PENNINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Service for the Lord’s Day The Third Sunday “Gaudete” in Advent* ~ December 15, 2019 ~ ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME GATHERING MUSIC As the music begins, please quiet yourself in anticipation of the worship of God. WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Nancy Mikoski PRELUDE Gabriel’s Message Paul Manz ADVENT WREATH LIGHTING The Parsons Family *HYMN People, Look East Hymnal #105 Verses 1, 4, and 5 CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION O God, we need Christ to renew our commitment. We confess that our lack of faith has made us fearf ul. May your angels sing again to us of peace for body and soul. We acknowledge that we have foolishly let our desires lead us astray. May your star once more set our course frmly in your direction. We have turned our faith into a lifeless ritual. May your manger call us again to expressions of love and devotion. We have caref ully kept our gifts and have not freely given our goods and our hearts to you. May the Magi show us the spirit of giving. Lord, may your Spirit linger in our hearts and bring us renewal in our lives. (silent confession) Amen. WORDS OF ASSURANCE RESPONSE He Came Down Hymnal #137 PROCLAIM GOD’S WORD PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Bill Traubel Sovereign God, let your Word rule in our hearts and your Spirit govern our lives until at last we see the f ulfllment of your realm of justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. FIRST LESSON Titus 2:11-14 Pew Bible pg. 1087 TIME WITH THE CHILDREN Christine James (Young worshippers may return to their pews to worship with their families, or they may go to Child Care in Room 102 in the Nursery School building. Visitors welcome.) Worship notes: *congregation is invited to stand | Bold is to be said by congregation 2 GOSPEL LESSON Luke 2:1-7 Pew Bible pg. 933 GOD’S STORY PROCLAIMED #CHRISTMASHAM lyrics begin on page 9 GIVE THANKS TO GOD CALL FOR THE OFFERING AND MOMENT OF FRIENDSHIP OFFERTORY They’ll Be Back Lin-Manuel Miranda instrumental *DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION God of wonder, we ofer these humble gifts, signs of your goodness and mercy. Receive them with our gratitude, that all people may know the riches of your love in the Word-made-fesh, Jesus our Lord. Amen. BIDDING PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. GO IN GOD’S NAME *HYMN A Stable Lamp Is Lighted Hymnal #160 *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen Bill Wolaver Worship notes: *congregation is invited to stand | Bold is to be said by congregation 3 PRAYING FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY: We pray each week for members listed alphabetically in our church directory: Grace Clarke; David Coats, Janet Bamford, Peter, Gregory & Julie Coats; Jefrey, Liz, Connor & Emma Coats; John & Pat Coats; and Margy Coats. PENNINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Nancy Mikoski Pastor Emeritus: Rev. William McQuoid Pastoral Assistant: Rev. Dr. Nancy Schluter Seminary Intern: Christine James Director of Music Ministries: Megan Coiley Organist: Don Dolan Director of Youth Music Ministries: Phil McMillan Bell Choir Director: Laura McMillan Interim Director of Middle School Ministry: Lee White Finance Administrator: Pamela Paluzzi Interim Director of High School Ministry: Ellen White Treasurer: John Coats Director of Pennington Presbyterian Nursery School: Hope Anderson Office Administrator: Jenny Valdez Welcome! We extend a warm greeting to newcomers & visitors and invite you to join fully in the life of our church. For printed information, please stop by the Visitors Welcome Table in the narthex. Children’s Bibles are available. Please feel free to look for one for your child and take it to where you are seated. Children’s worship bags with paper, crayons, etc., are also available. A special space for parents and babies is available with a rocking chair and foam padding for little ones. Nursery care is provided in Room 102 throughout the morning. Reserved parking is available for people who must park close to our entrances. We are all mindful and respect the special needs of others. IMPORTANT NOTE: We appreciate your consideration in not taking fash pictures and in silencing cell phones during services, as it is disruptive to the worship. Thank you. We also ask that you refrain from posting audio or video content from #christmasham online. We are so excited to have the rights to bring you this production. We are also mindful that we only have the rights to present it in this space, but not to post Lin-Manuel Miranda’s music online without consent. 