Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 3-15-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 15, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1975 Volume 56, Issue 118 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 15, 1975." (Mar 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~Qmyn~ . Vai1y~tian Saturday. March IS. 1975 - Vol . 56. No. 118 Southern illinois University Gus says he'd have gone to the NI T but he doesn't like hitchhiking in the SN:IN. Saluki fans await NIT opener By Mark Razlowski Neoma Kinney , Arena t icket secondary in this case." know most of the players on the team. Dally Egyptian Starr Writer manager. was one of the faithful' to see He said he had a ride scheduled for and they could use the support. I was the team off. Thursda': but the driver changed her willing to m iss a week of classes if I had ' 'I'm going out next Friday if they're mind aliout going. Palay said he took a ride." The basketball Salukis were in New in the !inals." she said. The B and A some tests early and it wouldn't have York City Friday with only a small band Travel Service has tentatively booked hurt to take the week of! from school. He beRi~d~:i1i:::l~s ~~'I ~ ~\~:~ ~~ of faithful fans awaiting their first-round 90 spaces on a plane from Evansville added that he had looked lorward to them play when he goes home lor break. National Invitational Tournament game for persons from West Frankfort, beginning his break a week early . SIU must beat Pittsburgh Saturday in against Pittsburgh Saturday at 6 p.m . Marion, Cairo. Carbondle and other (CDT I. area persons interested in going to the Leon Reid. a lreshman in pre-law. had ~: 6 ~Tuk\;D;~~ni~a~~un~ g~:;neihl! Most lans who might have made the NIT if the Salukis win Saturday and also tanned on going to the opening quarterfinals. they will play Tuesday trip remained in Southern Illinois Tuesday. Kinney said. ~~:n ff~~fd~u~~dc~~~~I~~ e his plans again.st the winner of the Clemson­ awaiting spring break. saving money • " A lot of s tud~nts have approached me Providence contest. H SIU win. that and hoping SIU will reach the semifinals on chartering a bus to New York ," she " Because I live in New York . I was game. they wrll play in the semifinals round March 22-after break begins. revealed. " H we win Tuesday, we may real interested in going." Reid said. " I Saturday. The Salukis play Saturday night get started on that Wednesday." belore a s prinkling 01 lans Irom She said many students may decide to Southern Illinois who made travel in car loads (or the last two games the trip lor the opening-round game in as s tudents did in 1967 when the Salukis Madison Square Garden. won th e tournament. Water testing lab A bus load 01 players . coaches. Many students found the coaches ' wives . trainers and media unavailability or low cost transportation personnel depa rted from the Arena and the date 01 the tournament to be a pa rking lot at 12 :35 p .m . Thursday hindrance to going. The date is bound lor Mount Vernon. The players somewhat or a proble m since the planned for city had a practice session there before tournament begins the week berore busing on to Evansville. Ind .. for a Oight spring break. necessity of duplicating expensive to New York City. By Mary Whitler Gary Palay, a sophomore in radio and Daily Egyptian Starr Writer equipment . About 20 persons braved the biting television. said he had planned to go no Bill Boyd, director of public works. wind to bid the entourage larewell. Most matter what. " I'd still go il I could find a said the renovation of the floor will be were friends of the t ra veJers or Arena Plans for a new, more efficient ride." laboratory for testing the Quality of done by city employes in order to save personnel who took a brea~ to wish the Palay said he will not go by air Carbondale water were announced money . team good luck . because he doesn't have the money. The Bill Coracy at the B and A Travel Friday by Colleen Ozment. central The Illinois Environmental Protec­ B and A Travel Agency olfered a round laboratory superintendent. tion Agency (EPA). the Illinois Depart­ Service said Thursday. 46 persons had trip group plan to New York for Sf/.T.! . signed up to take the night from Evan­ Ozment said the laboratory should be ment of Public Health. and the Federal He said he could save money by going by EPA regulate the testing and racilities sville to New York. That included 12 car with two or three people. completed by Nov . 1. 