~ ~\(Cf)I\( \J~~, "'6='R1""'Cf)""\(""'Ej'"f ~ ~ Pi~1(1Icl <I Lf?Iicp /"CfC"IT, ~ / 2017 <io<io--~<ffl)(13)<1<1-02/2017 m, t'ffiil'>~tll lfCf ~, f</m, qc~1 "frcrr-<i ~, ftr<;rr mITrT ~, '+iI'I<'19>~1'l'J<ITltiO'''i'lm''lTO'I~UTUI1 ~'1«f19~ 1 il'>i'etl,( 1 j\1lqtj)~9>'( l"ifiq;r1 '<51'11)<11 1 <ficIR I~ 1lfC'1T1 ~I~ 1'(1'11"l'!fTCIT1'1I<'RITI~ I~ 1 'ifCffI'{ 1 \1Itl '11611C; 1 3RCI'<1' 1 :8l('II '1if!1 3lW>n'ITG I '!IWT- Cff'jj 4311<'11<1 "1mr ~ <6 'G'?Ii<f;-18/2/2016/DCH/DHDS/ Census/1205-1265 ~CHl3.04.2017 ~, ""\jqmgf."cro" ~ Qltif7lil'> 'l?I ~) <6 ~ -<i 'Q'>6'1T t fcp qf?[ ~, "'IR(1' ~, "1t ~ MIS KARVY Management service Limited (KDMSL) ct; "f]U[+j' >H ~ i5'ffiil'>'(tll ~ lfCf 1lilcT 'f'I'IR ~ 'l?I q;r 'Q'>T1f CRT "'<'l\T t I ~ 'Q'>T1f -<i ~ ~ ct; fuI1 ~ ftr<;rr ct; ~, ftr<;rr mITrT ~ q;l ~ ,""i;rfuq;Rr ct; "'" -<i ~ fcI;m '\iIRIT t I ~ PI ~~I <1 fcI;m '\iIRIT t fcp MIS KARVY Management service Limited (KDMSL) ct; ~ ~ ~ tiq;;:;r <g'1R, tIi'R-9431 072693, e-mail id- [email protected] q;l Qltifllil'> 'l?I -<i f."Ifim ~ ct; ~ <iii q~<Iil'> ~ J;f'GR ~ I 'fI~ lfCf 1lilcT 'f'I'IR ~ 'l?I ct; 'Q'>T1f -<i ~ ftr<;rr «R '"' fcIR:lt ~ q\) il'>fd"1l~ ~ <IT fi1<'fq;'( ~ ~ ~ I 3Tj0-~1 ~ '601- PI~~Iil'>, t'ffiil'>~tll ~ ~, f</m, lfC'1T I ~- , lfC'1T, ~'fiq;-............... , . QRI~~ fctq;rn ~ (t'ffiil'>'(tll), qf?[ 'i'3t I<'11<1, "'IR(1' ~ ct; ~18/2/2016/DCH/DHDS/ Census/1205-1265 ~0-03.04.2017 ct; 3lT<11q;-<i 'fICf~ KARVYManagement service Limited (KDMSL) Hyderabad q;l ~ ~ 3MNil'> ~ >3g ~/fctq;rn ~ t'ffiil'>~tll, qf?[ ~ ~ 1fCf'1', "1t ~ q;l ~ ~ q;r '1T'1, llTO >to i'fl'.lT e-mail id q\) wfr 'tiofr.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1>Im'l 'fIfqq, mITrT ~ ct; >Im'l 3lT'(1' 'fIfqq q;l ~ ~ I 3TjO-~1 D:\Dillo kumor\2016\rambriksh\ letter docx 176 \ No.IS/2/2016/DCH/DHDS/Census 4):\ GOVERNMENTOF INDIA /I~~~ MINISTRYOF TEXTILES ~':"f/JF THE DEVELOPMENTCOMMISSIONER FORHANDLOOMS Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi Dated the 3151 March, 2017 ~~1"1-· Q Su: Conducting uf 4th Nationwide Handloom Census and issue of Photo Identity Cards t"'-",-, 11Sir/Mada §~ 1\ e' refer to earlier communion on the above subject issued vide letter nu. 20I /DCH/DHDS/Census dated 20.02.2017 regarding assistance & cooperation to Mis. Karvy Data Management Services Limited(KDMSL) team during the course of their field work, for 1°7!_t/!_~,!.nsJ,l~essful completion of the project timely. ~rr9l!.~... To supervise the task and giving exert opinion/input from time to time, an Advisory '~Comrriittee has been formed with representativesfrom various Central Government Departments and State Governments and experts from handloom sector as members. So far three meetings have been convened. Questionnaire of survey has been vetted by the AdvisoryCommittee. 3. Under the project, KDMSL will carry out door to door survey of handloom weavers & allied workers households and non-household weaving units to create data base of handloom weavers and allied workers engaged in handloom sector. The data will be captured as per the questionnaire for household schedule and non-household schedule which are enclosed tor your ready reference. Block wise tested data will be submitted by KDMSLto office of the DC(Handlooms)for Quality Check and validation by independent agency. After validation of data, KDMSL will print the Photo Identity Cnrds(PIC) and carry out door to door delivery/dispatch. 