i929 ;\16vN-,13Efti . 1f CD040©410 GJ4QG3 @TEMLIIRW god SERVICE - REPAIR-- ENGINEERING POWER AMPLIFICATION -TELEVISION www.americanradiohistory.com THE four Below plans shown are but a are a few of sample of the many the reports ways in which our mem- from those now bers are making $3.00 an hour upwards, spare time cashing in on the and full time, from the day they join "40 the Association. If you want to get Easy Ways" into Radio, have a business of your Clears Frank J. Deutch, Pa.- "Since own, $50 joining the Association I have make to $75 weekly in $3,000.00 cleared nearly $3,000.00. It is your spare time, investigate the almost impossible for a young fellow to fail, opportunities offered the mexper- no matter how little education he has, if he ienced, ambitious man by the As- will follow your easy ways of making money." sociation. $1,100.00 in J. R. Allen, Calif. - "Have 6 Weeks done over $1,100.00 worth of Our Members Earning business in the last 6 weeks. Next month I am going to open up a store Thousands of Dollars of my own. I never knew that money could Every Week come so fast and easy." The Association assists men to 525.00 a Week N. J. Friedrich, N. Y. -"I cash in on Radio. It makes past ex- Time haveaveraged$25.00aweek Spare for the last 7 months even perience unnecessary. As a member though I am not a graduate but just learning." of the Association you are trained in a quick, easy, practical way to Training Lands R. C. Kirk. N. C. -"Your training has been very install, service, repair, build and Him Job valuable to me. I landed a rebuild sets -given sure -fire money- job with the big department store out here a making plans developed by us- few weeks ago because I had my member- helped to secure a position by our ship card with me. There were a large bunch Employment Department. You earn of applications ahead of me." while you learn, while you prepare yourself for a big -pay Radio position. ACT NOW The Association will enable you to buy parts at wholesale, start in busi- If You Wish NO -COST ness without capital, help you get Membership your share of the $600,000,000 spent annually for Radio. As a result of For a limited time we will give to the Association, men all over the the ambitious man a No -Cost Mem- country are opening stores, increas- bership which need not-should not ing their pay, pass - -cost you a cent. For the sake of inglicensed operator making more money now, and examinations, land- having a better position in the ing big-pay posi- future, mail coupon below now. tions wita Radio You'll always be glad you did. makers. r --1 Radio Training Association of America Mail Coupon Today for the Dept. RCB -11, 4513 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, lU. Gentlemen: Please send me by return mail full details of FREE HANDBOOK your Special No-Cost Plan, and also a copy uRaao Handbook. It is not only chock -f-.ill of absorbing information about Radio, but rt shows you how easily you can increase your Name income in your spare time. Mailing the coupon can mean $50 to $75 a week more for you. Address Radio Training Associatio:n of America 4513 Ravenswood Avenue Dept. RCB -11 Chicago, ilinois City State . www.americanradiohistory.com Citizens Radio Call Boob Magazine and Scientific Digest 1 r MOMS -mud ; / Radio Catalog APOWERFUL super- sensitive A. C. Write Today for receiver that answers today's demand for this new 196 -page catalog the ultra -modern in a high -grade screen grid full of all the latest in radio receiver. It offers everything you look for that is modern in radio. Nothing has been over- sho 'tvingthe new, humless, looked to secure outstanding quality - advanced Screen Grid A. C. all -elec- engineering features -or efficient performance. tric and battery operated sets. Beautiful con- soles, dynamic speakers, accessories, parts, It is establishing a new standard of perfec- kits; in fact, everything in radio and all at rock - tion in radio design. Incorporating such ad- bottom wholesale prices. Hundreds of real vanced features as screen grid R. F., power radio bargains from a Radio House backed by detector, "245" push -pull power audio, dy- over $3,000,000 in resources. This book will namic tone quality plus practical scientifi- save you money. Send for it now before you cally shielded construction, it is blazing a buy anything more in radio supplies! new trail in perfection of circuit design. Its super power assures unusual distance range Use the Coupon -its ultra -selectivity adapts it for use in the most congested broadcasting districts. Its remarkable tone quality and tremendous volume win for it the instant admiration of the radio purchaser. Allied Radio Corporation, Dept. C -1 711 