JUDITH HEARD, ll!1, was 1962 Homecoming Queen at W AYNES­ BURG (Penn.) college and also be­ longs to Sigma Tau Delta, College GLENDA Players, Alpha Psi Omega, and Student (Kan.), was crowned Council. Queen at Hutchinson, BETA UPSILON's make money for local philanthropies at their annual Cider Chug at OHIO. TINA GROGAN, AX, is a cheerleader, member of Tri Beta-biology honorary, Gam­ ma Sigma Epsilon-chemistry honorary, and elected secre· tary of the student body at GEORGETOWN. JERRY ANN VANN, llM, sang the lead in the spring opera Ruddigore at NORTH­ WESTERN LOUISIANA. VOLUME 56 NUMBER 4 WINTER 1962 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 Conlen!d NATIONAL COU NCI L THE COVER: Beaumont Tower which houses a 47 bell Carillon centers the main campus of Michigan State Uni­ National President- Mrs . Ed versity, which was founded in 1855 as the first agricul­ Douglas Jr., 9007 4th Ave., tural college in the United States and is now one of the Inglewood, Calif. 10 largest universities in the nation. Our Alpha Tau chapter was installed here in 1927. 1st Vice-President- Mrs. Eliot Roberts, 1230 Marston st., Ames, 3 Sigma Kappa-Our Heritage and Our Responsibility Iowa. 4 Sponsor Art Exhibit in Sacramento 5 Dean Enjoys her Role at MSU 2nd Vice- President-Mrs. Ar­ thur F. Friebel, 3662 Wellington 6 And All Manner of Oriental Splendor rd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. 8 Widens Horizons for Kentucky's Handicapped Chil­ dren Director of Membe,·ship-Mrs. 9 Starts Kalamazoo Meals on Wheels G. A. Clerisse, 3331 Osceola, 10 Scholarship Honors Bertha Stutz Denver, Colo. 13 Two Experts in Child Behavior 14 Mothers Club Chairman Speaks Director of Extension-Mrs. Monroe Dreyfus, 122 Beverly 15 Dr. Minnie Miller Receives Honors for Services pl. , Munster, Ind. 16 Louisville Celebrates 40th Birthday 17 "Denver's Weaver Extraordinaire" National Secretary-Treasurer­ 18 Do We Measure Up to Our Founders? Mrs. E. D . Taggart, 3433 Wash­ 19 Peg Bradford, Our Pioneer Pacemaker ington blvd., Indianapolis 5. Ind. 20 Prepare for Old Age 21 Alice Eddy Lundie Dies 22 Bay Cities Alumna:: Aid Hospital 23 Named Denver Woman of the Year T RIANGLE STAFF 24 College Chapter Highlights 37 Pledges Editor-in-Chief-Mrs. James Stan­ 43 Significant News of Sigmas nard Baker, 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill. 50 Alumna:: Chapter Activities 63 Milestones College Editors-Mrs. John Cole­ 67 Directory man, Meadow Estates, Wheeling, W.Va. Mrs. Henry Booske, 161 7 Zarker rd., Lancaster, Pa. SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLB is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Win­ ter, by George Banta Company, Inc., offi cial pub lishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority at Curtis Reed plaza, Menasha, Wis. Subscription price $2 a Alumnte Editor-Mrs. Harold B. year; single copies 50¢; life subscription $15. Lines , 234 Salt Springs rd., Syra­ cuse 3, N.Y. Send change of address, subscriptions. and correspondence of a business nature to Mrs. E. D. Taggart, Curtis Reed plaza, Menasha, Wis., or 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis 5, Ind. Co rresrtnndence of an editorial nature is to ~ addressed to Mrs. J . S. Baker, 433 Woodl aw n ave., Glencoe, Ill. Chapters, co ll ege and alum nx must send manuscri pt in ti me to reach th ei r respecti ve editors before the fifteenth of October, January, April, and August. CENT RAL OFFICE Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines Associ· 3433 Washington blvd., Indian­ ated, 1618 Orrington ave., Evanston, Ill. apolis 5, Ind. Director, Mrs. E. D. Taggart. Second-cl as s postage paid at Menas ha. W is. Printed in U.S .A These 31 smiling pledges of Beta Xi formed the largest pledge class on the Memphis State campus. The 30 members of Alpha Mu's 1962 pledge class happily pose in front of the enlarged chapter house at University of Michigan. Sig-ma _}(appa- Our J.lerilag-e and Our Jedponditi/it'J By BETTY GREEN DOUGLAS, National President • During this decade of transition between It is g~od to recall that our philanthropic the comfortable world of yesterday and program IS one of the most versatile as well the space world of tomorrow, the fraternity a~ one of the strongest. Through the years system is .playing a most important part in S1gma Kappa has provided the Maine Sea­ offering a stable, well balanced ~ocial pro­ coast Mission with thousands of dollars to­ gram for its members. Our members gain gether with the gifts of clothing, toys, ~edi­ intangible values through sorority associa­ cal supplies and hospital equipment. Several tion. They develop in understanding, cour­ scholarships, for $600 each are awarded age, tolerance, loyalty, even as they gain in yearly to help further the education of