"i. ' .. AUGUST 5 1950 r ~ .. ";".' . .. .~ "',0 ' \:};-; ~~. ;0 :;: :: MA.TCHES FOIl l'TE-,'~7' Sl-lTlJRBAY .. (Rolind 16) SYDNEY v. SOUTH SyDNEy Trumper Park NORTH SHORE ". UNIVERSITy Henson Park. NE\VTOWN v. \\7ESTERN SUBURBS Eiskinevi11e Oval' 'EASTERN SUBURBS v. BALMAIN \VaverleyOvaI ST. GEORGE. v. ILLAWARRA : Wollongong Vol. 19. No. 16. 2 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD Great News for "Rules" Footballers! Famous "DALL Y-Mil Now made in accordance with Aust. National Football Association rules. Australia's popular Rugby ball now made also for 'Rules enthusiasu. Sturdily constructed from selected cowhide, hand.sewn and water-tested. No other ball keeps shape so well or gives such NORMAL performance under "mud.lark" conditions. 39/6. Made exclusively for- The Home of Sport MICK SIMMONS HAYMARKET, SYDNEY and SUBURBS Tasmania Gives N.S.W. Football Lesson (By AUB. REED). Tasmania treated a crowd of more when a goal almost on the bell' gave than 5,000 people to a brilliant display Tasmania a tWO points lead with the of football, as well as giving N.S.W. a scores 5.5 to 5.3. lesson,~ at 'Trumper Park last Saturday. Tasmania came into the picture in the Onc~ again conditions were agai;>st second term when they unwound a bril- football; however, Trumper Park was in liant burst of play and added 7 goals 4 reasonably good order, with the exception to z.z and held a very handy l~ad. 'of the cricket pitch area, which was .a A feature of the visitors" play at this quagmire. stage was their perfect understanding The crowd was quite good consider. between tea;' mates ,~nd their 'shepherd- ing .the heavy rain which fell JUSt prior ing. to the commencement of the curtain. The home side were standing flat raiser. footed and consistently failed to back up In view of their excellent displays in their team mates. the Carnival, the visitors were warm At half.time the scores were Tasmania favourites for the game. 1 Z.9 to N.S.W. 7.5. N.S.W. showed The mmch commenced at a fast rate better form in the third quarter, although and, as has been the case in the past, they did not reduce their leeway. N.S:W. showed out well early and led Both teams handled the heavy, grea;y until near the end of the first term, ball remarkably well and the manner in 3 10 THE .AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD which they scooped the ball from the SCHOOLBOYS' CARr'nV AL ground with one hand was a real eye opener. ITEMS OF INTERE~~~by ..AUB. REED! .,"1 N.S.W. smali' me':" Grose, Brill and During the past month, whilst mai~ . /'.' .. ;' : Hardy were showing out grandly during New South' Wales three ~~~ll' in~n, Keith Miller, Test crIcketer, proved: this term <in:drepeatedly won the plaudits attention has been focussed on the Aus- Ossie Grose, Len' Brlllit;;'a ) ~h~ 'Hardy, himself a m';ste; in the 'art ~f shepherd. tralian' Football Championships. at Bris. of the crowd for thdr .-~'tf9rts': were the best.players .f;'r their side against ing when, he last played football in Syd. bane, an enthusiastic band of workers 'in • :<';. ~.. _' to .' . • " ThelilS\ f1ut~tei-sa~ tasmania in top Tasm"ni'J"lai~ :;frumper\ ParI{ ilast Satur- ney in ~19'47 iu\d}slioW'ed Hoi-'beneficial it. gear arid 'they:c~~tt,lpl;{t<;lyoutclassed their Sydney hav~befu perfo~r'ningl a:.h;'fd- day. The trio did not let up all day was to a .te:;,ITf-!;late. 0ppo,nents a~d raced away to a big lead lean task in the o'rg:'nisi;"g and financing and were a cr;dit' t; ~he Light Blues. and whe~ th'efinal hell :r~ng they had of the despatch of the New South Wales * * * scored Z3 goals 16. be~inds (15,4) :to team to the All States Schoolboys' Carni- Frank Larkin, South' Sjrdney captain. val in Hobart from 8th to 'Z6th August. * '". .' _' . .1.-).. 'N.S.W. 13 goals 17 behinds (95) ..• Terry Cashion, who led t.he Tas!D-anian and coach, kicked .z sple~did 'g~als. Tasmania excelled in all departments A special vote' of 'thanks goes t';' Mr. team in the absence of Vern R.ae;:gave a against Tasmania ancl.made:openings for of the game and thrill~d the trowd with H. Gordon Harris, President of t.he masterly display of idl r01,1nd. football several more goals through u'nselfish play .. their brilliant all round performance. N.S.W.P.S.A.A.A. and former President and was largely resp~~~ibl~' f~~ the high Souths' other represent'atlvb' ~la'yer; 'Bill Easily the "be~t ~layer on the ground of the N.S.W. League; Mr. Ross Cooley, speed at which the gad;e"~a:~:'playe[.' Harper, continued 