is fall we’re happy to send you this larger than usual 64- page special edition of Kentucky Alumni quarterly magazine. It’s filled with the same type of interesting articles members of the UK Alumni Association receive throughout the year. Thank you, Members! In addition to the member benefits you use, take a moment of satisfaction in the difference your support makes in the uni- versity’s pursuit of Top 20 status and in helping students to achieve success through UK Alumni Association programs. Hey! One More Thing… The UK Alumni Association Needs Not a member? YOUR E-mail Address! e mailing label on this issue of Kentucky Alumni magazine tells you if you have membership in the UK Alumni Associa- Update us and we’ll return the favor by keeping you tion. If you’re not enrolled, show your support now for your connected via e-mail newsletters and the Web. Register with our online UK Alumni Community and take advantage of the alma mater and join today! UK Alumni Association’s Web site resources: In addition to receiving the quarterly magazine, you’ll also get great member benefits like automatic membership in your • Find your former classmates. local UK Alumni Club and announcements of special alumni • Connect with UK alumni at upcoming alumni activities in your area, access to our discount program at more events around the country. than 350 locations, career resources, alumni tours, and more. • Build your personal UK alumni circle on the social/professional network. Go online to www.ukalumni.net and register. • Keep up with news of the university and your If you prefer, call us at 859-257-8905 or 1-800-269-ALUM. college. It’s just that simple! Sign Up Today! Go to www.ukalumni.net, keyword: register (You will need your 10-digit security validation number to register the first time. That number is the same as your UK Alumni ID number. You can find your unique number on the label above your name on UK Alumni Association mailings or on your membership card.) We’ll keep your information safe. We do not share it with anyone outside the university. Association Staff Publisher: Stan Key ’72 Associate Director/Editor: Liz Demoran ’68, ’76 Managing Editor: Linda Perry ’84 Advertising: Kelli Elam Senior Graphic Designer: Jeff Hounshell Brenda Bain: Records Data Entry Operator Board of Directors Gretchen Bower ’03: Program Coordinator July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008 Linda Brumfield: Account Clerk III President Paula Leach Pope ’73 ’75 ED Candace Chaney: Staff Support Associate I President-elect Nancy Culp: Staff Support Associate II William Schuetze ’72 LAW Jessica Dutzy: Administrative Services Assistant Treasurer Leslie Hayes: Staff Support Associate II Scott E. Davis ’73 ED John Hoagland ’89: Associate Director Secretary Stan Key ’72 ED Jill Holloway ’05: Associate Director Brooke C. Asbell ’87 BE Angela Whelan McKenzie ’77 ED Diana Horn ’70, ’71: Principal Accountant George L. Atkins Jr. ’63 BE Peggy Meszaros ’72 AG Albert Kalim ’03: Webmaster Danny G. Bailey ’68 ’71 AG Richard T. Migliore ’94 BE Ted Bates ’52 AG Robert E. Miller ’58-’60 Randall Morgan: IS Tech Support Richard A. Bean. ’69 BE Sherry Moak ’81 BE Melissa Newman ’02: Associate