UCC President Reacts to Student Seminar in Montreal Heart For Art 'Congress Considers Bills to Quebec Prime Minister's Remarks Promote Bilingual Education MONTREAL^ Que. - The ments, the presidium of the WINNIPEG, Мап,–Daniel and obligations of their asso­ WASHINGTON, D. C. -.Henry B. Gonzalez, of Texas, executive board`of the Asso- Ukrainian Canadian Commit- Johnson, Prime Minister of ciation within Canada, while Congress is now considering seeks to establish a National Quebec, in greeting Soviet Ukraine is involved in a strug ciation of Ukrainian Students tee, and the executive board in Canada a number of proposals to pro- Commission (to be appointed Deputy Premier Polansky at 1 for survival under the паз registered over of the Association of Ukrain- 00 mote bilingual education in by the President) for the Expo during Russian Day on conditions of a total extermi- j ^ students for a Studios ian Students in Canada; the United States. If any uf Preservation of Foreign Lan­ August. 15, said that" nation­ nation. |Seminar, which is to take, pirst 8Є8д5оп. ^ ^Щ !ace п ге these bills become law, bilin­ guage Resources. The tin­ al cultures are honored in the Enclosing with this letter a P Д . at Sir George Wil-- Uve foj. Ukralnian culture, ha ms 1 from gual education In the public man commission would serve USSR," and that according copy of my telegram, I wish t ""'Xf ^ J^ language and development in schools for children who have as a fact-finding and adviso­ 1 to the changes in the Soviet to say how much I regret that- through 6. The topic:of the Canada _ evaluated by U- a mother tongue other than ry board to the nation. U1 constitution in 1944, the So­ my request was not favored ?^"jf ^ J^ SOL vJ!L? krainian, English, and French English may soon become a The idea of providing bilin­ Canada In The Next Centu- viet Republics of Ukraine and by an authentic interpretation speakers. Then the students reality. gual schooling in order to in­ Byelorussia are allowed to of your statements. This Iet- rV- will visit Expo. The following" At least 35 separate bills in crease the learning power of have representatives in the ter is being made public in! !m' students from the session will discuss 'Ukrainr the Houae of Repressntatives children who do not yet know United Nations. order to answer many urgent United States, aside from jana jn Canadian politics, with and one in the Senate recogn-' English well, and in order to : inquiries, received by the U-1 their serious deliberations, speakers representing the ize the harm that comes to preserve our nation's ргісе– In a telegram sent August ш 16, and later in a letter dated krainian Canadian Committee,^ tour Montreal. Expo, and federal Canadian parties, Ц the individual child and the,less language resources is August 19, Mgsr. Dr. B. Kush- in connection with your ad- hold a student dance. (Next on the agenda will be |, loss to the nation that results strongly supported by many nir; president of the Ukrain­ drees, delivered in honor of The program of the semi- the topic dealing with Ukrain- Iwhen the mother tongue is teacher organizations, includ- ian Canadian Committee voic­ Mr. Polyansky in Montreal. nar will include: the official ian political centers and U- neglected. ing the National Education ed his reaction. The text of Respectfully yours, opening with greetings from krainians in Canada, with Most of the House bills ap-j Association, the letter follows. Msgr. Dr. B. Kushnir, the representatives of the speakers from various U- ply to all languages, but the! Dr. Bruce Gaarder, Chief President federal and provincial govern-1 krainian political centers`. - ^ Senate bill, S. 428, introduced of the Modern Foreign Lan- Dear Mr. Prime Minister, mj± 1 by Senator Yarborough of guage Section of the U.S. Of- Texas and co-sponsored by a fice of Education, has pointed Referring to your address TENNiS TOURNEY, SWMM MEET SET FOR number of other Senators, out that besides English there whioh was delivered at the would benefit only speakers are more than fifty important state dinner given by the Gov­ NEXT WEEKEND AT ЗОЖЮЖІУКА of Spanish. j languages spoken in the Unit- ernment of Quebec in honor ian Sports Clubs""oF""North There are indications, how- ed States and our need for ever, that the latter bill, pre-jthem in government, in the of the`Soviet Deputy Premier America, the tennis tourna­ Mr. Polansky, I wish to con­ sently before the Senate Сот– universities, and in business firm my telegram of August ment is being played in five' mittee on Labor and Public is so great that we spend 16th in stating that Canada separate divisions: men, wom-; Welfare, may be broadened to.manv millions every year to is not Soviet Russia and that en, senior men, and juniors cover all languages if enough'develop speakers and scholars Quebec cannot be compared (boys