E1538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 10, 2002 For the past thirty-one years, John has [From the Eulogy for Johnnie Roseboro] Between tales of the Glory Days, life in- served New Jersey’s education community as ‘‘A MAN IS KNOWN BY THE SILENCE HE KEEPS’’ sights and off-colored jokes, they would dis- a UniServe Representative for the New Jersey (By Oliver Herford) cover—as we already had—a man of infinite, yet simplistic, wisdom blended with an un- Education Association. As a vital member of Some men walk through life making all a derstated hilarity. He was the anti-thesis of the NJEA’s staff, John’s career has been char- big ado. Puffing up their chests when remi- the ‘‘dumb jock.’’ A voracious reader, he acterized by unswerving dedication, profes- niscing on unremarkable past accomplish- would complete several books a month. In sionalism, and enthusiasm for educating both ments and feats. Opening wide their mouths his later years, he took countless adult edu- NJEA members and New Jersey’s elected to expel dubious wisdom and conspiracies, cation courses, honed his considerable cul- tendering words upon words upon words, but leaders. John’s resourcefulness, creativity, and inary talents and taught himself to use his no meat. new computer to surf the internet. integrity mark him a role model for his col- But other men forgo words and express leagues and, indeed, for us all. Although John was undeniably great on their abilities in deed. They do so simply, the ball field, his greatest accomplishments In recognition of all that John has given, the without fuss nor fanfare, dancing nor pranc- lie in his legacy off the field. He was gen- education community of Bergen County has ing. They just step up to the plate, eye the erous in his purchases for loved ones, but his proclaimed September 29, 2002 as ‘‘John ball and swing. Sometimes, the ball grazes best gifts were always of the non-monetary Biondi Day.’’ John’s justified pride in this proc- the tree tips and is going . going . persuasion: unparalleled insight, laughs, gone, or it may foul backward into the lamation is shared by his wife Marilyn, his great stories and lots of love. Any time spent stands. Regardless. For these few exceptional with him was guaranteed to be an unforget- three sons, John Jr., Andrew, and Tom, and men, each gesture—win or lose—is always his grandchildren, Christopher and Joseph. table treat and its own reward. authentic and with the full weight of their In short, John Roseboro was one of the Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the being, forcing witnesses to pause, slack- best—and easiest—men you’d ever befriend. House of Representatives to join me in con- jawed, in awe-inspired amazement. He was a loving husband, father, brother, gratulating John Biondi on his retirement, and There is little wonder into which camp son, uncle and friend. His life force beats commending him for his tremendous dedica- John Roseboro fell. Ask anyone to describe strongly in the hearts of all who were blessed him in two words and they would say suc- enough to share their lives with him. tion and contribution to the students and edu- cinctly: No Bull. He was unapologetically cation community of New Jersey. John was born in Ashland, Ohio in 1933 to comfortable in his skin, to the core: you ei- Cecil Geraldine Lowery Roseboro and John ther got him or you didn’t. For him, there Henry Roseboro. His only sibling was James f was little worthy of sweat. He would simply Alexander Roseboro. throw up his hands and say, ‘‘No big deal,’’ JOHNNIE ROSEBORO, LOS ANGE- John Roseboro is survived by his beloved and move on. He left it to the critics to as- wife, Barbara Fouch-Roseboro and daughter, LES DODGERS ALL-STAR CATCH- sess the long-term merit of his accomplish- Morgan Nicole Fouch-Roseboro and his chil- ER ments—for him, it was all in a day’s work, dren by a former marriage, daughters Shel- nothing more. He considered suggestions ley Roseboro and Staci Roseboro-Shoals but, in the end, his instinct would always (John), and son Jaime Roseboro (Karen). HON. DIANE E. WATSON trump any outside counsel. Additional family members include grand- OF CALIFORNIA In spite of this characteristic, he made it children Ashley Shoals, Amber Shoals, utterly impossible to be angry at him. But, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kaitlyn Roseboro, Sydney Roseboro, April thankfully, the same worked in reverse. If Roseboro,; brothers-in-law James Walker, Tuesday, September 10, 2002 you looked down to discover your feet on the Kenneth Walker, Jackie Millines; sisters-in- wrong side of his line, a simple apology law Ifeoma Kwesi, Annie Roseboro, Michelle Ms. WATSON of California. Mr. Speaker, it would always be followed by ‘‘That’s okay, is with great sadness that I announce the Hollie, Andrea Frye and Yolanda Leary; Babe,’’ and any trace of the dispute would be nephews Anthony