DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY. NEBRASKA. ROPE AS STRONG AS STEEL THREE OF MOST SENSATIONAL "COMEBACKS" DAY RUNS TURNS. jLES Manila 8trands Togother Equal i Solid Bar Weight for Weight-Effici-ency The Old Companies. The Old Treat- FOUNDER OF NEW YORK GIANTS of Leather. NOW HUMBLE EMPLOYE. Of tho flexible ropes suitable fot ment. The Old Care. power transmission n manlla rope li They in nil the land. represent Fortune Made When Team Won Two Just as strong as a solid stoel bar, the bst I weight World's Championships From St. for weight, though only about the Hartfo'd, Phenix, Continental, Columbia, Royal, 11 por cent strong equal cross Loula Drowns and Brooklyna as per the really Strong Insurance Companies. section, according to a writer in Pow- Lost In Fighting Revolt. I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish AID IN WALL CONSTRUCTION er. Leather, on tho other hand, in only about 6 per cent as strong as a steel Yours, when you sell. Onco tho richest and most powerful bar of equal loss Object of Paul Inventor la to Elimi- cross section and Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing, magnate In tho National loaguo, John 8t than 40 por cent aa strong per equal B. Day, foundor of tho Now York nate All Planea of Weakness weight draw up Will, Deeds, Leases, Etc. RIGHT. Very and Permeability. of material. baseball club, which haa controlled tho The reiativo efficiency of manlla much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well. Ulants since 1885, now draws a small rope and leather belting trans- In speaking of tho objects of an in- for tho salary for supervising tho turnstiles mission of power 1b directly pro- Vm 1001 Gorma-ei- a not H. F. MoKecver at the polo grounds. Mr. Day's for- vention of A. F. Meyer of portional to tholr respective strengths, building, Paul, Minn., Sci-mttf- Successor to Ed. T. Kearney. tune, mado in 1888 and 1889, when tho St. the howovor, as tho American says: Internal construction Giants won two world's championships of a hemp rope strip of leathor "Among important ob- and a Insurance. - Real Estate. - Steamship Tickets. from the St. Louis Browns and tho tho several differ greatly vary differently by jects of this is the provision and Brooklyns, respectively, was swept invention wear. Manlla fibers, from which tho of wall designed to away in vainly fighting tho Brother- a construction ropo is manufactured, are usually from hood revolt of 1890. Ho sacrificed all eliminate all planes of weakness and eight to ten long, composed depo- feet are to remain loyal to tho National league, permeability resulting from tho of elongated cells possess great of In hori- that which without his allegiance would sition concreto successlvo strength longitudinally, aro com- zontal layers to mako possible but havo boon crushed in mldseason. In and and paratively weak transvorsoly. Leath- 'A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation" i Day a inter- er, fact, Mr. refused halt on the othor hand, Is nbout equally SHIP US YOUR est in tho Now York Brotherhood club, strong in any direction, so the imp of Chicago that v;iv Claude Derrick, New Shortstop Cub. togother with a $26,000 salary to servo wear on such a belt ia mostly external. as president. In a manlla ropo wear Is largely In- Hogs Derrick and dlanapolls and then on to Cleveland, tho Ca.ttle, and SKeep "Birdie" Creo, Claude Tho story of Mr. Day's ruin Is an In With ternal, the elongated fiber cells being i Jay Klrko aro tbreo of the raoBt tho Amorlcan association. hlB old ono, but wonderful faith in crushed together when- - passing around "comebacks" of the season. Clovoland, Klrko hit for .351 and was &, tho ball players who throw him down n sheave and breaking up Into short Steele, Siman Co. When this trio was cast adrift by ma- tho real batting leader of tho associa- nover has been told. At tho sugges- r pieces. A worn-ou- t rope, aa far jor league clubs little or no attention tion. Now ho is with tho Cleveland manlla SIOUX CITY, IOWA tion of James Mutrlo Mr. Day organ- aa Its strength is concerned, may have was given to their fate. They had Naps. "Tom Steele, RaySlmao, Dave Prusmer, pperjta, i short-fleld- er ized the old Metropolitans, who won tho outward appearanoe excel- dropped out of set and wero Claudo Derrick, tho now Cub of an Mntmgor Oattle Snlesmnn. Hos&Hheep8nleiman fQce. the fast tho American association champion- lent rope, con- headed for minors. Hut now it's purchased from Cincinnati haa whllo internally ita tho ship in 1884. Ho