' ' v * . ¦ ' J "Don't ever dare to take your TURN TO THE college as a matter of course— EDITORIAL PAGE TO because, like democracy and freedom, many people you'll LEARN WHAT 10 never know anything about . PROMINENT SENIORS have broken their hearts to get it fo' ryou." HAVE TO SAY Alice Duer Miller ABOUT COLBY S* Bdar fitTian EieGted Deltas & Pi Lams Dr* William (X Brown As Men h Chief J ustic e Top Academic List To Be Gabe Lecturer At the meeting of the Men's Judicial Board, Thursday, March For Fall Semester The next Gabrielson. lecture will be given, by Dr. William O. 3, . the members electecLne-w officers for 1960-61. The Chief Justice The Recorder's office released the Brown, director of Boston University's African Studies Program and fraternity-sorority averages and rel- for this period is Sand , class of 1961. Sandy,, a member professor of sociology in the University's College of liberal Arts. y Boardman ative standings Monday, March 7. of Delta Kappa Epsilon, has been alumni chairman, and vice presi- Among the fraternities, Pi Lambda A member of the faculty since 1953, he was graduated from the dent, and is now corresponding secretary. He has been on the Judicial Phi " and Sigma Theta £si, who University of Texas in 1921 and received an MA. degree from South- Board since his sophomore year, and served as vice-president under ranked first and second respectively ern Methodist University and a Ph.I>. degree from the University of George Auchineloss, the outgoing second semester 1959, placed first Chicago. president. As Chief Justice he will and third in this semester's stand- He has taught at the University have a seat in. Student Government ings. In a couple of surprise jumps of Cincinnati and Howard Universi- with voting power. The other mem- Lambda Chi Alpha moved up five ty and served from 1946 to 1953 as bers of the board are : class of 1960- places to take second place and chief of the African Research " George Auchmeloss, Pete Rednor, Zeta Psi climbed three notches from Branch of the U.S. Department of Leon ' Nelson ; class or 1961 - Bob last place to take seventh place. State. During World War U he Burke, Don Clark ; class of 1962 - Except for „ Lambda Chi's ,212 served with the Office of Strategic Jim Bridgeman ; Bruce MTacPher- jump and Zete's .045 increase, this Services. son, secretary j and Frank Stephen- semester's averages are uniformly Dr. Brown, a former consultant to son, vice-president. lower than last semester' s. The low- the Ford Foundation on African af- Judicial Board functions,, not to ering of averages "put three fratern- fairs, has authored a book and many penalize the student, but *to give ities in a.jposition below the DTC:S articles on race problems and Af- him an opportunity to present his required house standing of 1.8. The rican affairs. , side of the story, and to try to TFC at its Monday meeting . an- He holds offices in the African find a solution which will help the nounced that the three houses would Studies Association, the Interna- student. It is felt that this past year receive letters of social warning. If tional African Institute and the In- has been a mild one, in which few they do not achieve 1.8 this June, stitute for Study of Differing Civ- major decisions have had to be they will be put on social probation ilizations and is a member of many made, possibly the result of the new for the following semester. professional societies, including the drinking regulations. Among the sororities Tri-Delt Chief Justice Boardman Mr. Vv illiam Brown American. Sociological Society, Am- On Sunday, March 6, the new moved from last place to first place, erican Population Association, and members of the Women's Judicial displacing the former top-ranker, International African Institute. Board were installed. After a talk Sorori ty Officers, Alpha Delta Pi. The biggest surprise Robert E. Strider by President Bixler on the import- was the drop of , the non-sorority av- ant role of the Women's Division in erages. Non-sorority girls usually the years ahead at Colby, Sandra Pan-Hell Mem bers have ranked equal to or better than Recently Attended Dr. Green To Hive Nolet, the new Chief Justice, was the sorority averages, but the sor- : installed by Jo Deans, the past Chosen For 1966 ority girls explain the difference by Nat •! Discussion Lecture Discussing Judicial head. The other ne*w mem- Initiation completed, the sorori- pointing out that increased schol- Dea,n Strider attended the fif- bers who were installed are as fol- ties have announced their officers astic emphasis on the part of the ¦ Ind ia In Transi tion lows : class of 1961 ' . - ' -Jeannette for 1960-61. sororities has probably accounted teenth meeting