1H19. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 33 By l\Ir. SANDERS of New York:· Petition of the retail mer~ . • GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. chants' council of the Rochester (N. Y.) Chamber of Commerce, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ for the repeal of the luxury-tux section in the war-revenue law; tion from the Secretary of the Trea·sury, transmitting, pursuant to tlie Committee on Ways and Means. to law, a report showing the number of documents received and Also, petition of 61 farmers living on Lewiston Road, Ba­ distributed by the Treasury Department during the year ended tnsia, N. Y., uTging the repeal of the so-called daylight-saving December 31, 1918, together with the number remaining on hand. law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. January 1, 1919, which, w.ith the accompanying paper, was r~ Also, petition of Oatka Falls Grange, No. 394, Le Roy, N. Y., ferred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed. urging the ·repeal of the so-called daylight-saving law; to j:he GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Also, petition of W. F. Rockow and 19 other residents of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica­ Hamlin, Morton, and Walker, N. Y., urging the repeal of the tions from the Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of the Inte­ so-called. daylight-saving law; to the Committee on Interstate rior, Secretary of the Navy, the .Secretary of Commerce, the and Foreign Commerce. Secretary of Labor, the Food Administrator, the Fuel Admin­ Also, petition of 260 petitioners of the Livingston County istrator, and the Director of the 'Var Trade Board, transmitting, (N. Y.) Sund.ay School Association, urging that the preamble pursuant to a resolution of December 15, 1918, a list showing the of the ·ational Constitution be amended so as to recognize the number of employees in their respective departments at speci­ autl)ority anu law of Jesus Christ; to the Committee on the­ fied dates, and the number discharged during the two weeks pre­ Judic-iary. vious to that date, which were referred to the Committee on Al~o. petition of the Automobile Club of Rochester, N. Y., Appropriations and ordered to be printed.. urging the passnge of a bill providing for the laying out, plan­ AUTOMATIC STRA.IGHT AIR BRAKES. nin,., aml estimating of cost of construction of a military road The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ acrol's the State of New York to be named the "Roosevelt tion from the Interstate Commerce Commission, transmitting u National l\lilitary Hoad"; to the Committee on Roads. report of the Chief of the Bureau of Safety relative to tests of AI ~o. petitimi of 30 petitioners of the Tuscarora Presbyterian the brake system of the Automatic Straight Air Brake Co., etc., Chur('h, 'l'uscarora, N. Y., urging that the· preamble of the Na­ which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Com­ . tionnl Constitution he amended so as to recognize the authority mittee on Interstate Commerce. an(l I:i,·.- of .Jesus Christ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. · PRODUCTION OF MINERALS. n .•. l\fr. SCHALL: Petition of sundry citizens of Minnesota, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ for the repeal of the daylight-saving law; to the Committee on tion from the Director of the Bureau of· Mines, transmitting, Interstate and. Foreign Commerce. pursuant to law, a report of all expenditures and disbursements Also, petition of sundry citizens of Minnesota, urging Govern­ under the act to encourage the production of minerals, which, ment ownership of railroads; to the Committee on Interstate with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee and Foreign Commerce. on Mines and Mining and ordered to be printed. Also, petition of Minnesota Garden Flower Society, protest­ ing order No. 37 of the Federal Horticultural Board; to the DISPOSITION OF USELESS PAPERS. Committee on Agriculture. .The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate a By l\Ir. SNYDER: Petition of Utica (N. Y.) section of the communication from the Assistapt Secretary of Labor, trans­ Council of Jewish Women, :(avoring a league of nations and mitting a list of useless papers on the files of the Department ciTil nnu religious liberty in all countries; to the Committee of Labor having no historic value and requesting action look­ on I• oreign Affairs. ing to their disposition. The communication and accompanying papers will be referred to the Joint Select .Committee on the Disposition of Useless Papers in the Executive Departments, SENATE. and the Chair appoints the Senator from Washington [Mr. JoNEs] and the Senator from Arkansas [Mr. KmnY] the com­ TUESDAY, May 20, 1919. mittee on the part of the Senate. The