Dec. 1926-Jan

Dec. 1926-Jan

Folders -Box A~ricultureDept., Nov.-Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 B, 0ct.-Dec. 1926-~~1.1927 Board of Undertakers, Dec. 1926-Jan. 192'7 C, Nov. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 1927 Commissioner of Fisheries, Nov. -Doc. 1926-Jan. 1927 D, Oct .-Dee. 1926-~m. 192'7 Depirty &I,-torney General, Nov,-Dec. 1926- an. 1927 E, Nov.-Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 F, Oct .-Dee. 1926-Jan. 1927 Forests and Waters Dept ,, Nov. -Dec. 1926- an. 1927 G, Aug., Nov.-Dec. 1926-~a.1927 Game Commission, Nov.-Dec. 1926 H, hg.-Dec. 1926- an, 1927 Health Dept., O'ct .-Dee. 1926-Jan. 192'7 Highway Dept., Olct .-Dec. 1926-Jan, 1927 I, Nov.-Dec. 1926 Insurance Dept., Nov.-Dec. 1926-~m. 1927 J, Nov.-Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 K, 0ct.-Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 L, Nov. -Dee. 1926- an. 1927 Labor and Industry Dept., Nov.-Dec. 1926 Labor ad Industry Dept ., Morkmenl s Conpensation, Nova-Dee. 1926-Jan. 192'7 Librarian, Nov.-Dec. 1926 Mc, Nov. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 192'7 M, 0ct.-Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 8, Mov. -Dee. 1926- an. 192'7 0, Nov. -Dee. 1926-~~~~1927 P, Nov. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 1927 Public Instmxtion Dept ., Nov. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 1927 Public Service Cornmission, Nov.-Dec. 1926-~m. 1927 R, Nov.-Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 Registration Commissioner, Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 S, 0 ct. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 1927 Secretary of Mines, June 1926 (Alexander ~~~anch) Nov.-Dec. 1926-~a.1927 State Board of Censors of Motion Pictures, Nov.-Dec. 1926 State Boxing Commission, Nov.-Dec. 1926 State Factory Inspector, June, Sept.-Dec. 1926- an. 1927 State Police, Nov.-Dec. 1926- an. 1927 T, Nov. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 192'7 U, Nov. 1926, Jan. 1927 V, Nov. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 1927 W, Nov. -Dee. 1926-Jan. 1927 Welfare Dept., Aug.-Dec. 1926-Jan. 1927 Y. Nov.-Dec. 1926 Ap-Ar , 1927-29 Appel, Hon. Theodore B, 1927-30 (Secretary of Health. Incl: Schuylkill River Sanitary Survey, 1928) Armstrong, C-F, 1927-29 J-W, 1927-3 0 A~D-As~1927-30 At-&, 1927-31 B, 1927-31 Ba, 1927-31 Bai, 1928-30 Baker, A-W, 1928 ~al- an, 1927-30 Baldridgo, Hon. Thomas J., 1927-28 (~ttorne~~eneral) Bar-Barna, 1927-30 (1nc1: George G. ~arnard) Barnes-Barnett , 1927-30 Barnhart-Barnwn, 1927-30 Bur-Barb, 1927-30 Bash-Bast, 1927-28 Bat-Batz, 1927-30 Bau-Bay, 1928-30 ~e-~ed,1927-30 Bean. Gen. F. D., 1927-30 (~djutantGeneral) ~ediv-~~~?,1927-29 Bell-Belo , 1927-30 Ben-Benn, 1927-30 Benne-Beu, 1927-30 .Bi-Bil, 1927-30 Bill-Bir , 192'7-3 0 B1, 1927-30 ~ok-~onn,1927-30 