Parish Profile 2018 Body text to go here - Arial Regular, 11pt on 13.2pt (1 body text line space) Sub headings - Cronos Pro Regular, 16pt on 19.2pt (1 body text line space) Body text to go here - Arial Regular, 11pt on 13.2pt The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene and the Hucknall Team Ministry Contents Statement from the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham 03 The Newstead Deanery 04 Welcome, job specification and person specification 05 Where we live 06 Team vision strategy 07 St Mary Magdalene Church and The John Godber Centre vision/strategy 08 St Mary Magdalene Groups 09 The hreet Churches in our Team Ministry 10 Schools 15 Patterns of Worship 16 Team Ministry Weekly Services and Occasional Offices 17 Thoughts from our Church family 18 Thoughts from our young worshippers 19 The ectoryR 20 Finances 21 Links 22 Appendix: Spotlight on the Parish 23 “ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV Parish Profile 2018 | The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene, Hucknall and the Team Ministry 2 THETHETHE DIOCESE OF SOUTHWELL & NOTTINGHAM DIOCESEDIOCESE OF OF SOUTHWELL SOUTHWELL & & NOTTINGHAM NOTTINGHAM GROWING THE CHURCH WIDER, YOUNGER AND DEEPERTHE DIOCESE OF SOUTHWELL & NOTTINGHAM GROWINGGROWINGGROWING THE CHURCH WIDER, YOUNGER AND DEEPER THETHE CHURCH CHURCH WIDER, WIDER, YOUNGER YOUNGER AND AND DEEPER DEEPER AAA statement from statement statement from from theThe Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham,the Bishop Bishop of A statement fromof Southwell Southwell & & Nottingham, Nottingham, The Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham,theThe Rt Revd Paul Williamsthe Rt Rt Revd Revd Paul Paul Williams Williams andandand the Archdeacon of Newark, the Venerable David Picken thethe ArchdeaconArchdeaconThe Rt Revd Paul Williams of of Newark, Newark, the the Venerable Venerable David David Picken Picken and the Archdeacon of Newark, the Venerable David Picken The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham incorporates the City of Nottingham, the whole County of The Diocese ofof SouthwellSouthwell andand NottinghamNottingham incorporates incorporates the the City City of of Nottingham, Nottingham, the the whole whole County County of of The Nottinghamshire and five parishes in South Yorkshire. The population is 1.15 million Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham incorporates the City of Nottingham, the – whole 51% live in the County of Nottinghamshire andand fivefive parishesparishes inin South South Yorkshire. Yorkshire. The The population population is is 1.15 1.15 million million – –51% 51% live live in in the the Nottinghamshire and five parishes in South Yorkshire. The population is 1.15 million greater greater Nottingham Nottingham conurbation, conurbation, 31% 31% in in ex-mining ex-mining areas areas and and 18% 18% in in rural. rural. There There are are – 51% live in the 305 305 churches churches greater (252 parishes), served by 142 stipendiary clergy and licensed lay workers.greater Nottingham Nottingham conurbation, conurbation, 31% 31% in in exex-mining-mining areas areas and and 18% 18% in in rural. rural. There There are are 305 305 churches churches (252 parishes), served by 142 stipendiary clergy and licensed lay workers. (252 parishes), served by 142 stipendiary clergy and licensed lay workers.(252 parishes), served by 142 stipendiary clergy and licensed lay workers. In In 2011 2011 the the Diocese Diocese reaffirmed reaffirmed its its commitment commitment to to JoiningJoining Together Together in in the the Transforming Transforming Mission Mission of of In GodIn 2011 2011 with a focus on three core strands: L the the Diocese Diocese reaffirmed reaffirmed its its commitment commitmentiving Worship, Growing Disciples and Seeking Justice. to to Joining Joining Together Together in in the the Transforming Transforming Mission Mission of of God with a focus on three core strands: Living Worship, Growing Disciples and Seeking Justice. God with a focus on three core strands: Living Worship, Growing Disciples and Seeking Justice. God with a focus on three core strands: Living Worship, Growing Disciples and Seeking Justice. A deployment plan for 2020 ensures that overall levels of stipendiary ministry are maintained at 2012 A deployment plan for 2020 ensures that overall levels of stipendiary ministry are maintained at 2012 levels. The process involved wide engagement from clergy and laity, refocusing parishes on growth. A deployment plan for 2020 ensures that overall levels of stipendiary ministry are maintained at 2012 Alevels. deployment The process plan forinvolved 2020 ensureswide engagement that overall from levels clergy of stipendiary and laity, refocusingministry are parishes maintained on growth. at 2012 levels. Following the arrival of a new diocesan bishop in June 2015 we are now looking beyond 2020 at what levels. The The process process involved involved wide wide engagement engagement from from clergy clergy and and laity, laity, refocusing refocusing parishes parishes on on growth. growth. kind Following of church the arrival we would of a new like diocesan to be in bishop 2025 in and June 2030. 