. ............ ... SERVING THE NEWPORT - MESA COMtv\UNmES SINCE 1907 ON THE WEB: WWW.DAILYPILOT. COM SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2001 FootQalllegend has big_things Bruin • Former UCLA coach and Balboa Island resident George Seifert took over the whose 151 wins mdke turn head coaching duties from the wmnmgest COdCh in Teny Donahue talks about being the successor Walsh after the 1988 season. Pac-10 history, hds taken a to the San Fr~cisco 49ers great Bill Walsh. ·At the 49ers, that's JUSt hands-on role in 49er play­ what happens,• Donahue er moves. said during a Friday phone Donahue sd1d he Pa ul Cllnton Walsh, the niastermind of the interview. "It's not an intimi­ worked closely with Walsh D AILY PILOT NFL's team during the '80s. dating type of situation. You during the April 21-22 NFL The situation reminded just take it in stride.• draft. The 49ers gave up a NEWPORT BEACH - him of 1976, when he was Donahue, 56, can afford first- and third-round pick Terry Donahue knows what named head football coach to be relaxed. He has. spent so they could use the sev­ it's like to follow a legend of UCLA to replace Dick the last three years worlting enth overall pick on defen­ When the .Balboa Island Vermeil. closely with Walsh as his sive end Andre Carter from resident was elevated to the And .Donahue, who built handpicked successor as Cal Berkeley, nght in their general manager's job arlhe a home here on the ISiand director of player personnel backyard. Balboa Island resident Terry Donahue, left. stands with Coach San Francisco 49ei;'s on May 2, almost four years ago, isn't and assistant GM. Steve Marlucd of the San Francisco 49ers. Donahue was he replaced football great Bill the first to replace Walsh. The former UCLA coach, SEE FOOTBALL PAGE AB named -general manager for the team, replacing Bill Wal.Sb. Campbell· says new plants are answer • Assemblyman dlides • Gov. Gray Davis for his failure to lead during the state's energy crisis. Paul Clinton D AILY PILOT NEWPORT BEACH - Assem­ blyman John Campbell (R-1.rvine) delivered~ sobering message Fn­ day to local busmessmen and ciVIc leaders about the state's ongoing energy cnsis. Venting his frustrallon over what he said was Gov. Gray Davis' ·failure to get a handle on the situ­ ation, Campbell called for faster approval of new power plants and less bond debt to pay for needed power. A Republlcan proposal to use $5 billion in general fund money to pay for part of the state's power purchases fell on the legislative scrap heap earlier in the week when Davis' $12 5-billion bond bill passed the Assembly on a 42- 29 vote Tuesday. Shyam Narain works on detail as part of a group of "You'll find it in the governor's shredder.· Campbel!_ said. •It 's simply a question of tahng lead­ ership. Thls governor doesn't do that.· • Campbell garnered rounds of loud applause after many of hls reqiarks. enc a Campbell spoke after a smoked-salmon lunch at the monthly meeting of the Orange UnderclOH Three Indian artisans are finishing a County Coast Assn. at the New­ 1upervlsJon. port Dunes. Costa Mesa week 's stay in Costa M esa and are on Marian Bergeson, a former resident assemblywoman and state sena­ Sanne their way to see more of the country tor, emceed the event and intro­ Beavin ts duced the freshman assembly­ invited Dffpa Bharath wheat bread, and bhaJI, a man, who was elected in Novem­ by tbe DAILY PILOT mishmash ol vegetables. ber. Bergeson lives m Newport craftsmen But for a week, Lal, Beach. ean burritos, sand­ Shyam Narain and Han· Bergeson praised Campbell's to try her wiches and egg rolls oath Patel have literally dedication to the district. band at Bdon't make much tasted a piece of America •1reany feel we're pnvileged to working op , sense to Surya Lal. as they demonstrated their have John on the Cront lines,• the rug. The 28-year-old carpet craft to visitors at Glab­ Bergeson said. weaver from Saraicha­ man's Furniture and Interior Among those lo attendaJ)ce trashah, a tiny village near Design in Costa Mesa, their were Newport Beach Councilman Varanasi on the banks of second stop in a nation­ Tod Ridgeway, Seal Beach Mayor the river Ganges, ls proba­ wjde, three-month tour. Patricia Campbell (who is not bly more used to rice related to Campbell) and Laguna cakes, roUJs. or rustic SEE WEAVING PAGE A 10 Beach Counalman Wayne Baglln. uspected tire thief wheeled into trouble IU\ICH TUI r'll OT ' . Officers Charle F~ . 