Records of 2005-06

Records of 2005-06

VAT ASSESSMENT RECORDS FOR THE YEAR 2005-06 OF DVO MANGALORE Record Maintainance SL.NO File No Subject Year of Date of Category Date on Name of the offiicial Date on which Name of the Rack Bundle Year of Year of Date of Name of the Name of opening the closing of which file who has sent the file the file is Officer No No the file disposal destructi officer who has the officer who file file sent to the to record room received in the incharge of on of the ordered for has destroyed record room record room record room record destruction of the record the record Dealer Name LVO 1 2 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11a 11b 11c 12 13 14 15 1 29340129805 A.K. Veeners LVO 270 2007-08 28.1.08 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 5 2005-06 2 29770098868 A.M. Enterprises LVO 270 2006-07 26.3.07 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 3 2005-06 3 CR 25/09-10 A.N.S Construction, LVO 270 2009-10 Pending for Alm. 2 2 Mangalore payment 4 29030099207 A.R. Bhandary LVO 260 2006-07 17.12.07 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 3 2005-06 5 29160053080 A.R.D. Souza & 260 2006-07 24.6.06 C 6.9.2011 M.Girija 6.9.2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 4 2005-06 Sons 6 041/06-07 A.T.C. Store, 300 2007-08 30/06/2007 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 1 2005-06 Madikeri CTI Bhat, CTI 29510355472 7 CR 7/09-10 A.V.R Leela Technical LVO 270 2009-10 4/8/2009 13-09-11 Sudarshan 13-09-11 Bhaskar Bhat B-12 1 2005-06 Corporation, Mangalore 29120116928 8 29310145584 AA Dry Fruits Centre, LVO-270,Mangalore 2006-07 31.1.07 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-2 7 2005-06 Hampankate, Mangalore 9 CR 19/09-10 Aaco Industries, VSO 291 09-10 Charge sheet Alm.2 2 Moodabidri filed in the court. 10 29150116766 Aban Constructions LVO 270 2009-10 17.3.10 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 12 2005-06 11 29840077926 Abbas Timber & 291 2006-07 1.6.06 C 6.9.2011 M.Girija 6.9.2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 2 2005-06 Saw Mills 12 CTO.VSC/Audit- Abdul Ahmed ,Kaup LVO 280 2005-06 5/5/2007 C 14-9-2011 Sanjey Balipa CTO 14-9-2011 Bhaskar A-23 1/Sl.No. 2005-06 130/06-07 Bhat,CTI 1 to 33 13 022/07-08 Abhilash Trading, 300 2007-08 30/11/2007 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 2 2005-06 Madikeri CTI Bhat, CTI 29550090453 14 069/06-07 Abhiman 260 2007-08 25/03/2007 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 3 2005-06 Construction, Kadri CTI Bhat, CTI Road, Mangalore 29620100260 15 CTO.VSC/Audit- Abhinaya Fancy Store 290 2005-06 14-3-2007 C 14-9-2011 Sanjey Balipa CTO 19-9-2011 Bhaskar A-23 2/Sl.No. 2005-06 45/06-07 Brahmavar Bhat,CTI 35 to 69 16 DCCT.Audit- Abideep Concrete 280 Udupi 2009-10 12/3/2008 C 1/10/2011 Vasanti FDA 1/10/2011 Bhaskar Bhat, A3 6 2005-06 2/CR. 63/ 09-10 Products Ltd., CTI Shivalli Industrial Area, Manipal 29550254868 17 59/2008-09 Aboobakar Trading Co., 270,Mangalore 2008-09 28-06-2010 C 20-12-2011 Ammanni FDA 20-12-2011 Yashoda FDA A/6 1 2005-06 Bunder,Mangalore 18 29470116978 ACE Surgical LVO-270,Mangalore 2005-06 29.10.05 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-1 1 2005-06 Company, Balmatta, Mangalore 19 29180262104 Achal Bakery LVO 260 2006-07 28.12.06 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 2 2005-06 20 29980099868 Achal Industries LVO-260 16.01.2010 3//8/2010 C Shantha Kumari F1 6 2005-06 Baikampady Page 1 21 CR 98/10-11 Aco Inds, Moodabidri VSO 291 2010-11 Assignment Alm.2 1 2007-08 29960266622 returned 22 CR.23/09-10 Adarsh Industrial 281 2007-08 7/6/2010 C 7/9/2011 Shashikala 7/9/2011 Bhaskar 15 1 2005-06 2960026626 F.D.A. Bhat C.T.I. 23 CR.34/09-10 Adelpia Builders 260 2009-10 12/1/2010 C 7/9/2011 Shashikala 7/9/2011 Bhaskar 15 2 2005-06 29860118170 F.D.A. Bhat C.T.I. 24 29730098114 Adharsh Traders LVO 280 2010-11 