38 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. [ April. Entered Apprentice. Jonathan Tho/nas. Withdrawn. PROOEEDINGS D~. Nathan D. Anderson, \VilHs Hoard, S. Samuel Lawrd.nce, Steward. O~' THE Rejection. Joseph Strotht:r, jun., a man of a dark complexion, about 5 feet n inches high, a small scar GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY I)n the end of his nose.. AT A GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION, RETURN OF WASHINGTON LODGE, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE MASONS' HALL, IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, Held at Bairdstow1t. On Tuesday. the 11th day of October, A. L. 5803, A. D. 1803. Ofticers. \Vors. THOMAS SPEED, Master. DANIEl. 1- MORltlSON. Senior Warden. JAMIlS Cox,:/unior Warden. [Imprint]: LEXINGTON: Printed by DANIEL BRADFORD. Main Sp-eet. Master Masons. ( 8",0. 21 PP.] Adam Guthrie, Da nicl Jennings, David M'Clelian, Thomas Roberts, Benja.min Helm, Robert Kinl{. Entered Apprentices. Felix Grundy} Robert Wickllff. PROCEEDINGS, &c. At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, begun and held at the Masons' Hall, in the town of Truly extracted from the papers and proceedings of the Grand Lexington, on the second Tue!;iday in October, being the 11th day Lodge. of the month, Anno Lucis 5803, Anno Domini 1803. Teste, THOMAS BODLEY, Grand Secy. PRESENT. The. Most Wors. James Morrison, G. M. Right Wors. John Jordan, Jun.• D. G. M. Wors. James Moore. S. G. W. P. T. Wors. John Bobb, J. G. W. P. T. Thomas Bodley, G. Sec'y. Andrew F. Price. G. Treas. P. T. Daniel Bradford. S. G. D. P. T. William Bobb, J. G. D. P. T. Willis A. Lee. G. Pursulvant P. T. Jacob E. Lehre. G.'Stew. and Tyler P. T. The representatives from three lodges produced theircredential~! to-wit: LEXINGTON LODGE No. I.-Daniel Bradford, Wm. Bobb. Andrew F. Price. HIRAM LODGE No. 4.-Wlllis A. Lee. SOLOMON'S LODGE No 5.-James Moore, John Bradshaw. [39] , 180 44 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. [Oct. 3] GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. 45 THURSDAY, Qc~ober 13, A. L. 5803, A. D. 1803. Past Masters. Hugh Logan, Alexander Macgregor, James Morrison, Edn.und Bull~ck, The Gmnd Lodge met according to adjournment. Thomas Bodley, John Fowler, Hugh M'I1vain, John Bobb, JOhnJordun, Jun., Cuthbert Banks. l'RESEXT. Master Masons. The Most Wors. John Jordan, Jun., G. M. William Ford, Green Clay, John Crittenden, John A. Seitz, Wors. Jonathan Taylor, S. G. ,\V. John Coons, Daniel "M.:'Vicar, Edward West, Thomas Clarke, \VOl's. JallleS Moore, J. G. W. Basil Duke, Lewis Marshall, Samuel H, Woodson, Henry Clay, Daniel 'Bradford, G. Secretary. Robert Megowan, Le,vis West, Tunst.~ll Quarles, Richard W. Downing, Jeremiah Rogers, William Dangerfield, Andrew F. Price, G. TI·easurer. Thomas 'Vallace, Charles Carr, Ste,vlUt Wilkins, Jesse Bledsoe, Nathan Burrows, Frederick Ridgely, Willis A. Lee, S. G. D. 'Benjamln Graves, Thomas B. Scott, Joseph Boswell. John Finch, John Bradshaw, J. G. D. James Ross. Joseph H. Daveiss. John Bobb, G. Pursuivant P. T. Fellow Craft. Jacob E. Lehre, G. Steward and Tyler. George Mansel. Representatives from fom lodges, to-wit: Entered Apprentices. Richard Jones] Nicholas Lewis. Edwurd S. Thom;ls, John ""'atkins, No. l.-Daniel'BI·adford, William Bobb, Thomas Wallace. Fntncis Jones. John Clay, }4....eHx Grundy, John-H""";son, No. 4.-Willis A. Lee. David ""'alker. John Parker, Martin Daniel, Thomas I. Garrett, James F. Moore, Jame. Hughes, John Springle, "{illiam Russell, No. 5.