intellectual and cultural growth during this women at the American Farm School in Sa­ formative period. lonica, Greece. Our Gerontology program Our alumnre already are aware of the value has made rapid strides and we have high received from sorority membership ... for hopes of seeing tremendous expansion in this them the very word "sorority" brings happy field with the promotion of scholarships for memories. Both groups contribute to each members, Gerontology and Geriatric grants other and bring to Sigma Kappa the guidance to social workers and doctors in this field. from the past, the activity of the present, and As a progressive step to further augment our a prophesy of the future. Together they are philanthropic program, the Sigma Kappa building a foundation, creating a program, Foundation was established at our last Con­ producing those valuable rules and precepts vention which will help to contribute even which are so vital in our present world. To­ more to our community and our country. day we must hold fast to those rules and pre­ The record of the past five years in the cepts for they are our strong defense of the extension field is unusually stable, 36 new American way of life. chapters have been added during this period, May I say, in all sincerity, that I have among them chapters in Arkansas, Cali­ never felt so keenly the worthiness of the fra­ fornia, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, ternity system, particularly as exemplified in Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, North Sigma Kappa. As all of you remember, so Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Da­ very often at Initiation we hear a misty-eyed kota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and girl say, "This is the happiest moment of my Wisconsin. Along with extension in new life!" It is happy indeed, but, as we all know, chapters, a program of constant supervision not the happiest for her in Sigma Kappa be­ of established chapters is under way, and our cause each succeeding year unfolds new facets four traveling secretaries are kept busy during and phases of Sigma Kappa . new experi­ the school year, supplementing the work of ences which add to the memories and the province and national officers. At least 95% meaning which Sigma Kappa holds for each of our college chapters have ~K rushing su­ one of us. pervision for formal rush, while the rest work An organization this vital must have a very under the direct supervision of the adminis­ firm foundation and that is the picture which tration at the university's request. we see today. With our 1874 Founding, Housing goes hand in hand with college Sigma Kappa is one of the oldest Greek let­ extension, and our Endowment Fund bears a ter organizations. Our college chapters num­ burden which becomes heavier and heavier as ber over 100, with memberships ranging up loans for new houses and remodeling are un­ to 120. Our alumnre chapters are well over dertaken. Endowment Fund loans for the 200, our total membership has reached 1961-62 year totaled well over $327,000 and 36,322, and this fall's rush will bring our were made to 27 house corporations. Our membership even higher. newest houses are in Kansas and in Utah WINTER 1962 6 3 6 while extensive remodeling took place this give of ourselves, let's measure our work in summer in Washington. Colorado is facing terms of the priceless gifts which Sigma remodeling in Denver, two lots have been Kappa has given us. Let us promise to take purchased at Fort Collins, final plans are un­ stock of ourselves and our sorority. Let us be der way for a Panhellenic house in Tennessee, proud of our sorority and its accomplish­ and rumors indicate housing demands in ments. Let our criticism be constructive, not Oklahoma. Unfortunately for the fraternity trivial. Let us base our guidance and our way housing program, prices have changed and of life upon the high ideals which we have the price of houses now runs from $50,000 always held. Let us teach our pledges all that to $200,000, the cost per girl no longer meas­ is worthwhile of the past. Let our record be ured by $1000 but by $3000-$4000 per girl. progressive and let us look forward and an­ Even with the high cost of housing, 48 of our ticipate growth. Let us instill a love of soror­ chapters own their own houses, five chapters ity in each new member. own Panhellenic rooms, and one owns a Let each one of us make a personal pledge lodge. Looking at the other side, the future that our Sigma Kappa life in the coming holds housing plans for 22 chapters w4o rent year will bring new friendships, a greater and 24 chapters who meet in classrooms or in concept of sorority ideals and values, as we private dwellings.
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