M. Roseboro (Tia), Pearl passing of Johnnie Roseboro, an All-Star immediately expunged. Daniel White, Sinclair Saunders; nieces catcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers. John Although his urtle-like mien caused some Gayle Mitchell (Charles), Sabrina Phillips, passed away on August 16 at Cedars-Sinai strangers to hesitate, his inner circle of Latrice Westbury; great-nephews Alexander Medical Center in Los Angeles. He was 69. friends and family knew the hard outer shell Roseboro, Jermaine Mitchell, Orlando Johnnie Roseboro played in the major merely served as protection for its precious Mitchell, Kenyon Saunders, Ronaldo Walker, cargo—a tender and easily broken heart. Antonio Walker, Rico Walker, Norris Bray; leagues from 1957 to 1970 with the Dodgers, This vulnerability might uncover why it was Minnesota Twins, and Washington Senators great-nieces Shelbi Roseboro, Crystal Phil- this particular organ’s weakness that lips, Summer Rain Phillips; god-daughters (now the Texas Rangers). He was named to sparked his fifteen-year downward health Kaiyanna Frye, Alexandra Josephine Rich- All-Star teams in 1958, 1961, 1962 and 1969, spiral. Although, admittedly, he did nothing ardson Jackson, and a host of other relatives and won Gold Gloves for his defensive play in to impede the descent. and friends. 1961 and 1966. Roseboro became the Dodg- Even after enduring countless (okay, 54) ers’ starting catcher in the team’s first season hospital stays, surgeries and treatments at f in Los Angeles, replacing the legendary Roy Cedars Sinai alone, he maintained an unyieldingly laissez-faire attitude toward PERSONAL EXPLANATION Campanella who had been paralyzed in an improving his condition. Yet it is the rare auto accident. man whose friends and family cannot utter a HON. THOMAS M. BARRETT Roseboro was nicknamed ‘‘Gabby’’ by his single negativity after fruitlessly imploring OF WISCONSIN teammates because he went about his busi- him—for decades—to set down the Coke can, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness quietly and without fanfare. He always exercise, and consider the fish section of the Tuesday, September 10, 2002 carried himself with dignity and class. These menu. But he would likely have undergone a attributes are exemplified in the aftermath of thousand colonoscopies of bypasses if it Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, meant any reprieve from the constant bar- the famous bat swinging incident in which San because of commitments in my home state of rage of heart-health suggestions, books, pills Wisconsin, I was unable to vote on rollcall Francisco Giants pitcher Juan Marichal in- and tonics he received on a daily basis. His flicted a two inch gash on Roseboro’s fore- food motto remained intact until the end: Nos. 371 through 374. Had I been present, I head. The incident tarnished Marichal’s rep- ‘‘I’ll die with a full stomach and that’s would have voted: utation, who was only voted into baseball’s that.’’ ‘‘No’’ on rollcall No. 371; Hall of Fame after Roseboro publicly stated Replacing words with such mottoes was ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall No. 372; that he thought Marichal was being unfairly just his way, each comment whittled down ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall No. 373; and kept out the Hall of Fame. to its essence and punctuated with a saying ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall No. 374. for good measure. Favorites included ‘‘Ain’t f Roseboro’s nobility of mind and heart de- nothin’ shakin’ but the leaves,’’ ... ‘‘God fined him in his life both on and off the base- willin’ and the creek don’t rise’’ . and ‘‘Is PERSONAL EXPLANATION ball diamond. He is survived by his beloved the Pope Catholic?’’ wife, Barbara Fouch-Roseboro and daughter, Sayings aside, John was definitely a la- HON. BOB CLEMENT Morgan Nicole Fouch-Roseboro and his chil- conic spirit—the irony in his nickname, OF TENNESSEE dren by a former marriage, daughters Shelley Gabby, was well-earned. But, as they say, si- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Roseboro, Staci-Roseboro-Shoals, and Jaime lence is a text easy to misread. Just ask any- one brave enough to venture toward the back Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Roseboro. of the room and take a seat next to him. His In closing, I would like to enter into the bulbous eyes voyeuristically scanning the Mr. CLEMENT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Nos. RECORD the following eulogy to Mr. Roseboro, crowd, extracting vital bits of data to launch 377, 376, 375, 374, and 373, had I been prepared by Oliver Herford. into an anecdote or a unique observation. present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ VerDate Sep<04>2002 05:09 Sep 11, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10SE8.010 E10PT1.
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