Boies P'enro se Statue Executive Commission, 1930 BOO-BOS,1927-30 BOU-BOW, 1927-30 BOW-BOY, 1927-30 Bra-Bral, 1927-30 Bran-Bren, 1927-28 Brew, 1927-30 Bri, 1928-30 Bro-Broom, 1928-30 Brown, A-D, 1927-31 Brown, F-G, 1927-30 ~rown,Mrs. Henry Tatnall Jr., 1927-1930 (Dinner Exec- Mansion, Mar. 19, 1929) Brown, J-W, Brownlee, 1927-30 1 Bru, 1928-30 1 Buchanan, 1927-30 1 Buchman, 1927-31 1 Buck-Buf, 1927-30 Buller, Hon. N. R., 1927-31 (Commissioner of Fisheries) 1 1 Bur-Burg , 1927-3 0 1 Burk, Rev. H. H. (valley Forge), 1927-31 1 Burke, Hon. James Francis, 1927-30 1 Burkh-Bus, 1927-30 (~eputyAttorney ~eneral) 1 Burr. Hon. M. Vashti, 1929-30 1 ~ut-ky, 1927-30 Ca-Cal , 1927-30 cam-^&^, 1927-30 1 Cameron, Hon. Peter G., 1927-30 (Secretary of ank king) 1 1 Campbell, D-W, 1927-30 1 Can-Carp, 1927-30 Congratulatory Letters, 19.27, 1929 (~asonicAdvancement, 1929) 3 1 Carell, Dr. John B, 1928-30 1 Carroll, 1927-30 Cars-Gas, 1927-30 (1ncl: Hampton L. Carson) Cash-Cav, 1927-30 Chal-Chap, 1927-30 Che-@hi, 1927-30 Chri-Clark, Geo. A., 1927-30 Clark, Geo. K.-J.W., 1927-31 Clark, L. W., 1927-30 Clarke-Cleav, 1928-30 Clem-Cly, 1928-30 Co-Coh, 1927-30 1 Col-Coll, 1928-30 1 Colli-Corn, 1928-30 1 Con-Corm, 1927-30 1 Congratfiatory Letters, 1927, 1929 (1929, re Masonic ~dvancement)2 COG-COO,1927-30 Cor-Cos, 1927-30 (~ncl:Del. River Bridge om mission) Cot-COV, 1927-29 Cow-Coyl, 1927-30 Cop-Cram, 1927-30 Crap-Criss, 1927-30 Grist-Cru, 1927-30 Gul-Gun, 1927-30 CUT-Cut, 1927-30 D-Ddl, 1927-31 Dan-Dar, 1927-30 Dau-David, 1927-30 Davis, A-D, 1927-30 Davis, G-J, 1927-30 Davis, M-P, 1927-30 Davis, R-Daw, 1927-29 De-Dela, 1927-30 Delo-Dem, 1927-30 D~r~nm-.Derll,1928-30 Derr-Dew, - 1927-30 Detrich, A. Nevin, 1927-30 (Personal secretary) ~ickin- it; 1928-30 (Bureau of Publications) Dight- -, John C., 1927-30 Div-Dix, 1927-30 Do-Dom, 1927-28 Don-Dorrance, Anne, 1927-29 Dorrance, Miss Frances-Dorri, 1928-30 ~ors.-DOW,1927-30 -L Dorworth, Hon. Charles E, 1927-30 (Secretary of Forests & waters) 1 Dr-Dun, 1927-30 1 Dd-Dw, 1921-3 0 1 1 Ea. 1928-30 1 Eb; Edwards D, 1927-30 1 Eckels, Hon. Samuel, 1927-30 (chief Engineer Dept. of ~i~hwa~s)1 Edwards, G. Z., 1927-30 1 El, 1928-31 1 Eh-Ely, 1927-3 0 1 Em-Emp, 1927-3 0 1 En-Eng , 1927-3 0 1 Eps-Ert, 1927-29 1 Estep, G-T, 1927-30 1 Esterly, Hon. Charles J. M. C., 1928-30 1 Et-Evans, Hon. Frank D., 1927-30 1 Evans, Hon. John E., 1927-30 1 Evans, P-Ey, 1927-30 1 F, 1927-1929 1 Fa, 1927-30 1 Fe-Felton, B, 1928-30 1 Felton, E. C., 1927-29 (Chairman Pa. Del. Bridge Commission No. 2)l Fen-Few, 1927-30 1 Fi-Fisher, J . A. , 1928-3 0 1 Fisher, J. Clyde - W, 1927-31 1 Fisher, Robert M., 1927-30 (1ncl: personal) 4 Fis-Fla, 1927-29 1 12 Fleisher, Alfred W., 1927-28 (President Board of Trustees, ESP) 1 Fleitz, Jos&h E, Esq., 1927-30 1 Flem-Flet, 1928-30 1 Fli-Fly, 1927-30 1 Fo-For, 1927-30 1 Fort-Fo s, 1927-29 1 Fo st-Fox, E, 1927-29 1 FOX, H-L,, 1927-30 1 Fox, M.