Secretary will notify the Bouse of Representatives thereof. · The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA. follmYing prayer : The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual Almighty God, day unto day uttereth speech and night unto report of the Boy Scouts of America for the year ended De­ night showeth knowledge. So with the return of every day we cember 31, 1918, whlch was referred to the Committee on the come and stand before Thee to catch the inspiration of the new Judiciary'. light that falls on all our duties· and. see with clearer vision that MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. eYer-increasing purpose which runs through all Thy creation. Endue us plenteously this day with Thy grace that we may Mr. Hempstead, the enrolling clerk of the House of Repre­ follow the divine commandments, know the will of God, and sentatives, appeared and delivered the following message: gla<.lly do that which is pleasing in Thy sight. For Christ's sake. "1\1r. President, I am directed by the Bouse of Representa­ Amen. · tives to inform the Senate that a quorum of the House of Repre­ The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's sentatives has appeared and that the House"is ready to proceed proceedings, when, on request of l\1r. LoDGE and by unanimous to business. · consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the Jour­ "Also, that a committee of three members were appointed by, nal was approved. the Speaker on the part of the Bouse to join the committee on the part of the Senate to notify the President of the United REPORT OF SECRETARY OF THE SENATE (S. DOC. NO. 3). States that a quorum of the two Houses has assembled, and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the i·eport of that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may; the Sect·etary of the Senate, transmitting, in compliance with be pleased to make, and that 1\:Ir. 1\foNDELL, Mr. MANN, and 1\fr.­ law, an account of all property, including stationery, belonging CLARK of 1.\:t:issouri were appointed as a committee on the part of to the United States in his possession on the 19th day of l\Iay, the House. 1919, which was ordered to lie on the tabl~ and be printed. ".Also, that a quorum of the Bouse of Representatives has assembled; that FREDERICK H. _GILLETT, a Representative from ABROGATION OF TREATIES (S. DOC. NO. 2). the State of Massachusetts, had been elected Speaker; and that; The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ William Tyler Page, a citizen of the State Maryland, had been: cation from the Acting Secretary of State, transmitting, in re­ elected Clerk. sponse to resolutions of December 5, 1918, and February 3, 1919, "Also, that the House communicates to the Senate the intelli­ certain information relative to the abrogation of treaties, which, gence of the death of Hon. JOHN LAWSON BURNETT, late U with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Representative from the State. of .Alabama, and tl'ansmits reso-­ Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. lutions of the House thereon. CLAI1.fS AGAINST MEXICO (S. DOC. NO.1), "Also; that the House communicates to the Senate the intelli~ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ 'gence of the death of Hon. CHARLES AUGUST SULZER, late a Del~ tion from th~ Acting Secretary of State, transmitting, in response gate from the Territory of Alaska, and transmits resolutions of to a resolution of February 7, 1919, certain information relative the House thereon." to the claims of American citizens against the Government of SENATOR FROM MICHIGAN. Mexico, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair presents the petition of Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. Henry Ford contesting the election of Senator TRuMAN H. NEw- LVIII--3 34 OONGRESSION AL· RECORD- SENATE. }fAY 20,. BERRY, which will be printed in. the RECORD and referred to. t)le and also of cases of 1mclue influence and intimidation of voters Committee on Privileges. and Elections. at the election. The petition is as _follows: I beg to represent to your honorable body : . UNTrED· STATES OF' .AMKIUCA,-' (1) That an election was held by the voters of 1\Iichigan on· I "' THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES · oF THE SIXTY-SIXTH Co:xGREss. the 5th clay of November, 1918, to elect a United States Senator Petition of Mr. Henry Ford, contesting the election of Mr. Trmnan from Michigan for the term beginning 1\Iarch 4, 1919. That' H. Newberry as l:lenator from Michigan, for the terp1 beginning March Truman H. Newberry was the candidate on the Republican 4 1919 for a recount of ballots for the office of Umted States Senator ticket. Henry Ford on the Democratic ticket, Edward 0.
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