ ȿȶ Mȱɂɉ PȱɂȹɃȸ ! ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR THE WEEK ! ! SATURDAY April 20 ABVM ! ! 8:00 PM Solemn Easter Vigil Please pray for our Sick Members (Note: If you are Pro Populo ! wanting a name added or removed from the sick list, please ! let the Parish Office know via email or phone). Robert Martin, SUNDAY April 21 ABVM ! Joel Rivera, Rosa Maria Santos, Ashley Fountain, Dan Fasolino, 8:00 AM Ned & Eileen Endress ! Dorothea Mongulla, Denis Tanguay, Michael Pratico, Mr. Kosh, ! Geraldine Miller, Bernadette Pickel, Castiel Anderson, Maurice Doucette. ! 9:30 AM Wanda Wierzbicki HNM ! ! ! ! Please remember our Faithful Departed By Kamelia Wierzbicki Albert J. Cavoto, Eleanor Krieger, Don Laundry, Landon Palatino, ! ! ! Tony Ciufo, Lynn Smith, Francis McLaughlin, Winnie Merritt, Jean 11:00 AM Jeannette Conderino ABVM ! Birdsey, Howard Barton, Jr., John Wheeler, George McCarthy, ! Robert Billings, Al Springer, Timothy Clouart , Allen DuBois, Robert By Phil Conderino ! ! Raymond Kirkbride, Jim Ghia. MONDAY April 22 ABVM ! 8:00 AM ! Robert Billings ! ! ! ! Lectors at Annunciation Church ! TUESDAY April 23 ABVM ! This weekend: I. Montgomery/J. McLaughlin/R. Dunseith, ! 5:30 PM ! Tony Ciufo ! J. Corrigan, R. Martin ! ! Next weekend: J. McLaughlin, A. Gardner, H. Miele ! ! ! WEDNESDAY April 24 HNM ! 8:00 AM Jim Ghia ! Ushers at Annunciation ! This weekend: D. Sheehan/D. Burns, J. Nicoll, T. Gurdak By HNM Altar Society ! ! ! Carter, !! ! ! Next weekend: D. Sheehan, J. Nicoll, T. Gurdak Carter, ! THURSDAY April 25 A.& B. Centini ! NO MASS ! ! ! Eucharistic Ministers ! FRIDAY ! April 26 ABVM ! ! ! This weekend: S. Bixby, M. Barton, C. Hudgings 8:00 AM Don Laundry Next Weekend: C. Hudgings, B.Fischer, S. Bixby, J. Nevin ! ! ! SATURDAY April 27 ABVM ! Lectors at Holy Name of Mary ! 4:30 PM Leta Hudgings ! This Sunday: K. Wierzbicki ! By Clay Hudgings ! Next Weekend: K. Wierzbicki ! ! SUNDAY April 28 ABVM ! 8:00 AM William Garrow, III ! By Mary & Howard Barton ! No Coffee Hour this weekend at ABVM. ! ! ! 9:30 AM Anthony Phillips HNM ! Next Coffee Hour at HNM will be ! By HNM Altar Society ! ! ! ! ! April 28th.. ! ! ! ! 11:00 AM Pro Populo ABVM ! ! HOW TO PUT OUR PARISH IN YOUR WILL : ! After providing for your families and loved ones, pa- rishioners may want to include the Parish in your wills, thus helping to assure the long-term future of the Parish and the ! PARISH SUPPORT work that must continue in generations to come. Bequests are April 8th ! free of estate tax and can substantially reduce the amount of Collection ! your assets claimed by the government. You can give needed ABVM ! support to either of our Parishes by simply including the fol- ! ! ! $1,471 ! lowing words in your will: "I give, devise and bequeath to ! Church of the Annunciation Parish Charitable Trust in Ludlow, ! Vermont… or… Holy Name of Mary Parish Charitable Trust HNM $433 in Proctorsville, Vermont (insert amount being given here) to be used to support the ministry of the Parish". ! A bequest can be a specific amount, a specific piece of property, a percentage of an estate, or all or part of the resi- due of an estate. You can also name the Parish as a contingen- cy beneficiary in the event someone named in your will is no longer living. It is recommended that a lawyer help in drafting or amending a will. ! Aɀɂȹȼ 21, 2019 ! EȱɃɄȵɂ SɅȾȴȱɉ ! ! ! THE CHURCH’S EASTER HYMN ! THE EASTER ICON ! During Eastertide we will sing the “Regina Caeli” at the ! end of Mass, replacing the Prayer to Saint Michael. This Displayed in front of the altar at is an ancient tradition, and the hymn is easy to learn. The Annunciation is a reproduction of a English translation is found below for your convenience. ! medieval icon of the Lord’s Resurrec- ! tion. Let’s take a close look at it in Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia… ! order to gather what the Iconographer attempts to inform us. O Queen of heaven, rejoice, ! First of all, we look at the figure of the Risen Christ. In His ! Risen form, he appears quite young, looking, as it were, Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia… ! rested and rejuvenated from His three days in the tomb. The The Son whom you merited to bear, ! clothing He is wearing is not the cloth in which He was bur- ! ied. The Gospel accounts tell