-Fra, 1927-30 1 Fre-Frit s, 1928-29 1 Frits-Fu, 1927-30 1 Ga-Gable, John E. , 1927-30 1 Gable, John E., 1928-30 (Ex. Secy. Isaak Walton League of ~merica)l Gable, S-Gal, 1927-30 1 Gall-Gard, 1927-30 1 Gare-Gates, L, 1927-30 1 Gates, T-Gaz , 1927-30 1 Ge-Gel, 1927-31 1 George, Ella M, 1927-30 1 George, H-Get, 1927-30 1 Geu-Gib, 1927-30 1 Gif-Gil, 1927-29 1 Gild-Gilm, 1927-3 0 1 Gimbel, Ellis, 1927-30 1 Gin-Gla, 1927-30 1 13 Godcharles, Hon. Fred C, 1927-31 1 Glee-Cles, 1927-31 1 Gli-God, 1927-30 1 Go e-Gol, 1927-30 Goo-Goodn, 1927-30 Goods-GOt , 1927-30 ~o'pr-~raif,J, 1927-30 Governors 1 Conference, 1927 (1ncl: Western Trip 1tems) Graff , PJ-Grah, 1928-30 Gran-Gray , 1927-29 Green-Greene, 1927-30 Greenfield, Ubert M, 1927-30 Greenway-Greer ; 1928-3 0 Greg-Grif , 1927-30 Grim-Gru, 1927-30 Grundy, Hon. joseph R., 1927-30 H- ad, 1927-30 Hag-Hai, 1927-30 Hal-Hamb, 1927-30 I-Id-Hamil, 1927-3 0 Haml-Hann, 1927-30 Hama-Hardy , 1927-3 0 Hare-Harm, 1927-3 0 Harp-Harris , 1927-30 ' Harrison-Hart , 1927-31 Hart e-Harv, 1927-3 0 Has-Hea, 1927-30 Heb-Hei, 1927-30 Heinz-Hem, 1927-30 Hen-Hem, 1927-30 Henr-Herm, 1927-30 Hern-Herri , 1927-30 Herro-Hess, 1927-29 Hessel-Hic, 1927-30 Beteel, Dr. R. D., 1927-30 (~res.P1ema. State college) Hig-Hil, 1927-30 Him-Hir , 1927-3 0 Ho-Hoh, 1927-30 1 ~ol-HO~ , 1927-30 1 Hoover, Hon. Herbert, 1927-30 (1ncl: Speeches, 1924-26) I I Hoover Prospertg P'rogram, 1929-30 I General Correspondence, 1929-30 Burgess1s Letters, A-Z, 1929 I County Commissioners letters, 1929 I Keith, Dr. John I. H., 1929-30 (~e~ortsre building projects I in school districts) Hoover, S-Horne, 1928-30 Horner , Hou, 1927-3 0 Hov-Hub, 1927-30 Hud-Hw~. 1927-3 0 Hwnp-Hunt er , 1927-3 0 Hur-Hus, 1927-30 (Incl: Joseph M. Huston re Sculptural Decorations for Capitol) Hut-Hy, 1927-30 I, 1927-30 Inaugural, Data on, 1926 Insurance, Dept. of, 1927-30 Internal Affairs, Dept . of, 1927-30 Ja, 1927-30 James, Hon. Arthur H, 1929-30 Je, 1927-30 Jefferson Memorial Fund, 1929 Jefferson Memorial Fund, 1928 Jo, 1927 Joh, 1927-30 ~onlJU, 1927-30 Johnson, Uba B, 1927-30 (?yes. Penna. Chamber of Commerce) Johnson, Hon. Charles, 1927-28 (Secy. of the Commonwealth) Jones, Dr. Emlyn, 1927-30 Jordan. Hon. C. G, 1927-31 (Seey of agriculture) Ka, 1927-30 Xe, 1927-30 Keith. Hon. John A. H, 1927-30 (Supt. of Public ~nstruction) el-K&, 1927-30 Ken, 1927-30 Kep-Ket, 1927-30 Kid-Kim, 1927-30 King-Kings , 1927-30 Kint-Kit , 1927-30 Kittanning Bridge, 1929-30 K1, 1927-30 Kn-KO , 1927-30 ~r-KU;1927-30 Labor and Industry, Dept. of, 1927-1930 Lad-Lai, 1927-31 Lama-Lamb, 1927-31 Lamo-Lane, 1927-31 Lang-Las, 1927-31 Lat-Lau, 1927-30 Law, 1928-30 ~eal~ee,1927-30 Leffler, Ross L, 1928-29 (~res.Board of Game ~odssioners) E eh-E8ei, 1927-3 0 Lem-Lev, 1927-31 Cevi.

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