and girls). Champions public interest is shown in the' in these languages. Yet we do with Soviet Ukraine. in each division receive tro? J7Vie.sc three pretty, young, Soyuzivka employees have just other languages. | almost nothing to preserve Most of the bills provide and develop language сот– Ukrainians udder' the So­ phies donated by the Ukrain­ purchased, with their hard-earned summer wages, three for training teachers and sup- petence in the millions of our viet system have no chance ^paintings by Ukrainian artists Edward Kozak and Jakiic ian'National Association, Svo- porting, in both public and children who speak them as of using some of their con­ boda, The Ukrainian Weekly, Hnizdowsky. They arc, from left to right: Lidia Klodnycky, private schools, programs mother tongues, stitutional guarantees without and Soyuzivka. A sportsman­ holding a painting by Hnizdowsky; Irene Donetz, holding an which would use both English I It is not too late for inter- being branded by Moscow as EKO; and Christine Lukotnsky, also hold one of EKO's works. and the children's mother ested citizens to write their anti-communists. Consequent­ ship trophy, donated by Mrs- Mary Dushnuck, UNA Su­ tongue as mediums' of in- Senators and Representatives ly, they do not enjoy the free­ struction for teaching all of and give their views on the preme Vice-President, is a re­ doms of religion, of speech the school subjects. I importance of making Ьіііп– and press, of assembly and cent addition to the collection The bills' sponsors believe jgual schooling available — if association or of any political Winners of last year's Labor Day tournament, from left of trophies. UNA Anthracite Distiic that this would help to avoid their parents wish tit — to all activity. The slightest at­ to right, kneeling: George Mintschenko, junior, champ, Dzvin- retardation in school for thope children who speak a lan­ tempt to spell out "Vive The swimmers will be com- ka Lenec, junior, girl's champ, Roman B^jjlieMrvJpJr., boy's Meets qt Lehightoti who know little Of no English, guage other than English. U- 0i .І^ЬЛік 6ae4d ;ww, efcwllag.`/гль .їоЛ^;4яЛ^ Jsxosluw peting for UNA gold medals" "^ 1'Цкгаіпе... JLibj?C`-– ^. ^.t Ф - - - . - `-:. -.^....,, N?^-v.;-Vtfrnt ^а2Ц и and' in all pases would help keainian Americans who send met- bjr` an immediate brutal^ Padtch, Stephan Kuropas, Tarae НгуеЦ, "Dr.' Volodymyr in an expanded program of LEHIGHTON, Pa. - On of this yeaiy with the sur­ to preserve and develop tbe their children to primary annihilation, as it happened Huk, senior champ, Bohdan Bak, tournament director. Jo­ events this year. The сотре– Sunday, August 13, the An­ rounding districts to formu­ nation's language resources. schools teaching Ukrainian, in Hungary in 1956. seph Lesawyer, Lusla Drunoewycz, women's champ, John late the various jubilee com­ as well as others who want tions will be held in the fol­ thracite District of the U- All of the bills also stress the In order to break Ukraine's Durbak, men's champ, Jaroslaw Rubel, swim meet director, mittees. to see the Ukrainian Lan­ lowing divisions: men, wom­ importance of learning Eng­ aspiration for independent Walter Sochan, and Bohdan Krawclw. krainian National Association A dinner was served at the lish. guage preserved, should take thinking, this rich country en, boys, and girls. held a meeting at the Ukrain­ conclusion of the meeting, fol­ A separate bill, H.R. 10558, this opportunity and write was tested by political famine SOYUZIVKA — With one I petition is open to virtually Mr. Bohdan Rak, direction ian Homestead in Lehighton, lowed by an evening of danc­ introduced by Representative to their Congressmen. week remaining, tennis play-' very age group, in 1933 which resulted in e of both competitions, has an­ Pa. ing with music by the Ste- several. millions of victims. ers and swimmers alike will The business of the various gena orchestra. Staged by the Carpathian nounced that tennis entries The nightmare "of" that famine be sharpening their strokes branches was voiced and re­ The following officers and Ukrainian Ray in Minnesota and of all other atrocities are j in preparation for the Ukrain- Ski Club under tne auspices must be in by August 28 solved. President of the Dis­ members attended: Mrs. Eli­ By DOROTHY T. CHURA MINNEAPOLIS, Minn- neighbors begin to take inter­ still in application in Soviet I ian national tennis champion- of the Association of Ukrain- (see page 3 for details). trict. Mr. Michael Hentosh, zabeth Senkowicz, John Sen­ Ukraine where the level of ships and swimming meet at was gratified by the reports kowicz, Betty Senkowicz, Mr. August 13 — There is one est — the press send photo­ servility is balanced only by Soyuzivka over Labor Day of the secretaries present, and Mrs.
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