us that the the burial cloths Ressurexit sicut dixit, alleluia… ! were neatly folded in the tomb. The shroud of Turin, which Has risen as He said, ! is revered as His burial cloth, shows that He was thoroughly ! unclothed inside the shroud, so He would have departed the Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia… ! tomb in the same manner. The Iconographer dresses the Pray for us to God. ! Lord in splendid garments for His post Resurrection appear- ance. ! ! SETTING THE DATE FOR EASTER ! In His left hand, the Lord is carrying His Resurrection While the Feast of Christmas is always celebrated on banner. Equally elegant as His clothing, there is an image on December the 25th, Easter is a “movable feast.” Why does the banner, partially blocked, of a lamb, manifesting Christ it move? And how do we calculate the date each year? as the Lamb of God. The pole holding the banner is topped And why do Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on a with an empty Cross, the symbol of His victory over death. different date? ! His right hand is raised in blessing those who will gaze rev- Prior to the council of Nicea in 325 AD, churches erently upon this icon. Note that the nail prints in His hands around the Christian world celebrated Easter at various times. In order to bring unity among the churches, the and feet remain even in His glorified body. This symbolizes Council Fathers created a formula that would calculate the that He will take both His own woundedness, and ours as date for Easter for everyone. From that time on, Easter well, with Him to heaven. He is shown having just stepped would be observed on the first Sunday that occurs after out of a sarcophagus rather than from a tomb carved in rock, the first full moon, which follows the vernal (Spring) probably because the tomb as background would detract our equinox, but always after the Jewish Passover. The vernal attention from the figure of the Lord. A closer look behind equinox was set at that time at March the 21st. The Jewish the sarcophagus reveals a section of the Holy Cross on Passover is observed on the 15th day of the Hebrew which the Lord gave His life for us. ! month of Nisan, the first month of the year for the Jewish ! calendar. Passover is celebrated for eight days, with sever- ! In the lower foreground are the guards, dressed anachro- al ceremonial traditions. It was important for the Church to celebrate Easter nistically in medieval garb, and holding the weapons with after Passover in order to preserve the sequence of the which they guarded the tomb. They are bedazzled by the events leading up to the Lord’s Last Supper, Passion and Lord’s appearance. To the right are the three women as de- Death. Celebrating Easter, or “Resurrection Day” before scribed in the Gospels of Mark and Luke, approaching the the Jewish Passover would disrupt the original sequence tomb with the spices and myrrh with which they had of events. However, when the Catholic Church switched planned to anoint the Lord’s body. Looking closely, you can from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in see the jars they are carrying. And look at how elegantly 1582, there was a forward movement which eliminated Saint Mary Magdalene, in the front of this small assembly, eleven days from the calendar, which gave us the 365 days we now observe. From this time on, the Church no ! is dressed. This is not the garb of a sinful woman, but of a ! soul in touch with the Presence of God in Christ, equally longer determined that Easter should follow Passover. The Orthodox Church held on to the Nicean Council’s demonstrated by her halo. The women are unable to see be- formula, rejecting the Gregorian calendar’s updates, deter- yond the Angel of the Resurrection, an androgynous figure mining that the vernal equinox falls on April 3rd, as in the who demonstrates he is angelic rather than human. The an- former Julian calendar. So, their celebration, also a mova- gel informs them that the Lord has been raised from the ble feast, coincides with the Roman Catholic dates for dead, and shows them the evidence of this great mystery. In Easter on some rare occasions, depending on the lunar his right hand, the angel holds a mace, the symbol of Christ cycle for that year.
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