2015 As we a are diocese now looking we have beyond made 2020 a refreshed at what Following the arrival of a new diocesan bishop in June 2015 we are now looking beyond 2020 at what Following the arrival of a new diocesan bishop in June 2015 we are now looking beyond 2020 at what kind commitment to care for every soul in the diocese with an increased focus on growing disciples.kind of of church church we we would would like like to to be be in in 2025 2025 and and 2030. 2030. As As a a diocese diocese we we have have made made a a refreshed refreshed commitment to care for every soul in the diocese with an increased focus on growing disciples. kindcommitment of church to carewe would for every like soul to bein thein 2025diocese and with 2030. an increased As a diocese focus onwe growing have made disciples. a refreshed The commitment Senior Staff to care team for has every established soul in the the diocese first stage with of an a vision increased to grow focus the on church growing‘wider, disciples. younger The Senior Staff team has established the first stage of a vision to grow the church ‘wider, younger The and deeper’. Senior Staff team has established the first stage of a vision to grow the church ‘wider, younger and deeper’.Theand• deeper’Senior ‘Wider’ Staff . in that we will seek to grow disciples in every part of the diocese, with no retreat from team has established the first stage of a vision to grow the church ‘wider, younger and• deeper’ ‘Wider’any ‘Wider’community: urban centre, outer estates, rural villages or market towns.. in that we will seek to grow disciples in every part of the diocese, with no retreat from in that we will seek to grow disciples in every part of the diocese, with no retreat from • ‘Younger’any‘Wider’ community: inin that that we urban we will will seekcentre, seek to fresh growouter ways disciplesestates, to harnessruralin every villages the part boldness orof marketthe diocese, and towns. creativity with no of retreat children, from any community: urban centre, outer estates, rural villages or market towns. th • ‘Younger’students ‘Younger’any community: and in in that that young we urbanwe will people will centre, seek seek across fresh fresh outer the ways ways estates, diocese, to to harness harness rural not villages thethe least boldness boldness or in market Nottingham and and towns. creativity creativity which of of is children, children, the 4 yostudentsungest city outside London. and young people across the diocese, not least in Nottingham which is the 4th th students ‘Younger’ and in young that we people will seek across fresh the ways diocese, to harness not the least boldness in Nottingham and creativity which of is children, the 4 • ‘Deeper’ as we grow in knowing Christ, so that as His disciples we can be an increasing blessing yoyoungeststudentsungest city outside London. cityand outsideyoung London.people across the diocese, not least in Nottingham which is the 4th to the people among whom we live and serve in the workplace, family and community.‘Deeper’ as we grow in knowing Christ, so that as his disciples we can be an increasing blessing • ‘Deeper’youngest as we grow in knowing Christ, so that city outside London. as His disciples we can be an increasing blessing to the people among whom we live and serve in the workplace, family and community. to the people among whom we live and serve in the workplace, family and community.‘Deeper’ as we grow in knowing Christ, so that as his disciples we can be an increasing blessing As part of a renewed strategy for growth we aspire to be purposeful and imaginative in: welcoming to the people among whom we live and serve in the workplace, family and community. new As part disciples of a renewed into the strategy fellowship for growth of Christ we and aspire his to church; be purposeful commissioning and imaginative younger leaders in: welcoming (16-30) As part of a renewed strategy for growth we aspire to be purposeful and imaginative in: welcoming inspired and equipped to serve God’s purposes in the world; and serving as one church united in new new disciples disciples into into the the fellowship fellowship of of Christ Christ and and his his church; church; commissioning commissioning younger younger leaders leaders (16-30) (16-30) contending for the gospel.As part of a renewed strategy We long to welcome new and younger disciples in every community across for growth we aspire to be purposeful and imaginative in: welcoming inspired inspired and and equipped equipped to to serve serve God’s God’s purposes purposes in in the the world; world; and and serving serving as as one 1 church church united united in in the diocese, aligning our energies and resources around this quest.new disciples into the fellowship of Christ and his church; commissioning younger leaders (16-30) contending for the gospel.contending for the gospel.
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