June 3, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4207 The concurrent resolution was agreed Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam the beginning of the march to victory to. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the in World War II. A motion to reconsider was laid on Jenkins High School robotics team for In addition to participating in the D- the table. all of their accomplishments during day memorial parade in Normandy, f the 2019 season. they are taking part in the ceremonies The Jenkins High School team, also in Brittany and the American ceme- REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER called Team WIRE, built from scratch tery at Omaha Beach. These hallowed AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 2517 a robot that can pick up a large bouncy grounds are the resting place for thou- Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. ball, carry it across a room, and place sands of American heroes who gave the Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous con- it in a specific location. ultimate sacrifice in defense of freedom sent that my name be removed from This year’s theme was space, and the and liberty and to save the world from the list of cosponsors of H.R. 2517. team had to design a robot that could tyranny. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there bring fuel to a spacecraft. In this case, 2,014 Pennsylvanians stormed the objection to the request of the gentle- the fuel was the large bouncy ball. beaches of Normandy. It is a great woman from Florida? Ranking 20th in the State of Georgia, privilege to have these cadets from the There was no objection. Team WIRE won the judge’s award at a Ninth District present to honor and re- f competition in Gainesville and ad- member the bravery of countless ordi- MOMENT OF SILENCE REMEM- vanced to a number of prestigious tour- nary Americans who faced extraor- BERING VICTIMS OF GUN VIO- naments. I am proud that we have this dinary times. LENCE level of talent in the First Congres- I ask that my colleagues join me in sional District of Georgia and thankful recognizing these cadets’ achievement (Mrs. MCBATH asked and was given that we have Jenkins High School, and remembering the great and lasting permission to address the House for 1 which is doing so much to give their sacrifices made at Normandy 75 years minute.) students a STEM education and teach- ago. Mrs. MCBATH. Madam Speaker, I ing their students the value of team- f rise on this first legislative day of June work. WORKING TO IMPROVE THE LIVES to commemorate Gun Violence Aware- I would like to congratulate Team OF AMERICANS ness Month and to remember the 12 WIRE on its accomplishments this year lives that were tragically cut short in and wish good luck to Team WIRE in (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was Friday’s mass shooting in Virginia the future. given permission to address the House Beach. f for 1 minute.) This month, we will be taking action Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, and bringing attention to common- GUN POLICIES WORK I was saddened to stand alongside Con- sense solutions to save the nearly 100 (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given gresswoman MCBATH to ask for a mo- lives taken every day by tragic acts of permission to address the House for 1 ment of silence for yet another inno- gun violence. minute and to revise and extend his re- cent group of Americans who died. At this time, I ask my colleagues to marks.) We must gather in this House and de- please join me in this moment of si- Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, in mand the Senate to pass our legisla- lence for all those who have been lost. the wake of yet another tragedy, I rise tion on gun safety, but we must also f to recognize the month of June as Na- stand together against making legal b 1930 tional Gun Violence Awareness Month. access for anyone to have a silencer. On Friday, yet another 12 people lost We just have to do better as relates to REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, their lives to gun violence, this time in the lives of Americans. BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- Virginia Beach. Twelve more families I stand, as well, to support the pas- VIVORS PROTECTION ACT were ripped apart, another community sage of the Supplemental Appropria- Mr. MARSHALL. Madam Speaker, I forever changed. tions Act, very important to those of ask unanimous consent that the Com- I know firsthand the devastation a us in Texas. mittee on the Judiciary be discharged gun can cause. The accidental shooting As I watched this past week all of the from further consideration of H.R. 962, that left me a quadriplegic was life- disasters that were happening, it was the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- shattering. And yet the pain of losing a sad. It was disappointing to know that tection Act, an act that protects living parent, a child, or a friend is forever there were Members on the floor ob- babies who survive failed abortions, unimaginable. jecting to this bill. and ask for its immediate consider- I have said too many times to count In particular, Houston, Texas, im- ation in this House. that we must address the gun violence pacted by Hurricane Harvey, needed The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under epidemic head-on. We owe it to the this money for its water treatment, its guidelines consistently issued by suc- family members, the friends, and the reimbursement, freshwater, and its cessive Speakers, as recorded in sec- neighbors who lost their lives in Vir- sewage treatment. tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- ginia Beach and the thousands more In addition, the people in the U.S. ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- who will die this year. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico terri- tertain the request unless it has been We know the policies that work. Now tories are desperate for resources. cleared by the bipartisan floor and we must have the courage to enact Many of us who visited know that they committee leaderships. them. are long overdue. Mr. MARSHALL. Madam Speaker, I f Finally, I am supporting the exten- personally fought in the OB delivery sion of TANF, the very important nu- RECOGNIZING PINE GROVE JROTC room for 30 years for the unborn and trition legislation that provides for our newly born. I ask the Speaker to imme- (Mr. MEUSER asked and was given children. It is expiring on June 30. diately schedule this important bill so permission to address the House for 1 We have to do better. We cannot, in we can protect these babies. minute.) essence, yield to people who believe The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, it is that these kinds of solutions should be tleman is not recognized for debate. with great respect that I rise today to over. f recognize the JROTC cadets from Pine f Grove High School in Schuylkill Coun- HONORING JENKINS HIGH SCHOOL ty, Pennsylvania, and their com- RECOGNIZING FLORIDA HIGH ROBOTICS TEAM manding officer, Lieutenant Colonel SCHOOL BASEBALL PLAYERS (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and Michael Stefanchik. (Mr. SPANO asked and was given per- was given permission to address the These cadets are traveling overseas mission to address the House for 1 House for 1 minute and to revise and to Normandy, France, to help mark the minute and to revise and extend his re- extend his remarks.) 75th anniversary of D-day and to honor marks.) VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:10 Jun 04, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03JN7.031 H03JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H4208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 3, 2019 Mr. SPANO. Madam Speaker, I rise RECOGNIZING WE BUILD THE Centers for Disease Control to study today to recognize three schools that WALL the gun epidemic in our country so we recently finished excellent high school (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given can find a solution. But it is not just mass shootings that baseball seasons. permission to address the House for 1 we need to address. Over two-thirds of First, I want to congratulate Lake- minute and to revise and extend his re- all gun deaths in the United States are land Christian, who capped off a 24-win marks.) a result of suicides, and the number is season by winning the Florida Class 3A Mr. LAMALFA. Madam Speaker, I rising. Over 20 veterans a day are com- State championship on June 1. It was rise today to recognize the hard work mitting suicide. We must also study no small feat to knock off a three-time being done by a crowd-funded organiza- firearm suicide and how it relates to defending State champion, but under tion called We Build the Wall. mental health and how we can limit the leadership of Coach Blane Fox, Because Congress has failed to pass firearm access to those who are suf- they won 3 to 1. This was the first Polk legislation that will secure our border fering. County team to win a baseball State and fund the construction of physical We have a problem in our country, title in 24 years. barriers where they are needed, these and it is not just going to go away. Second, it should come as no surprise folks have taken the initiative. Now is the time for action. Too many to those who know Florida baseball We Build the Wall, led by Air Force lives are at stake. that it was two Hillsborough County combat veteran and triple amputee schools, Plant City and Strawberry Brian Kolfage, has raised over $23 mil- f Crest, that faced off in the Class 8A lion in private donations to help secure HONORING MAUD BORUP championship on May 30.
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