NPS Form 10-900 (Rev. 11-90) OMB No 100244018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES REGISTRATION FORM This farm iB for w in nambsling or rsqucsfing detenumationr for individual pmpcmc. or dir&ie*i. See uumrtlm in Hwto Camplele Ihc Natlanol Regtrlor gl Hastorrc Places Rog<stmtim Fon (Nhmd Re$*" Bvllctm 16A). Cwlnc each item by making "x" in thc appmpiatc box or by mt-g fhs lnfamtian rsquertd. if an item dm not apply to the propmy kmg doeummted mtcr VIA" for "not applicable.' For funclim. architectural dauification. matcnals. and areas of significance,em only Eategones and rubcmego~crhm the matruotiom, naoe additional ahlea and dwitem on eontinustion $has(NPS Form IO-90Oa) Use a typwnter. word processor. or computer, to cmptc all item. 1. Name of Propertv Historic name: Clarendon School Other nameslsite number: Matthew MawElementary School: Arlington Arts Center DHR #000-0453 2. Location Street & Number: 3550 Wilson Boulevard r 1 Not for Publication Citv or town: Arlington r 1 Vicinitv State: Virginia Code: VA Countv: Arlington Code: 013 Zip Code: 22201 3. Statemederal Aeencv Certification sh rhr acs~~auIhanfy mdcr the NmdHononr RncrvaDm AR a~ mlrndcd. I hereby mf, Uuc Uus 1x1 commmon I I qucn fa dn-atlon of rltgb8l.r) mcclr, the do~ummt&mmdardr for mgrrtmng mowrue m Ihc NmdRcmm of Kstonc PI- nnd mew rhc mxddnnd pmfcutd qurrrmmU wt fo* m 36 CFR Part 60 in my ophioh Ihe pmpmy (XI I1 dau m mecl thc ~imd criteria. I recommend ths tlup &my br c&idmd uBm6e&I 1 narionally [ 1 sm-de # localhi (1 I See mnrinusbao &afar additional mmmenb.) - YL7 Signature of certifying o&&itle bate / State or Federal agency and bureau h my oplrum Ihe pmpmy [I me- [I dm mt men the NmidRc$stcr miteria. (I] Sse eonrinuarim rhm for additid uxommts.) Signature of certifying oficiaVTitle Date State or Federal agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certif~cation 1, hereby, certify Uuc Uus propmy is: Si- of the K- Date of ACnon [ ]entered in thc NimdRc@rtcr. ( ) see mnMuarion nbm I I dnrrrrrmd eliiblc for Ihc NimdRsgism ( ) wc eonrinution *en [ 1 dnnrmncd not dibble for fhc National Rcgrster [ I removed fmm fhc National Rcgrrfcr [ I other, (explain:) Clarendon Elementarv School Arlington Countv, VA Name of Property County and State 5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property No. Resources within Property [I Private [XI Building(s) Contributing Noncontributing [XI Public-Local [.I District -1 -0 Buildings [ ] Public-State [I Site -0 -0 Sites [ 1 Public-Federal [I Structure -0 -0 Structure [I Object -0 -0 Objects -1 -0 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing N/A Resources previously listed in the National Register 0 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (enter categories Current Functions (enter from instructions) categories from instructions) 7. Descri~tion Architectural Classification Materials (enter categories from instructions) (enter categories from instructions) Classical Revival foundation: Brick walls: BricWStucco roof: As~halt/Slate other: Narrative Description Describe the historic and current condition of the property on one or more continuation she& M See continuation sheet Clarendon Elementarv School Arlington Countv, VA Name of Property County and State 8. Statement of Sienificance Applicable National Register Criteria Areas of Significance (Mahx m one n more boxes for hemtma (htn catcgoncs hmrtrusnaru) qd,kg be pmpew for Nanonal Rcgstn hsMg) EDUCATION [ X ] A Property is associated with events that have ARCHITECTURE made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. [ ] B Property is associated with the lives of significant in our past. Period of Significance [ X ] C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics 1910-1949 of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant Ad distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction. Significant Dates 1910 [ ] D Property has yielded, or is likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerations Significant Person (M& x m all the boxer that apply ) tCom~krif CnImon 0 m marked meI [ ] A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. [ 1 B removed fiom its original location. Cultural Affiliation [ ] C a biiplace or grave. [ ] D a cemetery. [ ] E a reconstructed building, object, or structure. Architect/Builder Charles M. Robinson [ ] F a commemorative property. M. W. Gavle [ ] G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past 50 years. Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the Ygolficmcc of !he pramon one or mon ~onllnuatlonohm$.) [XI See continuation sheet Clarendon Elementarv School Arlinzton Countv, VA Name of Property County and State 9. Maior Bibliograohic References [ ] See continuation sheet Previous documentation on file WS): [ ] preliminary determination of Primary location of add. data: individual listing (36 CFR 67) [ X ] State SHPO office [ ] previously listed in the NR [ ] Other State agency [ ] previously determined eligible [ ] Federal agency by the National Register [ X ] Local government [ ] designated a National Historic [ ] University Landmark [ X ] Other [ ] recorded by Historic American Specify repository: Buildings Survey # Arlineton Countv School Board [ ] recorded by Historic American Engineering Record # 10. Geoma~hicalData Acreage of property Two acres UTM References: Washington West USGS Map 1 /3/1/7/6/4/5/ /4/3/0/5/5/4/0/ Zone Easting Northing [ ] See continuation sheet Verbal Boundary Description The Clarendon Elementary School is located on a two-acre lot at 3550 Wilson Boulevard in Clarendon, Arlington County, Virginia The property's coordinates are: N 63 degrees 33' 0" E (northern boundary); S 71 degrees 44' 30" W (southern boundary); N 18 degrees 15' 30" W (western boundary); S 18 degrees 15' 30" E (eastern boundary). The property lines run the following distances: north - 202.06 feet; south- 200 feet; west - 421.2 feet; east - 450 feet. I 1 See continuation sheet Boundary Justification The Clarendon Elementary School has been associated with this site since the building's construction in 1910. r 1 See continuation sheet Clarendon Elementaw School Arlineton Countv. VA Name of Property County and State 11. Form Pre~aredBy Nameltitle Laura V. Trieschmann and Robin J. Weidlich. Architectural Historians Organization E.H.T. Traceries Inc. Date March 1999 Street & Number 5420 Western Avenue Telephone (301) 656-5283 City or Town Chew Chase State Marvland Zip code 208 15 Additional Documentation Submit the following items with the completed form: Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items (Check with the SHPO or FFlJ for any addrtiollpl it-) Prooertv Owner (Complete thir item at the request of the SHPO a FPC.) name Arlinrrton Countv (Dale Waters. Office of Neighborhood Services) street & number 2100 Clarendon Boulevard telephone (703) 228-3830 city or town Arlington state VA zip code 22201 ~.pr*o* ~edunionA* Sbtemenc ms lnformstlw is being collected far app~donrto tile ~atiorul~cgjplcr of Hi~tonsplaces to nominate pr&mcr for limg or determine eligjbility for luting to list pmpatles, and to amend existing lirtlnga. Rcrpons to thir rcqunt is quidto obtain a bmefit m accordance \nth the National Historic R4aaAct, as amended (I6 U.S.C.470 el req.) Estim*tcd Burden Statemmh FUblic rcponing burde. far this form is estimated to average 18.1 hwn per -nsc incl&,g time for rwiewng kmclinu, gathering and mslntming data and completing and rcviwing the fm.Lkcl canunem tewding this burden cstunate or my aspd of thir fm to the Chrcf, Ad&ms~ae SsMces DIriSiw, Nation4 PBh Sewice PO.Box 37127, Washm@on, DC 20013.7127; and the OMec of the Ma~ganmtand Budget, Paperwork Reduetiom Rojcctn (1024M118). W&@rm, DC 20503. WS Fon 10-900 (Rev 11-90) OMB No. IW244QlS United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Continuation Sheet The Clarendon School, 3550 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia Section number 7 Page -1 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Clarendon School (Matthew Maury School) is located at 3550 Wilson Boulevard in Clarendon, Arlington County, Virginia. Constructed in two phases, the main block of the building dates from 1910, with a 1954 addition to the rear elevation. The imposing brick building features stylistic elements from the Classical Revival style, an architectural trend fashionable during the period the building was constructed. The main block of the square structure is constructed of brick, randomly laid in five- and six-course American bond. It rises two-and-a-half stories in height with a hipped roof clad in asphalt shingles. Set upon a raised foundation stuccoed on the exterior, the building is three bays wide and two bays deep. Division of the interior floors is marked on all four sides of the exterior by the beveled watertable marking the foundation from the basement, and the narrow stringcourse the serves as window sill for the first story openings. The overhanging eaves are finished with a narrow frieze and bed molding. A large interior brick chimney with a corbelled cap rises from the southeast comer of the building. Horizontal massing is provided by the tall stuccoed watertable and belt course, the one-story portico over the main entry, the recessed panels between the first and second story openings, and the shallow hipped roof with its expansive overhanging eaves. Yet, the symmetrically placed openings, wide mullions, and enclosed pediments on the projecting front bays emphasize verticality. Site Description The Clarendon School is located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Wilson Boulevard and North Monroe Street. The building is substantially setback from the street with a surrounding landscaped yard and parking to the east.
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