3. For covering all the handloom weavers and allied workers, it is important to identify the weavers' pockets in each and every district and block of the State. The list of villages covered under third handloom census conducted during 2009-10, StatelDistrictlBlock-wise have been uploaded on Office of the Development Commissioner(Handlooms) website "www.handlooms.nic.in". The list can be downloaded by going through "STATISTICS"menu and "VILLAGES COVERED UNDER THIRD HANDLOOM CENSUS 2009-10" sub-menu and selecting the state name. The names of villages covered may be checked up and the left out villages may be included and informed to KDSML so that enumeration can also be carried out in left out villages. ( • r -I" 4. To ensure authenticity of the enumerators who will be approaching the weavers and work~s for carrying out enumeration work in the field, identity cards will be issued under the signature cit" ADC(Handlooms) having logo of Office of the DC(Handlooms) and KDMSL. The ID card will be State specific and with validity up to 31$I March, 2018. 5. The enumerators will capture the survey data on GPS enabled electronic devices and no physical form will be filled up by them during enumeration. (iPS data will be utilized to map coverage areas. 6. Proactive support from States is solicited for the smooth and timely completion of the project. It is requested. that States should nominate a nodal officer with whom the nodal officer from KDMSL will interact on regular basis for guidance, advise and help in resolving loeallevel challenges as and when they arise. The list of State wise nodal officers of KDMSL along with their mobile number and email id is enclosed. The States are requested to nominate the nodal officer and send the name along with mobile number and email id to this office by 7thApril, 2017. 7. Instructions may also be please issued to all concerned regional/district level offices to extend help & cooperation to KDMSL team at district level during the course of their field work. Yours sincerely, Enclosures: As above (ALOK KUMAR) Development Commissioner for Handlooms Copy to: I. Zonal Director I Head of Office, All Weavers Service Centres 2. Mis Karvy Data Management Services Limited (KDMSL), Hyderabad KJ)MSL State Nodal OfficeI rs S.No. State State Coordinator Contact No Email id I Andhra Pradesh Chidananad V 9849080880 chidanand. vaddapall [email protected] 2 Arunachal Pradesh Pranuj Phukan 9954609550 pranuj. phukanriilkarvy. Com 3 Assam Pranuj Phukan 9954609550 pranuj. phukan(alkarvy. Com 4 Bihar Pankaj Kumar 9431072693 [email protected] 5 Chhallisgarh Anish Mishra '1437039848 anish.mishra(alkarvv. com 6 Goa Manish Gujaratahi 9833998579 Man ish.Guj arath i(aJkarvy. com 7 Delhi Brijesh Dwi vedi 9716780000 brijesh.dwivedi(alkarvy.com 8 Gujaral Adilya Gupta 9825014794 aditya.gupta(alkarvy.com 9 Haryana Brijesh Dwivedi 9716780000 brijesh.dwivedi(alkarvy.com 10 Himachal Pradesh Chaman Lal sharma 9817567821 chamanlal.sharma(aJkarvy.com I I Jammu & Kashmir Briiesh Dwivedi 9716780000 brijesh.dwivedi(alkarvy.com 12 Jharkhand Md.Sabeer Mustnquccn 8603028786 sabeer.m