1 F.No.A-12021/ 07/2009-Ad.VII Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue *** 6th Floor, Hudco Vishala Building, Bhikaji Cama Place, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, dated the 18 th March, 2009 NOTICE Subject: Combined Graduate Level (Main) Examination, 2006 – Recruitment of Income Tax Inspector in the CBDT – options for allocation of Region – regarding. …. The undersigned is directed to refer to the captioned subject and to say that Staff Selection Commission has recommended 183 candidates (including 5 provisional cases) for appointment to the post of Income Tax Inspector in CBDT. The list of the candidates recommended, according to the Roll number, is endorsed. As per the existing policy, CBDT will make Region/ Charge-wise allocation of the candidates on merit-cum-preference basis. Since receipt of dossiers/ correspondence addresses from the Staff Selection Commission would take some time, it has been decided to place a proforma (Annexure’ A’) on the official web-site for obtaining option, so that candidates could submit their preferences. All the candidates are therefore, requested to indicate/exercise his/her preferences in the enclosed proforma, duly filled/completed in all respect immediately by speed post/ Registered post or Currier to the following address. Under Secretary (Ad.VII) Department of Revenue, CBDT, Room No. 608, ‘B’ Wing, Hudco Vishala Building, Bhikhaji Cama Place, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110 066. ( R.P. Singh) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India. Tel: 26172536 Encl: 1- List of candidates recommended for appointment. 2. Proforma for exercising options Copy to : DIT (Systems) with a request to display this notice alongwith proforma as well as list of candidates recommended by the SSC for appointment on the official web-site of Income Tax Department. 2 ANNEXURE – I Appointment to the post of Income Tax Inspector in CBDT on the basis of Combined Graduate Level Exam, 2006. Exercise of options for allotment of Regions S.No. Name of Cadre Areas under the Cadre Control Prefere Alphabet Control Region nce* Code 1. A AHMEDABAD State of Gujarat 2. B BANGALORE States of Karnataka and Goa 3. C BHOPAL States of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh 4. D BHUBANESWAR State of Orissa 5. E CHANDIGARH States of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K and UT of Chandigarh 6. F CHENNAI States of Tamil Nadu and UT of Pondicherry 7. G DELHI State of Delhi 8. H GUWAHATI States of Assam, North East India 9. I HYDERABAD State of Andhra Pradesh 10 J JAIPUR State of Rajasthan 11 K KANPUR States of Uttar Pradesh (West) and Uttarakhand 12. L KOCHI State of Kerala 13. M KOLKATA States of West Bengal, Sikkim and UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands 14. N LUCKNOW State of Uttar Pradesh (East) 15. O MUMBAI Municipality of Greater Mumbai (excluding Marathawad & Vidarbha) 16. P NAGPUR State of Maharashtra (Vidarbha region only) 17. Q PATNA States of Bihar & Jharkhand 18. R PUNE State of Maharashtra (excluding areas under Mumbai & Nagpur regions) 1. * Indicate 1 against Region opted 1 st and so as. 2. No column should be left blank. Signature ………………. Name of candidate ..………………………. Roll No…….…………. .Rank No………… Address….…….……………………………. Contact No. (if any):.……………………….. 