JCet us Uoe fo r V o u r C hildren, n c a Vol.XX No. 11 1 Annual Subscription 5/- Published Monthly. C a p e T o w n . S e p t ., 1948. J ♦ P ost Free- THE EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL. September, 1948. The Teachers’ League of South Africa. CERES: Secretary : Mr. V. O. Hercules, . “Haroldene”. Trichard Street Ceres. CLAREM ONT : Mr. R. Dudley, Rev. D. M. Wessels, Mr. F. G Gram m er. Secretary : Mr. R. G. Taylor, Hereford Street, Clare- INDEX. mont. CRADOCK: Miss R. Butler. 75 Frere Street, Cradock. DE AAR : The Universities of the Master Race 1 Secretary : Mr. S. A. Wertheim, P.O. Box 3. De Aar. EASTERN CAPE : The Things They Say 2 Secretary : Mr. V. Pather, 14 Scanlan Street. Queenstown. EASTERN MIDLANDS : University of South Africa—Letter 3 Secretary : Miss M. Bantam, Alice Coloured Primary School. P.O. Lovedale. About Ourselves—Then and Now 5 EAST LONDON : Secretary : Miss R. E. Theron. 5 Cross Street, East London. GEORGE AtiD DISTRICT: IV—Impressions of N orw egian Secretary : Mr. S. Benjamin. 35 Albert Street. George. Schools 6 GOODWOOD-VASCO : Mr. I. Bavasah. Secretary : Miss S. Burns, 117 Cook Street, Vasco. Train Apartheid 8 GRAAFF-REINET : Secretary : Miss C. C. Swartz. 11 Caroline Street. Graaff-Reinet. 8 GRASSY PARK: Mr. P. J. van der Horn. Mrs. M. G. Volkwyn. Twelve Million Black Voices Mr. J. van Reenen, 175 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town. GRIQUALAND WEST : Mr. W. G. Rhoda. A Member Recommends—Letter ... 9 Secretary : Miss A. M. Lewis. 42 Selby Street, Kimberley. GROOT KARROO: Notes in School 10 Secretary : Mr. J. Buffel, Methodist Coloured School, Phillipstown. HOTTENTOTS-HOLLAND : Mr. P. G. Rhoda. Secretary : Mr. H. W. Wessels, "Sonop”, Main Road, van der Stel. Somerset West. PRESIDENT : Mr. Joh. Abrahamse. Pauw Gedenk School. Wellington. HUMANSDORP AND DISTRICT : VICE-PRESIDENT : Mr. C. C. Abrahams, D.R.C. School. Loxton- Secretary : Mr. A. Z. Baartzes. P.O. Box 76, Humansdorp. KAMIESBERG : Please forward. vale. Keimoes. GENERAL SECRETARY : Mr. A. Fataar, Livingstone High School, KNYSNA: Mr. P. J. Damons. Claremont; Home—“Eothen”, Surrey Street. Claremont, Cape. Secretary : Mr. H. A. Bruce. P.O. Box 71, Knysna. Telegraphic Address: Teachleag. Claremont, Cape. 'Phone: 7-3772. LANGEBERG : Mr. A. J. Anthony. ASSIST ANT-SECRET ARY : Mr. L. G. Jacobs, Methodist School, Salt Secretary: Mr. H. B. J. Smith. Albert Street, Robertson. M AITLA ND : River. TREASURER : Mr. S. J. Trutcr, St. Luke’s E.C. School, Salt River. Secretary : Mr. P. Gorvalla, “Bethlea", 12 Third Street, Maitland. EDITOR : Mr. B. M. Kies. Trafalgar High School, Cape Town. MIDLANDS : Please forward. TRUSTEES : Messrs. A. E. Abdurahman and E. M. Gordon. MOSSEL BAY : Please forward. EX-PRESIDENT : Mr. E. C. Roberts. NAMAQUALAND : Please forward. ORANGE RIVER : Please forward. STANDING COMMITEES. OUDTSHOORN : Mr. W. C. Janari. (President and General Secretary serve ex-officio on Secretary : Mr. L. Edwards. 