42, and Rachel Hall, 29, were treated at Hoag Hospital for minor injuries. Starling was ta.ken to West­ ern Medkal Center in Santa Ana, where he ls still receiving treatment for a collapted lung, broken ribs and other injuries, pollceMid. M ot Priday, he wu liited tn ltable c:Ondition. But PlMcb· er J4dd :PoUce haven't yet quet· llOD9d lmD· became he ii ltil1 ~ . .... re11w AMI ... nm die ....................==~=-~~ .. 4 t I I f I 't t • ST. JOACHIM 'CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Joachim catholic Church seeks to bulld a community of love, Justke end peace. by celebrating, serving and proclaiming the Gospef to the world. The worship Is euchanstk and sacramental liturgy. A vlgU Mass is held at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. English Maues are Sun­ day at 6:30, 9!30 and 11 a.m. ands p.m. (youth Mass). Spanish Masses ere at 8 e . ~ ., 12:~0 _ and 7 p.m. Sunday. Child care Is provided for most morning Masses. Josep~ R. Robillard is senior pastor. The parish Is at 1964 Orange ANe., Costa Mesa., . Information. (949)-674-7400 . - Daily Pilot pfmothers, daugh~ers and"God "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel, Mother.• - AbiMaln Uncoln ' c ontrary to what you may think., your mother did not wake up this morning and ask herself, 'How can I make my daughter's life miserable todayl' • 1 said to a room full of mothers and . daughters. "And mothers, that is not your daughter's goal in life either.• Everybody laughed. Last week, I spoke at a mother-daughter tea. The group chose a garden theme, so I spoke about how to grow a healthy relationship. As with any growing gardens, we · need to know what to Gndylrone weed, what to seed and Christeson what to feed for them to flourish. THE MORAL OF I said that there is no other relationship quite THE· STORY like that of mother and OOH LEACH I DA.LY 1'1.0T daughter. I acknowledged that some girls were muttering to themselves The Delivery Boys from Vanguard University are, from left, Brandon Tyra. Shawn York. Jeff Hanson and Tim Lanon. with thoughts like, "Good thing, one of these relationships is more than enough.• I also knew that some of the mothers were asking themselves, "Did I put my mother through this?" But I also knew that many of them had great relationships with one another. •Nobody knows you like your mom,• I said. "You were once a part of her physically. but you're still very connected emotionally. It· is surprising when we hear our mother's words come out of our mouths or when we look in the mirror and see our mother looking Vanguard UniVersity's DeliVery. Boys will spend the summer back at us.• Once, when Kelly was younger, she gave spreading Christian philosophy to youth. me a big hug and said, "Mom, I feel like I've known you my whole life.• I smiled at her and said, ·well, as a matter Young Chang • .. ' Yo u CA N people make decisions in their lives,· of fact, honey. you have.• D AILY Pl.oT Hanson said. "It's the most Influential We both laughed. age.· · ,, God has blessed me &bundantly in my rela­ eing a Ouistian doesn't have to B E F UNN Y A ND He knows this firsthand. As a seyenth· . tionship with my mother, as well as my mean planting yourself in a cllu.rcb grader in Tucson. Ariz. he saw a ~ of daughters. I love talking to Oiem and being pew and singing age-old hymns. C OOL AN D Delivery Boys perform at a youth camp he together is better than eating dessert. I want­ B These four college stµdents - · was attending. ed to encourage the group to value their rela­ they're hip and have the look of a boy "I wanted to be one,• he remembers. tionships, to nourish and cherish them so that band - are as funny as stand-ups and LIV E YO U R LI FE which helped him end up where he is it is a bond, and not a bind. passionate like pastors. today. During adolescence, girls go back and forth Jeff Hanson. 20, wants to one day min­ FO R Gon. The team is noticeably' excited about its between wanting independence one minute, ister to youth. Shawn York, 23, is a music summer ahead. It'll be the "ultimate road and mom's comfort the next. It's like learning major and hopes to direct high school trip,• as Hanson puts it - fast food, ·days a new dance for everyone. choirs. Brandon 'I'pa, 20, wants a career in and nights crammed together whether "Girls, it's hard on us moms,• I explained. d.nematograpby. Tun Larson, 19, is head­ ery Boys, as most team members start they like it or not and, of course, the mis· ·we used to be your heroes, the ones you' ed for acting.
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