4 THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE SUNDAY, December 15 THURSDAY, December 19 • 9:00am - #christmasham rehearsal (Sanctuary) • 6:30pm - Bell choir rehearsal (Balcony loft) • 9:00am - Christian Education Hour for children, • 8:00pm - Adult Choir rehearsal (Upper Titus) youth, and adults (classrooms) FRIDAY, December 20 • 10:15am - Worship Service (Sanctuary) • 7:00pm - Fresh Start Al-Anon family group • 11:30am - Fellowship (Upper Titus) • 6:30pm - Sunday Night Central caroling SUNDAY, December 22 • 6:30pm - Genesis Choir, Grades 2-5 (Room 206) • 9:00am - Adult Choir Rehearsal (Upper Titus) • 9:00am - Christian Education Hour for children, TUESDAY, December 17 youth, and adults (classrooms) • 7:00pm - Stewardship meeting • 10:15am - Worship Service (Sanctuary) WEDNESDAY, December 18 • 11:30am - Fellowship (Upper Titus) • 6:30pm - Gloria Deo, Grades 6-12 (Upper Titus) • 11:45am - Family Christmas Eve service rehearsal • 12:45am - Sr. High Youth Group lunch • 6:30pm - Genesis Choir for Grades 2nd to 5th - (Room 206) ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY NIGHT CAROLING Tonight! SNC and senior high students will go caroling at 6:30pm and then gather back at church for hot chocolate and Christmas Cookies. Dress warmly and bring a fashlight! Parents: please pick up students in Heritage Hall at 8:00pm. CHRISTMAS SERVICES - MARK YOUR CALENDARS! December 24: • 5:00pm - Family Service • 10:00pm - Carols and Candlelight Service December 25 • 10:00am - informal service Invite your loved ones, friends, and family to attend with you! CHRISTMAS OFFERING Gifts designated for the special ofering should be put in a Christmas ofering envelope. These gifts will support Arm in Arm’s Emergency Utilities Fund, TASK (Trenton Area Soup Kitchen), and Living Waters for the World partnerships in the Yucatan. All other gifts in the ofering plate will support the overall ministry of the church. YEAR-END GIFTS must be at the church by Dec. 31 to qualify for 2019 tax-year. Thank you for supporting our ministries! LOOKING AHEAD… 5 EPIPHANY STARS Back in early January, we celebrated Epiphany Sunday. Everyone was invited to receive a star with a word on it. That word was a gift for refection throughout the year. When you received your word, you were encouraged to think and pray about it, and pay attention to the world around you in relation to your word. The stars are a way for us to open ourselves to an epiphany experience: one in which the light of God shines in and we fnd new meaning, insight, calling, or inspiration. Here are some questions for refection: how do you feel about your word? Do you like it or do you wish you had another? Why do you react to it as your do? Have you asked God to use your word as a window, helping you to see or experience something this year. On Epiphany Sunday, January 5, 2020, you will have an opportunity to share something about your experience this year with your word if you like. If you didn’t get a star and would like one, please contact Rev. Nancy Mikoski at [email protected]. PRAYING FOR PEOPLE OF THE WORLD ONE COUNTRY AT A TIME UNITED ARAB EMIRATES This week we are praying for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), located in the Middle East between Oman and Saudi Arabia and bordering the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. Abu Dhabi is the UAE’s capital. The equator runs through the southern part of the UAE. Summer months are the hottest and temperatures over 110 have been recorded. The people of UAE are known as Emiratis. There are approximately 9.7 million people living in the UAE, and immigrants (including expatriate workers) make up more than 88% of the total population. The small minority of the population who are citizens receive certain perks not available to other residents, including tax breaks and monetary transfers. Life expectancy is 78.7 years. The literacy rate is 93% for males and 96% for females. Women account for about 70 per cent of all university graduates and fll around two-thirds of government jobs. While Arabic is the ofcial language, many residents of the UAE also speak English and guest workers most often speak languages from which they originated, including Hindi, Mulayam, Urdu, Pashto, Tagalog, and Persian. Islam is the UAE’s ofcial religion, claimed by 76% of the population. Smaller segments of the population (each under 10%) claim Christianity, Hindu and Buddhist adherence. While the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates provides for freedom of religion, and the government generally respects this right in practice, there are restrictions that signifcantly restrict missionary activity.
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