DECEMBER 1978/ JANUARY 1979 NUMBER 49/$ Profits of doom: making a buck off the Apocalypse Play it with feeling: a look at the collective behind "Crimes Against Nature" Whitewashing Brown: The (soft) selling of Rita Mae's new novel A MAGAZINE ^ FOR GAY LIBERATION VICTORY IN CALIFORNIA • VICTORY IN SEATTLE And in Toronto, The Body Politic heads for the big courtroom battle DOWN TO THE WIRE ?<r :<' .,:<.:. •t-Xss-. y<^' On January 2, The Body Politic's non-profit publisher. Pink Triangle Press, defence. In all of this we have depended on gay people all across Canada, and its three directors go on trial in Toronto. They are charged with possession throughout the United States and in other parts of the world as well — people of "obscene" material (the gay sex guide, Loving Man) and with use of the who value a strong and independent gay press; people who know that lesbians mail to distribute an "obscene, indecent, immoral or scurrilous" item (Issue 39 and gay men must have their own media if they are to define themselves to of TBP, which contained an article each other in an overwhelmingly on child-adult relationships). FuU straight, and often hostile, world. details appear in the article which People Like you. begins on page 20 of this issue. Many of you have helped. Many This is the last issue of The Body have contributed time and energy, Politic to appjear before the trial. and many more have made the do- If the defendants in that trial are nations that have kept the legal case found guilty, three of them, Gerald going this far. We can't overstate Harmon, Edward Jackson and Ken our appreciation. Pop)ert, could go to jail. Pink Tri- But now, as it says on the cover angle Press could be heavily fined, of this issue, we're coming down to seriously threatening the continued can help it. the wire. By the time you read this, existence of this magazine. TTie Body Politic may be only a few This could in fact be the last issue days from trial. Your support is of The Body Politic. more necessary now than ever. But not if we can help it. The Do what you can: let your friends c/oCkjrnish, King, Sachs Cheques payable to: Body Politic Free the Press Fund know about the case; make a dona- + Waldman THE Lynn King in Trust has been working since last January Barristers + Solicitors forThe Body Politic tion; give a call and find out how 111 Press to make people aware of the case, Richmond Street FreeThe Fund you can help. West Suite 320 BODY POLITK to gather support and to collect the Toronto, Ontario Information; The Body Politic is not going to money needed to mount a strong CANADA (416)863-6320 die. M5H3N6 FREE THE PRESS Not if >'OM can help it. FUND 2/ BODY POLITIC DECEMBER 1978 / JANUARY 1979 " December 1 978 / January 1 979 "The liberation of homosexuals can only be the work of homosexuals themselves." — Kurt HilLer, 1921 — The Collective Christine Bearchell, Rick Bibout, Gerald Hannon, Countdown: p 20 Robin Hardy, Edward Jackson, Bill Lewis, When the police raided TBP last December, Tim McCaskell, Keith Sly, Paul TroUope, Mariana Valverde they apparently didn't anticipate much opposi- Designer tion. These 31 people were among the many Kirk Kelly decided to give surprise. this last The News who them a In Gerald Hannon, Bill Lewis issue before trial, we take a detailed look at Jeremy Bass (Winnipeg), Maurice Beaulieu (Quebec), the it. Elgin Blair (Mississauga), Michael Calcott (St John's), case and the characters behind Russ Congdon (Calgary), Ron Dayman (Montreal), David Garmaise (Ottawa), Education Collective, Activism anxiety 1952: 24 Gay Community Centre (Saskatoon), and p Barry Eriksen (Guelph), Robin Hardy (Toronto), ' . 'Then there was the badge. " The entrapment of Mattachine leader Dale Jim Mendenhall (Brandon), Robin Metcalfe (Halifax) Jim Monk (Windsor), Terry Nelson (Regina), Jeimings was to become the focus for the fledgling Society's first public action. Bob Radke (Edmonton), Rosemary Ray (Edmonton), This new visibility spurred rapid growth, but in the red-baiting, loyalty-minded Stuart Russell (Montreal), Joe Szalai (Kitchener), James Thatcher (London), Paul TroUope (Toronto), era presided over by Senator Joe McCarthy, public exposure also brought Merv Walker (Vancouver) • with it a challenge to Mattachine's secret leadership. Tim McCaskell (International) Part Two of John D'Emilio's "Dreams Deferred. Michael Merrill (San Francisco) Our Image From nine individual biographies, the San Francisco Gay Men's Edward Jackson, Mariana Valverde Crimes of Theatre Collective has put together a performance which they'll Burke Campbell, Tim Guest, Robin Hardy, present in Ilona Laney, David MacLean, Gordon Montador passion — Toronto this month. TBP writer Robin Hardy uncovers Robert Reinhard, Thomas Waugh, Loma Weir, Crimes Against Nature. In other