FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 159 Thursday, August 17, 1967 • Washington, D.C. Pages 11843-11920 Agencies in this issue— Agriculture Department Air Force Department Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Delaware River Basin Commission Federal Aviation-Administration Federal Communications C o m m ission Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Maritime C o m m is sion Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration Housing and Urban Development Department Interior Depàrtment J International Commerce Bureau Interstate Commerce Commission i Land Management Bureau Navy Department Public Health Service Public Land Law Review Commission Securities and Exchange Commission Detailed list o f Contents appears inside. Current White House Releases WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Issues at the end. Cumulation of this index terminates began with the issue dated Monday, August 2, 1965. at the end of each quarter and begins anew with the It contains transcripts of the President’s news confer­ following issue. Semiannual and annual indexes are ences, messages to Congress, public speeches, remarks published separately. and statements, and other Presidential material released by the White House up to 5 p.m. of each Friday. The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is This weekly service includes an Index of Contents sold to the public on a subscription basis. The price preceding the text and a Cumulative Index to Prior of individual copies varies. 1 * ' \ Subscription Price: $6.00 per year Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays» or FERER/UÄREGISTER on the day after an' official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Area Code 202 Phone 962-8626 Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National <*ITCD* Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408). pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C.. Ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Admin* D oS n ? e^nin se o th<> Pederai f ef ste^ approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution S made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 3 3 Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable in ^ L ^ J haTee f°rJ 1ndividual c°Pies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents for &£3SE£g&£?Jl i T ^ a h S S D0r 2U 2Remlt CheCk °r m°ney °rder’ made Payable the Superintendent of Documents, suanlhtn ^erein is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pur- Docim entsPrW R« ®eSister f ct* as amended. The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the Superintendent of and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code of F ederal R egulations. Contents AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT DELAWARE RIVER BASIN FEDERAL MARITIME See also Commodity Credit Corpo­ COMMISSION COMMISSION ration; Consumer and Market­ Notices ing Service. Notices Agreements filed for approval: Notices Comprehensive plan; notice of public hearing______________ _____11898 North A tlan tic Westbound Assistant to the Secretary for Civil Freight Association__________11900 Rights; delegation of authority. 11895 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden/ Statement of organization and FEDERAL AVIATION U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Rate delegations------------------------------- 11895 A greem ent____________________ 11900 ADMINISTRATION . Security for protection of public: AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations Financial responsibility to meet Rules and Regulations liability incurred for death or Air worthiness directives: injury to passengers or other Decorations and awards----------------- 11852 Fairchild Hiller Type 27 air­ persons on voyages_____________ 11900 craft ___________________ — — 11849 Indemnification of passengers CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Piper Type PA22 aircraft_____ 11849 for nonperformance of trans­ Intra-Hawaiian air transporta­ Control zone; alteration____________ 11849 portation ______________________ 11900 tion; withdrawal of exemption. 11883 Control zone and transition area; alteration _____________________ _ 11850 Notices Federal airway; alteration__________11850 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Hearings, etc.: Transition area; designation--------11850 Notices Air carrier discussions____________ 11898 Proposed Rule Making Atlantic Richfield Co., et al.: M arty’s Flying Service___i--------11898 Applications fo r certificates, Airworthiness directives; British abandonment of service and CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Aircraft Corporation Model 1-11 petitions to amend certifi­ 200 Series airplanes!-------------------11882 Rules and Regulations cates _______ 11901 Federal airway; proposed altera­ Findings and orders after statu­ Equal opportunity; investigation tion ____________________ 11882 and agency systems_______________11847 tory hearing____________________ 11902 President’s Committee on U rban Housing; excepted service______11847 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION COMMERCE DEPARTMENT COMMISSION Rules and Regulations See International Commerce B u­ Rules and Regulations Ornamental millinery veils or veil­ ings; interpretation_____________ 11850 reau. Radio broadcast services; table of assignments: COMMODITY CREDIT Eagle Butte, S. Dak------------------ 11879 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE CORPORATION Fort Morgan, Colo..------------- 11876 Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Roanoke Rapids and Goldsboro, N .C _________________ 11877 Hunting in certain national wild­ Flaxseed loan and purchase pro­ life refuges: gram; 1967 crop; correction___ 11848 Proposed Rule Making Illinois et al______________________ 11880 Sorghum loan and purchase pro­ Aeronautical en route stations Nevada (2 documents)___________ 11881 gram; 1967 crop; correction___ 11848 engaged in international high W is c o n s in _______________________ 11881 frequency service; change of CONSUMER AND MARKETING frequencies available for as-- FOOD AND DRUG SERVICE s ig n m e n t_____ :___________ ___ 11884 FM broadcast stations; experi­ ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations mental period_____ _______________ 11886 Rules and Regulations Domestic dates produced or Notices Chloramphenicol for aqueous in­ packed in designated part of jection; tests and methods of California: Hearings, etc.: assay _____________________________ 11851 Expenses and rate of assessment Aiken Cablevision, Inc___________ 11899 1967—68 crop year_____________ 11848 Americana Broadcasting Corp., Notices Free and restricted percentages and Loyola University____ !_ _ 11899 Petitions filed regarding food ad­ and withholding factors for Athens Broadcasting Co., Inc., ditives or pesticides: 1967-68 crop year_____________ 11847 and 3 J’s Broadcasting Co.— 11899 Amchem Products, Inc------------- 11895 ! Pr°Posed Rule Making Kaysbier, Fred and Sierra Am dal Co________________________ 11896 American Cyanamid Co--------------11896 ' handling in certain market­ Blanca Broadcasting Co. ing areas: Food and Drug Research Lab­ (K R R R ) ______________________ 11899 Dayton-Springfleld, Ohio_______11887 oratories, Inc___________________ 11896 Vestal Video, Inc., and Eastern j&stem South Dakota________ _ 11888 —-Proctor & Gamble Co_____________ 11896 Stauffer Chemical Co____________ 11896 I ______ - _______ 11887 Microwave, Inc_____________ 11900 ranges and grapefruit grown in Lower Rio Grande Valley in xas; container and pack reg­ FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND ulation . ---------------- n887 BOARD WELFARE DEPARTMENT DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations See Food and Drug Administra­ Federal Savings and Loan Sys­ tion; Public Health Service. Apartment.Department* Navy tem; operations; branch offices. 11848 (Continued on next page) 11845 11846 CONTENTS HOUSING AND URBAN INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE NAVY DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUREAU Rules and Regulations Notices Notices Medical and dental care at Navy Petroservice International GmbH; expense at non-Navy facilities; Redelegations of authority regard­ notice of related party determi­ m is c e lla n e o u s a m e n d m e n ts _____11851 ing college housing loan pro­ nation ____________________________ 11895 gram : PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Assistant Regional Administra­ Rules and Regulations tor and Deputy Assistant INTERSTATE COMMERCE Regional Administrator for COMMISSION Construction grant payments; miscellaneous amendments-— 11875 Housing Assistance: Notices Region I __________ l____ _______ i 11897 Region II.____________________;__11897 Fourth section applications for PUBLIC LAND LAW REVIEW Region I I I _______________ _____ 11896 re lie f___________________ , _______ _ 11917 COMMISSION Region IV _________ 11897 Motor carrier: Broker, water carrier and Notices Region V _________________ 11896 freight forwarder applica­ Organization, functions, and Region V I______________ 11897 tions____________________ _______ 11907 availability of records
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