-James Moore, John Bradshaw. }4'*rancis Moore. No. S.-Jonathan Taylor. Admissions. Brethren Alexander MacGregor, P. D. G. M. and P. M. of Lexington , \VilIiam Russell, John Finch, JamesRoss, Francis Moore. Lodge No. I. Simon Adams, P. S. G. "v. and P; M. of Solomon's Lodge NO.5. Demission. Innis fl. Brent• .' The Grand Lodge was then opened in the third degree of Death. l\1"asOlll'Y in ample form. Nathaniel Barker. ResohJed, That Brother Simon Adams be appointed to visit lodges Nos. 5, I> und 8, and Brothel' Samuel Postlethwait, Lodge NO.7, to inspect their wOI'k­ .in,gs, and make report to thi- Grund Lodge at the next Grand Communication. RETURN OF HIRAM LODGE, NO.4. Ordered, That the Grand Lodge be now adjourned until the the third Ttles, Officers. d::y in March next. JOHN ROWAN, Master. THOMAS TUNSTAl.L, Treasurer., WILLIS A. LEE, Senior Warden. JOSEPH CRAIG; Senior Deacon. The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form and harmony. \VILLIA.1Il WINSLOW, Junior 'Varden. ROBERT BRENHAM, Junior Deacon. JOHN JORDAN, JUN., G. I.W. HENItY TUNSTALL, Secretary., CHARLES SPRINGER, Stew'd and Tyler Past Masters. Attest, DAN'L BRADFORD, G. Sec)'. William Murray, Thomas Love, Thomas Tunstall, John S. Hunter. Master Masons. Isaac E. Gano, John D. Richardson, John Cunningham, Thomas Todd, RETURN OF LEXINGTON LODGE, Ko. I, Baker E,ving, Otbo Beatty! ' Amos Anderson, James Blair, Bennet Pemberton, Hayden Edwards, Nicholas I ..nfon. Stephen G. Letc!ler, To tlu] Grand Lodge, October II, 58°3. John Rallton, \Villiam Hubble, Philips Caldwell, Joshua Lewis, John Bacon, Allen Richardson, Officers. IIugh Innes, L. C. Griffith, Nathaniel Richardson, Thomas Bryant, Georg~ Bolsell, Elisha Bridgewater, DANIEL BRADFOHD, Master. ANDREW 1+', PRICE, Treasurer. Thoma. Long, John A. Mitchell. GEORGE M. nl1m~ Senior ""'ardcn. GROnGE COONS, Senior Den.co~. \V,LLIAM BOBD, Junior \Varden. THOMAS H.EID, Junior DC:lcon. Fellow Crafts. JAMJtS COLEMAN, Secretary. Hendley Russell, J Aeon E. LEm."" Steward and Tyler. John M. Scott, Benjamin He~d. 46 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. [Oct. 1803] GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. 47 Entered Apprentices. RETURN OF ABRAHAM'S LODGE No.8. Gabriel Lewi:::, James Twyman, Jon"thal1 BTi,lgewater, John Pembt:.ton. Officers. Initiations. JAMES TAYLOR, Master. WILLIAM SULLIVAN, Treasurer. Thomas Long, John A. lIlltcheH, May 25, SSo3; Charles Spl'inger, June 10; John Pemberton, PHU.lP BARBOUR, Semor "Yarden. W,LL,S HOND, Senior Deac011. September '3. EDWARD EVANS, Jumor Warden. DAVID L~ WARD, Junior Deacon. JONATHAN'rAYLOR, Secretary. REUBIlN EASTIN, Steward. Passings. JOIlN EVANS, Tyler. Thoma. Long, Jolm A ••Mitchell,June 10; Charles Springer,June 15. Master Masons. Raisings. \Villiam White, James Murray, John Edwards, William Chambers, John Pickett, Thomas Crutchfield, Alexander Woodrow, John Jones, ! Henry T\mst.'-.ll, John A. Mitchell,June IS; Thomas Long, Charles Springer,]"ne '1. William Jones, Richard Taylor, Robert A. New, Samuel N. Luckett. " Demission. Fe.lIow Crafts. \Villiam Rowland,June '0. Richard Findley, John M. Luckett, William C. Gatt. Rejection. Entered Apprentices. \Villiam Adams, June 20. Jonathan 11lOmas, John Lamaster, John T. Gray, Flemming Gatewood, Turner Peay, Samuel \Vooldridge, Marstin G. Clark, Samuel Gwathmey, Samuel Vail, Davis Floyd. RETURN OF SOLOMON'S LODGE NO.5. Admitted Masons. Officers. \Vorden Pope, George R. C. Floyd, Richard Dickinson, I<'ortunatus Cosby. JOltN SlMrSON, Master~ JAMES CRAIG, Treasurer. Rejection. J.UIES MOORE, Senior Wal·den. \VILLIAM ROUERTS, Senior Deacon. I James Halbert. JOIlN llRADSllAw, Junior \Varden. \VINGYI&r,D BULLOCK, Junior Deacon. ROBERT M. MOOllE, Secretary. MONTGOMERY ALLEN, Steward. PETE1\ HANSbOROUGlI, Tyler. 