News VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1 F A L L 2 0 1 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHAT YOU CAN'T MEAS URE, YOU CAN'T DIAGNOSE AND CURE! John Aucott, Trustee/Pres. Trustees Eric Becker NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Tech- Dr. Aucott gave the keynote address and also led a Joseph Hardiman nology) is not a name people know, like the CDC or lunchtime discussion on biorepository strategies Terral Jordan NIH. While not as central to health care and Lyme (which was not webcast). Lawrence Macks disease, this federal agency has a very important Dale Mathias mission. NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency What you can't measure, you can't diagnose and Decatur Miller within the U.S. Department of Commerce whose cure! One of the key conclusions from the workshop Ryan Purdue mission is to promote U.S. innovation and competi- was the widespread recognition of the critical need Adena W. Testa tiveness by advancing measurement science, stand- for high quality and well-defined blood samples to Alex Mason ards, and technology in ways that improve our advance and validate innovative technologies for quality of life, including diagnostic tests for illness. improved Lyme disease diagnostics and treat- ments. There was near universal agreement that the SCIENTIFIC Our nation's top Lyme disease researchers and phy- currently available blood tests for Lyme disease ADVISORY sician scientists recently attended a Lyme disease have inherent gaps in early diagnostic sensitivity. BOARD conference at NIST on June 6th. The workshop ad- Tim Krohe, MD dressed the challenges of measurement in Lyme The NIST conference reinforced the relevance of the Instructor, Dept. of Medicine disease, with the main goal of accelerating the time Lyme Disease Research Foundation’s clinical re- Johns Hopkins University to develop a more effective Lyme disease diagnos- search program and the importance of expanding School of Medicine tic test. It’s the first time a diverse constellation of its high quality Lyme disease bioreposito- Antony Rosen M.B.Ch.B. leading scientists and private stakeholders were ry. Through research collaborations and innovative Director brought together to discuss these issues. solutions, the Lyme Disease Research Foundation Division of Rheumatology hopes to help speed the time to development of Prof., Dept. of Medicine Johns Hopkins University Dr. Aucott, along with a team including members of improved blood tests for the accurate diagnosis School of Medicine the NIH, NIST, and individual stakeholders, were and management of Lyme disease, including tests to among the organizers of the conference. You may distinguish active from latent disease. Peter Rowe M.D. Professor, be interested in watching some of the webcast Div. Adolescent Medicine found at http://www.nist.gov/mml/nist-workshop- Dept. of Pediatrics on-lyme-disease-webcast.cfm. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine BORRELIA MIYAMOTOI: A NEWLY DISCOVERED Sheila K West, PhD Professor, TICK - BORNE INFECTION Dept. Ophthalmology Johns Hopkins University Ticks have many different bacteria and other or- lesion which can aid in early School of Medicine ganisms in their “gut,” similar to the different kinds diagnosis? How accurate are of bacteria humans have in their colon. We know the existing blood tests for that deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis) carry bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi when such as Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterial cause of used for patients with Borrelia V O L U N T E E R Lyme disease, Babesia microti, the agent of babesi- miyamotoi ? These are all Ticks carry more than STAFF osis, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the agent of important questions that need Lyme disease Administrative Coordinator human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Ticks also carry to be answered. other bacteria that would not be expected to cause Joan Higdon Skeptics might answer that it doesn’t really matter human disease. Community Education since Borrelia miyamotoi is likely to respond to anti- Carol Siegmeister Other bacteria like Borrelia miyamotoi were known biotics, like doxycycline, that are used for Lyme Allegra Knight to exist in the tick gut but had never been isolated disease and most other tick-borne infections. It does from human disease. A recent report now shows that matter, however, if cases of Borrelia miyamotoi are Webmaster Borrelia miyamotoi causes a relapsing fever like missed because the blood tests for Lyme disease Les Cohen illness and can now be added to list of tick-borne are ineffective in its diagnosis. infections transmitted to humans. Design We may be missing cases and thus underestimating Mark Beisser This important discovery raises many questions. How the extent of the problem. What other tick-borne many cases of Lyme disease are due to Borrelia Newsletter infections are still to be discovered? Probably more miyamotoi and not Borrelia burgdorferi ? Does Bor- to come! Susan Leibtag relia miyamotoi cause