1975. players,_ seven cheerleaders, three "I've wanted to go to New The laboratory will have ap- of the Water Treatment Plant. members or the media and. Yark f~~i.::ia~~I~he~i~~ ~roh~at~ p~~I~ E::t~e:u~r '!'~;i "~ 1Watment Plallt on South Wall Street. adequate laboratory equipment IIDd The estimated cost for the new capability to perform the ope<:ational laboratory is $45,401. Renovation, or the tests." ..> third noor will include installation or The city has two laboratory plumbing, heating. and electrical ser­ technitions and the supervisor, Ozment vice. said. The purpose of centralizing the The new facilities will imp}'Ove the laboratory into one location "is to com ­ test quality and will also enable the bine equipment and manpower into one chemists to perform more tests. Oz­ efficient. organized operation," Ozment ment ~id . said. " A rew or the other benefits to be She said currently the testing is being deri ved rrom the Central Lab concept done in two small labs. one at the Water are exper imentation with new Treatment Plant and one at the Sewage techniques to better utilize the Plant on Ulinois 13. She said they were laboratory and equipment : develop­ "small and . overcrowded ror the ment or a laboratory manual for the amount nf testing we do." City : quality control checks on Combining into one facility will also chemicals used for treatment; thorough mean that the equipment the city has organization of laboratory records and will be used more efficiently. Ozment reports and more efficient quality con­ said. She 5aid that it will avoid the trol of treatment plants," Ozment said. Police initiate survey of community attitudes Carbondale Police Chier George the help of the sru Political Science Kennedy announced that the police Department The results will be com­ department will begin a survey of puterized. A total or 367 citizens will be community attitudes towards the police surveyed. de~~~tie:: ~ii~~~riu;ziO , who is also a City Manager Carroll Fry said. ttie graduate student at SIU, developed the project has been a cooperative one. questionnaie. He said surveys of this between Carbondale and the University. type have been done in only two other He said, "Resources are available to us cities in the United States. at sru ir w& draw on them." The survey will be conducted by SIU Fry said the results or the survey will students In Social Welfare 383- be made available to the public when "Introduction to Interviewing." The they are in their final rorm. He said the students wiU go door to door and per­ raw data rrom the survey wiU not be sonally int"rview citizens who are part released. or a randomly selected Sampling. The survey asks questions such as. Kennedy said the survey will identify "00 you think the pollce treat black and the police department's strong and welili" white peoi>Ie alike~" and "00 you think points: He said, "As police chief, and a that the police can steal and get away relatively new police chiM, it WIll help with it?" me considerably in my planning er­ The survey alsO asks ror information Mike Alger, senior In administrative sciences, hIilps sane rorts." concerning how the respondent feels the neighborhood kids take advall1age of the rec:ent snowfall The survey also will measure the potice have bandIed the problem. or in "" effort to root ·the Salukls on to victory in the NI T. amount or contact the citizens bave with streaking, dogs, trame, riota, armed Nearly six l"!;hes of ~ blanketed the carbondale area the police department. robberies, drunken driving, murder and Friday morning. (Staff photo by Sieve Sumner) The random sample was selected with . other problems. Le~t'urer ' calls' fUr researchm()ney Jones said liquid petroleum would be balance that would " keep us going into on the spot 'and not on projected ';"'rgy totally non-existent in 100 years, and ex­ the twenty-first century." reserves," Jones explained. • plorations for natural gas are yielding Jones explained that if society "plays Jones said !be computer represents The world', energy problems will little new sources of the precious fuel. its cards right," the transition from a the " best energy information the only be solved if massive amounts of "When yo u talk about reducing fossi l fuel society to a "current in­ federal government has to offer. " He money are poured into research and energy consumption, you're talking come" society could probably be made, said he takes the machine practically development, B.E.
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