11 Past Masters. Truly extracted from the papers and minutes of the Grand Simon Adams, James Wardlaw. Lodge. Master Masons. Attest, DAN'L BRADFORD, G. Sec'y. Benjamin Roberts. Robert AUerson, Edmund Blanton, Samuel Waddy, Johannas Goo~man·J George Clefton, James M'Davett. Abraham Smith, 1" Abraham Owen, Joseph Simpson, 'Villiam J. Tunstall, Isaac \Vatkins, GabrielJ. Johnson, john Allen, \Villiam Akin, James Bradshaw, LIST OF Odediah Clark, William Bridgewater, John Romgue, Joseph Ficklin, John Pope, Robert Owen) James L. Henderson, John M'Gaughey, SUSPENSIONS, EXPULSIONS AND REJECTIONS James MJConnell, \Villiam Shipman, Joseph Allen, John Gwathll1ey, GeorJ1;'e R. C. Floyd. Communicated to this Grand LodKe by oilter Grand LodKcs. Fellow Crafts. Nathan Crawford, John H. Bullock, Edmund Curd, Charles Adams. COMMUNICATED BY THE GRAND LODGE OF VIRGINlA. Entered Apprentices. SUSPENDh'D& By LOnGE No. '7.-Petcr Siulrlcton, sme die. No....-John Neal, tiuri,q' pltas"re. No· Thomas Johnson, Joseph M. Payne, Lui,. Huff,. James Rennolds, 24.-Frederick Shelton, Leroy Shelton, Chrispian Shelton,Joseph Carter, Beverly Shelton,John Cha.rles }Iendcrson, Nathan Towsen. Lewis, \Vm. Payne, James Ryburn, Halecott Townes, Jun., Wm. Wilsond, John \Varsham. Demissions. ThomasTurner,Jun., Charles Allen, Anthony RlIckner, Allen \Vaddill, jor "or"'jay"",:! oj aues. No. 32.-11enry R. Snead, a"rill{f pleasure. No. 47.-L1tUeton \Vaters, Samuel Hilton, ltichard Steele, Adam Ste<:le, Drury Mclone, \Vorden Pope, Jeremiah Galloway,jor IlOll,pay"''''! oj dlles. No. 5••-John M. Crowder, Joseph Scott, John John Bullock, Robert King, Daniel Jennings, Adam Guthrie. Robertson, William Taylor, Thomas F. Davenport, Elisha Birch, Marshal Booker. Daniel ExpUlsion. Booker, Peter Ponton, Richard Crenshaw, Edward Mumford, \Valter Kibble, Robert B. Mum­ ford, William Clarke, Anderson P. Miller, Edward Scott,jor 1l01l·jay"wtt oj cities. Robert Dennin. I . 48 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. [Oct. 1803J GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. 49 EXl"ELLlU>. IMPOSTORS. FROM LODGE No••o.-John Martin. No. ,•.-George Vashon. No. Is.-Edward Haoon. Robert Lorton. No. 27.-Peter Ahl.James Boyd. Andrew Carrell, Benjamin Harrison. No. E.~tract from a comlnuilicatioll received jrom tite Grmzd Lodge of Pennsyh'tlnla, 38.-·-Joseph Childres. No. 4O."-James Ogilvie. No. 45.-William Mitchell. No. s ••-Ben· April5tk, I803'. f.unin H. Hicks. John ~urrell. No. S6.-Peter Hardenbrook. No. S9.-William C'. Beale. .. A letter from Brother Robert Pickering, Secretary of Athol Lodge No.7, Lucia. jamaica, • was read [in the GrlUld Lodge of Pennsylvania]. It communicated that Moses Levy, aJew. near six feet high, well proportioned and .. good looking man-Cuthbert Potts, a squat, well proportioned man, by trade a saddler, about five feet eight inches high-and Alexander COMMUNICATED ny THE GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. "". M'ClIllum, an officer In the excise office there, " thin man Rnd much' pock·pitted in the face, EXPELLED. ahout five feet seven or eight .nches high, should be guarded against, in case of their making their "ppearance among us, they being IMPOSTORS." FROM LODGE No••.-John Coop, Thomas Cash.
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