155 Buitenkant Street, Oudtshoorn. all Standing Committees.) PAARL : Mr. W. Hartel. ACTION COMMITTEE: The President (Convener), all officials, the Secretary: Mr. J. Hahn, School Street, Paarl. ex-President. Messrs. V. Fowler, R. Dudley, S. T. Hanmer, I. PIOUETBERG-OLIFANTS RIVER Bavasah, L. Sausman. D. van Noie, P. G. Rhoda. J. Donald, PORT ELIZABETH : Mr. K. E. Cairncross. Mr. H. Jephtha. W. van Schoor, E. L. Maurice, J. Wildschutt. L. Roberts, P. van Mr. D. G. Jacobs, 15 Moffat Street, Port Eliabeth. der Horn, A. W. Coetze, A. C. Carels, W. Hartel, Tiger Valley RIVERSDALE-SWELLENDAM AND DISTRICT: Mr. J. Titus. (Rep.). Mr. S. S. Kuhn. Secretary : Mrs. E. van der Westhuizen. Fourie Street, Heidelberg, EDITORIAL BOARD : Editor, Mr. B. M. Kies; Messrs. E. Maurice, Cape. R. Dudley. G. Abrahams, S. T. Hanmer, V. Fowler, F. Grammer, SALT RIVER : Mr. S. T. Hanmer, Mr. I. Daniels. D. van Noie. I. Bavasah, J. Donald. Secretary : Mr. J. C. Duckitt, Albemarle Road, Hazendal Estate, EDUCATION FUND COMMITTEE : Mr. P. G. Rhoda (Convener), P.O. Athlone. Lower Victoria Road, Somerset West; Messrs. J. Wildschutt, G. SARON : Mr. A. H. Adams. Veldsman. Rev. D. S. Kroneberg. Rev. D. M. Wessels. Secretary : Mr. A. B. Beets, Waverley, Wolseley. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Mr. S. J. Truter (Convener); The Misses SIMONSTOWN : Mr. L. J. Roberts. B. Myburgh. R. Carlier, E. Terry, H. Ruiters; Mrs. R. Abdurah­ Secretary: Mr. J. J. Williams. Arsenal Road School, Simonstown. man. Mrs. M. Volkwyn; Messrs. N. Hangone, P. van der Horn, SOUTH PENINSULA : Mr. J. Wildschutt, Mr. G. L. Abrahams. W. Janari. with powers to co-opt. Secretary : Miss G. V. Hardenberg, Methodist School. 2nd Avenue, SINGING COMPETITION COMMITTEE : Mr. G. L. Abrahams R etreat. (Convener), ‘•Abbeville”, 5th Avenue. Retreat; Messrs. L. Sausman, STELLENBOSCH : Mr. D. van Noie. H. Strydom. E. C. Roberts, P. D. Paulse, A. Abdurahman, P. Secretary : Mr. H. E. Bosch, Borcherd Street. Stelenbosch. Steenveld. B. de Vries. P. Lewin. SOMERSET EAST : PHYSICAL CULTURE COMMITTEE: Mr. P. J. van der Horn Secretary : Mrs. I. G. Hermanus, 20 Paulet Street, Somerset East. (Convener). The Misses M. B. Rogers. B. de Kock. B. du Plooy: TIGER VALLEY : Mr. S. S. Kuhn. Messrs. J. White, I. Daniels, L. Roberts. C. Brander, A. Brown, Secretary : Mr. C. H. Donson, 26 Nile Street, Cape Town. R. Andrews. UITENHAGE : Miss L. Hendrickse. DEFENCE COMMITTEE : Mr. A. E. Abdurahman (Convener), Messrs. Secretary : Mr. H. A. S. Valentine. 4 Cradock Street. Uitenhage. S. T. Hanmer, A Davids. C. G. Werner, I. Volkwyn, E. Maurice. VAAL RIVER : Mr. D. J. Brink. EDUCATION RECONSTRUCTION SURVEY COMMITTEE : Mr. Secretary : Mr. D. J. Brink. P.O. Waldecks’ Plant, via Kimberley. W. P. van Schoor (Convener), Messrs. R. Dudley, E. Ernstzen, VAN RHYNSDORP AND DISTRICT: Please forward. E. M. Gordon, E. Maurice, A. Davids, R. Pieterse, B. M. Kies. VREDENBURG AND DISTRICT : EXECUTIVE REPRESENTATIVES AND SECRETARIES. Secretary : Mr. A. L. Fredericks. Steenbergs' Cove, via Vreden- burg. ALBANY : WELLINGTON: Mr. J. Donald. Secretary: Mr. G. J. Plaatjes, 61 Albany Road, Grahamstown. Secretary : Mr. F. M. Snell, 5 West Street, Wellington. ALIWAL NORTH: WILLISTON : ATHLONE: Secretary : Mr. J. Klein. P.O. Box 22. Williston. Secretary : Mr. A. E. Counsell. 3 Windsor Street. Cape Town. WILLOWMORE : Mr. F. J. Dordley. BEAUFORT WEST : Mr. W. Phillipus. Secretary : Mr. G. F. Saaiman. D.R.C. School. P.O. Vogelstruis- Secretary : Mr. C. W. van Zitters. 166 New Street, Beaufort West. leegte. Wilowmore. BELLVILLE : Mr. L. Sausman. WORCESTER : Mr. W. P. van Schoor. Secretary : Mr. C. Thomas. P.O. Box 82. Bredasdorp. Secretary: Mrs. H. F. Smith. 