reviews, Gordon Montador Alexander Wilson and profit discovers lousy exposure when he focuses on The Gay Picture Book Features through the lens of Susan Sontag's On Photography, and Lorna Gerald Hannon, Edward Jackson p37 Christine Bearchell, Rick Bebout, John D'Emilio Weir finds that while Rita Mae Brown's publicists may try our Robin Hardy, Simon Karlinsky, Gary Ostrom, faith, her new novel retains it. All in "Our Image." Paul Pearce, Paul TroUope Columns Triumph and tragedy in California: 16-17 Guilty — no defence: p 33 Christine BearcheU, John Forl)es, Michael Lynch p Ken Popert, Billy Sutherland, Ian Young Days after gay wins at the polls in Seattle and across California, San Fran- An Alice-in Wonderland trial ends in Letters/Community Page cisco is stunned by the double assassination of Mayor George Moscone and a real life, plea-bargained conviction. TroUope Robin Hardy, Paul gay Supervisor Harvey Milk. These, and other stories, in TBP's World News. The convict? Havelock Ellis' Sexual Inversion, the first serious work on Layout and Production Righteousness: 33 Rkk Bcboul p homosexuality in English, ruled Carl Bognar, Burke CampbeU, Michael Lynch, The last In a move that the Edmonton Journal "lewd" David MacLean, Fiona Rattray, Robert Reinhard, — and worse — without a called Alcim RobitaiUe, Elan Rosenquist, Loma Weir, "outrageous," Mormon-led X-mas: word being allowed in its defence. Marc White, Alexander Wilson Alberta bigots have managed to get Another in our series on major Typesetting: Pinktype, Toronto p30 an anti-gay Printing: Delta Web Graphics, Scarborough resolution passed by the "obscenity" trials, "The Real Dirt." province's school board trustees. The Advertising and Promotion matter rests, uneasily, with the Rick Bebout, Robin Hardy, Keith Sly 7^ Other features David MacLean, Dave and Linda Ministry of Education. ^ Letters: p 4. Editorial: p. 7 Subscriptions and Distribution Keith Sly, Robert Trow Poet on ice: p 35 Tribal Rights: p 18. Between Joan Anderson, BiU Chesney, Richard Fung, d^ Gennady Trifonov has found that the Lines: p 19. Dykes: p 32. Tom Hanrahan, Philip Hartwick, Norman Laurila, David Marriage, WiUiam Mole, Joe McNemey being a gay poet in the USSR means The New Age: p 34. Ivory Dan Schneider, Richard Sutton slurs, official condemnation and life Tunnel: p 43. Classifieds: p 44. and members of the collective Some people can find a way to make in a labour camp. Even there, he isn't Community Page: p 47. a killing on anything — even the Office end giving up. Rick Bebout, Gerald Hannon of the world. Gary Ostrom looks at Denis Fontaine, and members of the collective 77ie cover: Photographer Frank Rooney catches some Please note: Out in the City, Monitor, the last profiteers in "Entrepreneurs the coming of Pink Triangle's regulars gearing upfor and Flaunting It! are on holiday and Tlu Baiy Politic is published len tiroes i year by Pink legal showdown — or maybe just trying to keep of the Apocalypse. Triangle Press, a non-profit corporation, as a contribu- warm during a shooting session on the office roof. will return next month. tion 10 the building ot the gay movement and the growth of gay consciousness. Responsibility for the content of ter capitalism, we do operate within a TV Body Politic rests with the Body Politic Collective, an autonomous body operating within Pink Triangle capitalist system in a number of ways, Preu. The collective is i group of people who regularly Selling without selling out one of which is having to sell our paper give their time and labour to the production of this nuga- zine. The opinions of the collective are represented only to subscribers (and advertisers) to keep it Well, trying not to. Further thoughts on advertising — this time our own. in editohals and clearly marked editorial euays. OfHces going, even as we try to reveal how this of The Body Poliiic are located at Z4 Duncan Street (nfth floorl in Toronto. The back cover of this issue hangs a sub- the Duberman ad was run. What, we works. No hard objections here. The publication of an advertisement in Thr Body Politic scription ad onto a kind blurb about asked, was the ad's message to our read- The means of recommending the does na mean that the collective endorses the advenuer. TBP from one of its kindest contribu- ers? The explicit message seemed easy: paper turned out to be the issue: selling Mulling address: The Body Politic, Bo> 72OT, Station A, tors, Jane Rule. We're glad she likes us TBP is a certain kind of magazine, the paper by means of a blurb from a Toronto. Ontario, Canada M3 W I X9 nione :(4l6)S63-«320 enough and agreed (when we were as- Martin Duberman recommends it, you prominent historian and playwright. sembling a series of such ads) to recom- should subscribe.
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