Director Morris Beebe Jr. ’48 BE Terry Mobley ’65 AS Patrick Blandford ’99 ’01 EN Charles M. Moore Jr. ’59 BE Megan Powell ’06 : Program Coordinator C. Duane Bonifer ’91 CIS David W. Moseley ’76 BE Darlene Simpson: Senior Data Entry Operator James B. Bryant ’67 BE William R. Munro ’51 CIS Michael Burleson ’74 PHA Susan Van Buren Mustian ’84 BE Alyssa ornton: Staff Support Associate II Emmett “Buzz” Burnam ’74 ED John C. Nichols II ’53 BE Frances White: Data Entry Operator Susan Bushart Cardwell ’63 AS James D. “Danny” Norvell ’63 PHA Shane T. Carlin ’95 AG George A. Ochs IV ’74 DE Andrew Cecil ’00 AS John C. Owens ’50 BE Katy L. Chiles ’98 AS Tonya B. Parsons ’91 AS University of Kentucky Michael A. Christian ’76 AS, ’80 DE Sandy Bugie Patterson ’68 AS John H. Clements ’67 BE Bill Perdue ’65 EN, ’68 BE Alumni Magazine John W. Collins ’67 AS, ’71 MED Beth Morton Perlo ’67 BE Vol.78 No.3 Kevin Lee Collins ’84 AS Robert F. Pickard ’57 ’61 EN Kentucky Alumni (ISSN 732-6297) is published quarterly by Richard E. Cooper ’39 BE Joelyn Herndon Prather ’73 ED the University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Lexington, William M. Corum ’64 BE Randy Pratt ’92 GS Dana Cox ’87 CIS Derrick Ramsey ’83 AS Kentucky for its dues-paying members. Mark Coyle G. David Ravencra ’59 BE © 2007 University of Kentucky Alumni Association, except Henry E. “Gene” Cravens ’58 AG David W. Renshaw ’80 BE where noted. Views and opinions expressed in Kentucky John R. Crockett ’49 AS Harold Rice ’56 EN Alumni do not necessarily represent the opinions of its editors, Bruce K. Davis ’71 LAW R. Michael Ricketts ’71 BE the UK Alumni Association nor the University of Kentucky. James Denny ’76 BE Candace L. Sellars ’96 ’04 ED Elaine Duncan ’74 EN David L. Shelton ’66 BE Marianne Smith Edge ’77 AG Robert H. Simmons ’90 EN Ted Eiden ’82 EN Marian Moore Sims ’72 ’76 ED How To Reach Us Franklin H. Farris Jr. ’72 BE J. Tim Skinner ’80 DES Kentucky Alumni Paul E. Fenwick ’52 AG Sharon Stevens Small ’76 ’90 PHA UK Alumni Association Ellen Ferguson ’69-’71 Mary Levi Smith ’64 ’80 ED King Alumni House William G. Francis ’68 AS, ’73 LAW George B. Spragens ’93 BE W. P. Friedrich ’71 EN Elizabeth H. Springate ’74 ED Lexington, KY 40506-0119 Linda Lyon Frye ’60 AS James A. Stice ’89 EN Telephone: 859-257-7164, 1-800-269-ALUM Dan Gipson ’69 EN James W. Stuckert ’60 EN, ’61 BE Fax: 859-323-1063 Cammie Deshields Grant ’79 ED Julia K. Tackett ’68 AS, ’71 LAW E-mail: [email protected] Ted S. Gum ’65 DES Hank ompson ’71 CIS John R. Guthrie ’63 CIS Myra Leigh Tobin ’62 AG CHANGE OF ADDRESS ONLY: Ann Brand Haney ’71 ED J. omas Tucker ’56 BE Records Bobby H. Hardin II ’91 LCC William T. Uzzle ’62 BE Lynn Harrelson ’73 PHA James E. Vogt ’58 BE UK Alumni Association Kristina Pickrell Harvey ’01 CIS Becky Nekervis Walker ’74 EN King Alumni House Kelly Sullivan Holland ’93 AS, ’99 GS Craig M. Wallace ’79 EN Lexington, KY 40506-0119 J. Chris Hopgood ’84 BE, ’87 LAW David L. Weller ’74 AS Telephone: 859-257-8800, Fax: 859-323-1063 Kimberly D. Horne ’96 NUR Lori Trisler Wells ’96 BE E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ukalumni.net Ann Nelson Hurst ’80 BE Bob Whitaker ’58 CIS Richard L. “Dick” Hurst ’53-’56 W. Cleland White ’58 ’60 AG For duplicate mailings, please send both mailing Shelia M. Key ’91 PHA Christopher L. Whitmer ’74-’78 labels to the address above. Phyllis W. Leigh ’76 CIS, ’98 SW Henry R. Wilhoit Jr. ’60 LAW Barbara Letton ’55 BE. ’58 Ed Pamela Williams ’91 AS Diane M. Massie ’79 CIS Richard M. Womack ’53 AG James D. “Dan” McCain ’81 BE Member of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education Fall 2007 Fall 007 • Volume 78 • Number 3 18 The Lens Of Truth: Karen Ballard Features Captures History With Her Camera Kurt Hankins ’83 BE is the driving ON THE COVER Ballard ’94 CIS, whose photos appear regularly force behind the menu at Applebee’s. in publications such as Time, Newsweek, and Paris Match, juggles an impressive workload 14Kurt Hankins: Master Of Menus of political assignments, travel essays, and For The Masses individual portraits of celebrities and is 1983 University of Kentucky graduate got his political figures. By Candace Chaney start at Chi Chi’s and Red Lobster before moving on to develop the menu for Applebee’s 1,938 restaurants in 16 countries. By Beverly Bell 4 Travel With Family — YourWildcat Family e UK Alumni Association Traveling Wildcats program gets rave reviews from UK alumni, family, and friends who have enjoyed new destinations that are culturally rich. Check out the 2008 schedule for a trip perfect for you. 6 A UK Legacy: The Larry Thompson Family Fulfills A Wish Lexington native and ’85 CIS grad Larry ompson’s advertising career kept him out-of-state for nearly two decades until the UK Legacy Tuition Program allowed his daughter Bridget to enroll at UK, later prompting Larry to move his family and business to Kentucky. 8Profiles In Blue: Arturo Alonzo Sandoval A pioneer working in the fiber art field for more than three decades, Sandoval, professor of art in the UK College of Fine Arts, uses nontraditional industrial materials such as Mylar, battery cable, and old computer tape to create pieces that have symmetry, brilliant color, bold shapes, contrast and patterns, and are exhibited Photo courtesy Applebee’s around the world. By Linda Perry Departments 5 Opening Remarks 7 Presidential Conversation 9 Capital Campaign 10 Research 12 UK Beat 36 Open Door www.ukalumni.net 3 UHQGDQ &DKLOO ZLWK D ORQJ GHHS UHVXPH LQ SODVWLFV PDQXIDFWXULQJ LV D %FDUHIXO PDQ 6R ZKHQ KH GHFLGHG LW ZDV WLPH WR VWDUW 37* 6LOLFRQHV KLV QHZ EXVLQHVV KH VSHQW D \HDU ORRNLQJ RYHU WKH SOD\LQJ ÀHOG :LWK WKH JOREDO FRPSHWLWLRQ LQ PROGLQJ DV WRXJK DV LW LV ZKDW ZRXOG EH WKH EHVW QLFKH" LW·V QRW HDV\ EHLQJ FOHDQ +LV FKRLFH VLOLFRQH UXEEHU SURGXFWV IRU WKH PHGLFDO LQGXVWU\³ ZKLFK PHDQW KH QHHGHG WKH EHVW WHFKQRORJ\ WKHUH ZDV DQG D FRQWDPLQDWLRQIUHH ´FOHDQ URRPµ WR PROG LQ %XW VHWWLQJ XS D FOHDQ URRP IURP VFUDWFK FDQ EH WULFN\ )RU H[DPSOH DOO WKH XWLOLWLHV DUH RXWVLGH WKH URRP VR LI DQ\ FKDQJHV QHHG WR EH PDGH³VD\ WXUQ WKH PROGLQJ PDFKLQH GHJUHHV³ \RX KDYH WR EUHDN LQWR WKH URRP DQG ULVN FRQWDPLQDWLRQ VSRLOLQJ \RXU FRPSHWLWLYH DGYDQWDJH 6R DV VRRQ DV KH KDG KLV EXLOGLQJ WKH QH[W VWHS ZDV WR FDOO 8.·V &HQWHU IRU 0DQXIDFWXULQJ ´,·G KHDUG DERXW WKHP IURP RWKHU LQGXVWU\ IRONV , UHVSHFW 8.
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