27.4.10 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 13 2005-06 25 52/2008-09 Adithya Exports 280,Udupi 2008-09 26-06-2010 C 20-12-2011 Ammanni FDA 20-12-2011 Yashoda FDA A/6 1 2005-06 Udupi 26 29610061417 Adkas Cotton World, LVO-270,Mangalore 2006-07 5.2.07 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-2 7 2005-06 Bendoorwel, Mangalore 27 CTO AUDIT-2/CR/36/ AEYHE CH Hollow LVO-300 Madikeri 2007-08 12/17/2007 C 14-09-2011 Shashidhar.M.B. CTO 14-09-2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-4 Bundle-5 2005-06 07-08 Bricks,Kushalanagar 29130452300 28 29760124239 Agari Enterprises LVO 260 2006-07 28.7.06 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 1 2005-06 29 030/06-07 Airody Radhakrishna 280 2006-07 30/06/2007 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 1 2005-06 Pai & Co. Udupi CTI Bhat, CTI 29580060609 30 29040125217 AK Wood Industries, LVO-270,Mangalore 2005-06 3.3.06 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-1 2 2005-06 Konaje, Manfgalore 31 084/06-07 Akaanksha 260 2007-08 14/12/2007 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 3-Jan 2005-06 Enterprises, Mlore CTI Bhat, CTI 29370266995 32 29980494432 Akarshan Gold, LVO-270,Mangalore 2006-07 17.2.07 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-2 7 2005-06 Mangalore 33 CTO AUDIT-2/CR/43 Akata Agencies,Mangalore LVO-260 Mangalore 2006-07 11/14/2006 C 14-09-2011 Shashidhar.M.B. CTO 14-09-2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-4 Bundle-1 2005-06 06-07 29690056620 34 032/06-07 Akshaya Distributors, 280 2006-07 20/01/2007 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 2 2005-06 Udupi 2943008712 CTI Bhat, CTI 35 108 Akshya Power 270 Mangalre 2010-11 25-02-2011 C -do- Almar B No-4 2005-06 Services No-5 29030491155 36 CR 31/10-11 AL Ahmed, Karkala VSO 281 2010-11 Assignment C 24-12-11 Sudarshan 24-12-11 Yashoda B-13 8 2005-06 29840097226 returned 37 CTO.VSC/Audit- Al-Ahamed Karkala VSO 281 2005-06 6/11/2007 C 14-9-2011 Sanjey Balipa CTO 14-9-2011 Bhaskar A-23 1/Sl.No. 2005-06 77/07-08 Bhat,CTI 1 to 34 38 29740081861 Alapin Export (P) Ltd., LVO-280,Udupi 2006-07 10.5.06 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-1 3 2005-06 KIADB, Manipal, Udupi 39 29220267611 Al-Badriya wood 270 2006-07 7.9.06 C 6.9.2011 M.Girija 6.9.2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 2 2005-06 Industries 40 024/06-07 Alevoor Sarvothama 280 2006-07 18/04/2006 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 1 2005-06 Kini, Udupi CTI Bhat, CTI 29390063963 41 29270299836 Alfa Paints, LVO-260,Mangalore 2006-07 4.11.06 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-1 5 2005-06 Krishnapura Cross, Suratkal 42 29490454721 Algin Promoters & 270 2007-08 20.6.07 C 6.9.2011 M.Girija 6.9.2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 8 2005-06 Builders 43 050/06-07 Ali & Sons, 300 2007-08 16/11/2007 C 9/9/2011 Sri Bhaskar Bhat, 16-09-2011 Sri Bhaskar A - 4 2 2005-06 Napoklu CTI Bhat, CTI 29910392022 44 CTO.VSC/Audit- Al-Mubin Traders 260 2005-06 16-01-2008 C 14-9-2011 Sanjey Balipa CTO 14-9-2011 Bhaskar A-23 1/Sl.No. 2005-06 32/07-08 Bunder Mangalore Bhat,CTI 1 to 33 45 29700132614 Alwas Tyre LVO 260 2006-07 10.7.06 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 1 2005-06 46 CTO.VSC/Audit- Amba Trading Co. 260 2005-06 16-6-2007 C 14-9-2011 Sanjey Balipa CTO 14-9-2011 Bhaskar A-23 2/Sl.No. 2005-06 134/06-07 Baikampady Bhat,CTI 35 to 69 Page 2 47 29590091304 Ambar Supari LVO 270 2009-10 22.12.09 C 6/9/2011 S.N.Sulakshana 6/9/2011 Baskar Bhat B-4 11 2005-06 48 29540062541 Ambe Electricals, LVO-260,Mangalore 2009-10 24.10.09 C 6.9.2011 Vishakantappa,CTI 6.9.2011 Bhaskar Bhat,CTI A-3 20 2005-06 Market Road, M'lore 49 DCCT.Audit- Ambika Dressess, 260 Mangalore 2009-10 26/05/2011 C 1/10/2011 Vasanti FDA 1/10/2011 Bhaskar Bhat, A3 6 2005-06 2/CR.

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