40 Durban Street. Worcester. CALEDON AND DISTRICT : Mr. A. C. Carels. WYNBERG : Mr. E. Maurice. Secretary : Mr. A. J. Fortuin, P.O. Houwhoek. Secretary: Mr. R. F. Thebus, Upper Kent Road, Wynberg. CAPE TOWN : Mr. V. Fowler. Mr. G. G. Meissenheimer, Mr. G. Will all Branches that have not yet done so please submit immedi­ Veldsman. Secretary : Mr. G. Veldsman, 123 Chapel Street. Cape ately the names of their representatives on the Executive Committee Town. and their Secretaries for the year 1948-49. THE EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL. 7 - -- -- - —- -- =====-- - -- =— \ Volume XX. No. 11. Official Organ of the Teachers’League of South Africa. September, 1948.\ THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE MASTER RACE. We have had occasion before now to sound Pilate. They have already, for all functional the alarm in connection with the rapid en­ purposes, become important bastions of State trenchment and extension of reactionary, policy and may be relied upon to defend racialistic features in the Universities and Uni­ “apartheid” with the same urbanity, sophistry versity Colleges of South Africa. Recent de­ and genius for rationalisation which they have velopments, namely, the establishment of a displayed in the defence of segregation. We, Non-white branch of the Natal University, the the Non-Europeans, cannot look to the Uni­ statement of policy contained in the University versities, then, to be stirred into supporting of South Africa’s letter to the T.L.S.A., pub­ our struggle for admission or the right to re­ lished elsewhere in this issue, the University main even on the present basis, by appeals students’ marked shift to the extreme right, to their universality, love of learning, academic the Prime Minister’s declaration in the House freedom or intellectual integrity. For all of of Assembly on August 16th on the Govern­ these qualities have long been South African- ment’s determination to complete “apartheid” ised. The separate graduation ceremony, and (segregation) in the Universities—all point to the shameless defence of so disgraceful a the menacing rate at which higher education trampling underfoot of all that is noblest in in this country is conforming to the general the ideals of a University, mark no sudden pattern of racial exclusiveness and caste. lapse on the part of the University of South Far be it from us to suggest that the Uni­ Africa. This institution, a federal foundation versities of South Africa have at any time ful­ which embraces the four constituent colleges filled the functions traditionally associated with of Rhodes, Potchefstroom, Orange Free State, Universities throughout the world. At best Huguenot, as well as Fort Hare, has already they have been little but highly vocational in­ acquired a certain notoriety from the fact that stitutions providing post-matriculation alterna­ all of its constituent colleges are closed to Non- tives to the Technical Colleges. Without any Whites, that it has never permitted a Non- but parochial standards of scholarship, stulti­ White from Fort Hare to sit upon its Council, fied by a process of indoctrination through the that its entry forms for external students de­ medium of annually recurrent lectures, the mand to know the applicant’s race and that, spirit of free and honest intellectual inquiry of recent years, Non-White external students and discussion has been alien to all of them, have been forced to write their examinations including those termed “liberal”.
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