3 List of candidates for appointment of Income Tax Inspector recommended by SSC Exam.2006 SR.NO ROLL NO. CAT-1 CAT-2 CAT-3 NAME OF CANDIDATES RANK 1 1225243 NIRBHAY KUMAR SINGH SLC\00001 2 1360541 AMIT KUMAR GOYAL SLC\00002 3 1220568 RAJEEV RANJAN SLC\00003 4 1247096 6 RATAN DEEP SINGH SLC\00004* 5 1216811 JYOTI PRAKASH JHA SLC\00005 6 1221306 SHASHI BHUSHAN SHARMA SLC\00006 7 1514075 VASHISHTHA NARAYAN SINGH SLC\00007 8 1210654 RAVI RANJAN SLC\00008 9 2292379 V VENKAT RAMAN PATNAIK SLC\00009 10 1254232 6 VIBHRAV SATYARTHI SLC\00010 11 2131151 AMRISH KUMAR SLC\00011 12 1213140 6 BHUPENDRA KUMAR ROY SLC\00012 13 1239444 BASANT KUMAR SLC\00013 14 1212201 VAIBHAV VIKAS GOVIL SLC\00014 15 1370666 SUBODH KUMAR JAIN SLC\00016 16 1220802 6 AMIT KUMAR CHAUDHARI SLC\00017 17 1215389 6 OM PRAKASH SLC\00018 18 1210178 SUMIT KUMAR SHARMA SLC\00019 19 1258741 HINA USMANI SLC\00020 20 1217944 SUSHIL SUNDARAM SLC\00021 21 2647258 AVINASH PANDEY SLC\00022 22 1218237 6 HARENDRA KISHORE SLC\00023* 23 3031473 SANJAY KUMAR SLC\00024 24 1214179 6 DHANANJAY KUMAR SLC\00025 25 1216187 ASHISH KUMAR SHRIVASTAVA SLC\00026 26 2361440 6 RITESH KUMAR SLC\00027* 27 1257641 GOPAL JI JHA SLC\00029 28 2580112 RITESH JAISWAL SLC\00030 29 1220701 6 RAJEEV KUMAR SLC\00032 30 2643040 ADARSH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA SLC\00033 31 1223709 SHILPA SIKRI SLC\00034 32 1220266 ASHISH KUMAR SINHA SLC\00035 33 1247048 6 RAMAN KUMAR SLC\00036 34 3016066 SACHIN KUMAR SAMANTO SLC\00037 35 2640722 SHASHI SHEKHAR SINGH SLC\00038 36 1254300 MADHUKAR KUMAR SLC\00039 37 2070675 ABHISHEK KUMAR KARN SLC\00040 38 1217409 SANJAY KUMAR SINGH SLC\00041 39 1239360 NISHANT SRIVASTAVA SLC\00042 40 2080114 SHIV SHANKAR JHA SLC\00043 41 1210142 RITESH KUMAR SINGH SLC\00044 42 2647242 GUNJAN ARORA SLC\00045 43 2293838 6 VIJAY KUMAR BHOI SLC\00046 44 1211806 PRERNA KUMARI SLC\00047 45 1235472 SANJEEV KUMAR JHA SLC\00048 46 2581453 PRASHANT SHUKLA SLC\00049 47 2071212 6 MITHLESH KUMAR SLC\00050* 48 2081987 UJJWAL KUMAR SLC\00051 4 49 5232073 MAKAWANE VILSHAL ASHOKSA SLC\00052 50 1233368 SONIA RANI SLC\00053 51 1519455 ROHIT GARG SLC\00054 52 3032060 ABHISHEK SARKAR SLC\00055 53 2290318 6 VINAY KUMAR SAHU SLC\00056* 54 5514090 MUKESH KUMAR SLC\00057 55 1216489 SUBHASH KUMAR SLC\00058 56 6031789 6 SANJAY KUMAR SLC\00059 57 2644600 GAURAV PRAKASH SLC\00060 58 5011022 VINAY MISHRA SLC\00061 59 2265521 6 SANJAY KUMAR SLC\00062 60 2110042 6 MANISH KUMAR SAH SLC\00063* 61 1229166 6 SUBODH KUMAR PANKAJ SLC\00064 62 1221551 ROSHAN KUMAR SLC\00065 63 1217218 PRABHAKAR SLC\00066 64 1215348 6 MAHENDRA KUMAR YADAV SLC\00067 65 1212880 6 RAVI BHUSHAN SLC\00068 66 1243087 RAJIV KUMAR YADAV SLC\00069 67 2061159 6 ROHIT KUMAR SLC\00070 68 2072943 6 RAJESHWAR PRASAD SLC\00071 69 5150251 JOSHI SHRIHARI SHARADCHAN SLC\00072 70 2110639 NISHU ANUPAM SLC\00073 71 2012350 AVINASH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA SLC\00074 72 2654802 CHETNA SHUKLA SLC\00075 73 2582285 ALOK KUMAR DIXIT SLC\00076 74 6034612 KRISHNA CHAITANYA S SLC\00077 75 2513259 DISHA SHARMA SLC\00078 76 3301637 CHAYAN KUMAR SLC\00079 77 1723037 MANISH KUSHWAH SLC\00080 78 1259199 HIMANSHU BHARDWAJ SLC\00081 79 1211406 MANISH KAMAL SLC\00082 80 1210990 6 NITIN YADAV SLC\00083* 81 2324237 DHARMENDRA SINGH SLC\00084 82 2415509 AJAY NARAYAN TRIPATHI SLC\00085 83 1238305 6 ONKAR NATH KASHYAP SLC\00086 84 2131489 RAJEEV KUMAR SLC\00087 85 1708706 6 VIKAS KUMAR KUMAWAT SLC\00088 86 2642452 SHIKSHA DUBEY SLC\00089 87 6032236 6 CHANDESHWAR PANDIT SLC\00090 88 1215953 RAJANISH KUMAR MISHRA SLC\00091 89 1215112 VALMIKI SHARAN JYOTI SLC\00092 90 1762019 6 KRISHNA KUMAR SINGH SLC\00093 