'hi:fine'pl~yi':" the. was Terry Cashion, who captained .the Asst. Secretary p.S.A.A.A. and Manager Carnival by giving a ~ery solid display' Tasmanian side. He played a splendid of the team; l'vk J. Long, Asst. Manager * * * in a back pocket. game and inspired. his team mates; L. from Newcastle, and lccal schoolmasters It was no disgrace to Jim Cr!"cknell Hayes, on the half-forward, was also in Rupert Browne, T as. Carroll and H.' G. (N.S.W. full.forward) to be over- * * * brilliant form, while other players to "Bunny" Shepherd. shadowed by Tasmanian full. back, B.' Eastern Suburbs andW estern Suburbs. show out were R. Parsons, L. Sutton, N. The team comprises representatives' White, as the latter was the outstanding players deserve the highest praise for the. Reid, I. Westell, J. Rough and B. White. from Broken Hill, Riverina, Albury, New. custodian of the Brisbane Carni~aL manner in which they stuck to their un- Best for N.S.\V. were J. Grose, K. Cham. castle and Sydney. The 25 lucky boys White did something that 11 Mel. enviabl" task in an exhibition match at: pion, J. Hardy, L. Brill, P. Miles, W. assembled in Sydney during the week and. bourne club full.backs have failed to do Auburn last Sunday. The ground was in. Harper, R. Duffy, F. Larkin and H. have had several training runs together. this year and that was to keep J ohn Col~- a deplorable condition, with pools of' Free. To.day at \Vaverley Ova! at 1Z noon man, champion Essendon full. forward, ~ater all over the ground. So deep were. they will have a final work.ou~. COMPETITION MATCHES RESUME. fro"'1 kicking a goal when Tasmania met some of the pools players who fell in. The party will depart for Hobart by Victoria during the CarnivaL them were comparatively clean when they' The competition will resume when the air on Tuesday next and bes~ wishes are stood up. 14th round of matches will be played'to. extended to the managers, captain and. * day. The first five teams on the premier- players for a very happy and successful * * trip. Umpire Leber was a target for criticism * * ship table are opposed to the bottom five when he repeatedly halted play and con- Bill Morris, Richmond and Victorian. and it would appear most likely that the tinuously failed to employ the advantage captain, achieved his sporting ambition. top division, Sydney, Wests, Newtown, rule. I have stated on numerous occasions when he led Victoria to victory in the. Easts and Souths, will defeat University, tha~ it completely puzzles me why Sydney final of the Brisbane Carnival against: Norths, Illawarra, St. George and Bal. ALAN KIPPAX umpires fail ~o make use of this rule South Australia last Saturday. Morris,. main respectively. which speeds the game up considerably. who playe}! one season for South Sydney. The premiership is at a most interest- SPORTS STORE during the war, is regarded as the best. ing stage, with 5 teams battling for 4 ruck man in Australia. positions, so it can be seen that defeat 26 MARTIN PLACE * * * at this stage of the competition could New South 'Wales' failure to shepherd * * * prove fatal to the teams fighting for a Everything for Sport for their team mates against Tasmania From to-day the time of first grade. place in the four. Souths received a set- o was most noticeable last Saturday. All matches will be Z5 minutes 'quarters, plus. back when they were defeated in the players. should realise just how important added time. During the months of May, curtain-raiser to the Tasmania - N.S.W. Phone: BW 8284. shepherding is and also what a big ad- June and July the quarters were reduced. game last Saturday, but they still have vantage it on be. to ZZ minutes, plus the added time. a chance of reaching the finals. 4 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RE<;:ORD - , IZ"IN' ?V' ..- - -. ? \VAVERLEY (VA: .J ERS ~ ...:.t. .. .J. .J. ..:.t OVA: .II FIELD UMPIRE: J. LEBER. FIELD UMPIRE: R. W. THOMAS. BOUNDARY: GOALS: . BOUNDARY : GOALS: K. WILLIAMSON, E. HAN. C. ALLEN, L. M. CLARKE. C. HUNT, C. CRACKNELL. G. WEBSTER, R. SKELTON. BRIDGE. EASTERN SUBURBS ST. GEORGE NEWTOWN ILLAWARRA (Red, White 81: Blue). (Black &: Gold). (Red « White). (Sk, BIu.). 1-R. HAYES (Captain) I-R. McGLINN (Captain) Z-J. HUGHES (Vice.Captain). Z- -- I-J. GROSE 1-":"]'.DERCE 3-H. HEWISH 3-A. RICHARDS 2-J. DARLING ,-. 3- J .. STIVEY 4'-:"R. MILLINGTON 4-A.' "FREAIC£ 3-J. THOMAS 4-R. HOBAN 5-R. HOUSTON :5-V. SANDS , 4-S. THIRLWELL :5-R. HOSICINS 6-L.
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