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. Please send me your new 1930 -196 -page radio catalog -which we understand is to be absolutely free. Name COI PORNTION Address 711 W. Lake St. Dept. C -1 Chicago, Ill. City State Tell 'Ent You Saw It in the Citizens Radio Call Book Magazine and Scientific Digest www.americanradiohistory.com Citizens Radio Call Book Magazine and Scientific Digest y 'GERMANY\ FRANCE\ -HOLLAND ENGLAND AUSTRALIA COSTA RICA '\\ JAVA ; NEW- ¿-ZEALAND _ -? Complete Factory -Built All -Wave Receiver Aero Overseas Receiver-A -C and ID-C Gets Both Short and Long Waves SCREEN' GRID At last -a complete all -wave receiver with which you very objectionable and motorboating has occurred can get both short and long wave reception. frequently on the higher frequencies. In the past few years interest in short wave telephony Bearing these two outstanding faults in mind, Aero has increased to such an extent that at present there Products laboratories, with their intimate knowledge 1 is a demand for a complete short wave receiver. of short -wave requirements, set about to overcome And, in order to make the set even more practical, them, and in the Aero Overseas Four Receiver has 14e have added the long wave feature. Heretofore all been developed a radio set that gets stations on all short wave adapters in sets which have fallen into the waves -both the short as well as the broadcast bands, hands of the average layman, have been extremely and with the ease and perfection of the most modern critical with respect to tuning. In fact, this objection set. A great deal of thought and engineering has has been so outstanding, as to discourage, rather made possible in this new receiver, a high degree of than encourage, the use of short waves, ancr as a con- sensitivity and unusually easy, simplified tuning. sequence only experts have been able to get the The Aero Overseas Four is comparable to our pres- remarkable performance, long distance and unique ent -day broadcast sets in operating efficiency and far programs available on the short waves. surpasses any set in its to get AERO PRODUCTS, Inc., In addition to tuning, there has heretofore been little two -fold ability 4611 E. Ravenswood Ave., Dept. 1089, satisfaction with A -C operation. The hum has been everything on the air. Chicago, III. Dear Sirs: Send me full particulars of your new Model A -C, 5 Tubes, including Power Tube -List Price (Without Tubes) $125.00 all -wave, Aero Overseas Four Receiver for getting stations on broadcast and short Waves, also latest Model D -C, 4 Tubes -List Price (Without Tubes) 60.00 information on new developments. Name . Address City State _. AERO FROD1JCTS, Inc. State if you are jobber, dealer, set builder or fan: 4611 East Ravenswood Avenue Dept. 1089 Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. Enclose remittance of 860.00 for D -C Model, or 9125 00 for A -C Model, if you order direct from this ad. 4 times January 1, March 1. September 1, November 1. Volume X, No. 4. CITIZENS RADIO CALL ROOK MAGAZINE AND ScirNTIric Ortest, November, 1929. Published yearly, March 17, 1927 at the Post Office at Chicago, Ill., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published at Chicago, 111. Subscription price, 51.75 yearly. Entered as seeoudclass matter Citizens Radio Service Bureau, Inc., Publishers, 508 So. Dearborn St., Chicago. www.americanradiohistory.com Citizens Radio Call Bool. Magazine and Scientific Digest Pattern 199 Set Analyzer Pattern 409 Set Analyzer Makes every essential radio service Has four high grade 3M inch bake- test, including screen grid sets. lite case instruments. Simple to operate. Doesn't require Gives plate current, plate, filament, a radio engineer to use it. and grid voltages simultaneously. Built to highest standards Binding posts make all instruments throughout. available for independent tests. Backed by a complete radio data service. Backed by the same data service that has made Jewell Pattern 199's Lowest priced, high grade set famous. analyzer. List Price, $122.50 List Price, 1$97.50 Dealers' Price, $91.88 Dealers' Price, $73.12 44 ON .. EDITION of the 41) (Pt ANEWJewell booklet, ''Instructions for Servicing Radio Receivers," has just been received from the Pattern 581 Test Panel printer. This 64 -page booklet Provides every requirement for rapid contains data on receivers of 38 and accurate testing of radio receivers, including screen grid sets. manufacturers or of the most I:9 The seven instruments are all large flush Pattern 210 Tube Checker popular sets. type, approximately 5 ins. in diameter. Gives direct reading on all tubes from UX199 to UX25o -no men- Furnished Free tal arithmetic necessary.
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