Plant Index Subject Index Author Index These three parts of the Cumulative Index represent the accumulated work of the 12 editors of the Rock Garden Quarterly and its various precursor publications. Some of these editors have highly professional editing skills. Others, and I am one of these, find editing to be a challenge to which they have to rise. Inevitably this means that different criteria may have been applied as to what warrants indexing. This presents few problems in the Author Index, relatively few in the Plant Index, but major problems in the Subject Index where the criteria that can be applied are so much more a matter of subjective judgement. This is not a completely re-edited index with every reference having been checked through. Inevitably, there are errors in this index but the value of making it available online alongside the complete archive of issues seems clear despite any such errors. A group led by Ben Burr has been working for some time developing a three-part fully- linked searchable index, and work is pretty much completed on the Author Index. This also involves complete updating of all references so that they can be linked electronically. Obviously their work will be invaluable but it will be a considerable time before the whole project is brought to fruition. Even when the new index is complete and fully implemented I believe there will be value in a traditional index which allows browsing. I like to have the opportunity to browse an index alongside the valuable addition of a fully-linked index and I do not believe I am alone in this. This new index of almost 400 pages is not something that NARGS would publish on paper but electronically cost is not a problem. Alongside the online archive of our complete archive of publications, this represents a enormously valuable resource. Malcolm McGregor Hutton, January 2014 Index - 1 Index - 2 Plant Index Notes 1. Synonyms are indicated by an equal sign, =. The most recently accepted name is usually, but not always, first (see note 1a). Some common misspellings are also given in synonym form. 1a. Names that have been verified in reasonably recent authoritative sources are indicated by a following forward slash ( /) for plants native to or reported to be naturalized in North America north of Mexico, and a back slash ( \) for all other plants. These are not necessarily the currently valid synonyms because botanists are constantly reclassifying plants, moving them from genus to genus, sinking and reviving genera, and splitting or lumping taxa. We have, however, made an effort to reflect documentation after 1990. The symbol # indicates a name not found in printed authorities or on-line searches. The symbol ~ between two synonyms indicates that authorities appear to disagree on which is preferred. The symbol ~ has also been used when there appears to be enough confusion surrounding a name (e.g., when the name is a synonym for two different taxa, or when it is cited somewhere but without an authority) that it is impossible to determine whether it was validly applied in the publication, or when two names seem to be in recent use concurrently by different scientific writers. 2. Subspecies, variety, and forma names are sometimes omitted because writers applied these inconsistently (switching between ssp. and var., or using trinomials) and they often are changed more frequently than species names. However, many subspecies and variety names that are significant in gardens are separately listed. 3. Many cultivar names of dwarf conifers are listed separately, but when an article simply gives a list of many cultivars of a species, this may appear as, e.g., “Abies koreana, dwarf forms”. 4. To find wider discussions of a given genus, search in the Subject Index under the genus name. 5. The hybridization symbol is given here as the alphabetic character “x”, not the multiplication sign, and is alphabetized as “x”. 6. In general, no attempt has been made to suppress invalid names or to place “splits” not recognized by most botanists under a broader species. “Split” names are dear to the hearts of local wild plant enthusiasts, who like to regard them as special endemics; to the inhabitants of countries where splitting is a preferred strategy among botanists; and, gardeners suspect, to plant and seed sellers who want buyers to believe they are offering new, rare plants. 7. After you have searched and found your item, continue to search the entire index, because it may appear elsewhere as a synonym, although some effort has been made to consolidate synonymous entries. 