of the National Con- Dr. Theodore M. Green will pre- for difference, Benn, • Sue Forcade, and . Nancy Sally Peabody '61 heads Alpha : the * It should be ference on Higher. Education in Chi- sent the Phi Beta Kappa Lecture noted, vhawe>ver ' that^the,^spread Schneider ; i* class of 1962 - Patty Delta Pi's' ' ne"W; ' slate a#sprMdant: . , ©go tmg weei. More than 1500 par- at the Given Auditorium on Mon- Downs, Nancy Ela, and lael Swin- Serving under her are the follow- among the sorority averages is far day, March 14 at 8 p.m. The theme smaller that the spread among the ticipants from public and private neyj class of 1963 .;- Jean Eielson, ing girls : vice-president Betsy of - pre. Green's talk is to be "India ^ fraternity averages. colleges and universities and gov- Anne Quirion, and Sue Schaeff. Harper '61; recording secretary, in Transition", and will discuss the The averages follow: Bebe Clark '61 j treasurer, Kathy ernment agencies focused on the current Indian view of America'. FRATERNITY STANDINGS VACATION CUTS , Hertzberg '62 corresponding secre- theme "Platform for Higher Edu- The doctor will be arriving at Semester I, 1950 60 Section 6 of the Attendance ' tary, Lou Hahlbohm '61 ; chaplain, cation : Guide Lines for the 60's. Colby Sunday evening and will stay Regulations (Gray Book, page 6) Sue .Maher '61 ; scholarship chair- 1. Pi Lambda Phi 2.184 2. Lambda Chi Alpha 2.136 Thirty discussion groups were with the Bixlers during, his visit. t : "Any student absent man, Patsy Houghton '61; social sta es 3. Sigma Theta Psi ' 2.036 formed to determine the '60's high- In addition to his Monday evening without excuse from the last chairman^. Dawn Mitchell '61; and meeting of any class before a va- rush chairman, Alice Walker '62. 4. Kappa Delta Rho 2.022 er education platform. Such current lecture, Dr. XJreen will also be cation or the first meeting of any 5. Tau Delta Phi 2.003 issues were included as the role of speaking to the Monday morning Chi Omega has found a capable ALL-FRATERNITY 1.945 class after a vacation shall re- the junior college, the dimensions Philosophy 112 class. His topic at leader in Sandy Nolet '61. Her ex- ALL MEN 1.910 ceive a vacation warning for each ecutive board includes : vice-presi- of the Ph.D., the place of religion that time will be the "Philosophy such class absence. If any such 6. Alpha Tau Omega 1.906 dent, Jeanette Benn '61 ; secretary, 7. Zeta Psi 1.890 in the curriculum and the import- of Emmanuel Kant." On the fol- warning shall constitute a sec- Sue Bennett '61 treasurer Ruth ; ' , NON-FUATERNITY 1.816 ance of applied and performing arts, lowing Tuesday noon, he intends to ond vacation warning in any Veit '62 ; pledge trainer, Sue Mul- course, the student shall be 8. Delta Upsilon 1.792 Dean Strider served in a leadership conduct the 12 :05 Chapel Service, cajby '62 ; rush chairman, Judy 9. Phi Delta Theta ' 1.787 dropped from that course with ' capacity at these discussion groups. and that evening hold a seminar, Hoagland '62, and social chairman, 10. Delta Kappa Epsilon: 1.654 no credit and with a markc of F. Bonnie " MacGregor '61. President-elect Strider headed a preceded by dinner, at the darks'. ..' . Each vacation out shall SORORITY STANDINGS Delta Delta Delta's president, panel considering the "question Dr. Green, who has been a guest count as one of the minimum 1. Delta Delta Delta ' . 2.526 , Helen Johnson '61, will lead the ,, cuts allowed, and a vacation 2. Alpha Delta Pi , 2.485 "How can the continuity in the at Colby before reoived his Ph.D. following officials : vice-president, , warning shall constitute also an ALL-SORORITY .! 2.462 study of- the language arts, the so- from the University of Edinburgh, Judy Dunningfcon '61 ; recording sec- attendance warning if allowed ALL WOMEN 2.433 and has hold the Chairmanship of retary, Sue Forcade '61 ; correspond- cial sciences and' the humanities in cuts havo all been taken before 3. Sigma Kappa 2.429 ing secretary, Wilma Russell '61 ; , ' high school and the first two years departments at Princeton and Pro- the. vacation absence occurs." 4. Chi Omega 2.412 Continued on Page Seven NON-SORORITY 2.405 of college be improved?" fessorships at Yale and Stanford. He is presently ,a Professor in Hu- manities at Scripps College. He has Poivder & Wig Presents 17th Century Drama; become a noted lecturer and author in the philosophies of religion,* art, <tr arid education. Among the books and Wyckerfy's Fhe Country Wife" Opens Tonight articles ho has published aro : the Tonight Powder and Wig opens A , the Art of Critisin, and Lib- its latest production William Wy- rts , eral Education Rodonsltlorad.
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