leased the polo la Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us. a different story. All accom- fit in tho cavity In great stylo nnd la struction but a mass of short, brok- throe grounds, then located at Fifth avenue en partlclos. working Ask plished wonders with tho teams to said to bo tho making of tho Cub' Tho allowable them about us. Our Best Boosters. and Ono Hundred and Tenth street. As stress of cus- which they were sent, and now they team. Ho has chased away tho short- L.0 a good leather belt Is tho National loaguo parent tomarily pe We Work for You. Write Us, Ship Us. aro back in tho big yard again. stop bugaboo. Slnco Joining tho team waB tho taken as 820 pounds body, Day and Mutrlo soon applied for Bquaro one-tent- h ton-sil- o Tho Now York Americans sold Creo Claudo has shown plonty of class aa a Construction. inch, or about its a franchise to operate a New Yort Wall to tho Baltimore Orioles for $2,600 and batter and flcldor. Tho Cubs are tho strength. In the courso of a year club. Tho team was tho or so gladly paid $5,000 to get him back. fourth major league team ho haa nicknamed practicablo the production of a plead- a manlla rope will lose about 50 Qlanta in 1887, tho players In- per While with Baltimore Creo led tho In- played for. He started out with tho because ing and durable finish by means of cent of its original strength, aftar big Roger ternational league batsmen with an Athletics In 1912, but wasn't kopt long. cluded men Buck Ewlng, brushing and washing the partially which the weakening becomes mora iJLfeIV? 1 JS rl at fcs. A " iwk 9 Connor, Keefe, O'Rourko, gradual. I I B. average of .353. Claudo Derrick also Ho bobbod up at tho end of that scai Tim Jim hardened concrete Further, to pro- Under such conditions It la . -, Mlko Slattery aud safo to figure work- I I LXl waB shipped to Baltlmoro by the Ath- son with Mack's men and again dis- others. vide a construction which embodies on an allowable ioe HKK 1IH1 letics, who figured that ho was appeared in tho ambush. His next During that season tho Now York tho assembling of a framework disclos- ing BtresB of about 288 pounds per club mado $100,000, whllo In 1888 Mr. square Inch, or ono thirty-secon- d its through In tho big show. Derrick did chanco caino with Frank Chanco'a ing window openings and ordinary - 1 Day's profits wero to havo been js.lHjh jtiml.J IImL m f i wm. vtx. je m yi year. Ho said being tensile strength. i aT .nvrvnT groat work In tho field for tho Orioles Highlanders last waB lot panels for the walls, tho last and hit for .330. looso again, to bo grabbed up by tho doublo that amount John M. Ward, Oiled with concreto or other cast ma- THE WORLD-RENOWNE- Qeorgo Mickey CANDLE-HOLDE- Jay Kirke, tho third membor of tho Reds. Ho wore a Cincinnati uniform Goro, Mlko Tlernan, terial, each panel being cast aa an in- R IS BIG HELP HMCfflLWlfeAfflEY AERIAL GYMNAST IS "comeback" triplets, Is a former Bos- for a couple of days before signing Welsh, Ed Crane, Danny Richardson, tegral block." UNDER CONTRACTrro ton Bravo. Ho wos shunted to In- - with tho Cubs. Bill Brown, Arthur Whitney, Gil Hat- Enables Carpenters and Mechanics to field, Pat Murphy and Tltcomb wero IgMiJkffiIF NOISE IS QUITE EXPENSIVE Secure Sufficient Light In Out- - r added to tho club's roster from tlmo y . Corners. RACES DAILY O'NEILL IS CLEVER CATCHER to tlmo, so that when tho pennant TOWING 8 msr was captured In 1889 Mr. Day was Din Caused by Use of Stamps as cojjyvas ft An ingenious candle-holdo- r will r9ivrmcK: rolling In Crushing Machines Is Responsible that vSANO tftfl ORANB OPERA. CO. Young Backstop of Cleveland Team Is literally wealth. Ho allowed be a big help to carpenters me- MML for Misunderstood Orders. and " 7 a a Tall and Rangy, With Fine Build tho players to pockot tho Now York chanics has been Invented by a New imASBwnmiiTmmm if the. club's entire share of tho receipts. for His Position. Antony York man. A bracket with open Jaws In the super-Intendo- ;T1Jid:Atfrinilhn,flIlliirfifliIftdV It waB during the following winter a recent conversation a any of a largo stamp mill mado and thumb screw to fasten It to afst)lav that tho Giants, with tho exception of intr&lWrcEDSTATES.TwWW-- v-j Stephen T. O'Neill, tho sterling projection has a pan with a tubo to !' . A iZH- TT the observation that "nolso costs a. up-io-oo- lf young catcher of tho Cloveland Ameri- Tlornan, Welsh and Murphy, agreed to hold tho candle attached to It There tui.Tr STCtorvrC, Day.
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