8. Locations are given as Volume.Page; pagination is continuous through each volume (except in a few instances where a special extra number was published, in which case the number appears in parentheses). An asterisk (*) following the page number indicates an illustration; before about 1990, these are mostly drawings or black-and-white photos, with Plant Index - 3 later issues featuring color photos. Almost every illustration since the end of vlume 69 is in color. 9. If you do not find a name including “folius/a/um,” try searching “florus/a/um”, and vice versa, since people often transpose the two inadvertently. If you don’t find your search item, try adding space+x+space between the genus and species names, in case it is a hybrid. If you still don’t find it, go to the genus and look through it; the spelling you have may be just one or two letters different from the correct spelling, since incorrect or variant spellings are often perpetuated through seed lists, plant sales, and bad handwriting on labels. Unless frequent, simple misspellings have been silently corrected in the index. 10. In copies of the Quarterly from volume 71 there have in some cases been extra pages in the online edition. References to pages only available in the online edition are printed in green. Any species which has only been featured online is also printed in green. Plant Index Abelia chumeana 41.116, Abelia 'Edward Goucher' 37.168, Abeliophyllum distichum \ 8.22 Abies amabilis / 46.175, 49.196, Abies balsamea \ 'Hudsonia' 24.39, 24.118, 25.44, 36.24, 38.91, Abies balsamea 'Nana' 25.44, 26.128, 36.24, 47.260, 49.269, 55.200, Abies cilicica \ 46.119, Abies concolor / 53.261, 53.270, Abies concolor 'Charmin Chub' 61.23, 61.44* Abies concolor 'Conica' 41.190*, Abies concolor 'Gable's Weeping' 29.133, Abies concolor 'Igel' 52.245, Abies fargesii ssp sutchuenensis \ = Abies sutchuenensis 51.137, Abies fraseri / 'Prostrata' 38.91, Abies grandis / 46.170, 49.164, 70.19 Abies homolepis \ 28.133 Abies koreana \, dwarf forms 52.245, 55.200, Abies koreana 'Starker's Dwarf' 41.190*, Abies lasiocarpa / 7.38*, 9.6, 9.84, 11.73, 14,67, 17.66, 19.49, 21.16, 24.23, 24.114, 25.120, 33.66, 46.67, 46.170, 49.165, 51.46, 53.270, 54.117, 58.40, 68.6 Abies lasiocarpa 'Compacta' = Abies arizonica 'Compacta' 24.38, 42.148, 26.128, 41.190*, Abies lasiocarpa 'ShaLynn' 61.23 Abies lasiocarpa, dwarf forms 52.245, Abies mariesii \ 28.133 Abies nordmanniana \ 33.6, 55.200, Abies pindrow \ 16.39 Abies pinsapo \ 'Glauca' 24.38 Abies pinsapo 'Horstmann's Nana' 52.245, Abies procera /, dwarf forms 52.245, Abies procera 'Glauca Prostrata' 24.38 Abies sachalinensis \ 30.49, Abies sachalinensis var mayriana \ = Abies mayriana 30.49, Abies spectabilis \ 39.26, 39.73, 41.91, Plant Index - 4 Abies veitchii \ 30.49, Abronia fragrans /27.84, 67.126 Abronia latifolia / 41.77*, 60.103, 70.18* Abronia turbinata / 16.33 Abronia umbellata / 6.72, 13.44, 36.57, 60.103, Abronia villosa / 16.33, 60.275, Acacia dealbata / 32.193, Acacia greggii / 8.89 Acacia melanoxylon / 32.193, Acaena caesiglauca \ 53.104, Acaena fissistipula \ 53.30, Acaena microphylla \ 7.94, 27.55 Acaena myriophylla \ 16.73 Acantholimon acerosum \ 10.70, 56.95, 57.94, Acantholimon araxanum \ 51.52, 52.212, 54.170, 56.93, Acantholimon armenum \ 22.55, 23.100*, 51.52, 53.286, 54.170, Acantholimon bracteatum var capitatum \ 50.177*, 50.182, 56.95, Acantholimon caryophyllaceum \ 22.55, 53.329, Acantholimon dianthifolium \ 51.22, 56.95, Acantholimon diapensioides \ 53.329, Acantholimon glumaceum \16.107, 19.88, 20.53, 22.55, 25.10, 47.228, 50.219, 54.170, 54.285, 56.95, 58.228, Acantholimon hohenackeri \ 51.52, 56.95, 57.20, 57.94, Acantholimon litvinovii \ 57.20, 57.90*, Acantholimon lycopodioides \ 50.219, 61.117*, 61.122, Acantholimon reflexifolium \ = Acantholimon reflexosum 50.183, 57.20, Acantholimon roseum# 40.84, Acantholimon spinosum# 29.62, Acantholimon ulicinum \ = Acantholimon androsaceum = Acantholimon echinus 15.15*, 19.88, 30.35, 30.154, 43.203, 46.117, 54.170, 58.228, 62.105, 46.117, 51.52, 54.32, 54.37, 56.93, Acantholimon venustum \ 19.88, 30.35, 35.28, 35.94, 41.86, 46.115, 50.219, 51.52, 56.95, 57.94, Acanthopanax senticosus \ 30.49, Acanthopanax sieboldianus / 'Variegatus' 52.33, Acanthophyllum spinosum \ 8.103 Acanthus spinosus \ 34.185, Acanthus syriacus \ 29.30 Acaulimalva engleriana \ 52.138, Acaulimalva engleriana \ = Nototriche engleriana 59.20*, Acaulimalva nubigena \ 59.105*, Acaulimalva sp. 59.14, 59.92 Acer argutum \ 28.133 Acer barbatum ~ Acer floridanum 1.13 Acer campestre / 21.109 Acer caudatum ssp ukurunduense \ = Acer ukurunduense 30.49, Acer circinatum / 21.27, 22.107, 46.171, 66.250, Acer davidii \ 41.175, Acer glabrum / 46.4, Acer glabrum var. douglasii / 24.113, 46.171, Acer grandidentatum / 33.64, 51.46, 53.269, Acer macrophyllum / 17.71, 46.171, 66.250, Acer palmatum / 19.50, 34.15, 37.84, 46.67, 47.58, 47.264, 52.245, 56.37, 66.122, 66.250, 70.248* Acer pensylvanicum / 35.107,
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