usu« Iueen0lkarvv. Com 13 Karnataka MH Srinivas 9742428471 srin ivasa.24riilkarvv .com 14 Kerala R. Subramanian 9447028684 subramanivam.rriilkarvv.com 15 Madhya Pradesh Kanaiah Singh 7049493249 I-kanhaiva.sin~hliilkarvv.com Maharashtra 16 Manish Guiaratahi 9833998579 Manish.Gujarathi@)karvy.com 17 Manipur Venetia Florence 8794099601 venetia.salam(aJkarvy.com 18 Meghalaya Pranuj Phukan 9954609550 pranui.phukan(alkarvy.com 19 Mizoram Fahim Rehman 8133826706 [email protected] 20 Nagaland Venetia Florence 8794099601 venetiasalam(alkarvy.com 21 Orissa Prasannn Kumar Samantray 9040000124 Prasalilla.salilantry(li)karvy.com 22 Pudducherry Satish Kumar Bala Subramanian 9791019512 satish.balariilkarvv.com 23 Punjab Brijesh Dwivedi 9716780000 briiesh.dwivedi(alkarvy.com 24 Rajasthan Suraj senegar 9654281941 suraj.sengar(alkarvy.com 25 Sikkim Maya Lepcha 8972438097 [email protected] 26 Tamilnadu Satish Kumar Bala Subramanian 9791019512 satish. balariil.karvv.com 27 Telangana Chidananad V 9849080880 [email protected] 28 Tripura Fahim 8113826706 fahim.rehman(aJkarvy.colll 29 r Irtar Pradesh Ravi dixit 9305458716 ravidixltrnlkarvv.com 30 Uttarakhand Sarvesh Pandey 9319420652 sarvesh. pandev(alkarvy .COm 31 West Bengal Urnan Usman 7499817222 umar.usman(aJkarvy.com Andaman & 32 Nicobar Islands Urnan Usman 7499817222 umar.usman(aJkarvy.com 33 Chandigarh Briiesh Dwivedi 9716780000 . brijesh.dwivedi(alkarvy.com 34 Daman & Diu Manish Gujaratahi 9833998579 Manish.Gujarathi(aJkarvy.com Dadra & Nagar 35 Haveli Aditya Gupta 9825014794 aditya.gupta(aJkarvy.com 36 Lakshwadeen R. Subramanian 9447028684 subramanivam.rliilkarvv.com \ No. 1812/20 16/DCH/DHDS/Census j L,3/ - 10 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF TEXTILES OFFICE or THE DI:VELOPMENT COMMISSIONER FOR HANDLOOMS Udyog Hhawan, New Delhi Dated the zo" February, 2017 ~O_ Director In-charge of Handloorns All States 1 Union Territories Sub: Conducting of 4th Nationwide Handloom Census and issue of Photo Identity Cards Sir Three hand loom censuses have been undertaken by this office in the past. First hand loom census was undertaken in 1987 88, second handloorn census was undertaken in 1995-96 and third handloom census along with issuance of Photo Identity Cards (PIC) to eligible handloom weavers and allied workers was undertaken in 2009-10. 2. This office is the process of conducting fourth nationwide census for hand loom and issue of Photo Identity Cards (PIC) to handloom weavers and allied workers. MIs Karvy Data Management Services Ltd. (KDMSL), Hyderabad has been selected as agency for carrying out this task. The entire work of conducting census and issue of PICs is scheduled to be completed within a period of one year. 3. Conducting nationwide handloom census along with issue of PICs to eligible hand loom weavers & allied workers is a mammoth exercise in terms of coverage and scale of operation. Starting February 2017, during the next eight to ten months, KDMSL team would visit all the weavers' households door to door in the country to collect relevant census data information. Without full support from States and UTs, it may not be possible for said agency to complete this enormous task within the stipulated period.
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