91 1753721 GIRISH KUMAR AGRAWAL SLC\00094 92 1253834 RAM BHAGAT SLC\00095 93 3025015 GARGEE CHAKRABORTY SLC\00096 94 1218299 RAVI KANT SHARMA SLC\00098 95 1211747 1 DEVENDRA KUMAR VIMAL SLC\00099* 96 2642020 SUDHANSHU SRIVASTAVA SLC\00100 97 6031856 6 ARVIND KUMAR SLC\00101* 98 1228161 6 RAJESH KUMAR SLC\00102* 99 1230916 VIJAY CHOUDHARY SLC\00103 100 2303203 6 MANOJ KUMAR YADAV SLC\00104 101 1240326 6 SUJIT KUMAR SLC\00105 5 102 1732126 6 SHAILENDRA PRASAD SLC\00106 103 1223666 6 RUPA SHANKAR PRASAD SLC\00107 104 1221862 6 RAM NARESH MAHELA SLC\00108 105 2654639 6 AMIT KUMAR SLC\00109 106 1219035 6 SANTOSH KUMAR SLC\00110 107 1220785 6 RAMPRIT KUMAR SLC\00111 108 1216483 6 SUMAN KUMAR MANDAL SLC\00112 109 1246666 6 RAMNIWAS YADAV SLC\00113 110 2131113 6 RAJ KUMAR SLC\00114 111 4210172 6 ASHISH KUMAR SLC\00115 112 2262850 6 RAM BAHADUR YADAV SLC\00116 113 2650609 6 ALOK VERMA SLC\00117 114 1700294 6 DHIRENDRA JANGIR SLC\00118 115 1218518 6 MANOJ KUMAR SLC\00119 116 1224189 1 SUSHIL KUMAR SLC\00120 117 1235976 1 AMIT KUMAR SLC\00121 118 1222327 6 RITESH KUMAR SLC\00122 119 2414674 6 BHASKAR SLC\00123 120 1213730 6 SANJAY SINGH SLC\00124 121 1250224 6 LALIT KUMAR VERMA SLC\00125 122 2031643 1 GANGA SAGAR PASWAN SLC\00126 123 2543010 6 AVESH KUMAR SLC\00127 124 2211493 6 RAMSEVAK VISHWAKARMA SLC\00128 125 5514992 4 RAJESH KUMAR TIWARI SLC\00129 126 6562016 3 JOGINDER SINGH SLC\00130 127 1510362 1 JASHANJIT SINGH SLC\00131 128 2412207 3 EESHAN DATT MISHRA SLC\00132 129 2340581 6 4 JAGDISH PRASAD SAHU SLC\00133 130 1375232 2 DINESH MEENA SLC\00134 131 1721400 2 DHARMENDRA KUMAR MEENA SLC\00135 132 6032313 6 3 RAJAN V SLC\00136 133 1236781 1 VASU JAJORIA SLC\00137 134 1732147 1 MUKESH KUMAR SLC\00138 135 5012858 1 DILBAG SINGH SLC\00139 136 1212178 1 KARUNA RANI SLC\00140 137 1511841 1 RAVINDER KUMAR SLC\00141 138 1251057 1 MANDEEP RATWAYA SLC\00142 139 3025848 3 MANISH CHAKRABORTY SLC\00144 140 2560766 3 BHUVNESWAR SINGH SLC\00145 141 1240134 2 RAMESH CHAND MEENA SLC\00146 142 3011232 4 NEERAJ KUMAR SLC\00147 143 1218263 3 MOHAMMED ARSHAD MUDDASSIR SLC\00148 144 1752406 1 MOHAN RAM SLC\00149 145 1514300 1 MANJEET SINGH SLC\00150 146 1239272 1 BABU RAM SLC\00151 147 1246103 1 SHRI KRISHAN SLC\00152 148 1214019 1 ASHUTOSH SLC\00153 149 1650011 1 SHASHI KUMAR SLC\00154 150 1222081 3 SANJAY KUMAR SINGH SLC\00155 151 1240082 1 TILAK RAJ SLC\00156 152 2322382 3 RAJESH SLC\00157 153 1253858 3 JAGDEEP SINGH SLC\00158 154 1255476 1 MANAS KUMAR KAYAL SLC\00159 6 155 1219497 3 JITENDER SLC\00160 156 1704322 1 SURESH KUMAR HARSOLIA SLC\00161 157 4310519 1 MAHUWA DAS SLC\00162 158 1711908 2 MEGHRAJ MEENA SLC\00163 159 1581043 6 3 HEMANT JEET SINGH SLC\00164 160 1707871 2 ALKA MEENA SLC\00165 161 1228025 1 NARENDER KUMAR SLC\00166 162 3011538 1 BIJAY KUMAR RAJAK SLC\00167 163 2073178 2 SUSHIL TOPNO SLC\00168 164 1244836 1 AMIT KUMAR SLC\00169 165 2643592 1 NITIN KUMAR SONKER SLC\00170 166 1704553 2 MUKESH KUMAR MEENA SLC\00171 167 5153675 2 MAYA SHANKER PRABHAT SLC\00172 168 3014204 2 PUNAM PRASAD SLC\00173 169 1510111 1 SUKHWINDER KAUR SLC\00174 170 1233653 1 DALIP KUMAR SLC\00175 171 1250918 3 RAMENDRA BHOUMICK SLC\00176 172 6520759 6 3 DEEPAK K V SLC\00177 173 1257868 4 MANOJ KUMAR MISHRA SLC\00178 174 1216420 6 4 NIRAJ KUMAR SLC\00179 175 1515897 4 VINOD KUMAR MISHRA SLC\00180 176 1725368 2 MAGAN LAL MEENA SLC\00181 177 1725391 2 RAJESH KUMAR MEENA SLC\00182 178 1215511 2 PRAKASH CHAND MEENA SLC\00183 .
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