an easily recognizable skin Page 2 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE ARTICLE CONFUSES THE DEBATE OVER CHRONIC LYME DISEASE A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has a tendency to resist the usual antibiotic treatment and turn on November 15, 2012 (http://www.nejm.org/doi/ into a chronic illness that requires months or even years of anti- full/10.1056/NEJMoa1114362) looked at the strains of bacte- biotic therapy.” ria in the skin lesions of patients unlucky enough to have two episodes of Lyme disease. By doing DNA genotyping on the These reports were misleading and led to unnecessary confu- Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria isolated from the skin rash of sion. Just like two car accidents years apart are due to distinctly these individuals, researchers were able to identify the distinct different and independent collisions, we have long known that strains of bacteria involved in each episode of infection. The individuals who have had previous Lyme disease can get a sec- study showed that two independent infections years apart are ond new infection. That is old news. due to two different strains of the Lyme disease bacteria ac- quired from two different tick bites. The unanswered question is what is at the root of persistent ill- ness in patients with a single episode of Lyme disease. The un- In response to the article, the New York Times press releases known is what drives symptoms after standard antibiotic thera- asked the following important question: “When people who py. Are symptoms due to persistent dormant infection, autoim- have been treated for Lyme disease recover but later come munity, behavioral response to illness, or any combination of the down with its symptoms again, is the illness a relapse or a new above? The question isn’t answered by showing that the infect- infection?” ing bacteria are different at the onset of two separate acute infections separated by months or years. The question has lingered for years and lies at the root of the chronic Lyme disease debate. Unfortunately, the recent study The question could be answered by taking tissue biopsies of doesn’t provide any new insights into the problem. The new chronically diseased tissue from patients in the chronic post- study did confirm that patients who have had a prior episode antibiotic treatment phase of their Lyme disease. This is what of Lyme disease can get another tick bite and a new infection. has been done in animal models (mice and monkeys) of Lyme The second infection can be identified by the erythema migrans disease. The challenge is finding chronically infected tissue in rash which only occurs during the first few weeks of infection. humans that is easily accessible to biopsy. Unlike the skin biop- Indeed, that is how the study by Wormser, et al. identified the sies in the NEJM study where the acutely infected tissue is patient’s two distinct episodes of Lyme disease. The study did marked by a “bull’s eye” rash, there is no obvious indicator of show that as expected, that two independent infections years which tissue to biopsy on patients months or years after the apart are due to two different strains of the Lyme disease bac- acute infection. teria. The most practical idea would be to test the blood for evidence Of course this is a very different question than why some indi- of ongoing inflammation or infection. This is the research that viduals go on to develop persistent symptoms after their single the Lyme Disease Research Foundation is participating in with its episode of Lyme disease is treated. These individuals do not collaborators. The need is to measure the minute amounts of have a new second rash to indicate that they have had a sec- substances from the bacteria or the inflammatory system that ond infection, they just never got better from their first infection. might be present in the blood stream of individuals with chronic The New York Times article is incorrect when it asserted that symptoms. Only by measuring the markers of persistent illness “The results challenge the notion, strongly held by some patients can we understand the mechanism of chronic disease in this and advocacy groups, that Lyme disease, a bacterial infection, group of patients. That is the challenge. Lyme MD MISSION STATEMENT Lyme Disease Research Foundation Johns Hopkins Greenspring Station 10755 Falls Road, Suite 200 The Lyme Disease Research Foundation is a 501(C)3 public non-profit established in 2007 to Lutherville, MD 21093 address the lack of clinical research into the scientific understanding of Lyme disease and the [email protected] persistent illness that may result from Lyme disease. http://www.lymemd.org Twitter: @lyme_md Our mission is to promote research that bridges patient care and science in order to advance Facebook : our understanding of Lyme disease and its overall impact on human health. www.facebook.com/lymeMD We welcome contributions to support Our goal is to promote research that leads to the discovery of improved biomarkers for the our further research.
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